The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 27 Puppet

After spraying its own fire, the fire phoenix also sacrificed!

This is also one of the characteristics of Fire Phoenix. The fire of her life is the power of her life and the last big move. Once this move is used, it is basically the result of death! Therefore, after killing the Scorpion King, she also completely lost her life.

The Scorpion King, who was most favored by people before, actually fell under the fire of the fire phoenix. It can be said that no one expected this ending.

The frightened saint of the Fire Temple came to her senses at this time. She didn't know anything about the series of changes just now. It was not until her pet hung up that she woke up.

After the fire spewed out the fire of fate, it also entered a state of nirvana. Without the fire of fate, the fire phoenix will begin to burn and burn itself into ashes. Therefore, the saint of the Vist religion can't be awake. She doesn't want to burn with her mount.

Looking at her mount slowly burning in the fire, she patted her chest and said in shock, "I'm scared to death!"

It can be said that she is not worried about the death of her pet at all, because the fire phoenix is an undead creature, and after a while, she will be reborn in the ashes.

What she was worried about was that the process of Phoenix Nirvana took 24 hours, and she had to stay aside for 24 hours and not let anyone get close. Otherwise, as long as someone or other creatures destroy the ashes of the fire phoenix, the fire phoenix will not be able to complete the nirvana ceremony and can no longer be resurrected.

"It's so annoying!" Fire Phoenix was mixed at this time. She was happy that she somehow killed the popular Scorpion King who won the championship in this competition. She was worried about what she would do in the next 24 hours.

Without the Fire Phoenix, her advantages will be gone, and in order to protect her pet, she has to change from attack to defense and nailed here. This situation is obviously the last thing she wants to encounter and the last thing she wants to face.

"This stinky scorpion, rotten scorpion, dares to plot against my aunt and kill my baby. I hate you so much!" For a moment, the saint vented all her anger on the Scorpion King.

Because of the fire of life of the fire phoenix, the feather arrows on the scorpion king have long been burned to ashes, so the saint still feels that the scorpion king died in the hands of her pet.

I have to say that she was really lucky. After AK attacked the Scorpion King, the military crossbow in his hand was also abandoned, and there was no way to attack her. If he still has a hard crossbow at this time, these people will be killed by him this time.

AK has left his original position at this time, away from the Vultin saint, and dared not appear near her.

This is not because he is afraid of the saint of the Vist religion, but because now he has no long-range weapons except two *. * Compared with the military hard crossbow, it is much less powerful, and it is difficult to achieve the effect of killing with one blow. Although he can kill his opponent at close range, he also saw the scene of the sneak attack skeleton being blown up just now. Although this woman's ability is very average, she has a lot of treasures. If she is not sure enough, he doesn't want to startle the snake too early.

As a soldier, AK knows how to use various conventional weapons and know how to fight and kill, but he still can't figure out some strange equipment in this game. They often suffer such losses. Sometimes they have already done it, but yes Fang fought back with something strange, and in the end, he became the one who suffered losses.

For this reason, they have to put away their arrogance in the army and deal with these seemingly powerless players. When they don't figure out the equipment of their opponents, they dare to approach and attack their opponents easily.

What's more, the saint is no longer a threat at this time. Without the aerial mount Fire Phoenix, her advantage will be gone. As long as she is still on the ground, she has plenty of opportunities to kill. She doesn't have to be in a hurry at all.

So, he came to his second hiding point, lurked down again, and carefully observed the saint's every move.

As an experienced jungle warrior, there will never be only one lurking point. Whether the previous lurking point is found or not, it cannot continue to lurk. This is the iron law of snipers, and we must not take it lightly. The new position can monitor the opponent and form a sniper on the previous lurking point. Choosing the position of the lurking point is a compulsory course for every jungle warrior. Whether the location is good or not only determines whether the plan can succeed, but also determines whether he can save his life.

After scolding for a while, the saint of the V of God finally took action. She took out pieces of fiery red stones from her backpack, put them around her pet one by one, and then sat in the middle of the stones. After writing and painting, she sat there and rested.

This action looks quite strange in AK's eyes. In his experience, this may be a magic array.

"It's a fire magic array, and the saint of the Fire God Religion is really powerful! Unexpectedly, I even brought this!"

"A total of twelve rune stones should be the twelve fire demon burning array. This Vulcan saint is really determined to get this time. Even such a formation has been used!"

"With such a formation, I'm afraid even the remaining seven people will not want to attack!"

"I don't know how long this formation can last. If it can last for seven days, the saint of Visthen can win directly this time. Now she has grabbed the supplies of two people, and she can persist for at least six days. On the last day, she will fly into the sky and win directly without fighting!"

"This mainly depends on the power of the person who presides over the array. The stronger the power of the person who presides over the array, the longer it will last. I think that with the saint's mana, even if the firepower is full, it can last for a day and a half. If no one attacks, she will insist that it will be fine for a year.

"The standby time is too long!"

"This saint's luck is really great! If AK attacked her just now, she has been eliminated. Hey, why didn't you kill her directly just now? Now there is no chance. What a hero is sad about the beauty!"

"I'm afraid that if AK raid just now, he will fall down now! Is the equipment of the Saint of the Vulcan religion casually say that she will be killed if she is killed?"

"Four players have been hung up before the first day has been completed, and one-third of the players have been eliminated. At this rhythm, I'm afraid it won't take seven days to end all the battles in three days!"

At this time, everyone also woke up and began to talk about it again.

One-third of the players were eliminated before the first day of the game, and I have to say that the start of this game is quite good.

Because of her excellent luck and super equipment, coupled with the goddess-level appearance and appeal, the saint of the Vulcan religion has become a favorite to win the championship this time. Although she has AK stared at her, AK basically has not had many opportunities after the formation.

For a while, all the fans of the saint cheered. Warmly celebrate the upcoming victory.

At this time, the other contestants have basically stabilized. Lin Yuchen is resting, and Xuan Chibing has also successfully found a supply point and obtained two days of supplies. After escaping just now, the remnant blade also found a point to hide and wait for a new opportunity. The roaring death was still hidden in the place where he had just assassinated the old soy sauce in the battlefield. He obtained the supply of the old soy sauce in the battlefield. At this time, he was also guaranteed and was not in a hurry to act. Thousands of miles of chasing the wind whip is still in his position and conscientiously performing his duties. There are five days of supplies at this supply point, and two days of supplies he brought, he can stay here for seven days, so he is also not in a hurry to find an opponent.

Five of the remaining eight people have been replenished, so the remaining three people are a little sad.

especially bloody trousers!

Among the twelve, he may be the least good at jungle warfare. Basically, he doesn't know much except alchemy. Although he is the commander of the puppet army of Fenyang, most of the time, he is committed to his own research, which can be said to be a typical technical house. Generally speaking, he didn't want to participate in this competition, but unfortunately, his reputation is really too big. He invented various weapons, created all kinds of magical puppets, and was also the legion leader. He once defeated the jungle lurkers in one fell swoop in the battle. Except for the 'Moon Shadow', the whole iron-blooded Fenyang could not find a better name than him. The person is ringing, but although Yueying Qianqian is the first goddess, she is not very good at it in terms of achievements, so she did not receive an invitation from the organizers. For the glory of iron-blooded Fenyang, the bloody trousers had to bear the burden and participate in this competition on behalf of her own forces.

His advantage is made by puppets. His way of fighting has always been accompanied by a large number of puppets. No matter who the opponent is, we will rush up. Whether you are convinced or not, this is his way of fighting. Do whatever you like.

But this competition is different from the past, which is a complete test of the player's own strength, so it can be said that he has little use.

But he still has a way. After reading the rules of the game, he found that in this game, except for the arms, everything brought to the player can be passed into the field with the player. Therefore, he dismantled all his more commonly used puppets into parts and packed them around him. After the game began to be transmitted, these things were also transmitted into the field.

While fighting here was in full swing, the bloody trousers were seriously assembling his puppet. When the saint of Vulcan did her own magic array, he finally assembled his puppet and began his own competition journey.

Because of the limited load, this time he can only bring two puppets, one of which is a stone ghost.

This kind of stone ghost has a rock body, strong human-like limbs, horrible horns on its head, and a pair of huge wings. Their bodies are extremely strong, can fly at low altitudes, and also have extremely good force. Because of its puppet attributes, it has both magic and physical defense. At a very high level, in the puppet clan, the stone ghost is definitely an extremely difficult role. In order to have more air strike power, even if it has more accessories and takes up more space, the bloody trousers still bring it.

Therefore, the size of the second puppet is not so strong.

The second puppet is a stone throwing monster.

The stone throwing monster is a small puppet. It basically does not have much combat effectiveness. Its only function is to be able to shoot stones, which is basically the role of a stone throwing machine. The bloody trousers are also completely helpless. He needs a remote support, but except for stone throwing monsters, most puppets do not have the ability to attack remotely. After his production and improvement, this stone throwing monster can throw a 5,000-gram stone ten meters away, with an accuracy of 70%, which can be said to be a good choice.

Another reason to bring him is that stones can be seen everywhere, and you don't have to prepare your own ammunition.

The first to assemble was the stone throwing monster. After assembly, he began to look for ammunition by himself until his ammunition was fully prepared.

After the two puppets were assembled, the bloody trousers took a break and began to act.

Because he had to assemble the puppet, he had to open his backpack, so he also found the existence of the map.

This discovery made him ecstatic. With the supply point, he didn't have to kill with other competitors. As a technical otaku, he is a peace enthusiast. What he likes most is fighting and killing. It is definitely a good choice for him to complete the game in this way. Therefore, he began to move towards the supply point closest to him.

This supply point is guarded by thousands of miles chasing wind and whip, with the largest supply point in five days.