The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 47 Breakthrough

'The sky is clear, the earth is peaceful, God is spiritual, the valley is full, everything is alive, and the king is righteous in the world.'

The reason why some books are regarded as the Sutra is that it tells the most important truth between heaven and earth. No matter in which era it is placed, it will not change color or become outdated because of the changes of the times and the passage of time, and it can withstand the review and test of wise men in every era. Therefore, no matter what era it is, They are all eternal classics.

The Tao Te Ching is such a book, which is regarded as a classic of the Taoist school, naturally because it speaks the eternal truth between heaven and earth.

Lin Yuchen, who is in a chaotic state, everything is vague. The clearest understanding in his heart is that he reads the Tao Te Ching every day!

'The way is a thing, but in a trance, in a trance, in which there is an elephant, in a trance, in which there is something! It is very subtle, and there is essence in it. Its essence is very true, and there is faith in it.'

In this chaotic state, some scriptures that are usually difficult to read and difficult to understand are really felt at this time. Many of the mysteries of the scriptures are not only understood in words, but also personal understanding. When you reach that level, you will naturally feel the states described in the text. If you read hard all day long and only think about the words, you will definitely get nothing in the end, and you may get into the horns and walk into a dead end.

Because it has been recited continuously every day for more than ten years, the scriptures in the Tao Te Ching have penetrated into his bone marrow. Every word and every sentence flows in his blood. No matter what state it is, it will not change because of the change of the environment. At this time, he is the biggest reliance in Lin Yuchen's heart. These classic words constantly emerge in his mind, corresponding to the reflection in this chaotic world, like a beacon, pointing him the way and the way forward.

'There are mixed things, the first heaven and the earth are born, silent and lonely, independent and unchanged, Zhou Xing but not invincible, can be the mother of heaven and earth!'

Now, Lin Yuchen has come into contact with this innate, independent and invincible object.

'Born to death! There are ten and three living people, and ten and three dead people, and ten and three people's lives and move to the dead. Why is it so generous of your life!'

In this chaotic world, he needs to find his own land and avoid the dead to live and finally separate yin and yang and completely break through this realm.

'To the extreme, keep quiet, and do everything together, I will see it! The husband and the Yunyun, each return to the root, return to the root is called quiet, quiet is called the return of life, the return of life is called normal, and the knowledge is called Ming.

When this sentence flashed out, Lin Yuchen felt as if he had caught something.

He suddenly calmed down. Facing this chaotic world, he no longer followed it, but kept his peace. Gradually, he began to find that he seemed to have pulled out of that world and become an origin that had nothing to do with the world. He quietly observed the world and looked It runs slowly and keeps changing!

I don't know how long it took him to understand the law of the world and all the things and positions in it, so he began to reorganize the chaotic world!

He suddenly became a black hole when he was separated from the origin of the world, and it began to fight against the chaotic world! With the operation of the black hole, the chaotic world began to be absorbed and digested little by little. Every thing and every event in that world has been reorganized and summarized here, arranged and integrated according to a new order, and slowly built into a new world.

This new world is slowly growing, and the chaotic world is constantly being swallowed up and transformed by him. This process is slow but orderly. In this process, Lin Yuchen sometimes stands aside like an observer, observing the process, and sometimes as a participant in the chaotic world. Sometimes, in that brand-new world, they continue to participate in this great reconstruction.

Unconsciously, Lin Yuchen stood up slowly.

Before that, he had been sitting on the ground. At this time, he suddenly stood up and suddenly attracted a lot of attention.

He held his hands and made a rise of the mixed Taiji, and then he kept drawing circles like Taiji, looping and living endlessly.

At first, he was just manual. Gradually, his body was also driven by this constantly moving Taiji. In the end, his hands, eyes and body steps were all driven up, one after another, and the body technique changed. These moves are sometimes fast, sometimes slow, sometimes high, sometimes low, sometimes heavy, sometimes floating, sometimes rigid, sometimes elegant, without obstruction between the transition and closing.

"He figured it out! Although I don't know martial arts, his martial arts already has its own things, just like the painter's painting and calligrapher's calligraphy. It has removed those deliberately done things and returned to the original. He can express whatever he thinks, and can't find any trace. Mr. Wei looked at the display screen and explained.

Hearing what Mr. Wei said, Tang Xianxian breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he returned to normal.

"Maybe even I'm no match for him now! Xuan Chibing's** is really too helpful to him. Zhu Hai nodded his head.

"Really! Hahaha! Then I didn't send it this time! Boss, hahaha! I knew you could do it. Hahaha..." Xiaohei stared at the screen, and his eyes were full of money.

"TMD this boy stole my Taijiquan, as well as hammers, and lazy clothes. Shit, how many things have you stolen from me? It doesn't matter if you steal it. You can practice better than me. I'm not convinced!" The hammer cried loudly.

At this time, Xuan Chibing and AK are in a decisive battle. Most people's eyes are actually focused on the other side. For many people, Lin Yuchen's actions are at most a martial arts performance. Such a performance is obviously not as attractive as the decisive battle over there. Therefore, except for the people of the Tianxu Alliance, most of them are automatic. Ignore the past. However, in fact, the people who pay attention to this scene are not only the people in the Tianxu Alliance!

"Brother Fan, according to your instructions, the jungle lurker will inform you as soon as he moves. I have uploaded the real-time picture to your tablet, and you can click to watch it!" Brother Fan was sitting in the office dealing with some documents when Xiao He's voice suddenly came from the headphones.

He casually opened the tablet placed aside, and the image appeared in the tablet as soon as possible.

"It really broke through!" He muttered to himself, then pressed the headphones and said to the microphone, "Let the monitoring department record the whole video and transmit it to my computer!"

At the same time, Guo Dashao in Modu was actually looking at the same picture. After looking at it for a long time, he suddenly said to Uncle Le beside him, "This man must find a way to attract us."

"Guo Shao, it's not difficult for you to want this person, because soon, he will come to the demon capital by himself!" Uncle Le said with a smile.

"Oh! Why!" Master Guo said in surprise.

"Since the last World War I, I have asked people to find this person's information. Now it is basically clear that he has just gone through the college entrance examination, and it is said that his grades are not bad. He was silent for a year in order to be able to get into the Magic City with his girlfriend. As long as he comes to Modu, this is our territory, and he has no family background*. It can't be easier to attract him!" Uncle Le is confident.

"Good! You can do this by yourself. No matter how much money you want, I can give you any resources. It's rare. You must get him!" Guo Da Shao said excitedly.

"I have thought about it before. With his current grades, he is still reluctant to enter the first-line university in Magic City, but his girlfriend has no problem at all. Shall we go and say hello to the president of the university and admit him together when he is admitted to his girlfriend!" Uncle Le asked.

"This is also a way! Go ahead! With his ability, entering this university will not seem to be a good match at all! That's it!" Guo Dashao agreed to this suggestion.

Of course, Lin Yuchen will not know that so many things have happened around him. At this moment, he is single-minded, without any distractions in his heart, and completely integrated with his boxing skills.

This is a big summary of his life. All the previous knowledge, experiences, inspirations, ideas and ideas are undergoing a great fusion at this moment, just like a piece of raw iron ore tempered and quenched in a furnace. In successive exercises, it is rearranged to remove useless impurities and form a new life.

I don't know how long it took before he finally put away his body and fist and returned to the previous mixed pile again.

Quiet! Stop!

When everyone sees this action, there is only one feeling - quiet! Stop!

At this moment, everything is still! It seems that time and space have all followed him.

I don't know how long it took, Lin Yuchen slowly exhaled and slowly put down his hands.

With his movements, the world seems to move again. This is an extremely strange feeling, as if a person can control time and space.

Lin Yuchen slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, his eyes are like the stars in the night sky, bright, distant, fresh, and seem to have a mysterious sense of vastness!

The whole world has taken on a new look. Lin Yuchen can feel that his body is completely different from before. This is a new feeling. The body is like a newborn. Everything is new and full of power.

In addition, he also felt another thing: Xuan Chibing was defeated!

He lost to AK!

In this competition, except for the parties, other participants will not know the outcome of the match, but at this time, Lin Yuchen clearly felt that Xuan Chibing had been eliminated.

Moreover, he also knows why Xuan Chibing was eliminated!

Faced with such a result, he smiled calmly! Then he looked at the backpack next to him and the equipment. Before, he had removed all the equipment in order to fight against Xuan Chibing. At this time, he was relaxed and had nothing.

After making sure that he had nothing on him, he made a decision:

Exit the competition!

Jungle lurker withdraws from the competition! He has been confirmed to be eliminated! The organizer will investigate the matter accordingly!

There is an uproar!