The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 3 Lower your head

There is a saying circulating in the university town: Hongji is the best at reading, the police academy is the best, the girls in the college are the most beautiful, and the boys in the financial college are the most hooligans!

Although this is an unofficial evaluation of several schools in the university town, we can also see the characteristics of several universities.

The students of the police academy must fight, fight, train physical fitness at ordinary times, and the management is also semi-military management. Therefore, the people from this school are all very plagiarized. In the university town, which is a slightly weak place, it is naturally very prominent.

They are all young people in their teens and twenties. With so many people living together, it is definitely impossible to say that there is no contradiction. Therefore, there are often some friction incidents in the university town, and every time there is a fight, in the end, the people of the police academy have the upper hand. Over time, the people of the police academy have gradually become more majestic and become this The hegemony in the night market of the university city.

The people Lin Yuchen just met are the students of the police academy!

"Forget it, that's all for today! Anyway, it's not early now. If I go back too late, I will be unhappy again!" After being made such a fuss by these people, they were no more interested in drinking, so Lin Yuchen paid the bill first and ended the unpleasant party.

This is not a big deal for him. Since he became famous, such things have almost become a part of his life. Whether in the game or in life, there is an endless stream of people who want to compete with him, saying that they want to compete. Most of them want to trample him under their feet and then borrow him to become famous. And the only thing he can do is to hide if he can, and avoid it if he can. After all, he is not a person who eats by fighting. He also has his own ideals and life. Sooner or later, he will fall into endless struggles and can't live a normal life at all.

But the other three don't think so. They are all great people from all over the world. They come here to study with the pride of their families and the hope of their families. How can they stand such humiliation?

What makes them more unacceptable is that this legendary master did not rise as angry as they imagined in the face of such an insult, and then swept all his opponents and trampled them all under his feet. Instead, he had no intention of resistance, and even dared not admit his true identity, like shrinking his head. The turtle dealt with the matter like a turtle.

It's so incompetent! The majestic jungle lurker turned out to be such a person. It turns out that those negative rumors should be true. This person is actually a bully and afraid of the hard. The things he does in the game are actually pretended. In the virtual world, they are always virtual, and the brave in the virtual world are just ordinary people in reality.

On the way back to school, the atmosphere became very dull! The four of them didn't say anything. The frightened old Tan silently said nothing. Zhao Laohei and Tong Ge each took a can of beer and poured them, as if they were going to drink all their anger. Only Lin Yuchen's face was still calm, as if nothing had happened.

"This can't be just about it. Small, I must kill these police scum!" Brother Tong poured his last mouthful of beer, threw the beer can hard, and cursed fiercely.

Because fights are always unable, and the people in the police academy always look dragging, leaving people from other schools out of sight. Therefore, people in the university town like to call them 'police scum'. There is no way. The police team represents justice. As long as there is something wrong, it will immediately become the target of public criticism. If one person is bad, everyone will be discredited!

"I have a fellow villager who is also from the police academy. Tomorrow I will go to inquire about it. I must not let go of these turtle sons!" Zhao Laohei also launched a series of Sichuan scolding!

"Forget it, they are coming for me, and it has nothing to do with you. Why do you have to interfere in this matter!" Lin Yuchen suddenly said.

"Lin Yuchen, I look down on you. You can stand TM's situation just now. It's really not urine at all. If I had turned over the table long ago, you son of a shrike, it's okay if you don't take action, and you won't let me do it. It's really aggrieved! If it had been in the northeast, I would have killed them long ago. Brother Tong said with hatred.

"I'm really aggrieved!" Zhao Shiqiang also scolded.

Both of them are temperamental people. Their happiness is written on their faces and will never be kept in their hearts. Unlike Lin Yuchen, he can't say anything, hold everything in his heart, and only look for opportunities to do it secretly. No wonder he will become the king of hell.

"What if you hit it!" Lin Yuchen doesn't want to say anything this time. He has finally made a few friends here. If he doesn't make some explanations about this matter, his relationship with them will come to an end. He has been in college for four years, and he can't get through it without friends. So he continued: "Have you found that the three people just now, the person who spoke is actually nothing special except for being arrogant, and the other two people who came with him are far stronger than him in terms of skills and size, but only his head is good-looking. I judge this person from the temperament. It should be the second generation of officials! The power behind it is extraordinary! What's the benefit to you after such a fight!" Lin Yuchen said lightly.

Since the breakthrough, Lin Yuchen has also had a higher understanding of observing people. Standing in front of him, he can quickly judge this person's profession and * from his temperament, and rarely makes mistakes.

"What's wrong with the second generation of officials? He dares to cut him as usual!" Brother Tong said with a disdainful face.

"That's what I said, but it's over! Is this the end of this?" Lin Yuchen immediately asked.

The two of them were speechless! Yes, it's finished. How can this matter be like this? What is the concept of a second generation of officers attending a police academy? Although they all hate all kinds of grievances in society, they also know that they can't afford to provoke such people. When this happened, it was definitely them who suffered losses in the end. It was not easy for them to get into such a university and finally got a chance to get a promotion. Did they ruin their beautiful life just for this?

Nowadays, students are no longer those hot-blooded young people who would die generously and contribute their youth and lives to their ideals and countries. They know a lot and naturally have a lot of scruples. In those years, for the sake of the future of the country, the happiness of the people did not hesitate to go on hunger strike petitions or even fight against violent organs. Gone is gone.

"I'm not a god, just an ordinary person. I can't help it. I can kill everywhere in the game, but in the real world, I can only bow to reality. This is the reality. There is nothing you can do. Although you may not be convinced, this is the reality! This is an era of father fighting. The only thing I can do is to protect myself as much as possible! Even if you want to revenge, you have to save yourself first, then wait for the opportunity to accumulate strength, and wait until we can trample him under your feet. Lin Yuchen said calmly.

"Wow!" After listening to Lin Yuchen's words, Lao Tan, who had been holding back, finally breathed a long sigh of relief. He has been holding this breath for a long time. At this time, after listening to Lin Yuchen's words, he finally felt relieved.

"Big Yu, is this the end of this matter! You are the king of the Yin people!" He was a little urgent.

"This is the only way for the time being. Although I was the king of Yin, in the game, in reality, I couldn't kill him like in the game, or cut him down, or take people to destroy them all, so I can only endure it for the time being. Lin Yuchen said helplessly!

"This fucking world!" Brother Tong said angrily.

Speaking of which, the four people chatted again and didn't want to go back to the dormitory, so they just found a place to sit down and began to chat.

When it comes to the second generation of officials, several people began to criticize various inequalities.

"In the past, there was a man in our school. His father seemed to be the director of a bureau in our city. He usually didn't study at all. He played every day and played everywhere. At the time of the college entrance examination, Ge Laozi actually got a recommended place in the school and directly recommended him to our provincial university! Shit! Those who have no power can only rely on themselves! After fighting half to death, in the end, there is a gap of one or two points, and I can only fall down to read two or three books, alas! It's so unfair!" Zhao Laohei said.

For most second-generation officials, going to college is basically to pave the way! Their lives have been planned for a long time, so they can be unscrupulous and dare to do anything. Anyway, as long as they graduate in the future, they can immediately enter the system and then become popular. Most of them who rely on their own efforts to get into college in the college entrance examination will not reach their water for a lifetime. Flat.

"There are also such people in our school. Nowadays, many universities are also fucking enough. As long as you pay, you can enter if you have *. Who is willing to study hard like this? Just fight with Dad!" Brother Tong also said angrily.

Speaking of this, several people looked at Lin Yuchen. Among all kinds of gossip, Lin Yuchen is said to rely on some * to get into Hongji. Otherwise, it will be difficult for people like him who play games all day long to be admitted to a university at the level of Hongji.

"Don't look at me. I admit that my score is indeed not enough, but I don't know why Hongji like me. I just got a place for the independent examination, and then I took the make-up exam. Lin Yuchen said helplessly. He can't figure out why. According to normal circumstances, he should be a hooligan in the financial institute now.

"Big Boss Yu, I would not believe it before, but after dating you, I am still willing to believe you! If you have *, you will never be so low-key! You are also a celebrity, but you really don't have any shelf, don't live in a single apartment, don't go out to rent a house, squeeze the canteen with us, sleep in the dormitory, don't spend a lot of money, wear worse clothes than me, and don't mess with men and women! Every time I drink, I still rush to pay the bill, damn it! Absolutely enough friends!" Brother Tong said excitedly.

"To be honest, if I had *, I would have killed those people just now!" Lin Yuchen said.

"I must take revenge! I swear that I must trample those people under my feet! I must work hard and become a leader in the future. He is the second generation of officials, and I will be the official generation and destroy him!" Lao Tan, who had nothing to say, suddenly said viciously.

As soon as he said his words, several people looked at this person like strangers. In this state, Lao Tan was obviously not the person they were familiar with.

Lin Yuchen suddenly felt uneasy in his heart. Lao Tan was just patted and then laughed a few words. Unexpectedly, he took things so seriously. It seems that Lao Tan has really been well protected by his family before. He has never encountered such a fierce thing and has never lost, so, so, Once something happened, he immediately had a strong attack and vowed to end with his opponent.

The brutality of the Cantonese is also very famous in China. In those years, the resistance against foreigners and the Anti-Japanese War were the strongest. It is the birthplace of the modern revolution in China and the pioneer of reform and opening up. Therefore, the pride and honor of the Cantonese people are absolutely inviolable to anyone.

Lin Yuchen knows that although Lao Tan looks very funny, he is very stubborn and is definitely a person who does what he says. I'm afraid this matter will have a far-reaching ending.

But there was no way to change this situation. After thinking for a long time, he said to Zhao Laohei, "Laohei, didn't you say that you have fellow villagers in the police academy? Find out what they are*. Let's see which immortals they are. Lao Tan, even if you want to fight, you should know your enemy!"