The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 20 Training

"The first essence of fighting, don't be afraid!" Lin Yuchen said to Lao Tan Zheng, who was standing in front of him.

Although Lin Yuchen made it very clear last night and did not approve of his early morning exercise, Zaitian Lao Tan still insisted on getting up by himself. When Lin Yuchen stood on the pile, he ran five laps and then did some basic training. Seeing that he was so determined, Lin Yuchen decided to teach him a lesson first!

"Afraid! You have already lost!" Lin Yuchen continued, "So, no matter what kind of opponent you encounter, the first thing is to tell yourself, don't be afraid!"

Lao Tan nodded solemnly, indicating that he had understood.

"Good! Are you afraid now?" Lin Yuchen asked loudly.

"Don't be afraid!" Speak louder!" Don't be afraid!โ€”โ€”" "Sh louder up!" Don't be afraid!" ......

It was not until Lao Tan roared 'not afraid' with all his strength that Lin Yuchen said, "Okay, attack me now!"

"Ye! ..." Lao Tan looked doubtful!

"What are you doing? Are you afraid of hurting me!" Lin Yuchen asked.

"No! ..." "What are you hesitating about? Attack!" Lin Yuchen interrupted Lao Tan's hesitation.

Lao Tan gritted his teeth, roared like a drum, and rushed to Lin Yuchen.

His offensive began to be aggressive, but in Lin Yuchen's eyes, it was full of flaws. He just took a step and easily avoided the momentum of the other party.

Lao Tan really had no fighting experience. He had no rules and claws. In the end, he couldn't control his power and rushed over from Lin Yuchen's side.

Lin Yuchen gently raised his foot and tripped under his feet. Lao Tan suddenly fell down and nibbled at the mud!

"Damn!" Lao Tan clapped his hands and got up, looking depressed!

"This time you were not defeated by me, but yourself. I just borrowed your strength and used your center of gravity!" Lin Yuchen looked at Lao Tan.

"Big Boss Yu, I'm much different from you! Can you tell me first when you do it?" Lao Tan fell very ugly this time and said unwillingly.

"The second point of fighting, don't be afraid of being beaten!" Lin Yuchen said, "Because the opponent will not tell you first when he takes action, let alone show mercy because you are a novice, so if you want to fight, you must be ready to be beaten at any time!"

"Okay! I understand!" Lao Tan nodded!

"Then come again!" Lin Yuchen waved to him, signaling him to attack again!

This time, Lao Tan Xue became smart. Instead of rushing to attack with all his strength, he came over very carefully, raised his hand like boxing, and slowly leaned towards Lin Yuchen.

He tentatively punched, and Lin Yuchen flashed easily. He attacked again, and Lin Yuchen flashed again.

This time, Lin Yuchen never fought back, and Lao Tan became more and more energetic, but no matter how he fought, he could never touch any hair of Lin Yuchen.

The more Lao Tan fought, the more anxious he became. Gradually, he lost his previous stability, and his footsteps became more and more chaotic. Lin Yuchen dodged left and right, causing his center of gravity to continue to shift. In the end, Lin Yuchen did not move him, but he tripped over by himself!

"I lost it!" Lao Tan sat on the ground and cursed while gasping.

"The third essence of fighting, always keep your focus! If you can't even stand still, how can you hit others!" Lin Yuchen said with a smile.

Lao Tan shook his head feebly, indicating that he was helpless.

"Now you know that your physical strength is not enough. How many punches have you hit in total? You are already so tired. If you really start to fight and your opponent hasn't been defeated, you will be tired and lie down. Then why do you fight with others? It's better to admit your cowardice on the spot, so as not to be beaten and humiliate!" Lin Yuchen took the opportunity to stimulate him.

"Big Yu, am I really weak!" Lao Tan asked.

Yes! Just want to do it for me! If you compare with old Heitong, it's almost the same!" Lin Yuchen nodded.

"You mean I can beat the old blacks!" Lao Tan asked excitedly.

"The fight between ordinary people is not about technology and strength, but psychology! Psychologically, you are tougher than them. Although you look thin and weak, they must not be as good as you when you play hard! Lao Tan, this is your strength or your weakness. Sometimes it's good to be ruthless, but sometimes it's also bad, because you may be controlled by your own emotions! Lost an inch! The so-called acquaintance, first of all, you need to know yourself. Only when you know what you have and nothing can you use it! Only then can you put yourself into battle!" Lin Yuchen talked about it!

"Big Yu! I understand. Teach me how to stand firm first!" Lao Tan said in a hurry.

"Stabilly is actually very simple. You see, learning martial arts in kung fu films starts with standing, and horse steps makes you stand firm."

"Ma Bu! I know!" Lao Tan stood up and took a four-like horse step.

Lin Yuchen didn't correct him, but said, "How about ten minutes first!"

"No problem! Sprinkle water in ten minutes!" Lao Tan didn't care.

But in the second minute, he began to tremble! After barely holding on until the third minute, his legs couldn't stand it.

"Big Yu, is it really only three minutes!" Lao Tan held his hand on his leg and barely supported it, while gritting his teeth and asking.

"Yes!" Lin Yuchen nodded seriously and put his mobile phone in front of him to let him see clearly!

I have to say that Lao Tan's tenacity is good. He actually gritted his teeth to support him for two minutes. In the fifth minute, he was sweating all over. He didn't sweat so much when he ran five laps. Lin Yuchen said, "It's almost time. Get up. Your knee will hurt for too long!"

As soon as he said this, Lao Tan suddenly collapsed to the ground and couldn't straighten his legs for a long time!

"You know it's awesome! For those who really practice martial arts, Ma Bu usually takes an hour to get started!" Lin Yuchen said with a smile.

"For an hour, Boss Yu, kill me!" Lao Tan let out a pig-killing howling.

"It's true. If you can stand for an hour, you can basically stand up no matter what! But according to your progress, you may need to practice for a year or two!" Lin Yuchen said.

"Two years! Boss, I've only been in college for four years!" Old Tan howled.

"It will be much easier to lay the foundation in the first two years. If you follow my method, I promise that you will have no problem dealing with three or four people in four years!"

"Brother Yu, did you practice like this before?" Lao Tan remembered the pain just now and said with lingering heart.

"It's much worse than you! When I practice, if I were in your posture just now, I would definitely be beaten immediately! Do you want to have a try?" Lin Yuchen remembered that when he began to practice martial arts that year, his heart was full of bitterness!

"......! So miserable! Forget it! Since I was a child, my father has been reluctant to hit me! Boss Yu, I finally understand that your ability is not in vain! I'm convinced! It seems that I will never want to reach your level in this life! Hey!" Lao Tan said in a rather depressing way.

"Kung fu depends on nothing else, but persistence! If you can hold on, you will win! As for fighting, it's actually quite simple. It's nothing more than the speed, power, work and lever principles of physics in our middle school. As long as we learn the principles and practice more, just like we do more questions and become familiar with them, it's actually just like that. Everyone has two hands and two feet, and no matter how hard they fight, it's just a few moves!" Lin Yuchen tried his best to describe what he knew with words that the top student could understand.

Lao Tan looked at Lin Yuchen in surprise, and it was also the first time he heard such an 'easy-to-understand' statement.

"Let's go! That's all for today, let's eat!" Lin Yuchen saw that the time was almost the same, so he packed up and was ready to leave!

"Big boss, let's eat together! Today's breakfast is on me!" Lao Tan said very boldly.

"Go away! I still have to accompany my leader! Breakfast is our private time. Don't bother us!" Lin Yuchen waved his hand. He is used to having breakfast with Tang Xianxian. This is their private time. He doesn't like to have outsiders present.

"I value sex more than friends! There is a person of the opposite sex! Wife is strict! Rrake your ears! ..." After a morning of sweat training, Lao Tan became much more cheerful and regained the true nature of his bad friends.

Lin Yuchen threatened to point at him with his index finger and left by himself!

Old time, old place, Tang Xianxian has helped him prepare everything. Lin Yuchen likes this simple warmth very much. This is the most important beginning of their beautiful day and one of the ordinary romances in their lives. The two sit together, eat breakfast, talk about all kinds of trivial things, without a vigorous process, and There is no turbulent plot, but such a simple breakfast makes Lin Yuchen look forward to such a morning no matter what happens!

"Good leader! What a rich breakfast today! Make me fatter so that I won't be abused by others, right?" Lin Yuchen said carelessly.

"Fuck you! Just know that you are poor!" Tang Xianxian knocked on Lin Yuchen's head!

The two began to eat!

"Have you seen the scolding war on the forum!" Tang Xianxian asked.

"No! I went to bed early yesterday! What, are you scolding fiercely?" Lin Yuchen said while eating.

"Not really!" Tang Xianxian's face is a little ugly!

Lin Yuchen knew at a glance that he must have scolded a lot of unpleasant things, and maybe it also involved Tang Xianxian! Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in his eyes!

Lin Yuchen can let others make fun of him and tolerate other people's cynicism about him, but he does not allow these important people around him to suffer any harm! Especially Tang Xianxian!

"Fiber, some things seem to be unavoided! Why don't you just give him an end?" Lin Yuchen was silent for a long time and finally said.

"Yu! What do you care about those people? They don't deserve to be your opponent at all! You can't bite back just because you were bitten by a mad dog!" Tang Xianxian suddenly said righteously.

Lin Yuchen listened to his heart and looked at Tang Xianxian with a little surprise! Tang Xianxian's words are a little mature like the original her!

Generally speaking, unless it is a girl who is in love, the girls in this period will be a little more mature than boys when they are the same age. When Tang Xianxian and Lin Yuchen are together, Tang Xianxian is also taking care of Lin Yuchen! Lin Yuchen is also basically used to listening to her, but this sentence is obviously not like Tang Xianxian's style.

Tang Xianxian turned on her mobile phone, clicked for a while, and put it in front of Lin Yuchen.

Lin Yuchen looked down and saw that it was a joke:

When the lion saw a mad dog, he quickly avoided it. The lion said, "Dad, you dare to compete with the tiger cheetah. Why do you avoid a mad dog?" The lion asked: Child, is it honorable to defeat a mad dog? The little lion shook his head. Let the mad dog bite unlucky? The little lion nodded. In this case, why provoke a mad dog? Not everyone deserves to be your opponent. Don't argue with those who have no quality, stay away from him, and don't let him bite you.

"It seems to make sense!" Lin Yuchen raised his eyebrows after reading it: "Slim, but it doesn't seem to match your style. You didn't seem to like to read this kind of philosophical joke before!"

Girls are generally more mature, but reasoning ability is always the strength of boys.

Tang Xianxian looked at it and pinched it. It took a long time to say, "... it's what Wan Wan said!"

" No wonder!"