The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 26 Friends

Xie Zhichao, the third grade of sports and human science of the School of Physical Education of Magic Normal University, one of the seven boxers in the university city!

It is said that this man used to be a gangster. He has been fighting on the street since he was a teenager. Internet cafes, game rooms, and cinemas are everywhere. In his teens, he hit his own territory by fists. I don't know if he has learned martial arts, but the strength of his fists is speechless. Basically, it is basically beaten. Later, I don't know why my conscience suddenly found that I actually started to study hard. Finally, with my extraordinary sports talent and just-to-line results, I successfully entered the Magic Normal University and became a college student.

The reason why he was able to be named one of the seven boxers is that he also fought with people from the police academy in the night market in the university town. At that time, he and several classmates of the sports academy met a group of people in the police academy. The two sides fought because of quarrels. In the melee, Xie Zhichao knocked down five people, one of them was actually a policeman. The guy ranked fourth among the top ten masters in the school. For a while, public opinion was in an uproar.

Among the original seven boxers, there were four people in the police academy, that is, the top four of the top ten masters. After this battle, Xie Zhichao successfully grabbed a place and became the pride of the division!

Lin Yuchen returned to the dormitory and took a short lunch break. By the afternoon class, Zhao Shiqiang had actually contacted Xie Zhichao.

"Big Yu, I have contacted Xie Zhichao and told him what you think. He was a little moved, but he said he wanted to talk to you in person! You decide the time and place!" Zhao Shiqiang sat next to him and whispered to him.

"Good! However, this matter should be kept low-key and not made known to everyone, otherwise everyone will think that we have colluded in advance! Once the scum of the police academy knows about it, this matter can't be done, so tell him that it's better to meet quietly, and the fewer people know, the better!" Lin Yuchen also said quietly.

In the afternoon's "Thinking and Morality" class, I didn't know anything about it. The teacher was endlessly on it, and the people below were also doing what they should do. Few people were really listening to the class.

"Big Yu, I know!" Zhao Shiqiang nodded.

"You are responsible for this matter. At that time, you don't have to worry about how much money you make, how much money you earn, and how much you share. Let me tell you, the fewer people you know, the more you will make. Brother Tong, you should also try your best to restrain yourself. The current situation is actually like a war. You are my ambush. The more secret you are, the greater my guarantee and the more benefits you have. You should understand this!" Lin Yuchen pretended to turn over the book and said quietly.

Today, Brother Tong didn't sit with them. This guy valued sex over friends and ran to pick up girls. "Ideological Morality" is a big lesson. Several department classmates went together. He found that a girl in class with him was actually his northeastern hometown, so he shamelessly came over. At this time, he chatted happily with others and had long forgotten these brothers. He was strongly despised by Lin Yuchen and others!

Lao Tan is lying on the side and sleeping soundly because he gets up early every day for training and his body consumes too much!

"Big Brother Yu, Brother Tong doesn't know yet, or I just don't tell him!" After all, they are in the same group, and it seems a little unrighteous to hide it like this. So Zhao Shiqiang asked very carefully.

"Yeun! ...It's okay! Just don't tell him, so that their Northeast gang will not want to get a foot in it, and there is no secret about this matter. In the future, if he asks, he will say it's about your hometown, and it's not easy to tell others!" Lin Yuchen thought for a moment and said resolutely.

Keeping secrets is absolutely one of the keys to determining the success or failure of things. How many things in history have finally failed because of the secret was leaked. Although what they did this time is not a big thing. They will not fall to the ground and lose their reputation if they fail, once they are detected by their opponents, they will lose them. With many advantageous advantages, things will have many more uncontrollable factors, so they must also be very cautious.

Zhao Shiqiang also nodded vigorously and said, "If you make a big deal, don't care about trifles. This time, just hide it from him first!" Boss, when do you decide to meet Xie Zhichao!"

"No hurry! When the police academy set the location, I will go to see him! Before that, you still have a lot of things to do, because you can't sit and wait. At this time, you have to mobilize some people to push it. With so many of your fellow villagers, it should not be difficult to do this!" Lin Yuchen suggested.

"Master Yu, you mean to ask our people to move him and let him arrange the location in the courtyard!" Zhao Shiqiang's eyes lit up.

"Yes! Doesn't the police academy also have your fellow villagers? Let him talk about it and push it, and this matter will be more likely to succeed! How can you sit and wait!" Lin Yuchen nodded.

"High! Too high! Boss Yu, there is no suspense in this battle, because you have won! No wonder you can sit firmly at the top of the Tianxu League. Ge Laozi's this is not covered. It's too awesome. So many things have been arranged before you fight. Son, it's no wonder you will lose! I will definitely buy you to win this time! I'm getting rich!" Zhao Shiqiang's eyes are full of money!

"Make your money!" Lin Yuchen waved his hand, but then said, "What's the matter? Someone has opened the market!"

"Yes! Boss Yu, you don't know yet! Since you promised to fight, someone has given you a market, and now everyone is very optimistic about you! On the contrary, Yao Shunlong has no one to buy it. This time, I think the banker is going to pay for it!" Zhao Shiqiang said excitedly.

"Do you know who does it!" Lin Yuchen asked curiously.

"I don't know yet! But I heard that those hooligans of Caida did it! Only they know those odds! What, Boss Yu, you also want to play a little!" Zhao Laohei asked excitedly.

Sichuan people are easy to gamble. This seems to be a well-known thing. Poker, mahjong, dominoes, football, as long as they can gamble, they will basically gamble. Zhao Laohei's gambling skills in the class are first-class. Basically, he knows all kinds of gambling methods. As long as there is gambling, there is him. Naturally, he is indispensable in this war.

"This is not a good thing!" Lin Yuchen said, "If everyone buys me to win, will the banker be so stupid to die?" Think about it, what would you do if you were a banker! One is to run away, and the other is to find a way to make a small move before the game and let me lose the game! In a word, he would not have waited for death like this, otherwise he would not have sat down. Isn't this all the plot of the movie!"

"Damn! What should I do now!" Zhao Shiqiang was also shocked when he heard this, which was obviously something he didn't expect.

"No hurry, it's just the beginning! Let's just be careful now!" Lin Yuchen showed a thoughtful look!

When Zhao Shiqiang saw that Lin Yuchen was thinking, he did not disturb him any more. He took out his mobile phone and began to look for new information and check the information.

According to the plot of the movie, Lin Yuchen feels that his biggest weakness is Tang Xianxian. If his opponent threatens him with Tang Xianxian, he will definitely lose. But this is a university, and I'm afraid no one can play such a means, but I have to guard against it, because if this disk finally becomes big, it is difficult to say what people can do in the face of huge interests.

Tang Xianxian's current life is very simple. Basically, she is either in school, either in class or self-study, either in the canteen or in the dormitory, and rarely goes out of school. Generally speaking, no one dares to act blatantly in such a place as school, but the problem is that he can't accompany him all the time for more than a month. She, so, is still a little dangerous in it.

Lin Yuchen suddenly found that he was always unconsciously setting up all kinds of enemies for himself. After this war, I don't know how many people will become their enemies.

In this decisive battle, I don't know how many people will stare at themselves. They seem to be surrounded by enemies and few friends.

Lin Yuchen took out his pen and began to write and draw on the book. He listed his potential enemies one by one to see which person was most likely to hit himself behind his back.

The old fox who just came into contact at noon today was listed first. In his opinion, the whole fighting association may be his enemy now. If the old fox was there, he would not have any relationship with them. If he really went to his place to train, this person might really be training. Practice to do it to yourself. This is absolutely a defenseless thing.

In his mind, the Fight Association has been excluded at this time!

Next is Yang Quanxing. I have to say that this person is also a hidden danger. Although he has failed once, such a person will never die unless he dies. Maybe something will happen this time. If he can find a group of people to cut himself, he can find the second group, or even the third group, until he is defeated by him!

There are other boxing heroes! This decisive battle must have moved to the position of these boxers. Although this title has no substantial benefits, once a person is held to a position, it is difficult to put it down. This time, even Xie Zhichao, who is about to contact him, is not a small hidden danger. In fact, he can't fully trust him.

In this matter, if he is scheming enough, he can do it right and maximize his interests. If so, he may lead the wolf into the house. However, it is not easy to make a conclusion at this time, and you will not know this person's character until you meet him.

As a king of Yin, it is easy to treat everyone as a hidden enemy. The more Lin Yuchen thinks about it, the more enemies he finds that there are more enemies around him. Those who open the market and buy him to lose, even Zhao Laohei and Tong around him, may be because of some The reason was at the last moment.

"It's really enemies everywhere!" Lin Yuchen sighed that he seemed to have miscalculated this time! I thought I could control the situation, but now, the situation seems to be out of my control.

The afternoon class was so exhausted. Lin Yuchen packed up his things, hooked up with several bad friends, and walked to the dormitory while chatting. He was going to change his clothes in the dormitory and then go to the playground to play football.

At this moment, his mobile phone rang. Lin Yuchen picked up his mobile phone and saw that it was actually from Chen Jiaqiao.

"Hello, President Chen!" Hello, Boss Yu! Is the class over?" Class is over!"

"Class is over! So are you ready to come over? I'm already in our association and the venue is ready. You should know where it is!" Chen Jiaqiao said very enthusiastically.

"Ah!" Chen Jiaqiao's enthusiasm was obviously beyond Lin Yuchen's imagination. Originally, he had already wanted to avoid them, but now the other party is so active that he is a little embarrassed to refuse!

"Oh! All right, I'll go there after I change my clothes! ...Good! That's it!"

The conversation ended quickly. Lin Yuchen hung up the phone and said to several of his bad friends, "We won't play football today. Let's go to the Fighting Association to play with them!"

"Fighting Association, OK!" What, Fight Association, Boss Yu, what are you going to do there? Then they will practice first, right?" En! It's not bad to go and have a look!"

How did several bad friends shout?