The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 33 Health

The next morning, Lin Yuchen came to the woods early, and soon Chen Jiaqiao also arrived.

"Big Yu, you came so early!" Chen Jiaqiao greeted him with a smile. After a few days of contact and pushers, the two people's understanding of each other has also deepened a lot.

"Chairman Chen is coming!" Lin Yuchen also greeted him enthusiastically.

The two did some preparatory activities, and then stood up! It didn't stop until the school called out.

After each naming, the two got together again.

"Big Yu, do you want to learn from our loose hands!" Chen Jiaqiao suddenly asked.

Lin Yuchen's eyes lit up and asked strangely, "Why did Chairman Chen suddenly make such a proposal again!"

Generally, according to the rules in the martial arts world, various sects cannot teach each other. Everyone has a never-to-foreign attitude towards their unique learning. Chen Jiaqiao's suggestion has broken through the traditional rules.

"Well, after getting along with Boss Yu these days, I found that you are an extremely beneficial person, and you are not private at all. After these days of pushers, I have also benefited a lot, so I think I should return my things and share them." Chen Jiaqiao said calmly.

"President Chen doesn't have to do this. We can promote each other by meeting friends with martial arts. Besides, I have learned a lot from the president in the past two days! If I say something in return, I should thank you well!" Since the breakthrough, Lin Yuchen has been frank and doesn't pay much importance to gains and losses, so he has maintained his restraint on Chen Jiaqiao's suggestions.

"You're welcome! After getting along with each other these days, I found that Yu's martial arts talent in old college is really much higher than mine. My skills were actually obtained by chance, not taught by the teacher, but later I found that these things are really a little wasteful in my hands, and it is difficult to give full play to its due strength. Boss Yu, if you want, I would like Tell you everything I know, and maybe you can carry forward. Chen Jiaqiao said very sincerely.

"Oh!" Lin Yuchen didn't know what to say for a while. It is absolutely false to say that he is unwilling to learn. After these days of pushing, Lin Yuchen knows that Chen Jiaqiao's inner skills do have many unique features, and many things are exactly what he needs very much for a half-way monk.

"Everyone is a martial arts practicer, so you don't have to be bound by those rules and regulations. Boss Yu, that's it!" Chen Jiaqiao suddenly raised his hand and said firmly.

"Good! President Chen, I promise you that I will learn from you and live up to your enthusiasm!" Lin Yuchen was no longer a mother-in-law and nodded and agreed.

"That's right! Boss Yu, let me tell you the origin of my loose hands first!" Chen Jiaqiao took care of his thoughts and then continued, "Our loose hands are said to be Zhang Songxi, a disciple of Zhang Sanfeng. Originally, there were 16 routes in this set of loose hands, but now, there are only 7 routes left, and I don't know why the rest have been lost! You should know that many people in the martial arts world are like this. Not to mention the loss of a few boxing skills, even if the whole sect has disappeared, it has not happened.

Lin Yuchen nodded and didn't say anything! At this moment, many people will have many questions in their minds. For example, is it really Wudang? Is it really passed down from Zhang Songxi? Isn't Zhang Songxi one of the seven sons of Wudang in martial arts novels? Didn't Zhang Sanfeng say that he was just an ordinary Taoist priest? Isn't Wudang practicing Taiji?

This series of questions exists in mind, and the attitude of learning will be different. If asked, the attitude of the teaching people will be different.

Sacrifice is like there, sacrifice to God is like God. Zi said, 'I don't sacrifice, if I don't sacrifice!' Since you want to learn from other people's things, you have to be serious and have an absolutely pious attitude. You should be as respectful as sacrificing to a god, do not question, do not ask questions, first learn things, understand them thoroughly, and then ask questions. At the beginning, he raised all kinds of questions smartly, and in the end, he could only lose himself.

"The remaining seven-way boxing techniques are also mainly based on health and fitness, and there are very few really offensive boxing techniques! Boss Yu, I have learned this seven-way boxing method for so long, but I still can't figure out many of the mysteries, so I want to teach you these first, borrow your wisdom, and figure out the truth together. In this way, in fact, I will benefit from it in the end. So, don't refuse this time. Let's figure out the mystery of this set of boxing together!" Chen Jiaqiao said quite excitedly.

"Good! This is exactly what I want!" Lin Yuchen said equally excitedly.

"In these seven-way boxing, the first boxing is the foundation of the whole boxing. There are a total of thirty-four types of this journey. After years of research, I have basically figured out that these thirty-four types of momentum and closing. In fact, there are only thirty-two types, corresponding to thirty-two meridians on the body, that is, eight strange meridians and twelve main meridians, each of which have two left and right, so these thirty In fact, the second formula is only 20, and the extra twelve formula is actually only the result of left and right symmetry. Now, I'll show you this way of boxing first!" After Chen Jiahao finished speaking, he began his own action.

This is the first way of boxing. The action is very simple, but it seems very simple. Lin Yuchen feels that the action of boxing along the way is a bit like a wizard sacrificing the sky in ancient times. Thirty-two movements, with great piety and faith, seem to be talking to heaven and earth! Lin Yuchen was shocked when he saw it.

Chen Jiaqiao's movements are very slow. He understands that Lin Yuchen is an connoyan, so he dares not practice perfunctory at all. He practices completely according to his usual training state. For each movement, he tries his best to show its functions, ideas and mysteries he has explored, and does not hide them at all.

Thirty-four moves actually took more than 20 minutes to finish. Lin Yuchen looked very seriously and didn't dare to be careless at all.

"This is the first way, Boss Yu, how do you feel!" Chen Jiaqiao asked carefully after taking a long breath.

"It feels very much! This set of boxing is very simple. It feels like the ancient wizard communicating with heaven and earth. Really, that's the feeling!" Lin Yuchen told the truth.

"Ye! That's it. Boss Yu is really a master. I can see it at a glance. I haven't felt this until I practiced for a long time. In the end, I practiced this boxing method to communicate with heaven and earth, borrow movements, integrate myself with the whole world, mobilize my inner strength, and impact my meridians. Every time I practice, I can feel that my spirit seems to have been refined. It can be said that since I practiced this boxing, my body It's getting better and better. I haven't had a disease, and I haven't even caught a cold!" Chen Jiaqiao said excitedly.

"I have probably remembered the action. Now I'll practice it for you. If there is anything to pay attention to, you can tell me some essentials of the action." Lin Yuchen said.

"Good!" Chen Jiaqiao nodded and gave up the venue.

Lin Yuchen calmed down and practiced slowly while recalling Chen Jiaqiao's movements just now.

Because Chen Jiaqiao's practice is very slow and the movements are not complicated, and Lin Yuchen's memory is also good. When he looked at it just now, he also drew it, so he can basically remember it.

"Good! Yes! ...Stretch your hand a little further to make yourself feel that the meridians are unfolding... Breathing should be matched, and if the movement is right, the strength in the body will also move..." Chen Jiaqiao kept reminding aside, and from time to time he demonstrated it himself!

About ten minutes later, Lin Yuchen's * work was also finished. Although there were still many flaws in the first practice, it had far exceeded Chen Jiaqiao's expectations.

"Sure enough, a mysterious set of martial arts! President Chen, although my movements are still not fully in place, I can already feel that as long as the movements are in place, the energy in the body will run with the movements. In just a few moments, I really think that I really saw my meridians. If I continue to practice like this, it is really possible to reach the opposite view of internal vision. The effect is to clearly know all your meridians, so as to achieve the effect of practicing body and qi, dispelling diseases and fitness!" Lin Yuchen experienced such a magical boxing for the first time, and he was also excited.

"Yes! Three products of medicine, spirit, I thought about it carefully later. This set of fists is the gas that we have stood up all day and turned it into a holy medicine to heal diseases and wounds. In the past, we used to practice martial arts to nourish our spirits, which was originally used to beat people and knock down our opponents, but when we arrived here, it was completely the opposite. It is used to treat injuries and health. This is probably only Only Taoists can do it." Chen Jiaqiao explained.

"Yes! This is indeed the biggest characteristic of Taoism. I only practiced once, and I already felt much more comfortable than before. Well, I'll practice it again, and you can take a look at it for me!" Lin Yuchen said.

"Alle! Come on!" Chen Jiaqiao said cheerfully.

This morning, Lin Yuchen practiced three times until he mastered all the essentials of the movements and mastered all the movements before dispersing.

Then he had breakfast with Tang Xianxian every day. Unlike usual, Lin Yuchen was thinking about the boxing and understanding he had just learned. Without talking much, Tang Xianxian had been used to his characteristic for a long time. He knew that there must be something in his heart that had not been solved, so he did not disturb him much.

It can be said that this set of boxing is very important to him now. Recently, the intensity of his training is increasing, so the physical burden is also increasing. People who practice martial arts, including various sports athletes, will have all kinds of physical injuries during long-term training, unless they can get good Treatment, otherwise it will be difficult to cure these pains. The real traditional martial arts school will have medicine to cooperate with their own skills, which can treat the trauma caused by practice. However, Lin Yuchen, a half-baked person, does not have these conditions, so he has to be careful during training and dare not behave excessively at all. But even so, he still can't guarantee that such a training will not cause harm to his body, so he urgently needs a suitable plan to take care of his body.

Chen Jiaqiao's boxing method can be said to solve his urgent needs. With the help of this set of boxing techniques, he can know his physical condition in time and adjust his training intensity at any time.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuchen couldn't help smiling.

"Why are you laughing so happy! Tell me honestly, what the hell were you thinking just now!" Tang Xianxian suddenly asked fiercely.

"No! It's not what you think. President Chen taught me a set of boxing today. It's awesome! I'm thinking that with this set of boxing, I basically won this time!" Lin Yuchen hurriedly explained.

"What do I think it is? How do you know what I think! Tell me honestly." Tang Xianxian asked unrelentingly.

"...Leader, I don't mean anything else! I'm really thinking about boxing!" Lin Yuchen explained hurriedly.

"Explanation is cover-up! Humph! Hurry up and be honest!" If this woman is entangled, it will be a headache!