The real mirror of online games

I, update announcement

A notice from the system made Song Fei and others depressed. Do you want to let this big boss go at this time? The previous work was not all for nothing! However, thinking that the time in the system announcement is calculated according to the actual time, everyone can feel a little more secure. In reality, 10 minutes is 30 minutes in the game. Although this big boss is more difficult to do, as long as they work hard, they can still finish it in 30 minutes, so everyone coincidentally increases the output.

As soon as Song Fei and others increased their output, the pressure on the Wolf King suddenly increased. At this moment, the Wolf King suddenly had a mortal consciousness. He did not wait for the blood to drop to 10%, and he launched his life-saving skill "anger" in advance. After launching the skill, the hair of the wolf king's whole body turned golden, and his attack power soared. He shot off the blood of the silence 2800, and the frightened silence immediately retreated to take medicine. As soon as the silence retreated, everyone retreated. After all, no one dared to resist the attack of the boss except him, a full-blood knight.

After everyone retreated, they were trying to deal with the wolf king. The angry wolf king's attack power was so high that even silence did not dare to resist its attack. Now in this case, Song Fei's anesthetic pill doesn't work. After all, it can be used on the big bear at the beginning, completely taking advantage of the big bear's contempt for them. Song Fei tried his best to beat the big bear before he had time to put the anesthetic pill on the fish, and the big bear despised these people at that time, so he ate the fish thrown by Song Fei.

Now the Wolf King is different from the big bear at that time. It has no contempt for this group of people. Others just put the delicacies in front of it, and it is not in the mood to eat it now. And even if it eats it, the anesthetic pill that is effective for creatures below level 20 may only have a relieving effect on this level 25 Wolf King, which can only make it fight more bravely.

Just as everyone retreated to find a way, Song Fei suddenly found that the Wolf King had sacrificed his speed while getting the attack power. Now the Wolf King's speed has slowed down. Song Fei looked at each other and rushed up together again. The wolf king without speed, no matter how high the attack power is, it is not only to be killed!

Shortly after the Wolf King entered a near-death state, Zhang Xudong's "frost and ice" completely ended his sad fate. At the moment when the Wolf King fell, everyone present was upgraded, and Wang Lin directly rose from level 18 to level 19 with more than 80% of his experience. Zhang Xudong and gloomy have reached level 21, and the rest of them are level 20.

From receiving the system prompt to killing the Wolf King, it took a total of 20 minutes to kill the Wolf Queen, and everyone quickly cleaned up the battlefield. Each of the 12 elite wolves burst out with one white equipment, each of the three little bosses burst out one green equipment and one white equipment, and the wolf king burst out two pieces of green equipment, a skill book, and the golden wolf king skin.

I didn't have time to check the attributes of the items. After picking up all the things and money, everyone crushed the scroll back to Xuanwu City. Although the system does not give pets space, pets can use the reel back to the city with their owners, which is quite satisfactory to everyone. After returning to Xuanwu City, everyone hurried back to Song Fei's small yard and took off the line together after handing over the pets to Luo Ying. At this time, there were only two minutes left before the system shut down the server.

After leaving the game, Song Fei looked at the time and found that it was just after 9 p.m. and went to bed a little early, so he logged in to the forum and sat in the room with Wang Lin and Zhang Xudong to check the announcement about the update. Not long after, Seinfeld received several applications to join his room. When he came in, he saw them for the first time, so they discussed the update of the game together.

"Pretentious, when did you learn your group of attack skills? I didn't inform everyone in advance, which almost killed me!" Tian Tian entered the room and immediately complained as soon as she saw the pretentiousness.

"Two days ago, I thought about it when I was free. I wanted to surprise everyone, but I didn't expect it to be self-defeating!" Pretentiousness is also a sigh.

"How to think about it, talk about it, talk about it quickly." The gly immediately came up. Now only the three mages in the team do not have their own comprehension skills. Both pretentiousness and Zhang Xudong have their own comprehension skills. Although he also has group attack skills, it is learned by the letter of the lord of Xuanwu, and others can also learn it in the future. On the contrary, some of the skills he has learned are unique, which are better than those learned.

When everyone heard the process of asking questions about their understanding skills, they also came over. At a pretentious look, everyone wanted to know, so they said it.

"When I was releasing rock art before, I found that this skill is to first use magic to gather a stone to hold it in the air, and then put it down. Even if this skill is finished casting, then there will be a cooling time of the skill. However, if I just collect the stones with magic and hold them in the air, it will not be regarded as casting skills, and naturally there will be no cooling time. So I wondered if I could collect a few more stones at a time and then put them down together, which can save time and improve the effect. Then I practiced according to my own ideas. After a few hours of practice, the system prompted me that I had understood the skill ' meteorite fall'.

"You are really a genius!" The silence also complained. However, by the way, Heavenly King, I have always wanted to ask you, every time you use a 'heavy blow', you seem to be dizzy? I only come out once in a while.

"Isn't this simple? Vertigo is obviously a state of the brain," Wang Lin pointed to his silent head and said. "If you hit the monster's head every time, the chance of dizziness will be very high. If your strength is high enough, you may have the effect of dizziness without skills. But if you hit the monster's toes every time, you may not feel dizzy in your life unless you go out and step on shit!"

Hearing this silence, he immediately lowered his head. He never knew how to hit the monster's head when he hit hard before, and several times he seemed to really hit the monster's feet!

"What's wrong with your charm? Unexpectedly, there was an elite in a second!" Silence immediately shifted the embarrassing topic.

"That's a skill I just learned when I reached level 18, called 'sacrifice'. You can choose any creature on the battlefield as a sacrifice to sacrifice to the gods, so that your teammates can improve their attributes. The improvement of attributes is related to the strength of the creature as a sacrifice. The stronger the strength, the better the effect. If it weren't for this skill, you would think I could drop an elite monster in a second, then everyone wouldn't be a Taoist priest!"

"Damn it, why don't you choose the Wolf King?"

"If you can choose me earlier, that skill is invalid for BOSS and for players, and the sacrificed creature cannot be 5 levels higher than the caster, otherwise it is also invalid. If you can really choose whatever you want, it won't be a bug!"

After the question was explained clearly, everyone looked at the announcement about the game update. The game update mainly includes the following points.

First, open gang and team systems.

After the gang system is opened, players can establish gangs as long as they can get a token, and then go to the city owner's mansion to register the gang and pay a handling fee of 10,000 gold coins. Although 10,000 gold coins are a little too much for a single player, it is nothing for some big gangs that have been organized for a long time. Before the opening of the gang system, someone had already issued a gang order, but the system was not open, so gangs could not be established. The newly established junior gang can recruit 10,000 players. In this way, as long as each player contributes a gold coin, the gang should be able to be successfully built. After that, the gang can be upgraded in various ways, and the upgraded gang can accommodate more players. When the gang is upgraded to level three, as long as you have a resident token, you can apply for a residence. Of course, payment is indispensable!

After the opening of the team system, as long as more than five players apply together and pay a handling fee of dozens of gold coins, the team can be established. The team is divided into four levels, namely C-level, B-level, A-level and S-level. The lowest-level C-level team can accommodate 20 people, B-level can accommodate 50 people, A-level can accommodate 100 people, and S-level can accommodate 200 people. The upgrade of the team also needs to receive tasks at special NPCs, and the team can be upgraded after completion.

The second is the open game currency exchange system.

The exchange system between game coins and real coins is a problem that players have been paying attention to. As long as this exchange system is opened, players who make money in the game can exchange their game coins and spend them in reality, and some rich people can also charge their real money into the game, so that they can play. Buy good equipment or skill books in the play. When it was just opened, the exchange rate was 1:1, that is to say, a real coin can be exchanged for a gold coin. In this way, the reward of Seinfeld's first helmet was 500 yuan.

Of course, in the later stage of the game, as more and more game coins burst out by players, the game coins will become more and more worthless. Therefore, in order to avoid this phenomenon, game companies have adjusted the outbreak rate of items after leaving the novice village very low. Although they say that it is to stabilize prices, it is actually to make money. Most players still understand this, because it is impossible for a player not to charge money if he wants to behave in the game. However, people can understand that game companies have done so much to make money. After all, they have done so much and paid so much, isn't it just to be rewarded? And for today's people, it is also normal to spend thousands of yuan to play games every year. Some people spend tens of millions every year to play games.

Third, open the transmission array between the main cities.

At the beginning of the opening of the game, the transmission array between the main cities was closed. If players want to go from one main city to another, they have to go through multiple transmissions. For example, if a player wants to go from Qinglong City to Xuanwu City, he must first transfer to Pingchuan Town, the northernmost town under the jurisdiction of Qinglong City, and then cross the boundary between Qinglong City and Xuanwu City from Pingchuan Town to Fengyu Town, the southernmost part of Xuanwu City, and then from Fengyu Town to Xuanwu City. But this trip, just a dozen gold coins went out. Who had so much money to play back and forth between the two main cities in the early stage? If it is from Qinglong City to White Tiger City or from Xuanwu City to Rosefinch City, it will be even more troublesome.

The transmission between the main city is open, and the cost of a single transmission is 10 gold coins, which is a little cheaper than the original transfer, and saves time, which makes most ordinary players give some praise to the world. However, a well-sighted person still found the problem. As soon as the gang system and the team system are opened, large-scale wars will continue to appear. At that time, how many people will use the main city for transmission. In this way, the money is still earned by the game company. This is called small profits and overselling!

While the transmission array between the main cities was opened, the system closed the transmission array between secondary cities and villages. The explanation of the system is that in order to create a more realistic feeling for players, the transmission array between secondary cities and villages was replaced by carriages and horses. In order to neutralize the inconvenience caused by this way, the cost of riding a carriage and riding is much lower than the original transmission fee. Although the cost has been reduced, the speed has also been reduced by not a little bit. The speed of the horse in the post station is much slower than that of the third-class mounts obtained by the players themselves. The carriage is even slower, which makes the players ride horses to do things feel like sightseeing. However, the transmission between the main city and the secondary city has not been closed, otherwise players will not know how far they will go!

Fourth, it is the open five gates.

The five sects are the Xiaotan, Tianshan School, Shennongtang, Tianjimen and Xiaoyao School, which are stationed in the sphere of influence of the five main cities of Qinglong, White Tiger, Zhuque, Xuanwu and Huanglin respectively. Regarding the sudden appearance of the five sects, everyone was confused. Only Song Fei knew the historical origin of the five sects best, so he explained it to everyone. After Song Fei's explanation, everyone also understands that the emergence of the five sects is by no means the result of systematic spoof, but really has a deep history*.

The fifth is the open system auction house.

The system auction house has never been opened before, and many players are reluctant to throw better equipment into the system store, so they can only deposit it in the bank. However, the banks of the system have to charge. Although they don't charge much, the players don't have much money in their hands. In the end, many players can't find buyers, so they can only ruthlessly throw them into the system's store. Song Fei and others are better, because they have their own home and put things at home, which is safe and free of handling fees. Now that the system has opened an auction house, they can also auction the equipment produced during this period. Although these low-level equipment are worthless, they are more profitable than throwing the system store.

Sixth, the system closes the ranking and pet ranking.

After the system turns off the ranking list, if you want to check the ranking list in the future, you can only rely on players or NPCs to collect intelligence. Although many players will feel uncomfortable, it can give people a more real feeling. After all, there will not be a system to rank people in real society. The information that people can hear is deliberately collected by some people, so that it is more like a real society.

The seventh is tomorrow, Friday, when the game company will release an upgraded chip for game helmets to players. As long as the chip is installed in a special position on the game helmet and set up a link with the player's own mobile phone, in the future, if the real person calls and the player can't answer the phone while playing the game, the call will be transferred to the game, and the player can use the game. The mobile phone answers calls from real people, so as to avoid players delaying real things because they play games.

In fact, Song Fei and others are very clear that what is given in the announcement is just a basic information for the game update, and many things have to be explored by themselves. Just like the introduction of the talent attributes mentioned in the announcement given when the game was just opened, after Seinfeld's exploration and found that metal players can not only increase physical attack, but also increase physical defense. Wood attribute players can not only improve the recovery speed, but also improve their own agility and so on. Like the contents of this announcement, such as the specific management system of the gang and the specific functions of the five major factions, all of which are up to the players themselves.

After reading the game announcement, everyone discussed for a while and then went offline to bed. The next day after work, Song Fei queued up to buy the helmet chip. However, this time, there is no need to deliberately create any effect like when pre-selling helmets, so it is not only open one window, but many windows open together, so Song Fei didn't queue for a long time to buy a chip. Nevertheless, he still queued from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

After buying the chip, Song Fei went back while eating pancakes and thinking that this player who has just risen to level 30 will really choose the time. It happens to be Friday. On Friday, you can work a day. If you don't go to work, you can queue up to buy chips. After the update on Friday night, you can go to the game early in the morning to experience the new feeling after the update. How much popularity has this has won! I don't know what rewards the game company will give to the first person to reach level 30?

After returning home, it was less than nine o'clock. After installing the chip according to the instructions, Song Fei and the three entered the forum together. As soon as Song Fei entered the forum and created the room, he was told by the system that the name of the room they discussed yesterday had been used. After sending an application, he found that it was a room created by silence. Silence, Tian Tian, Wang Lin and Zhang Xudong were already in the room. After a while, gloomy also came in. The two people, pretentious and beautiful, have a house. They have a lot of housework, and naturally they will be a little later, and everyone is used to it. After Hua and Ruier went online, they said that they had something to do tonight and couldn't play the game, so everyone read the post about the game update on the forum during the day in their room.