The real mirror of online games

Three, new skills

Song Fei and Luo Ying followed the housekeeper out of his small living room. This time, he did not take Song Fei and others to the hall of the city owner's mansion, but went to the study of the Xuanwu city owner.

"Your Excellency, the fourth king is coming." The housekeeper informed the city owner as soon as he entered the house.

The owner of Xuanwu City was processing documents in the study. As soon as the housekeeper heard that Song Fei was coming, he immediately raised his head.

"King Four? What's wrong with you this time?" The owner of Xuanwu City looked at Song Fei and said.

"Lord Xuanwu, I just formed a team with a few friends and came here to see what I can do for you." Song Fei said politely with a smile.

"Oh, I'm here to pick up the task!" As soon as the owner of Xuanwu City heard Song Fei's words, the smile on his face was even brighter. When I was worried that I didn't know what to do, you came. You came in time! Haha..."

After laughing, the owner of Xuanwu City continued: "A few days ago, the owner of Winter City sent someone to report that something had happened to Qixing Town, and asked me to send some people to deal with it. However, recently, the transmission between the main cities has been opened. A large number of adventurers have entered Xuanwu City, and my soldiers have been sent to patrol various cities, which is not enough. Since you are here, you can help me deal with this matter. Of course, there will be no less than you in terms of remuneration!"

"Lord, you're welcome. I don't care about the reward, as long as it can satisfy my friends."

Song Fei politely said a few words to the owner of Xuanwu City and came out with the housekeeper. After coming out, Song Fei was going to leave, but suddenly thought of something and pulled the housekeeper and asked, "Master, I want to ask, where is Anning Village?"

"Anning Village? Why did you ask Anning Village? What happened in Anning Village? As soon as the housekeeper heard "Aning City", he immediately became very nervous.

If something happens in Anning Village, it will be troublesome. The newly retired prime minister retired in Anning Village. If something happens to the old prime minister, I'm afraid that even the owner of Xuanwu will be implicated. How can the housekeeper not be nervous?

"Well, a friend of mine went to Anning Village to do a task before. But now the transmission is turned off, and he doesn't know how to come back. He called me, and I don't know. This is not asking you by the way. You should know, right? Song Fei saw the nervous look of the housekeeper and dared not tell him the truth. Now I don't know what's going on over there. If he sends someone, his task will be gone. When he has time, he will go and have a look. If he can't handle it, it's not too late to come to him.

"Oh, well, it scares me!" Hearing Song Fei's explanation, the housekeeper immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Anning Village is in the south of Xuanwu City, not far from here, just east of Zhongshan Wolf Territory.

"Thank you, butler. I'll pick him up later."

After leaving the city's mansion, Song Fei went to the office of the application team to have a look. There were still many people, so he didn't wait and went to Wang Lin and the others to practice together. Wang Lin and others are now killing level 24 bone flower demons. This kind of monster is a magic attack. It's not as easy to kill Zhongshan wolves. At least they can't kill in groups and can only kill alone. However, this group of people are all masters and have pet help. It's not easy to kill level 24 monsters, and Wang Lin, a doctor, gives blood in the back, so there is no danger at all.

The addition of Song Fei and Luo Ying has made this team more powerful, and the speed of killing monsters has been greatly improved. The monsters of the magic attack are all long-range. Being close to them is equivalent to waste, and the speed of the magic attack is generally relatively slow, but Song Fei is a speed warrior, and Luo Ying is a ninja who is good at speed. Killing the monsters of the magic attack is basically the same as playing.

After about two hours, Wang Lin finally rose to level 20. At this time, Zhang Xudong had also finished the team and called them to say that they had heard a new news and asked them to go back to the city to talk, so Song Fei and others returned to the city together.

After returning home, Zhang Xudong took everyone's business cards and admitted everyone to the team while talking about the new news.

"The latest news, the function of the five major schools is to teach players skills. Similar to what the previous official website said, warrior knights can learn skills in Tianshan School, doctors and wizards can learn skills in Shennongtang, archers learn skills in Tianjimen, assassins learn in the spirit world, and Taoist priests learn in Xiaoyao School. That's why I could only learn a few general skills and the simplest skills in the place where I transferred. Zhang Xudong said.

"Isn't that the mage has no place to learn skills? There is no sect in the five sects that teaches mage skills!" Say it gloomily.

"No, in order to balance the profession, the mage alliance has opened up a large number of skills, and the mage no longer needs to have only two general skills!" As Zhang Xudong said, he looked up to the sky and sighed.

"There is only one main city in the five gates. We don't want to send it to learn by ourselves, do we? It's 10 gold coins at a time!" Tian Tian sighed.

"No, the five sects have offices in major cities, and some low-level skills can be learned in the major cities, but if you want to learn advanced skills, you can only go to the headquarters of the five sects." Hua explained immediately.

"Then go and learn skills quickly. After learning the skills, let's do a team task together tomorrow." Song Fei suggested it.

"Team task? What task?" As soon as he heard the team task, he immediately asked in silence.

"I don't know. The owner of Xuanwu didn't talk about it in detail. He asked him to ask the owner of Winter City. When they first meet tomorrow, let's go together."

After saying that, everyone went to learn skills separately. Hua is the most relaxed one in this group and the most proud one at this time, because she doesn't need to go to the Xiaoyao Office to learn skills. The book given to her by the old man Qingwei contains all the skills of Taoist priests. As long as the level is reached, just take out the book to learn it. Of course, the most depressing of these people is the first sight. Wang Lin, a hidden professional field doctor, can still learn the general skills of two doctors, but he, a boxer, can't learn any skills. Although he can also learn the general skills of two war departments, he can't use any of those skills! Of course, the luckiest thing at first sight is that he is not here today!

After Song Fei and his silence and beauty arrived at the office of the Tianshan School, they found that he was the most depressed one. Everyone else had skills to learn, but he did not have the skills to learn. Each of the two knights learned a shield and a roundabout, both of which were attacked with shields. However, Song Fei found that there was only one 20-level combat general skill "strong wall" that he could learn, and the rest were after level 30, and they were not skills, but all moves.

The difference between skills and moves is that as long as the player activates skills, the system will control his body and make corresponding actions; but if it is a move, you need to learn and practice, and then control your body to use those moves when fighting. The difference here is just like the difference between "Sunglong Fist" and "Left Hook" at first sight. "Langlong Fist" is a skill, and "Left Hook" is a move.

Looking at those literary names such as "Cangsong welcomes guests" and "Feng Laiyi", Song Fei's head is big. This thing is useless! When there is a real war, who can go up and play those seemingly cool moves, and it is the king's way to do everything possible to kill the other party! In this way, he still has no skills as a warrior. It seems that he can only understand the skills by himself!

After returning home, Song Fei listened to everyone exchange their experiences there. In addition to learning the two skills to attack with shields, the two knights, Beauty and Silence also learned a defense skill called "shield", which is to increase their defense power within a certain period of time, but what makes them depressed is that this skill can only be added to themselves, not to others.

This thunder mage only learned a "lightning ball", which is the same effect as fireball. He can throw a lightning ball to attack the enemy, but his lightning ball has a paralysis effect, which is much more advanced than fireball. Originally, he could have learned a skill, that is, the "Thunder Nine Days", but he learned it in advance, so this is the only way, and then he raised the "Thunder" to level 2.

Zhang Xudong learned two skills, one is the control skill "ice sealing technique", which can freeze the target so that it cannot move or attack, but in exchange, the frozen creature will not be attacked by others. As soon as other people attack the frozen ice on the body of the frozen creature, the freezing technique will be lifted. Another skill is a group attack skill, called "Blizzard", which should belong to the same level as the gloomy "Thunder Nine Days".

Pretentiousness has only learned one skill, called "earth wall art", which is also a control skill. It is introduced that it calls for an earth wall to stand in front of the target. The advantage of this skill is that it can block the enemy in front of the enemy so that he can't escape, or in front of himself, so that the enemy can't attack him. However, the difference between it and "ice sealing" is that the earth wall cannot control the enemy's actions, and the enemy can use his own attack to break the earth wall. In fact, they are as pretentious as gloomy. They all have a group attack skill at level 20, and his skill is the "meteorite landing", but he has understood it himself, so there is nothing to learn.

Wang Lin was more depressed and only learned one "group therapy". In addition, he raised the previous "therapy" to level 3. Wang Lin didn't have much hope in learning skills. He didn't look down on the general skills of these doctors at all. What he valued was his exclusive skills as a field doctor. However, he has only learned one exclusive skill of the hidden profession so far, that is, "body regeneration", but the exclusive skill of the hidden profession cannot be upgraded by the skill mentor like ordinary skills. It can only be upgraded by constantly using skills to improve the proficiency of skills. But Wang Lin was with this group of animals, and he didn't even use the treatment several times, and he didn't mention "body regeneration"!

Luo Ying held the assassin's ID card, so she also went to the world to learn three skills, one is "invisible", one is "back stab", and the other is called "kidney attack". Needless to say, "invisibility" can improve the critical strike rate, and "kidney attack" can have a vertigo effect.

Tian Tian, an archer, gained the most. She learned a "shocking arrow", a "penetrating arrow", a "deceleration arrow", a "tracking arrow", a wooden armor beast, and a skill "wooden armor repair" associated with the wooden armor beast. This organ beast can't use healing to return blood. After all, it is a lifeless thing, so when the wooden armor beast is damaged, it can only use "wood armor repair" to help the wooden armor beast return blood. But what makes Tian Tian depressed is that as an archer, she can only learn a few attack skills here, and the rest can only go to Tianjimen headquarters to learn.

Rui'er's skills are the most special. She did not learn new skills, but divided the previous "spring breeze" into multiple branches. One is to relieve the "palsy" state, the other is to remove the "vertigo" state, the other is to remove the "blind" state, the other is to remove the "hallucination" state, and the other is to lift the "deceleration" The other is to relieve the non-punitive "weakness" state. The disadvantage of this is that in the past, only one "spring breeze" could relieve all negative states, but now only one skill can be used one skill at a time. But the advantage of this is that in the past, if you want to release two different states for two people, you have to use two "spring breeze brush your face", and the second person will have to wait until the skill cooling time is over to release the state, but now it is different, because the skill of "spring breeze blowing face" is divided into multiple skills, and two different skills are the same It does not affect the use.

Of course, these skills do not remove those negative states at once. According to the introduction, they can only remove the state for 5 seconds, or shorten the negative state by 5 seconds. However, the general negative state of the little monster is only 5 seconds. The BOSS may take a little longer, but it won't take more than 10 seconds. It's good to release 5 seconds.

"My 'spring breeze' doesn't have the branch of 'detoxification' now. It used to be detoxified! Also, I haven't learned the skills to relieve bleeding!" Rui'er said depressedly.

"Sister, you are OUT, and you are using this for detoxification now!" Wang Lin said and stretched out his hand flat, holding a small pill in his hand. Well, detoxification pills are specially used for detoxification. And this, the bandage, is specially used to relieve the bleeding state. Think about it, if there is bleeding, there must be a cut on the body. Can your spring breeze make the wound heal? You have to rely on this. If you tie the bandage, won't you bleed!" Wang Lin said as fart and gave 20 detoxification pills and 20 bandages to each person.

After discussing the skills, everyone talked for a while. When the time was almost up, they all went to bed. When they first met the next day, they went to do the team's task together. The next day, as soon as he first saw it online, he reported a complaint. After all, even if Song Fei didn't learn skills, he still had a place to learn skills, but he didn't even have a place to learn skills. How could he not complain? Finally, he said in silence, "How about you turn your career back?" At first sight, he stopped talking, which made everyone laugh again.

After joking, everyone went to the transmission hall and transmitted directly from Xuanwu City to Winter City. This winter city is the northernmost secondary city under the jurisdiction of Xuanwu City. Because its climate is very cool in summer and sometimes it rains as cold as winter, it is named "Winter City".

Coming out of the transmission hall of Winter City, Song Fei and others just walked a few steps on the street and saw a scene that made them very angry.