The real mirror of online games

V, see also hidden occupation

"What, Qixing Town? Are you sent by Lord Xuanwu? Wang Yaoting asked in surprise.

"Yes, Lord Xuanwu sent us to deal with the affairs of Qixing Town."

"It seems that the matter of bringing something to my mother will be slowed down. You'd better come with me to see the lord of the city first!" After saying that, Wang Yaoting took Song Fei and the others to see the owner of Winter City.

As soon as the owners of Winter City heard that Song Fei were sent by the owners of Xuanwu City to deal with the affairs of Qixing Town, he immediately seriously explained the affairs of Qixing Town to them.

"A few days ago, the mayor of Qixing Town sent someone to report that a group of unknown forces appeared in Beichen Tower, which has now seriously affected the normal life of the residents of Qixing Town, so I hope we can send troops to eliminate this group of unknown forces. I was still worried a few days ago. It's really not enough! Now that you are here, it's easy to do. I'm sorry to trouble you!" The owner of Winter City said enthusiastically.

"Lord, you're welcome. We are here for this matter. However, we just had some conflicts with some people in the city, and these people are a big gang. I guess they are waiting for us outside the city owner's mansion. It doesn't matter in the city, but if we go out of the city, if they come to trouble us, they may delay the affairs of Qixing Town. Wang Lin seized an opportunity and immediately wanted to take advantage of it first.

"Is there such a thing?" After thinking for a while, the city owner said, "Then take a few people and escort them to Qixing Town before coming back."

When he heard someone escorted him, Song Fei was relieved. Not to mention that the people of the 90-level NPC Fengyun Gang must not be able to provoke. Even if they can kill these NPCs, they dare not do so. After all, these NPCs are from the court. Killing them is a blatant opposition to the court. The Fengyun Gang will not have to fool around in the game in the future.

As soon as Song Fei and others and the 10 NPC bodyguards led by Wang Yaoting walked out of the city master's mansion together, they saw a knight confronting dozens of people from the Fengyun Gang. The knight saw Song Fei and the others coming out, turned around and walked towards them.

"Dewdrop, are you all right?" The knight came over and said to the female player named Dewdrop.

"It's okay. These friends saved us." So far, Luzhu has not had time to chat with Song Fei and others alone, so she doesn't know what their names are.

"Thank you very much! Let's go." The knight waited for Seinfeld to thank him and asked the two of them to leave.

"Wait a minute, this friend!" Song Fei shouted at the knight.

"Is there anything else, my friend?" Although the knight spoke politely, there was a trace of coldness in his words because he did not know them.

"We are going to do a team task and want to ask three people to help. I don't know if they have time?" Seeing that the knight was on guard against himself, Seinfeld said politely.

Hearing Seinfeld's invitation, the knight thought for a moment and relaxed with a wary look on his face. If these people dare to take on team tasks, they must have that kind of strength, or they think they have that strength, otherwise they dare not take on team tasks. This person actually wants to protect himself by saying this. If you leave like this, I'm afraid you will be surrounded by the people of the Fengyun Gang as soon as you leave the city.

Now follow them, there are many more people, and there is NPC protection. At least now the people of the Fengyun Gang dare not touch them. And this person's speech is also very comfortable to listen to. In the game, if someone says to you, "You are too dangerous, come with us, we can protect you!" I guess no one can stand it. After figuring this out, the knight nodded, and the other two saw that the knight agreed and followed Song Fei.

Ten bodyguards surrounded Song Fei and others in the middle. Wang Yaoting walked in the middle with them, and more than 20 people left the city like this. The dozens of people of the Fengyun Gang followed all the way, but as Song Fei and others thought, they did not dare to provoke these NPC guards at all, so they could only follow all the way.

"Brother Yaoting, you let us go like this. These people won't say anything, will they?" As Song Fei talked to Wang Yaoting, he looked back at the people behind him.

Wang Yaoting also looked back at the people of Fengyun Gang, and then said, "The reputation of Fengyun Gang is very poor in Winter City. We have heard about it for a long time, but they have not acted excessively in the city, and we can't do anything to them. We have seen what happened today, but they are not illegal. After all, they didn't hurt people, so we can't catch them. They deserve to kill them, and we still have a way to deal with such people. Brothers, please go first. I'll go back and tell those people not to follow.

Wang Yaoting turned around to stop the people of the Fengyun Gang. There is no need for Song Fei to worry about this kind of thing. Whether it is intimidation or intimidation, he must have a way to send this group of people away. So Song Fei took two steps forward and came to the knight's side.

"I haven't asked my brother's name yet. My name is Tianwang Si." Song Fei handed over his business card.

"You are the fourth king!" The knight received Seinfeld's business card in surprise and quickly handed over his business card.

"Demon clan!" Song Fei took a look after taking the business card, but he was more surprised than the knight.

After the last update of the game, the "birth" column on the ID card was deleted. After all, that was useless, but there was an additional position and a race on it. The position is generally a certain leader or gang member. For example, Zhang Xudong's position is "Captain of Tianxing Team", and Song Fei's position is "member of Tianxing Team". As for this "race", Seinfeld has never known what it is. Although their ID cards are all written "human race", are there any other races? Anyway, I haven't seen it before, but he saw it today!

"Yes, the three of us are all demons, otherwise why do you think the people of the Fengyun Gang are obsessed with the three of us?" The knight's tone was very calm, as if he knew early on that Seinfeld would react when he saw his business card.

"So you, the magic knight, are also a hidden profession?" Song Fei asked.

From the business card, Seinfeld already knew that the knight was named "Alphabet" and his profession was a magic knight. At this time when Seinfeld was talking to the alphabet, the other two also handed over the business card. The female player named "Dewdrop" is a "soul doctor" and the other female player is called "Chocolate Pirate" and the profession is "Black Witch".

"Only Dewdrop is a hidden profession among the three of us, and chocolate and I are both ordinary professions. The profession of the demon clan only adds the word 'magic' before the occupation name of the human clan. The letter explains.

"So what special ability do you have as a 'soul doctor'?" Seeing that he met a doctor with the same hidden profession, Wang Lin immediately came to Dew Pearl's side.

"The biggest difference between 'soul doctors' and ordinary doctors lies in their ability to control the soul. Ordinary doctors can't learn 'resurrection' until level 30, while our soul doctors can learn it at level 10, but I didn't become a demon until I was at level 15. In addition, I can modify my soul according to my own will. Dewdrop said proudly.

"Modify the soul? What do you mean? A puzzled question.

"The souls of players like us are immortal and can be resurrected when they die. Even if a player is cut into pieces, as long as he is resurrected, it is still the same as before. But the soul of NPC is not like this. If an NPC dies, it will really die. If a leg is cut off in the battle, he can only be a disabled person in the future, because his soul is incomplete. And my job is to make their legs grow again by modifying their souls. The dewdrop said proudly.

"I can also do it. I have 'body regeneration', and I can also let the broken leg grow out again!" Wang Lin said unwillingly.

"No, yours is different." Dewdrop explained, "You can only use that on players. The player's soul is protected by the system and there will be no mutilation, so you can use limb regeneration to make their limbs grow again, but if their souls are mutilated, it is useless for you to use limb regeneration! In fact, my skill is also limited. Although I can repair the soul, the player's soul is immortal, so my soul repair is useless to the player.

"What's so special about you, the 'black witch'?" The flowers came close to the chocolate. Because she played the black wizard before, she was more concerned about this "black wizard".

"It's similar to the wizard of the human race, but I learned a special skill called 'soul recruitment', which is mainly used for NPCs and can also be used by players' pets." Chocolate explained.

The player's pet is similar to NPC. Once he dies, he can only get another one. However, in order to protect the interests of players, the system has set up an NPC dedicated to reviving players' pets. If the pet is better and you are reluctant to lose it, you can find this NPC to spend money to resurrect the pet. It seems that chocolate is still a money-making skill. No wonder the people of the Fengyun Gang will pester them.

After the two explained, everyone looked at the letter together. Everyone wanted to know what was special about him as a magic knight, so the letter didn't wait for everyone to ask, so they said it themselves.

"The difference between the war occupation of the demon clan and the human race is that they are both monsters and demons, so my characteristic is that they can fight in close combat and far away." The letter explains.

"Do you know that there are other races besides demons and human races?" Song Fei has been paying attention to this problem for a long time.

"I don't know, maybe there are more, but we haven't seen it yet."

"By the way, what are the two skills you just used? Why did you fool the more than 20 people of Fengyun Gang at once?" I suddenly remembered the battle just now.

"One of those two skills is called 'elephant Intangible' and the other is called 'Big Sound', which are advanced skills of 'five-color dazzling' and 'five-tone piercing'. The effect is still blindness and hallucination, that is, from single attack to group attack." Hua explained.

Everyone chatted, and after a while, Wang Yaoting also came back, and dozens of people who followed him also went back, leaving only a few assassins behind, as if they were monitoring their movements. Of course, the invisibility of these assassins is invisible in front of the 90-level NPC, and it is also ineffective in front of Song Fei's "golden eyes". However, considering that those assassins can no longer pose any threat to them, Song Fei did not care about them, but always pays attention to their movements.

The group chatted like this, walked for more than two hours, and finally arrived at Qixing Town. There are seven villages in Qixing Town, namely Tianxuan Village, Tianshu Village, Tianji Village, Tianquan Village, Yuheng Village, Kaiyang Village and Yaoguang Village. The location is set according to the location of Beidou Qixing. Along the connection between Tianshu Village and Tianxuan Village, it is where the Beichen Tower is located. From the position, the seven villages and The location of Beichen Tower is at the mercy of the Big Dipper and the North Star.

After escorting Song Fei and others to Tianxuan Village, Wang Yaoting went back, but Song Fei still didn't care about the assassins of the Fengyun Gang. Anyway, even if they notified people, it would take more than two hours to come from Winterth. More than two hours later, Song Fei and others had entered the Beichen Tower. If the people of the Fengyun Gang want to wait for them to come out outside the Beichen Tower, then let them wait. The Beichen Tower is occupied by unknown forces. I'm afraid they won't get out for a few days after they go in. The Fengyun Gang will not gather hundreds of people here to wait for them for a few days. At that time, just leave a few people to guard it, and everyone else will return. I went to practice.