The real mirror of online games

Twenty, when Xiong Ba meets Xiong Ba

"Brother Feng, wait." Seeing that the wind was about to leave, Song Fei called him out.

"What else is the king brother?" The wind is obviously in a hurry.

Sophi was not in a hurry to answer the wind, but pulled the two people in front of him, and then said, "I said that today will be fruitful for Brother Feng!" This Lafeng brother, the undead clan; this alphabet brother, the demon clan.

"Dead! Demons!" The sound of the wind trembled a little.

"This news is a meeting gift given to Brother Feng. As for how much information Brother Feng can buy from them about the undead and demons, that's your business." Song Fei looked at the wind with a smile and said lightly.

"Thank you, brother Tianwang. This gift is really a big gift!" After saying that, Feng exchanged business cards with the two letters, and then hurried away.

Song Fei and others can understand that Feng didn't immediately find Lafeng and letters to buy information. If they continue to delay, they can't make a penny. After the wind left, Lafeng also said goodbye to the crowd.

"How much did you sell?" Silence came to Song Fei's side with a smile on his face.

"Go there, that's the big head!" Song Fei pushed the silence to Wang Lin's side.

"It's not much, only 1,000 gold." Wang Lin had a twitching expression on his face.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Everyone coughed together.

"Don't be so excited," Wang Lin said calmly. "We obviously underestimated the value of intelligence." Every post, the number of clicks can be more than 10,000 in ten minutes. At that time, they only need to receive one yuan per click, and they will make more money in an hour!"

"Then why don't we post to make money?" Say it in silence and depressedly.

"Nonsense, will anyone read your post?" One sentence pushed back the silence.

"How much did you sell for those two pieces of equipment?" The gloomy turn of the spear back to Song Fei.

"There are only 10 gold coins." Song Fei said depressedly.

"It's just that!" It's obviously a little gloomy.

"A lot!" He said pretentiously. You think it's less because there are too many 1000 gold coins, but think about it, two 20-level equipment can sell 10 gold coins. If it's not the exclusive equipment of the undead, would you like to spend 10 gold coins to buy two 20-level equipment?

After the money was divided, I looked at the time. In reality, it was only 10 p.m., but when I thought that today was spent in a high-intensity battle, everyone wisely decided to rest offline.

The next day is Sunday, and you can play for another day. After eating early in the morning, Song Fei and the other two immediately entered the game. After waiting at home for a while, everyone went online.

"Alphabet, what are you three planning?" As soon as he saw the three letters online, Song Fei immediately asked.

"We don't know. Anyway, it's just playing games. Since it's okay, let's play together first." The letter said after looking at the chocolate and dewdrops.

"Then on behalf of the Tianxing team, I welcome the three to join us!" Through such a long period of contact, Song Fei has become the backbone of the team.

"So what are we going to do now, boss?" I asked Song Fei gly.

"Of course, it's to do the task. Don't forget that the village head of Anning Village is still waiting for us!"

"Do you know where Anning Village is?"

"Of course, I have inquired with the housekeeper of Xuanwu City Lord for a long time, and it is on the east side of Zhongshan Wolf's territory."

Since they knew the location, it was easy to find, so everyone sorted out their backpacks, put useless things at home, and then went to buy some medicine and planned to go to Anning Village.

The equipment accumulated before, Song Fei and others have sold it, and each person has divided a few gold coins. Compared with these gold coins, they understood the pretentious words. The dozens of pieces of equipment they saved before only sold dozens of gold coins. Although there are not many level 20 equipment in those equipment, there are still several pieces. On average, one piece of equipment can't even sell a gold coin, which is just a little more expensive than throwing the store. How can it be compared with those two zombie-specific equipment! It can be seen that special things can only be sold at a good price, otherwise they will be waste.

As soon as Song Fei and others came out of the south gate of Xuanwu City, they heard someone shouting, "The group in front of people, stop!"

Looking around, Seinfeld found that he was the only one here, and the others were all three or three-way between players, so he turned around and wanted to see who wanted them to stop and spoke so arrogantly.

"Damn it!" As soon as Song Fei turned around, he saw an acquaintance, the "breast to stretch out his palm" of Fengyun Gang!

Naturally, it can't be a person who dares to stop them. There are more than 30 players beside him. But this time he was obviously not the boss, because at this time he was nodding and saying something to another person.

"Guys, I don't know why you are against our Fengyun Gang," the man who listened to the breasts came out and said, "but obviously your decision is wrong! Those who dare to provoke our Fengyun Gang on the ground of Xuanwu City will not have a good end!"

Although this person's words are a little polite, his tone is much more arrogant than that of breasts. After saying those two scary words, the man immediately turned his head and said to the three letters, "Alphabet, you'd better figure it out. We didn't do anything to you before because we cherish talents. Now this group of people have become the sworn enemy of the Fengyun Gang. If you abandon the secret now, I can blame the three of you, but if you insist on hanging out with these people, we will never show mercy on you in the future!"

Looking at this arrogant guy, Song Fei immediately used a "golden eye".


Level: 27

Talent: Gold

Occupation: Warrior

"Xiong Ba"? The name is so familiar. It seems that I have seen it somewhere. When Song Fei showed the information he saw in front of everyone, such doubts arose in everyone's hearts at the same time.

"This man is called 'Xiongba' and is the second head of the Fengyun Gang." Chocolate explained in a low voice when he saw everyone's confused look. At the beginning of the ranking list, the three people ranked seventh* above, Fengyun, Xiongba and Tianxia, were the three masters of Fengyun Gang, and this person was one of them.

"Oh!" Hearing the explanation of chocolate, everyone nodded together.

Although they know the identity of the other party, Song Fei and the others still have some doubts. Someone has already reached level 30, but why is this person who has been on the ranking only level 27? It seems that it is not good to be a master. If you have to deal with the affairs in the guild, you will naturally have no time to practice.

"The reputation of your Fengyun Gang has stinked, so you don't have to scare people!" Song Fei said disdainfully.

"You! Don't toast or eat punishment!" Xiong Ba said fiercely.

"Whish the toast or the punishment, I don't want to eat it. What can you do to me?" Sefeld still has a very disdainful tone.

"Okay, in that case, there is nothing more to say! Little ones, go!"

"Xiong Ba, go!"


As soon as Xiong Ba finished shouting, he heard Song Fei shouting like this. For a moment, he didn't react and was immediately stunned. But in such a stunned time, a golden bear rushed up and roared at him, and then Xiong Ba sadly found that he was stunned!

Several melee personnel have rushed up since they heard Song Fei shouting Xiong Ba, but the other party's people were stunned together because they didn't understand what Song Fei meant. When they collectively entered a state of dizziness, Song Fei and others had rushed to their side and began a ruthless attack.

When Fengyun helped those who stood at the front just recovered from a few seconds of dizziness, Hua's "big sound" and "elephant invisible" immediately took action, and this group of people suddenly entered a passive state of being beaten for a few seconds. However, this time, the people of the Fengyun Gang obviously went to do a task. Unlike last time, they happened to meet dewdrops and chocolate in Winterth to surround them, so their team this time are not all warrior knights, and there are also doctors, mages and Taoist wizards behind them, so Song Fei and others don't look like killing people. It was so happy last time.

Sofeld and others have also noticed this matter for a long time, so they did not put all the attacks on the soldiers or rushed to the back to deal with the legal profession, but killed the assassin standing in front of them first. Under Seinfeld's "golden eyes", even the assassins who were already invisible were exposed. They killed the assassins first to prevent the assassins from touching back to deal with their legal professions.

When Xiongba recovered from their negative state, they found that they had brought several assassins to the ground, and two warriors had also fallen, so they immediately scolded angrily: "My mother's king four! Don't think that I don't know who you are and use this method to make a sneak attack. It's so shameless!"

Sung Fei didn't pay attention to Xiong Ba's scolding at all. He pointed to Xiong Ba with his left hand, and then shouted, "Xiong Ba, come on!" His right hand pierced a warrior's throat at the same time.

When he saw the golden war bear rushing to him, he immediately became a bear hug. How could Xiong Ba not understand what Song Fei meant, so he dodged Xiong Ba's attack and scolded, "Tianwang Si, I did your ancestors, how could give such a thing the same name as your grandfather!"

Xiong Ba was very angry when he heard the words, and the contemptuous meaning of his words was fully understood. So Xiong Ba roared, rushed to Xiong Ba on four feet, and knocked him far away. This is the second skill taught by the big bear, an angry blow.

However, Fengyun Gang came with a doctor this time, and also brought four. Xiong Ba failed to kill him this time, and Xiong Ba's blood was immediately full again.

Although Fengyun Gang has brought four doctors, they are all ordinary professions. Even if they have been working hard on treatment, they can only stabilize the situation on the battlefield. Song Fei and others are different. Although there are only two doctors, they are all hidden professions. Wang Lin's monomer treatment has no cooling time, and the cooling time of group therapy is much shorter than that of ordinary doctors. Although the cooling time of dew beads is the same as that of ordinary doctors, on the one hand, she is a hidden profession, and on the other hand, it has the addition of advanced internal power "soul search da method", so the effect of each treatment is better than Ordinary doctors are much higher.

Therefore, Wang Lin and Luzhu are much more relaxed than each other's four doctors. Moreover, the other party's assassin could not be invisible in front of Song Fei and had been killed, but there was also an assassin on Song Fei's side. At this time, Luo Ying had hidden and touched a doctor on the other side.

Obviously, the people of the Fengyun Gang have not noticed the importance of wizards, so there is only one black wizard in their team, and there is no white wizard at all. Rui'er has already focused on this black wizard. As soon as the depressed black wizard put a deceleration technique on Song Fei, Ruier immediately shook the magic ball, a breeze blew, and Song Fei was fine again. The cooldown time of the ordinary black wizard's curse and the white wizard's curse removal skill is the same, so every time the black wizard puts a curse, Rui'er solves one, which makes the black wizard's depressed impulse to commit suicide.

Ruier dealt with the other party's black wizard, and the black wizard chocolate became unmanaged, so after adding "blood-eating" and "demon-eating" to her own people, she kept cursing the other party's people, making the other party's people miserable.

Although Song Fei and others have an absolute advantage, under the hard support of the people of the Fengyun Gang, the war situation is still delayed. It's not good to go on like this!

After Song Fei and Chujian looked at each other and saw that Luo Ying seized the opportunity to kill a doctor in a second, they immediately abandoned their opponents and rushed to the mage behind them. The mage of Fengyun Gang saw that his doctor was killed in seconds, and saw two soldiers rushing to his side. How could he not panic? He immediately targeted Song Fei and Chujian. At first sight, Song Fei and he successfully attracted the attention of the sorcerer, so they stopped rushing forward, but used their high speed to cleverly avoid the attacks of the mages.

Several mages of the Fengyun Gang rushed to their two soldiers to stop to avoid the attack, and their hanging hearts were relieved. Just when they thought that they had successfully blocked the other two soldiers and the danger had been relieved, they saw the water mage who had been standing behind them suddenly rushed up. What is he going to do? Play melee? He is a pancake, right?

Before several mages could figure out what Zhang Xudong rushed up to do, they saw the powerful "frost and ice". When the three killing ice dragons alternately swept the place where the soldiers of the Fengyun Gang stood, a series of huge damage numbers immediately floated on their heads of the soldiers of the Fengyun Gang, and then fell to the ground together. The three doctors behind had not had time to add blood to them, and they had already hung up.

Seeing this powerful skill, the later legal profession was dumbfounded. What kind of skill is this? I've never seen it. The attack is still so strong. No, it can't be described by the word "strong". It's simply a pervert! When these legal professions recovered from surprise, they immediately felt bad, but it was too late! A powerful thunder fell from the sky and sent them back to the Resurrection Hall in an instant.

At this time, there is only one Xiongba left in the more than 30 people of the Fengyun Gang. Because he was knocked away by Xiong Ba just now and has been entangled by Xiong Ba, he has not returned to the main battlefield here, but he has not been killed by two powerful skills. At this time, Xiongba was already alone. Song Fei and others came forward and hung him back at once.

After cleaning up the battlefield, he picked up a few pieces of outburs of equipment and was not in the mood to pay attention to the surprised and envious expressions of the onlookers. Song Fei and others immediately ran away. The battle just now has been dragged on for too long. If you stay here, you can only wait for the people of Fengyun Gang to make dumplings. Through the crowd of onlookers, Song Fei and others ran to the territory of Zhongshan Wolf in the southwest. He ran all the way to the center of Zhongshan Wolf Territory before stopping.

"Big boss, isn't Anning Village in the east? What are we doing here?"