The real mirror of online games

Six, National Plot

Seeing the old man's eyes, Song Fei didn't feel that he shuddered and said carefully, "At that time, there was a general under the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan, whose name was 'Long Xing'. I didn't expect that the predecessor had the same name as this ancient man."

Hearing Song Fei's words, the murderous spirit in Long Xing's eyes gradually faded and showed a kind look. That's my ancestors! My grandfather chose this name for me just in memory of this ancestor.

"It turned out to be after a famous family, what a disrespectful! The boy's name is Tianwang Si.

How can Song Fei not know who Long Xing is? He said that only because he saw the murderous spirit in Long Xing's eyes and was afraid that the old man would suddenly kill people, so he lied. This dragon line is the commander of the imperial guard who was designed to be framed 30 years ago and killed by the five sects, and then survived without death!

"King Si, I think your physique is more suitable for the assassin profession. I don't know why you chose to become a warrior?"

"When I first came to this world, I didn't know much about many things here. My career is just a choice based on my preferences."

"If you and I meet here, it's fate. Would you like to worship me as a teacher and become an assassin?

"Is it a hidden profession?"

Sein Fei doesn't care much about the difference between assassins and warriors, or he is now more inclined to assassins, because the warrior's skills are too few, but he is more concerned about whether this transfer can be turned into a hidden profession.

"Of course it's a hidden occupation!"

"See you, Master!"

When he heard that it was a hidden profession, Song Fei knelt directly in front of Long Xing and began to kowtow. After kowtoing his three heads, Song Fei received a system prompt before he could stand up.

"System Tip: Congratulations on triggering the first phase of the national plot 'retribution', rewarding 50 points of world prestige and 200 points of national prestige."

"*Report: Some players have triggered the first stage of the national plot 'retribution' in China, and the system will be maintained in 30 seconds. Countdown starts: 30, 29, 28..."

The two system prompts were like two blockbuster bombs, which left Song Fei on the spot, knelt on the ground for 30 seconds, and then was kicked off the line directly by the system. After taking off the game helmet, Song Fei still failed to recover from his daze state, and his eyes were still lying in a daze. Before long, Wang Lin and Zhang Xudong came to Song Fei's room. Wang Lin was still cursing and complaining until he entered Song Fei's room: "I don't know which bastard stepped on shit and actually triggered the national plot!"

"Me!" Song Fei said in a daze.

Hearing Song Fei say the word "I", Wang Lin and Zhang Xudong were also stunned on the spot. Song Fei did the task by himself and was not with everyone. Later, there was an accident on the road, and Zhang Xudong and others also knew about it. This * complaint came so suddenly that most of the players in the game were forced to be kicked off the line before they could react. Zhang Xudong and others reacted quickly, but they just said something to discuss together on the forum before exiting the game, and then went offline. Zhang Xudong and Wang Lin came to Song Fei's room, but they were afraid that he didn't know that they were going to the forum to discuss the national plot. They came to tell him, but they didn't expect that the person who triggered the national plot was actually him!

After being stunned for a while, Wang Lin and Zhang Xudong suddenly reacted and rushed up together, pressed Song Fei to ** and beat him violently, while beating him and scolding him as an animal. Their fists finally woke up and made Song Fei no longer be daze as before. After laughing for a while, the three brothers went to the forum together.

As soon as he entered his team's room, Song Fei saw that others were already waiting for them. He explained the situation to everyone and was immediately beaten again. After that, everyone browsed the latest posts together.

After looking through it, I found that tens of thousands of posts had been posted just now. Most of them are players asking each other who triggered the national plot, and some posts are that some ignorant people are madly shouting for the person who started the national plot to accept themselves as their younger brother, and some posts are some crazy female players saying that they want to marry this person.

Of course, the most concerned one of these posts is the one posted by the wind. In this post, "the wind blows the grass" offered a reward of 100,000 gold coins to ask for the opening of the national plot.

" boss, 100,000!" Seeing the post of "The Wind Blows the Grass", I felt that my saliva was flowing down.

"I'm afraid I can't make this money!" Song Fei frowned and said.

"Why?" Hearing that these 100,000 gold coins could not be earned, I was immediately anxious.

"It's very simple. If you let others know that the national plot was opened by the second brother, it will be difficult for him to walk in the game in the future!" Wang Lin came out to explain.

"What's the matter? At worst, we can get a penny of this money, and then delete the number and play again!" The silence shouted loudly.

"No, you can delete the number and play again, but I can't!" Seeing that everyone looked at himself puzzled, Song Fei continued, "I started the national plot. If I delete the number now, who will complete the national plot?"

Hearing Song Fei's explanation, everyone also understood. The national plot was started by Song Fei, so he must play a very important role in the national plot at this stage. If he can't stick to the end of the national plot at this stage, the national plot at this stage may not be completed. If the national plot of the first stage cannot be completed, it will not be able to enter the national plot of the second stage. In this way, the strength of players in China will be greatly suppressed. When the national war begins, China will definitely suffer losses.

"Isn't it said that the designated NPC will trigger the national plot one year after the game is opened?" Ruier asked puzzledly.

"It should have been, but now it's different when I meet this animal." He pointed to Song Fei and said depressedly. Think about what this animal has done since he entered the game. Is there anything that can be explained by common sense?

"Don't talk about my character!" Song Fei opened his gloomy hand and said. Now I really want to see how to go after the plot of this country!"

At 8 o'clock the next morning, the heirloom general manager - the fat Manager Wang - hurriedly ate something and rushed to the venue of the press conference. The difference is that this press conference is not held in reality, but opened by a large chat room with a capacity of 200 million people opened by the game company on the official forum, in order to allow most Chinese players to participate.

As soon as Manager Wang entered the venue, the scene immediately buzzed. Arrive at 9 o'clock, and the press conference will start on time. As soon as Manager Wang announced the start of the press conference, someone immediately raised everyone's questions.

General Manager Wang, the original game announcement said that the national plot and world plot will be triggered by special NPCs, and will not be opened until one year after the game is opened. But now that the game has been open for less than half a year, a player has triggered the national plot. I don't know how to explain this?

"Yes, what's going on?"

"Is someone hanging up?"

"Is anyone cheating in your company?"

The venue was in chaos.

"Everyone, be quiet!" As soon as General Manager Wang opened his mouth, the scene immediately calmed down. This incident was purely an accident!"

"Accident? Did you say that an accident is an accident?

"That's right, who believes it!"

"Someone must have cheated!"

"Everyone, please listen to me!" As soon as the scene was about to get out of control, Manager Wang immediately made a statement to stop it. "I believe everyone has realized that it is absolutely impossible for someone to use plug-ins! I don't need to say more about this. What I want to say is that since the last opening of the gang system, the game has entered a fully autonomous operation stage, and we staff can no longer interfere in the operation of the game!

"NPCs in the game are highly intelligent, which has also been realized by everyone. If a player does not have the conditions to trigger a plot, even if the person kneels in front of the NPC and begs him, the NPC will not hand over the task to him. So if someone triggers the national plot, the player must have the conditions to trigger the national plot!"

"How can we believe just your words? Unless you can tell us the original design of the national plot!"