The real mirror of online games

Fourteen, Seven Star Bone Sword

"It seems that you should leave too!" Long Xing put away 10 puppets and nodded.

"Master is going to drive me away!" Song Fei's face was hypocritical.

"Apprentice, don't be sad! You young people always go out to make ventures. After all, this is not your place to live for a long time.

Song Fei looked at Long Xing and nodded helplessly.

"Apprentice, Master, there is nothing I can give you. The material of the sword you used before is very good, but the blacksmith who casts the sword is too bad. I will help you recast the sword and give you a gift.

As soon as Song Fei heard that he was going to recast the seven-star sword for him, he immediately handed over the seven-star sword to Long Xing, and then followed him to the southern cropland. After bypassing the cropland, Song Fei found that there was a cave on the mountain wall in the south. The mouth of the cave is not high, only 1.6 meters, about the same height as Long Xing. There is a piece of cropland in front of it, and he didn't think about it at all, so Song Fei did not find a cave here for more than three months.

The cave is not big, only more than 100 square meters. Several torches are inserted on the surrounding walls. The concave and convex wall of the cave can be faintly seen in the dim light. There is a stove in the middle. The flame in the stove is still trembling, and there are all kinds of iron tools such as anvil hammers next to it.

Song Fei was naturally surprised to see the situation in the cave. He lived here for more than three months, and Long Xing naturally went out for more than three months. In the past three months, no one has entered the cave, but the torches in the cave and the fire in the stove are still on, which makes Song Fei feel very incredible. What is this torch made of? What is the fuel in this stove? It can't be burned out for three months!

Long Xing ignored Song Fei's surprise at all. He walked to the stove and threw the seven-star sword into the stove. After burning for a while, Long Xing took out the seven-star sword, held the hilt with his left hand, patted the back of the seven gems on the sword with his right hand, and the seven gems fell down. After putting away the seven gems, Long Xing threw the seven-star sword into the stove and motioned Song Fei to help pull the bellows.

Song Fei came to Long Xing and was not in a hurry to pull the bellows, but took out the bone sword from his backpack.

"Master, what do you think of this sword?"

Long Xing took the bone sword and looked at it. He nodded and said, "The quality is good, but the level is too low."

"Master, can you transfer the 'soul strike' skill above to the Seven Star Sword?"

Long Xing listened to Song Fei's request and nodded after thinking about it. After receiving Long Xing's reply, Song Fei stopped saying anything. He ran to the bellows and began to pull the bellows desperately. Before long, the seven-star sword was burned red. Long Xing immediately took out the seven-star sword and hammered it quickly. After hammering for a while, he saw that the temperature of the sword body dropped, threw the seven-star sword into the stove and continued to burn, and then took it out and hammered it. It was repeated several times.

What surprised Song Fei during this period was that every time Long Xing took out the red sword from the stove, he grabbed it directly with his hand. The temperature in the stove is imaginable, and he can imagine how high the temperature of the red-burned sword body is, but Long Xing can't imagine taking out the red-burned sword with his hand like this!

After several trials, Long Xing looked at the seven-star sword and finally showed a satisfied look. After putting the seven-star sword in the stove again, he took a wooden barrel. After quenching, the sword became. But what Song Fei didn't expect was that there was no water or a drop in the wooden barrel used to quench the weapon.

Just as Song Fei hesitated to fill the barrel with water, Long Xing pulled Song Fei over, grabbed his arm with his left hand and scratched his wrist with his right hand. His blood immediately shot out and all flowed into the barrel.

Looking at his blood flowing into the bucket, Song Fei's heart sweated violently. Shouldn't it fill this bucket with my blood? I don't have so much blood. Even if it's dry, I'm not satisfied with this bucket! This doesn't kill me! However, his hand was grasped by such a super boss as Long Xing, and it was impossible to break free with Song Fei's strength, and the helpless Song Fei could only accept the fate in front of him. Now Song Fei also understands that Long Xing is going to quench his blood to the Seven Star Sword. If you can get a best weapon after dying once, it's worth it!

In fact, Song Fei ignored one thing. This is a game, not reality. Just now, he was caught by Long Xing and forced to bleed. He was nervous for a moment, so he had the idea of dying. Just as his blood flowed only a quarter of the total blood volume, Long Xing waved his right hand, a white light fell on his body, and Song Fei's blood immediately filled up.

Seeing that Long Xing used therapy for himself, Song Fei also reacted. This is a game, not reality. Blood can be added back. It's not so easy to die! Knowing that he would not die, Song Fei no longer struggled. Although the previous struggle was useless, he was still struggling habitually, so Long Xing kept holding his arm. But now he is no longer struggling, and Long Xing is still holding his arm. After a careful feeling, Song Fei found that Long Xing's left hand was not only holding his arm to prevent him from struggling, but also injecting an internal force into his body. Under the action of Long Xing's internal force, his blood circulation was faster, and the blood flowing from his wrist was naturally much faster.

It didn't take long for the barrel to be filled with Song Fei's blood. After that, Long Xing wiped it on his wrist with his right hand, and his wound immediately stopped bleeding. Not only did he not bleed, but even the wound healed, and there was not even a scar left, as if he had not been injured at all.

Since Seinfeld triggered the national plot and led to the update of the game, the player's game characters have an extra "scar" on the basis of the growth system. If the player is injured during the battle, he will leave a scar in the injured place. After a long period of recovery, the scars of people with good constitution can disappear, but the scars of people with poor constitution will remain. If you want to remove this scar, you have to go to the system store for cosmetic surgery. Of course, the soul restoration of dewdrops can also be done.

Long Xing showed such a trick, but stunned Song Fei. Although he knew that Long Xing was very good before, he had never seen him take action. He didn't expect that he used such a move to heal the wound instantly. The value of this move is comparable to Wang Lin's limb regeneration!

Long Xing ignored Song Fei's surprise, after all, this move was just a pediatrician for him. Pushing Song Feilongxing away, he immediately took out the seven-star sword for the last time. After a hammer, Long Xing picked up the bone sword put aside. Long Xing's right hand holding the bone sword shook, and the bone sword scattered into a pile of bone joints and fell to the ground, but a virtual shadow exactly like the bone sword appeared in his hand.

"Soul Separation!" Song Fei couldn't help screaming. I had seen dewdrop use this trick in Beichen Tower before, but he didn't expect that Long Xing would also use it, and it was much better than dewdrop when they used it on weapons!

Long Xing glanced at Song Fei and pressed the soul of the bone sword into the seven-star sword, explaining: "The reason why the bone sword has the attribute of soul attack is that it has a soul. Now I embed the soul of the bone sword into the seven-star sword, and my skills will naturally turn to the seven-star sword. However, it is not easy to change the body of a soul. If you want the sword soul of the bone sword to be perfectly combined with the seven-star sword, you must quench it with human blood. Only by absorbing enough human blood can the sword soul and the sword body be perfectly combined!"

Long Xing said this and put the seven-star sword into the wooden barrel full of Song Fei's blood as soon as he reached out. As soon as the seven-star sword entered the barrel, it immediately made a "Zizi" sound. There were bursts of white air in the barrel, and the air was also full of the special smell of blood when it was burned.

It didn't take long to quench a sword, so it didn't take long for the sound of Zizi to disappear, but the reaction in the barrel did not stop. After the white fog dissipated, Song Fei saw the blood in the barrel bubble up like a pot, and the blood in the barrel was also decreasing little by little. However, Song Fei knew in his heart that it was this sword that was sucking his blood.

Seeing that the blood in the barrel was about to bottom out, Long Xing immediately pulled Song Fei and began to bleed again. Song Fei didn't resist this time. Anyway, Long Xing won't let him die. For the best weapon, it hurts. It's worth it!

This time, Song Fei can obviously feel that the power entered into his body has become stronger, and his blood flow is also faster, because the blood flow speed just now is no longer as fast as the blood-sucking speed of the sword.

After more than ten minutes, Long Xing frowned. He didn't expect that the sword had sucked so much blood and was not satisfied. At this moment, Song Fei began to doubt whether Long Xing's blue was enough. If his blue was not enough, he could only put the last few primary blood elixirs in.

However, the blood sucking speed of the seven-star sword slowed down, which made both Long Xing and Song Fei relieved. After a while, the seven-star sword stopped sucking blood, the blood in the barrel stopped boiling, and Song Fei's pain finally came to an end.

After Long Xing let go of Song Fei, he immediately took out the seven-star sword in the barrel, casually pressed the seven gems removed, and embedded them in the previous position. After inlaid with gems, Long Xing held the sword in his right hand and wiped his left hand on the sword. A layer of purple light lingered slowly on the sword body, and then gradually disappeared.

After receiving the seven-star sword handed back by Long Xing, Song Fei immediately felt that the sword was much heavier than before. Looking at the appearance of the Seven Star Sword, the length has not changed, which is similar to the previous one, but the previous dark sword body turned dark red due to a lot of blood. A pattern of a spine appears faintly on the sword, which seems to be the soul of the bone sword. As soon as he checked the attributes, Song Fei was immediately stunned.

Seven Star Bone Sword: One-handed Sword (purple) was originally a toy made by a rich man with a thousand-year-old black iron. It is inlaid with seven precious gems, which is extremely exquisite and expensive. However, due to the poor skill of the blacksmith who made this sword, he failed to maximize the effectiveness of the thousand-year-old black iron. Later, it was recast by the dragon line, injected with the soul of the sword, and quenched and sealed, and the power has greatly increased since then. Increase attack power 986-1038, increase agility 50, increase attack speed by 30%, equipment level 60, durability 200. Equipment attached skills: soul strike, blood sucking (unopened), fighting spirit (unopened), blood (unopened), recovery (unopened), no trace (opened), demon sucking (unopened), sword god (unopened). Upgradable: 0/7.

Soul Strike: Passive skill, when attacking the enemy, there is a small chance of causing a serious blow to the enemy's soul.

Blood sucking: Passive skill, absorbing 20% of the damage caused to the enemy each time to replenish your life.

Combat spirit: Passive skills, improve the ability to perceive dangers approaching in combat.

Hot blood: active skill, starting the skill can increase the attack power by 40% and attack speed by 40%, but at the same time the defense power is reduced by 50%, the skill duration is 1 minute, the magic consumption is 100 points, and the cooling time is 30 minutes.

Reply: Passive skills, improve the life recovery speed by 30%, and increase the magic recovery speed by 10%.

No trace: active skill, improve the degree of movement by 100% after starting the skill, so that the enemy can't see his whereabouts, lasting 30 seconds, and the cooling time is 10 minutes.

Demon sucking: Passive skill, absorbing 10% of the damage caused to the enemy each time to supplement your magic.

Sword God: Active skill, summoning Sword God to cause a powerful attack on the enemy, consume 40% of magic, and cooldown time 24 hours.

Looking at the newly released seven-star bone sword, Song Fei's heart was happy. It seems that the blood is not in vain, and the seven-star bone sword that has been quenched is really extraordinary! Not to mention the super high attack power, the soul attack skill used to only cause a small amount of damage to the enemy's soul, but now it is a large amount. Moreover, as long as the original skills of the Seven Star Sword are related to life, they have also been significantly improved. These are all due to their own blood!

Sing Fei, who was immersed in the powerful attributes of the seven-star bone sword, had already ignored the situation around him, but at this time, Long Xing picked up a few ores from the ore pile on one side and threw them into the stove and began to forge again. By the time he noticed the surrounding situation, what Long Xing wanted to build had begun to take shape, and Song Fei immediately saw that it was a scabbard.

After the scabbard was made, Long Xing threw it into the remaining blood in the barrel for quenching, but without the scabbard quenching effect of the sword soul, it is nothing special, just like throwing it into the water. After the quenching of the scabbard was completed, Long Xing casually threw it to Song Fei and took over the scabbard to check the attributes. Song Fei was shocked again!