The real mirror of online games

17, Underworld

After leaving the crowd, Song Fei first found a barbershop to deal with his image, and then rode Xiong Ba to Mount Tai in the north of Qinglong City. But this time he was not in the mood to go to the top of Mount Tai and went straight around the foot of the mountain. After bypassing Mount Tai, Song Fei immediately saw the seal boundary of the novice village.

After running for a while, Seinfeld found that the situation around him had obviously changed. Out of Mount Tai, the closer to the seal boundary, the fewer animals there will be. If you go further, there will be no animal. After the animals disappeared, there were fewer and fewer plants. When it was only more than 100 meters away from the boundary, it had become a scorched black ground with no grass.

When he came to the boundary and looked at this lifeless place, Song Fei felt that there should be no danger here, so he put away all his equipment and only wore a novice robe. Although using equipment suitable for your level will not fall 100%, there is also a certain probability of falling, and it is still safe to put it in the backpack!

After collecting the equipment, Song Fei took out his eyes and began to look for the door on the sealed boundary. Before long, he found the door and gently pushed it on the door, and the door opened. Knowing that he would die after entering this door, Song Fei had nothing to be afraid of. He put away Xiong Ba and his eyes and stepped into the dead door.

As soon as he entered the dead door, Song Fei only felt dark in front of him. When he saw the surrounding environment clearly, he found himself in a dark environment. But the black here is different from the black at night. The sky here is black, and the distance is also black. Even the trees around it are black, but you can see the surrounding situation here, as if black here is also a kind of light. At this time, Song Fei was standing on a road full of pedestrians, and the crowded crowd took him forward unconsciously. But such a crowded crowd was not noisy at all. People looked straight ahead and walked forward silently.

After a closer look at the people around him, Song Fei found that these people were wearing the same black robes, with dull eyes and dull eyes, just like dead people. Dead people? Dead! Is this hell? Thinking of this, Song Fei immediately checked his state. Sure enough, he was already in a soul state. It seemed that he was dead!

If I am a soul, these around me should also be souls, but why are I conscious and these people around me are unconscious?

For the time being, he left this problem alone and looked around him. Song Fei found that all these people were walking in the same direction on this path. Is this Huangquan Road? On both sides of Huangquan Road are forests that can't be seen at a glance, but these trees are not green, but black. There are no leaves on the trees, only branches. The black branches stretch vigorously, with different shapes, open teeth and claws, and with black *, it looks extremely horrible.

There is a small flower under the tree. The black branches are only half a meter high, but a pure white flower blooms at the top. The slender petals stretch around, but the top bends and rotates, pointing to the stamens. The petals are too slender, but not dense enough, so that the thin stamens are completely exposed to the outside.

So Fei squeezed out the crowd and came to the roadside. He was looking at the white flower carefully. Suddenly, he heard someone shouting: "Brother Tianwang!"

This sudden sound made Song Fei wonder. Who is this? How can I meet someone I know when I die! Turning around, it turned out to be windy.

"Brother Lafeng! I said, "How can I meet someone I know when I die?"

"Brother Tianwang is in a hurry to reincarnated?" After saying that, Lafeng burst into laughter.

Song Fei was stunned. This joke is really appropriate. Isn't he in a hurry to be reincarnated now? So he also laughed with Lafeng.

After laughing, Lafeng looked behind Song Fei and found that there were no other people in the Tianxing team. He asked doubtfully, "Brother Tianwang is being killed?"

"No, I'm doing a task. I have to die once to pass this task."

"Oh, I said, you can't die even if you fall from the top of Mount Tai!"

Song Fei was shocked when he heard the wind's words. How did he know that I fell from the top of Mount Tai? Does he know that I started the national plot? After saying this, Lafeng suddenly stopped talking, which made Song Fei more suspicious that he knew that he had started the national plot. However, looking at Lafeng's embarrassed expression, he also realized that he had said something wrong, which made Song Fei feel that he was not going to tell the matter, so he changed the topic.

"Brother Lafeng, what's wrong with these flowers? Why are there only flowers and no leaves? And these trees, why don't they have leaves?

"Excuse me, let me introduce you here." The wind suddenly reacted. This is the underworld, commonly known as the 'underworld'. Except for the undead like me, there are only souls like you.

"The underworld is forbidden for living creatures unless you can get the permission of the King of Hell! The existence of these trees is to absorb the spirit of creatures from the surroundings. Whether they are animals or plants, as soon as they enter the underworld, the energy of the creatures will slowly be absorbed by the surrounding environment until death.

"But there is also an exception in the underworld, that is!" Lafeng said, pointing to the little white flowers on the ground. This flower is called 'Mandala', which is the only plant that can grow leaves and bloom in hell.

"Mandala? Why does the mandala grow here? Also, I didn't see its leaves?" Song Fei asked doubtfully.

'Mandala' is also known as 'the other shore flower'. The flowers on the other side will bloom for a thousand years and fall for a thousand years, and the flowers and leaves will never see each other. When Lafeng said this, he looked at the rolling stream of people and seemed to fall into deep memories.

Seeing this, Song Fei's mouth was upturned, showing an evil smile, kicked the windy buttocks and said, "Damn, why are you so sensational!"

Lafeng woke up from his memory and thought that he had just made a joke on Song Fei. Now he is even, and he doesn't care much about it. He took Song Fei forward. The two chatted, walked forward for a while, and then came to the end of Huangquan Road. At the end of Huangquan Road is a river. The river is not wide, but the water flow is very rapid. The black river keeps washing the embankment, bringing a strange sense of deterrence.

There is a bridge on the river, which is the only channel connecting the two sides. The bridge deck is as wide as Huangquan Road. At the head of the bridge stood a black stone monument three meters high and one meter wide. At this time, dozens of people surrounded the stone tablet. Although these people are also wearing black robes, they are not as expressionless as those walking on the road. They all looked at the stone tablet seriously and sighed a little. Some were angry, some were ecstatic, and some were lost and melancholy.

Seeing the reaction of these people, Song Fei was curious and squeezed into the crowd. When he came to the stone tablet, Song Fei looked up and saw only four lines of big characters: Wangchuan River, but by the bridge, on the three-life stone, the fate of heaven. Looking at it again, there was no word left. I could only see a flat stone slab.

"Don't look, it's specially designed for NPC!" The sound of pulling wind suddenly appeared in Song Fei's ear.

"Wind, what's going on?"