The real mirror of online games

Thirty, Liuhe Palace

"What's going on?"

Seeing that the two elite monsters guarding the door at the fifth gate were not the zombies people expected, but two ghosts, everyone was puzzled again. According to the deployment of troops in Beichen Tower, there should be two zombies here, and the monsters in the door should be zombies, and then the last level should be the boss who maintains the seal. But the monster that appeared at the fifth gate is not a zombie, that is to say, the sixth level is a zombie. Where is the boss who maintains the seal?

Captain Ghost (Elite)

Level: 29

Attribute: Yin

Seeing the attributes of the fierce ghost, Song Fei finally knew that this kind of monster was not a ghost, but just similar to the ghost, but it still did not relieve the doubts in everyone's hearts. However, I can't think of anything here. Let's kill them, so everyone rushed up and solved the two fierce ghosts.

There is a comparison of ghosts, and everyone has some understanding of the ability of fierce ghosts, and Song Fei's fiery eyes look at these monsters that are so low-level than himself, and directly read all the information, so even the fierce ghost boss has failed to cause any obstacles to everyone.

Leaving the fifth level, the conveyor platform carried everyone directly to the top of the central platform. When everyone saw the two elite zombies guarding the sixth gate, they were finally relieved. The appearance of zombies should be the last level, right? Although everyone's doubts have not been solved, they still rushed up to solve the problem of the zombies.

After the collapse of the zombie general, everyone still did not receive a system prompt to clear the Liuhe Palace, but this was already expected, so everyone was not surprised and returned to the previous transmission platform together. After loading the people, the transmission platform flew back to the central platform, and after falling back to the platform, it was embedded in its previous position.

After returning to the central platform and waiting for a while, they found that there was nothing to do, so everyone wanted to look for it to see if there were any organs. However, the platform is so big, and the upper part is bare. You can see it all at a glance. There can't be any mechanism at all! If so, they would have seen it long ago.

After more than ten minutes, people finally couldn't calm down, so the silence was the first to complain. When the silence complained, the others also complained, so everyone complained together.

Wang Lin did not complain at this moment. First, he didn't have that mind; second, he seemed to be thinking about something, and he was in a daze. Song Fei has no time to report grievances at this moment, because he knows that grievances cannot solve the problem, so he is trying to think about where the problem is.

According to the general situation, it should be cleared now, but why can't you leave here? If you can't leave, it means that you haven't cleared the customs. What should we do next? Maybe there should be a mechanism here? But where will the agency be? This platform has been seen all at a glance, and there is no place to hide the mechanism. If you have seen it long ago, unless the mechanism can be invisible! Wait, can the organ be invisible? Stealth!

Thinking that the organ could be invisible, Song Fei immediately thought of the seal boundary of the novice village and the door hidden in the seal boundary, so he took out the glasses given to him by the Qinglong City Lord. This pair of glasses is one of the necessary props for the task of unblocking the novice village, but when Song Fei went back to hand in the task after unblocking the novice village, he forgot to return it to him because the owner of Qinglong City was worried about the Liuhe Palace. At this moment, Song Fei suddenly thought that there would be a door hidden like the seal boundary of the novice village? Seeing that the door of Liuhe Palace was closed when he came in, the door was very likely to be hidden, so Song Fei wanted to try with this pair of glasses to see if he could find this door.

After putting on his glasses, Song Fei looked around. What disappointed him was that the imaginary door did not exist, but what made him happy was that he really found the mechanism. After putting on his glasses, Song Fei saw the virtual shadow of four pillars standing at the four corners of the platform, so he walked to a corner of the platform and wanted to take a closer look at the pillars. When Song Fei walked to a pillar and put his hand on the pillar, the virtual shadow gradually became clear.

Everyone was complaining and arguing with each other. Suddenly, they saw Song Fei take out a pair of strange glasses, put on their glasses and walked to the corner of the platform, and then stretched out their hands as if they were touching something. Seeing Song Fei reaching out in the void, everyone felt a little puzzled, but when they saw the pillar that gradually appeared after he touched it, everyone's eyes lit up.

As the outline became clearer and clearer, everyone saw that the diameter of the pillar was about half a meter, and there was a pot with a diameter of one meter at the top. At this moment, a black flame was burning in the pot, and the flames fluttering up and down shook violently, as if to swallow everything around them.

As soon as Song Fei found a mechanism, three people rushed to the other three corners, but they couldn't touch the pillar when they got to the corner of the platform, so that they thought that there was only a pillar on the corner of Song Fei's station, and there was no other place.

Song Fei saw that other people did not touch the pillar. After thinking about it, he understood that only those who saw the pillar could touch it. No one has glasses like him, and they can't see those pillars, so they can't touch them. So Song Fei went to the other three corners and touched out the three pillars.

As soon as the four pillars appeared, the flame in the top pot trembled more violently, and the flame in the violent shaking continued to expand. When the four flames were so large that they wrapped the whole brazier inside, they flew away from the brazier and floated into the air. Four black flames floated into the air and paused, and then floated towards the center of the platform. When the four flames gathered together, they merged to form a larger flame.

The four flames gathered together and turned into a large fireball with a diameter of more than two meters. After the formation of the fireball, it became more violent. Seinfeld and others could already feel the strong momentum emitted from the black flame. The fireball shook violently for a while, and suddenly began to contract inward as if it had received some external force. When the fireball was compressed to the size of a basketball, suddenly a strong light flashed, and Song Fei and the others closed their eyes collectively. Strangely, the light from the black flame was also black, but Song Fei and the others still felt very dazzling, but even if they closed their eyes later, the dazzling feeling still did not disappear. Later, they were collectively dizzy.

"Damn, what's going on? Why are you still dizzy?" As soon as he recovered from his dizziness, the silence immediately complained.

"That black flame is the fire of the soul," dewdrop explained. Just now, the soul fire was compressed, and then suddenly broke out. After the fire of the soul bursts, it directly hits the soul, so even if we close our eyes, we can still feel the dazzling feeling. Because our soul strength is too weak to resist the impact of the soul fire, we are finally dizzy.

"You know, why did you close your eyes just now?" Silently asked.

"This is completely a habitual action!" Wang Lin explained. Even though she knew it was a soul shock, the dazzling feeling made him habitually close his eyes. For example, if someone hits you with a stick, you will habitually dodge, but if someone shoots you, you will still habitually dodge. Do you think you can move faster than bullets?

After the impact, everyone focused their eyes on the center of the platform. At this time, the black flame had disappeared, but a three-meter-wide and five-meter-high gate appeared in the middle of the platform. Walking to the gate, everyone saw that this gate was also a double-open gate. The door on the left was engraved with the word "Yu" in Yangwen, and the door on the right was engraved with the word "Zhou" in Yinwen.

"Universe, what does this mean?"