The real mirror of online games

34, serial mission

After the necromancer escaped, the walls of the room slowly disappeared, and then Song Fei found that they had returned to the central platform. Just when everyone didn't know what to do, a door suddenly appeared in front of them. Through this gate, Song Fei finally saw the nostalgic green trees and grass outside the Liuhe Palace, but at this time, a team of NPCs was standing at the door, blocking Song Fei's sight.

"Everyone, thank you so much!" An NPC came forward and said.

"Lord, why are you here?" Song Fei asked.

The person who came is the owner of Rizhao City.

"The bodyguard who was guarding outside before reported that the seal had been lifted. I thought you had completed the task, so I brought someone to pick you up. What? Isn't that so?" The owner of Rizhao City was stunned by Song Fei.

"Oh, nothing, let's go." Song Fei didn't bother to explain to him the escape of the boss.

"Do you want to go straight back to Qinglong City or go to my place?" The Lord of Rizhao City asked.

"Let's go straight back to Qinglong City. Lord Qinglong is still waiting for us to go back to report."

"It's better to report to Lord Qinglong first." The city owner said with a wave of his hand, and a transmission array exactly the same as the transmission array in the Beichen Tower appeared in the center of the platform. This is what the owner of this city means to you. After finishing the transmission array, the city owner handed Song Fei a bag of money. If you go out of this transmission array, you can go straight back to Qinglong City.

After taking the money, Song Fei took the lead in entering the transmission array and appeared in front of the main house of Qinglong City the next second. The owner of Qinglong City quickly gave them rewards, ten gold coins and some experience. Originally, their experience should be 10%, but because they are senior players doing low-level tasks, they have only gained a little experience.

"Big boss, do we still have a reward without points?" After leaving the main mansion of Qinglong City, he asked YD silently.

"It's gone!" Wang Lin said decisively.

"It's gone? Why is it gone?" A puzzled question.

"Since the completion of Beichen Tower, some people have organized a large number of players to look for places similar to Beichen Tower in the major cities. As a result, they really found it, and it is one in each of the five main cities. White Tiger City is Sancai Valley, Rosefinch City is the Four Elephant Array, Huanglin City is the Five-e elements altar, Qinglong City is Liuhe Palace, Xuanwu City is Beichen Tower, and Beichen Tower is also known as the Seven Star Tower. These places have been occupied by the undead. Wang Lin stopped here.

"Three talents, four elephants, five elements, six-in-one, seven stars, do you mean that this is a serial mission?" When Song Fei heard the words, he immediately understood what Wang Lin meant.

"Yes, that's my previous guess! Those players did not know that the task was to be picked up from the main city owner, so they went directly to the city owner of those secondary cities or the village head of the village town to pick it up. As a result, they did not send them the task because they did not receive the order of the main city owner. When they arrived at the main city owner, they were rejected because they did not know the situation inside. So it seems that the opening end of this serial task is Beichen Tower, and only after completing the task of Beichen Tower can we continue to do other things. I was not sure if this was a serial mission before, so I asked everyone to enter the Liuhe Palace to prove my thoughts.

"The result confirms your idea?" Ask gly.

"Yes, that Buddha bone reli is the best proof!" Wang Lin affirmed.

"In addition, there is another evidence," Song Fei said. "The rewards of Xuanwu City Lord and Qinglong City Lord are 10 gold coins."

"10 gold coins?" At first sight, Song Fei's words were repeated. It happens to be a transmission fee between the main cities!"

"Oh!" Everyone suddenly realized.

"But we do have a reward that has not been awarded," Seinfeld smiled mysteriously. Lin, contact the wind!"

Half an hour later, the wind finally came to Zhang Xudong's home in Qinglong City. This half an hour has suffocated everyone. No matter what method everyone uses, Song Fei just refused to say it. He insisted on waiting for the wind to come and say that he wanted to surprise everyone.

"Brother Tianwang, is there something good again?" As soon as the wind entered the house, it went straight to the point.

"This time I'm going to sell a video to Brother Feng for 5,000 gold coins!" Song Fei said with a smile.

"Five thousand!"


" boss, are you sure you don't have a fever?" Silence put his hand directly on Song Fei's forehead.

Originally, everyone thought that Song Fei's quotation of 5,000 gold coins for a video must be joking, or wanted to open a high price first, and then slowly bargain. Therefore, Feng will definitely bargain with him after hearing this offer, and may also bargain fiercely. However, Feng's performance after hearing Song Fei's offer greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Tighter about the content." Feng looked at Song Fei with shining eyes, as if he had seen a baby.

"Thirty years ago, the whole process of the five sects besieging and killing the dragon line!"

After entering the gate of time and space, Song Fei quickly judged his time and space according to the situation at that time, so he did not hesitate to follow behind Long Xing and want to see the war that shocked the whole phantom dynasty 30 years ago, so as soon as he mixed into the team of the five sects, he turned on the video function. I want to take a picture of this war through the ages. Originally, he didn't plan to sell this for money. He just wanted to shoot it for his friends to see, but the tragedy of the war was far beyond his imagination. When the visual nerves were extremely stimulated, he suddenly wanted to know how other players would react if they saw this video, and then he had this video. The idea of selling money frequently.

Sure enough, when I heard that it was this video, not only Feng, but also others became very excited.

"Brother Tianwang, I will pay 8,000 gold coins to buy out the exclusive right to play this video. What do you think?"

"Eight thousand!"


"Brother Feng, what does this 'exclusive right' mean?" Sefeld did not focus on the 8,000 gold coins.

"The so-called 'exclusive playback rights' means that after I buy out this video, everyone sitting can no longer broadcast this video to anyone except you. In the future, only we can play this video for others." The wind explained.

"Even your relatives and friends can't do it?" Song Fei asked.

"Of course, how can it be called 'exclusive playback rights'?" The wind asked rhetorical.

"How can you guarantee that we won't show this video to others?" After asking, he found that he was already asking about other people's secrets, but he had already asked. Let's listen to what he said.

"In view of the particularity of this video, I want to sign a legally effective agreement with you, and then I will publish a statement on the official website that the exclusive right to play this video belongs to us." Feng explained without hesitation.

"There is only one requirement. You can't reveal the names of our Tianxing team and us." Sefeld said his last request.


"What are we going to do next, boss?" After the wind left, he silently asked Song Fei.

"Next? Next, I want to announce a good news!"

"Good news? What good news?" Everyone was excited when they heard that there was good news.

"I just received a letter from Flying Pigeon, and our restaurant will open in seven days!"