The real mirror of online games

Ten, pre-war meeting

After seeing the attributes of the red horse, everyone was collectively depressed.

Name: Wind

variety: sweaty BMW

Pet grade: first-class pet

Seeing that the wind is just a first-class pet, everyone is depressed. It's good for others to get a second-class pet, but Song Fei himself got two first-class pets. What a beast! No, the word "animal" can no longer be used to describe him as a beast! No, "beast" is not enough to show his perversion. It should be "not as good as beasts"! But Jifeng wants to name him, and it's useless for you to be jealous!

When everyone complained and scolded Song Fei's beasts, he suddenly received a phone call from Daming at first sight.

"What's going on? Isn't it two days before the city war starts? A question of doubt at first sight.

"There are still two days left in the city defense battle, but now the team is already gathering, and there will be a pre-war meeting in half an hour. You'd better come early." Daming urged.

"Okay, we'll be right there!"

Hang up Daming's phone and immediately took Song Fei and others to Zhuque City at first sight.

Blood Canyang is an old gang. He has a large number of players under his subordinates. Daming has been the leader for a long time. Naturally, he knows that the early development cannot be in places with too many people, so he set the development of the gang in Zhuque City from the beginning. The station to be established this time is also within the scope of Zhuque City. .

The so-called gang station is the city built by the players' gangs themselves. After the completion of the city, the income of various shops, transmission arrays and post stations in the city belonged to the gang. Of course, the system will not let players take such a big advantage for nothing. They have taken three measures.

First, after the establishment of the gang station, it is necessary to pay a certain fee to the system regularly.

Second, all kinds of NPCs in the city, such as patrol guards, tailors, blacksmiths, pharmacists, etc., are paid every month. The systematic explanation is that these people are also people, and they also need to eat and support their families, so they have to pay their salaries. Of course, all the money has been recovered by the system, that is, it has entered the pocket of the game company.

Third, and the most critical point is that when the city is just built, it will experience a monster siege. The system said that only by guarding the monster siege can you prove that you have the ability to protect a city and that you can prove that you can deal with various situations that will happen in the city in the future, so that the system can safely hand over a city to the players for management. Of course, a lot of medicine, equipment and various materials will be consumed in the defense of the city. Where do these things come from? Didn't you buy it from the system?

Nevertheless, building a city can still bring great benefits to gangs. Otherwise, how can there be so many gangs competing to build a station? Moreover, it will cost millions or even tens of millions to buy a resident token. If there is no benefit, who will spend so much money on this?

However, it seems that I haven't heard of the auction of resident tokens during this period. Where did Daming come from? Sold directly from players? Or did you type it yourself? If he really made it himself, Daming will make a lot of money!

The Daming station has been built, and its name is "Zanyang City", and the transmission array has also been opened. Song Fei and others can directly transmit from Zhuque City to Canyang City. However, the city built by players is a little different from the city of the system. At a critical moment, they have the right to close their own transmission array, or give orders to the transmission array to selectively transmit. People without permission cannot teleport to the city.

At this time, the transmission array of Canyang City is in this state. In order not to prevent hostile gangs or some misconductful people from messing, they only allow those helpers they invited to transmit in, and others can't teleport in at all. However, Song Fei and others were invited by Daming himself. Of course, they can be directly transmitted to Canyang City.

As soon as he walked out of the transmission hall of Canyang City, Song Fei and others lit up. This Canyang City is located in a valley. There are more than 200 meters high hills on the southeast and west sides. The steep mountain wall is almost vertical, forming three natural walls, and only the north side has an opening. People stained with blood only need to build a wall and plug the gap in the north. There is no need to build a wall on the other three sides. Monsters can't jump directly from such a high mountain, so there is no need to defend those three sides at all, as long as all the personnel are concentrated on the north side. This place is really an ideal place to build a city!

"Daming, this guy can really find such a good place!" At first sight, he looked at the three mountain walls around him and laughed.

"First sight, you're here!" A female knight stood in front of her first sight.

"Yo, my sister-in-law came to pick me up in person. I'm flattered!" I looked at the female knight with a bad smile for the first time.

"Oc's it, don't be poor. Everyone is waiting for you!" The female knight gave the first look a white eye.

"I'll introduce Daming's wife," he said, pointing to the female knight at first sight. What's your name now?"

"Shang Xiaoying!" The female knight took the lead and left.

Follow Xiaoying to the council hall of the gang. As soon as he entered the room, Song Fei found that there were hundreds of people sitting in it. There were 20 to 30 people sitting in a long meeting table in the middle, and the rest were sitting behind him. Obviously, these people have been waiting here for a while, and some are already a little anxious, but most people are still patient, talking and laughing, and communicating with each other.

Song Fei knew at a glance that many of these people were the major gangs invited by the Ming Dynasty to help. This kind of thing is normal. If one person has something to do, everyone can help. This is a traditional virtue of our nation. This time they helped Daming, and the next time they stationed, Daming will also help them. Moreover, this defense of the city is the first battle of the defense of the city in China. They can also practice here. In the future, they will have experience in defending the city and will not feel so overwhelmed.

As soon as Song Fei and others entered the hall, three people immediately stood up to welcome them. The middle one is Daming, the one on the left is the wind, and the one on the right is the most special. This man was covered in a black robe from head to toe, with only two holes in his eyes, but Song Fei still didn't see his eyes from these two holes, and only saw two black holes, as if there were nothing in the robe.

"Brother Heaven, here we are! Please sit in!" Daming said politely.

"Daming Gangzhu was polite and came to greet us in person. He was flattered!" Song Fei also arched his hand politely.

After being polite with Daming, Song Fei saw that there were still two seats left on the long meeting table, which seemed to be reserved for him and Chujian, so he and Chujian sat on those two seats, and Zhang Xudong and others consciously sat behind.

"Okay, everyone is here. Let's get started!" Daming sat back in his seat and said.

"Daming, who are these people? How could you keep us waiting for so long? Before the meeting began, some people didn't like Song Fei.

The person who stood up and spoke was called "looking through at a glance" and was the commander-in-chief of the people sent by the "fallen family". The fallen family, like the blood-stained Canyang, has set the gang base in Rosefinch City, so this time they sent 8,000 people, which is the largest number of the big gangs to help. Naturally, they feel that they are very great. And this "through at a glance" is also a little famous in the fallen family. Although the level is not the highest, it is also in the top ten. His level is 45. This man is smart and intelligent. Although he is not the original core figure of the fallen family, with his struggle during this period, he has been recognized by the leaders of the gang and promoted him to the captain of a 5,000-person team.

He has played a lot of games at a glance, but he is not good or bad in those games. He has always had a feeling of talent. This time he entered Mirror, and after joining the Fallen House, the master took great care of him. He thought that he had found the value of his existence and was very satisfied, and swore that as long as he was still playing this game, he would not jump to other gangs! However, the development during this period was so fast that his heart swelled, so he spoke a little arrogantly.

"Oh, brother, this is the Tianxing team." Daming explained.

"Heavenly Team? Never heard of it? How many people?" At a glance, it seems that the person who can invite Daming to come and wait for such a long must be an S-class team.

"Only 15 people." Song Fei said lightly.

15 people? Ha, ha, ha, ha..."

At a glance, the whole room smiled. At this time, except for Song Fei and his group of people who didn't smile in the whole room, there were only Daming, Feng and the man in black.

"What role can a 15-person team play in such a large-scale war?" He didn't finish his words at a glance, but everyone understood the meaning behind him. 15 people, even if they are all top masters, what can they do?

Daming is entangled and doesn't know what to say. You can't be offended at a glance. After all, he represents the whole fallen family gang. But Song Fei was invited by themselves. If they were allowed to look through them like this, wouldn't they be hitting themselves in the face?

While Daming was struggling, the man sitting next to him in a black robe stood up.