The real mirror of online games

14, the city war begins

The two-day preparation time passed quickly, and the start time of the city battle was set at 9 o'clock in the morning of the game, which was proposed by the wind. Of course, the city war does not start at any time. It depends on the time you declare the establishment of the residence. From the declaration of the construction of the station to the city battle, the system will set aside ten days for the player gang to build the city and prepare for it. If you declare the construction of the city at 9 a.m. one day, the city war will start at 9 a.m. ten days later.

In fact, this time is not chosen by the wind, but by the chosen by the world. The wind is just responsible for conveying it. The wind and grass fought for the exclusive broadcasting rights of this city war. This broadcast is not only broadcast in the game, but also on TV in reality. Of course, there must be help from generation. In order to advertise Mirror, Chuanshi promised to help the wind and grass transfer the video in the game to the reality, so that the audience in front of the TV can also see the war, and all the money for the TV station to buy the broadcasting rights will be blown by the wind. As for the ratio of game time to real time, how to adjust this time ratio so that people can see a real battle on TV instead of fast shots, that is their technical problems. They will definitely not follow the wind. Even if they say it, they may not understand it. .

In reality, this day happens to be Saturday, and 9 a.m. in the game also happens to be 9 a.m. in reality. At this time, most people are enjoying the holiday at home. Turn on the TV and see the first big war in Mirror, which will definitely arouse people's desire to play games!

At 8 a.m., all the players participating in the city defense battle were concentrated in the central square of Canyang City. There are 45,000 players in the blood-stained Canyang gang. Among the big gangs that came to help, the Fallen Home brought 8,000 people. Other gangs had one or two thousand and hundreds. Now, with some teams and two free families invited, more than 60,000 players have gathered in the square.

Looking at the more than 60,000 players, Daming nodded confidently. 60,000 people, what can happen even if there are monsters of the undead and demons?

After the pre-war mobilization meeting began, Daming first told the players to obey the command and not act privately, and then began to introduce Song Fei and others one by one.

When the names "Life is just like the first sight", "Kobayashi" and "King Four" were reported, the voices of the players were higher than the waves. When the names "Dragon Soul" and "Li Ge" appeared, the scene was completely boiling. Players cheered and jumped, excited that they could fight side by side with such a group of legendary characters.

Just as the players cheered, the system prompt suddenly arrived.

"System Tip: The blood-stained remnant sun station defense battle officially began 30 seconds later, and now the countdown begins. 30,29,28,......3,2,1. The resident defense battle begins, and the first wave of siege monsters will arrive in 10 minutes. Please prepare!"

Eight minutes later, the first group of monsters appeared in Song Fei's sight and went straight to Canyang City. From afar, this is a four-legged monster. It looks like a wolf in shape and running, but there is no hair on the body surface. The reddish-brown skin is directly ** outside, like a group of skinned wolves, which looks very strange.

Two minutes later, when these strange "wolf" soldiers came to the city, Song Fei saw the information of these monsters through his golden eyes.

Magic Mountain Wolf, level 10.

Daming shook his head, "I didn't expect the first wave of demons to appear."

However, he is not worried that level 10 monsters can't pose any threat at all. He can send more than 20 level warrior knights to block them. In fact, he did the same.

It's really not easy to say that Dragon Soul is a person. More than 60,000 players and 10,000 NPC guards are arranged by him in an orderly manner.

Because of the information given by the wind and grass, the minimum level of monsters around is 20, so players under 20 are not arranged to go out of the city to fight, but stay in the city to do some transportation, patrol and other work. Of course, these players are all blood-stained. The people brought by the major gangs are at least level 30. They can't afford to lose that person with more than ten levels. In fact, most of the people who came to help are between level 35 and 40, and there are not many at level 30 and 35, and they are all special.

There are a total of about 8,000 players from level 20 to 30, of which warrior knights account for 5,000. The Dragon Soul arranged for this group of people to fight against the first wave of monsters in order to let them practice. After the baptism of a large-scale battlefield, the quality of players will be improved a lot, which Seinfeld has a deep understanding. However, before the battle, Daming has explained to these people that they are all cannon fodder. If they go up, they will die. Let them go out first to practice. Of course, there are thousands of warrior knights with more than 35 levels behind these more than 20 levels of players. If they can't stop those monsters, these people behind them are the reserve force. Dragon Soul is not an arrogant person. He will never think that thousands of level players can block tens of thousands of level 20 monsters.

However, don't worry now. Although the number of demonized mountain wolves is nearly 100,000, they are all level 10. It is impossible for these 20th-level players to kill them all, but it is not a problem for them to block the progress of these monsters.

When it was less than 100 meters away from the city wall, the pace of the demonized mountain wolves had been blocked and stopped to fight with thousands of players in the front. After the front stabilized, the gate of Canyang City opened, and a large number of senior mages rushed out, casting various skills crazily, ruthlessly slaughtering these only level 10 monsters. For a while, skills flew around outside the city wall. Red flames, yellow meteorites, green wind blades, white ice arrows and silver flashing thunderstorms were dazzling.

In this large-scale battle, warriors and knights do not exist as outputs. As soon as the mage army took action, the demonized mountain wolves immediately fell down piece by piece. However, the thousands of warrior knights who were originally arranged as cannon fodder are now extremely brave, slashing their swords and killing the demonized mountain wolves in front of them, without mercy. They were originally arranged as cannon fodder. With the determination to die, they could go out of the city and come to the battlefield. They just wanted to participate in a large-scale battle and add some practical experience to themselves. Now that the first wave of monsters is only level 10, how can they still keep their hands?

Although there are no powerful group attack skills, their swords have a sense of attack that is more real than the mage's skills. Every time they cut down, there must be blood splashes and pieces of meat flying around. In the blink of an eye, thousands of players were dyed purple, which looked more terrible than these monsters from the demon clan.

A few minutes later, the blood-stained remnant Yang gang, which turned out to be the defending side, actually began to counterattack. Of course, it's not that they killed the monster army, but because the speed of demonizing the mountain wolf is not as fast as that of the mage killing monsters.

In the face of the cruel slaughter, the demonized mountain wolf gradually felt fear, and the original forward charge began to become chaotic. Many demonized mountain wolves ran around in an attempt to avoid the attack of the mages, but the result hindered the pace of their companions.

Just as the demonized mountain wolf army was about to fall into chaos, an angry howling suddenly came from the rear of the wolves. The chaotic wolves were shaken and gradually regained their previous momentum.

When the wolf howled, Song Fei found the boss behind the wolf army. The appearance of this boss is very similar to that of the demonized mountain wolf, but his body is much bigger than that of ordinary wolves, and his skin color is darker, and his eyes also shine purple.