The real mirror of online games

16, artifact in the world

The first boss was singled out by the Wolf King of Chocolate, and the second boss was solved by Dewdrop and other people. Li Ge could not sit still for a long time. In terms of reputation, he is higher than those of the Tianxing team, and only a few people in the Tianxing team are a little famous, and most of them are still unknown. But now, these unknown people have taken action. Although there is a level gap, it is enough to prove their strength to fight against the boss alone. And he left the song and hasn't found a chance to take action yet. How can he not be anxious? To deal with the little monster? Obviously, it's self-valued! So he had to wait patiently for this wave of bosses to appear.

BOSS appeared, and he was afraid that others would take action in advance and take away this opportunity. So as soon as he saw the boss, he went straight to the boss and used his skill "Tongtian Road" that he had never used in front of outsiders.

When the people present saw this scene, almost all of them stood on the spot in surprise, especially Song Fei and the masters of these masters for the first time. Li Ge can firmly rank first in the ranking list, and there must be something extraordinary. So it seems that he should also be a hidden profession! The soldiers on the battlefield were also stunned to see Li Ge flying over their heads, but when several people were pierced by the sharp corners of the violent bison, they all recovered and focused on the bison.

Li Ge stepped all the way into the air and went straight to the cow demon. The cow demon had also noticed this flying man for a long time, and "Moo" shouted and rushed to Lige. As soon as one person and one cow met, Li Ge suddenly took action, and the long sword split down like lightning. The people on the wall saw Li Ge's long sword split down, and the eyes of the shining sword were a little unable to open. After the sword light flashed, everyone fixed their eyes and looked at it again. Li Ge had already put the long sword into the sheath. The big stick in the hand of the cow demon was held high, as if it was trying to block Li Ge's sword, and one person and one cow looked at each other.

After a while, Li Ge turned around and walked back to the city gate, but the cow demon behind him suddenly divided into two pieces and fell to both sides. Even the wooden stick in his hand was broken into two sections, holding a section in each of his hands.

With only one blow, a 20-level boss was killed in seconds. The people on the wall took a cold breath, but the players fighting outside the city cheered loudly and slaughtered the violent bison more cruelly.

"Second kill! Isn't it too mysterious?" Da Ming, who is also a soldier, said with lingering palpitation.

The corners of Song Fei's mouth were upturned, showing a mysterious smile. The special bonus of advanced internal skill "Beim Xuangong" and the special training in the dragon line made Song Fei's eyesight much better than others. Therefore, he saw something that no one else had seen.

Although Li Ge's sword was silver-white, when the long sword came out of its sheath, a golden light flashed on the sword. In addition, the dazzling white light did not flash on his sword, but from his body.

The white light flashed from Li Ge's body, Song Fei judged that he had just used his skills; and the golden light flashed from the sword told Song Fei that this was an artifact!

The equipment level of "Artifact" is not given on the official website, which is all guessed by players. The highest equipment levels given on the official website are purple equipment and brown suits. The artifact is just a guess. So far, it has not been confirmed, because no artifact has been displayed in front of people. However, when the weapon comes out of its sheath, there will be a trace of light representing the weapon level, which is known to Song Fei, especially advanced weapons, which is particularly conspicuous.

Song Fei has seen the light when the purple weapon and the brown weapon came out of the sheath, but now, he has never seen the golden light when Li Ge's weapon came out of the sheath. Combined with Li Ge's identity, Song Fei really couldn't think of any other weapon levels except the artifact.

If Li Ge uses an artifact and a special skill, it is not incredible to kill a 20-level boss in a second.

When Li Ge returned to the wall, he was still so arrogant, completely ignoring the surprised eyes of everyone, let alone showing the slightest joy.

The fourth wave of monsters was greatly unexpected, because this time it was not a single-ethnic monster, but a two-ethnic army of the undead and the human race. The blood skeletons from the undead, the human race is the emperor scorpion, all of which are level 25. The monsters of the two clans form a square array. The blood skeleton is in the east and the emperor scorpion is in the west. When they reach 150 meters away from the city wall, they actually stop and confront each other 50 meters away from the players defending the city. The two bosses walked around behind the phalanx, looking very leisurely and had no intention of attacking at all.

"What are they going to do?" Daming asked doubtfully.

"Mingxiu plank road, dark warehouse!" The dragon soul said disdainfully.

"Mingxiu plank road, dark Chencang?" Daming looked at the dragon soul puzzledly.

The dragon soul did not answer, but just stretched out his hand and pointed forward. Following the direction of the dragon soul finger, everyone only saw the 50-meter blank area between the player and the monster army. Daming still didn't understand, so he looked at the dragon soul doubtfully. But when he was about to ask, the blank area suddenly collapsed, revealing a 20 meters wide and deep trench. At this time, countless earthworm-like monsters were drilling out of the earth wall of the trench and falling into the ditch.

The dragon soul smiled, "As expected! The first three waves of monsters gave us a warning, telling us that the siege army was a mixed army of the three races, and the back was not so simple. Look, isn't it a little strange that there are only human and undead monsters on the ground and there are no demons?

"The unfounded guess can make you guess! What an animal!" Song Fei and the Dragon Soul had separate contact. After understanding the identity of the Dragon Soul, they can naturally let go a little. Others dare not talk to him like this.

"We are each other!" The dragon soul said and arched his hand to Song Fei.

"Why didn't the previous monster trigger the trap?" Tian Tian asked puzzledly.

"Haha..." Daming laughed and said, "This is made by the master of Tianjimen. Only monsters above level 25 can be triggered, in order to prevent the siege monsters from sending a large number of low-level monsters to destroy traps."

"Then why don't you get more advanced?" A gloomy idiot asked.

"You idiot! More than 40 monsters can't die even if they fall into that trap!" Hua's scolding made him extremely depressed. However, Rui'er rarely smiled.

After a large number of earthworms fell into the trench, the earthworm monster stopped jumping into the ditch. After drilling out of the ground, it lined up in a neat square between the blood skeleton and the emperor scorpion. At this time, Song Fei saw that these big earthworms were thick and thin, with a body length of about 1.3 meters, and their names were "magic earthworms".

Three monsters gathered together. After the three bosses communicated together for a while, they let out a strange roar, and then the three square array monsters rushed to the trench in front of them together, trying to fill the ditch with their bodies. The demonized earthworm is about one meter and three meters, and the imperial scorpion is about one meter. The blood skeleton is the size of a normal person. The three monsters are not large creatures. If you want to cross this ditch, you can only fill the ditch.

"It seems that these monsters are still a little aware!" The dragon soul nodded and said.

"Sacrifice yourself and pave the way for the companions behind. I don't know how many of us are willing to do this?" Song Fei shook his head with emotion.

The monsters brought by each of the three races are about 25,000, which together is only 80,000. But this trench was loaded with more than 60,000 monsters. When the ditch was filled, the monsters of each race were less than 5,000. Although the three bosses are angry, this is the only way. I didn't expect that the little brother I brought was not killed, but buried alive!

"Brother Li Ge, how about the comparison between us?"