The real mirror of online games

Thirty, Flower Sea Fan Array

" boss, why did you call us to such a place where birds don't shit?"

After a day and night of noise, Mudan Town regained its former peace and tranquility, and all the tourists who came to explore and visit the Buddha suddenly left. There are not many people who look at the Buddha's light. At a glance, they feel that there is nothing and leave. They can't delay their usual things in order to see the Buddha's light. Those who came to explore have reached a consensus after years of exploration that if they could not walk out of the maze to explore the truth of the Buddha's light on the first night, they would not have come out of the maze. Therefore, for so many years, they only came to Peony Town on the first day of Buddha's appearance, and hurriedly left the next day.

When others came to Peony Town, it was the evening of the second day. What they saw was the usually depressed Peony Town, so they asked this question in silence.

"Appreciating flowers!" Song Fei smiled, which made everyone feel puzzled.

"Appreciating flowers? Where are the flowers?"

"This is not!" Song Fei pinched a wild flower from the roadside and got it in front of the silence.

"Damn! Playing with me again!" A silent and depressed shout.

"Ouch, King, don't tease him and tell him what's going on." At first sight, the sound relieved the silence.

"Don't worry, you will know at night." Song Fei deliberately sold a key.

"At night?" YD spit out two words on his face and held his chin in his hand to pretend to think.

"*** Stick!" Hua scolded hatefully.

At night, when everyone walked out of the town, they were immediately stunned by the scene in front of them.

"Where did these flowers come from?" Silent and surprised to ask.

"Over the past 30 years, countless explorers have wanted to get out of this sea of flowers and find out, but they have failed!" Song Fei sighed and told the story he heard from Lei Laowu to everyone.

"You mean, this is a task?" After listening to the story, Wang Lin immediately guessed Song Fei's idea.

Soen Fei nodded, "It must be!"

"Have you taken the task?" He looked at Song Fei gly and asked.

"No. However, a scene can appear continuously for 30 years, and it still appears at a fixed time every year. Combined with the night 30 years ago, can't it explain the problem?

"The time for the Buddha light to appear is half a month, that is to say, we have to find a way out within half a month, otherwise we have to wait another year, right?" At first sight, I guessed.

"It should be." Song Fei said uncertainly.

"What day is it today?"

"It's the next day."

"What are you waiting for!" Chocolate said and rushed into the sea of flowers.

Following chocolate all the way, Seinfeld found that he was really much worse in this respect. Chocolate walking through the maze is not exactly a road. She seems to be able to guess which can be made and which are dead roads in these unmarked branches. In a word, when he walked down that night, Seinfeld found that he followed chocolate much farther than himself.

At dawn, everyone fell asleep. After waking up, the peony array disappeared. Everyone was depressed for a while. It seemed that the next day would come again.

"I don't have class tomorrow. I must break through this maze tomorrow!" Chocolate said solemnly and went offline to rest.

The next day, as soon as the chocolate went online, she found that Song Fei was standing not far away and looking at her with a smile, which made her puzzled for a while.

"Don't you have to go to work?" Chocolate casually asked and took the lead in walking into the maze.

"I'm off today and will accompany you through the maze." Song Fei casually made up a reason, even if he had fooled it.

On the third day, he entered the maze, and the route was really different from the next day. Of course, Song Fei could not notice this problem, only chocolate could be found. After another night in the maze, he still couldn't find a way out. After dawn, Song Fei could only take chocolate out to practice. After three days of repetition, that is, the sixth night of Buddha's light, chocolate finally noticed the problem.

On the seventh night, after the crowd gathered, chocolate ran into the maze without saying a word. After running through the maze for a while, everyone felt a trace of doubt. This time, chocolate rushed to the fork in the road. But even so, they have never died.

"That's true! Hahaha..." Chocolate ran for a while and stopped laughing.

"What nerves? Hurry up!" A slap woke up the self-intoxicated chocolate.

"After exploring a few days ago, I found that although the road in this maze is changing every day, the correct road has never changed, only the branch road has changed!" Chocolate said excitedly.

"Oh?" Everyone's eyes lit up. If that's the case, with chocolate, it's no problem to get out of this maze.

On the fourteenth night when Buddha Guang appeared, Song Fei and others finally walked out of the sea of flowers and came to the foot of Xumi Mountain. However, the Xumi Mountain, which arrived from the flower array, is different from walking directly during the day, because what appears in front of everyone is a cliff, while the actual Xumi Mountain has no cliff, but is a conical hill. There is a cave more than three meters in diameter on the cliff in front of us, and more than a dozen zombies wandered back and forth.

"Is it the undead again?" Looking at more than a dozen zombies, Song Fei was stunned.

"What should I do?" A cautious question at first sight.

"What should I do? What else can I do? Let's fight!" He said in silence and rushed up.

After the two sides got hands with each other, Song Fei had a chance to open his eyes and found that these zombies were actually level 50! However, this group of people are all animals. Level 50 ordinary zombies can't do anything to them at all. Although the experience of letters less than 45 will be reduced, it is only a low level of experience and will not be life-threatening.

The zombies who solved the hole rushed into the cave. This cave is very similar to the cave in Sancai Valley. A team of monsters patrolled in the cave and started fighting when they saw them, but tens of thousands of monsters did not rush up like in the Beichen Tower. The whole cave is another big maze, but it is much smaller than the peony maze, and it will not disappear. With chocolate, there is no problem to go out. What everyone didn't expect was that in addition to zombies, demon warriors also appeared in this cave!

"Don't look at me, I don't know what's going on!" Seeing everyone's doubtful eyes, the letter denied it.

"We really don't know!" Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, chocolate also opened his mouth. The three of us have only been to the demon world once when we changed races, and we have never been there since. We have told you all about the demon clan. We really don't know why there are demon clan here!"

"Ok, stop guessing, let's get out of the maze first!" Song Fei's words put an end to everyone's suspicion.

There is no light source in the cave, but there is a torch on the wall of the cave every few meters. Although the light is dim, you can still see the road clearly. After walking with chocolate for more than ten hours, he finally reached the end of the maze. During this period, the three demon warriors met were not soft. Seeing their performance, everyone's vigilance of the three people weakened slightly.

A cyan stone door stands at the end of the maze, and the golden light oozes out of the two stone slab seams, which is unpredictable. Everyone looked at each other and tried to push the stone door together, but no matter how hard they tried, the stone door did not move.

"Oc's it, don't bother, there's a mechanism here!" The flower pointed to a hole wall on the right side of the stone gate.

When they came to the right side of the stone gate, they saw five small holes on the wall of the cave, as big as walnuts, arranged neatly, just on the five vertices of the pentagon.

"What's the point of this?" After seeing the five small holes, he put his fingers in and groped, but he didn't touch anything.

"Idiot! Of course, it's not picked by hand!" Seeing the gloomy action, he cursed angrily. You can see that you are going to put things in these five small holes!"

"Pleave things? What do you put in?" A puzzled question.

"How do I know!"

Everyone fell silent for a moment. I could see how to crack this organ, but I couldn't find the tool to crack the mechanism, so they all lowered their heads and held their chins to think. After turning around the cave for a while, Song Fei's eyes suddenly lit up and took out the five Buddha bone relics.

Looking at the five reliths together, Song Fei found that they were exactly five regular polyhedrons. The first is a black cube, from Beichen Tower; the second is a cyan octahedron, from the Liuhe Palace; the third is a yellow dodecahedra, from the Five elements altar; the fourth is a red dodecahedra, looking at the quadrangle array; the fifth is a white tetrahedron, from Sancai Valley.

Picked up the red relith and compared it with the small hole on the wall. Seinfeld found that the size was just right, and the small hole on the wall could just put into a relith, so he pressed it into the small hole. After the red relith entered the hole, there was a red light flashing, and there was also a "quack" sound from the wall of the cave. It seemed that the mechanism was touched. After rattling for a while, a red light shot out of the small hole with the red relith and pointed to the second hole along the wall of the hole.

Seeing this, Song Fei smiled and knew that he had guessed correctly, so he picked up the cyan reli son and put it into the second hole. After the relizi entered the hole, another flash of blue light flashed, but there was no "quack" sound from the wall, and the two reliths put into the hole also fell out. Sein Fei shook his head helplessly. It seemed that it was a special order! However, the first one seems to be right, and the latter one is easy to say.

After many experiments, Seinfeld finally found the correct order. The first one is red, the second is yellow, the second is white, the fourth is black, and the fifth is cyan. After each relith is put into the small hole, a light of the corresponding color will be emitted from the small hole, pointing to the next small hole. Five lights are connected together to form a regular pentagon. After the five reliths were placed, the "gaga" sound in the wall of the cave sounded continuously for a while, and a golden light was emitted from the five small holes, but this time the light was separated by a hole and pointed to the next one. The five new golden lights are intertwined, forming the shape of a five-pointed star, and in the middle of the five-pointed star is a small regular pentagon.

After the five-pointed star was formed, the "ga" sound in the wall of the cave suddenly rose and turned into a "rumbling", and then the small pentagon in the middle bounced away, revealing a keyhole. Seeing the key Kong Songfei's smile, he immediately took out the key given to him by the King of Tibet and inserted it and twisted it, and the two blue stone doors rumbled inward.

Standing at the door and looking into the cave, there is a small stone room, square, only a few dozen square meters. An old monk in the stone room sat cross-legged and closed his eyes. A golden coat casually covered his body. His gray beard and eyebrows were more than a foot long, but the skin on his face was ruddy and delicate, as smooth as a baby. Behind the old monk is a smooth wall, on which four sentences and 16 big characters are written: all sentient beings have passed, prove Bodhi, hell is not empty, and vow not to become a Buddha!

"King of Tibet!"