The real mirror of online games

V, internal power upgrade

On this day, Song Fei just built a level 20 green knife. Feeling bored, he sat down to meditate. Since his internal strength has grown to 187, his internal strength has not increased for three months. Every time he meditate for 10 minutes, he feels irritable and has to stop. Fortunately, he has no purpose now. He meditated just to kill time. He didn't really want to raise his internal skills to any extent, so he stopped when he was irritable.

However, meditation on this day seemed to be a little different. After a long time, Song Fei did not feel the restlessness, but felt hazy in his head. In the haze, Song Fei felt that he was floating in the air, and a breeze blew him far away. Before long, it seemed to rain again, and cold raindrops suddenly woke him up. After opening his eyes, Song Fei found that he was indeed floating in the air, with an endless ground under his feet, and occasionally a few small mounds raised high.

Although there are no marks on the ground, Song Fei still feels that the ground is so familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere. After thinking about it for a long time, he still couldn't remember where he had seen it, but after thinking for a long time, he felt dizzy and had an impulse to vomit.

Feed feeling unwell, Song Fei immediately resisted with his internal power. But the internal power not only did not suppress the impulse to vomit, but intensified the feeling. He couldn't restrain it for a moment and vomited loudly. For a moment, the black ** rushed out of Song Fei's mouth like a big river, fell on the ground under his feet, and scattered in all directions.

I don't know how long it took, Song Fei finally stopped vomiting, and looking at the ground under his feet, it has turned into an endless black sea. Looking at the black sea under his feet, Song Fei finally remembered where he had seen this scene. This was the black sea when he realized his internal power, and the ground just now was the seabed that dried up after he sucked the seawater.

The bed of the North Sea was filled with seawater again, and those giant creatures that had long disappeared also swam back and swam back in the black sea, devouring each other as before. Suddenly, a creature saw Song Fei, jumped up from the sea and bumped into him.

Seeing a giant creature bumping into him, Song Fei instinctively wanted to dodge, but he was floating in the air at this time involuntarily and was hit head by the giant creature. Song Fei was hit, and the mysterious force that held him floating in the air suddenly disappeared. Attracted by gravity, his body naturally falls down.

The water under his feet is not too far from Seinfeld. At the current speed, he will fall into the water in just a few seconds. Falling into the water is nothing. Anyway, he will not be killed, but one creature can see him, which means that other creatures can also see him. At this time, there are dozens of giant creatures waiting for him with their mouths on the surface of their mouths. At this time, although Song Fei had not been completely freed from the pain of the past, he did not want to die. He watched dozens of giant creatures below waiting to devour him with their huge mouths. Even though he had an extraordinary experience, he was stunned and cold all over.

Suddenly, Song Fei felt a hand holding him behind him, and a warmth spread, and he flew up lightly again. The hand kept holding him to a high level and didn't stop until the giant creatures could no longer touch him, but it did not let him go and kept spreading the warmth to his body. Song Fei enjoyed this feeling, looked at the giant creatures in the Black Sea with a smile and became angry because they did not eat him. They attacked each other, and there was an indescribable sense of comfort in his heart.

I don't know how long it took. Song Fei felt hot and opened his eyes with a roar.

After opening his eyes, Song Fei found that the Black Sea had disappeared, and what appeared in front of him was the valley he had become familiar with in a year. Looking back behind him, Long Xing was sweating heavily and sitting on the ground with a tired face.

"Master, what's going on?"

Long Xing gasped for a while before he said, "Your internal skills have been upgraded."

Hearing Long Xing's words, Song Fei immediately opened the internal power column in the skill panel and found that the previous advanced internal power had been upgraded to the top internal power.

Northernming shen gong: the top internal power method. Diligently practicing this internal skill can strengthen the body and clear the mind. Can be taught: 1/10.

Open the property panel again, and the internal force value suddenly grows to 300 points!

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Although his internal skills have been upgraded, Seinfeld has not paid much attention to these for so long. He didn't feel anything about the upgrade of internal power, but Long Xing's current situation attracted his attention.

"It is very troublesome to upgrade advanced internal power to the top internal power, not only because it is difficult, but also because it is dangerous." Long Xing rested for a while and had recovered his previous spirit, but did not answer Song Fei's question directly. In order to upgrade advanced internal skills to top internal skills, in addition to long-term practice, practitioners also need to have extraordinary circumstances. Because upgrading advanced internal power to top internal power is a very dangerous process. If you are not careful, you will go crazy. If you are light, you will lose your cultivation, and if you are heavy, your life will be in danger. Therefore, a person with top internal skills needs to be supported in this process. But no one can say when the internal force will upgrade. How can someone protect it at any time? Therefore, if you want to upgrade to the top internal skills, you must have an extraordinary situation.

"Just now, you encountered this situation when you were practicing your internal skills. If you weren't a teacher, you would have told your life! But the process of helping you open up the meridians consumes a lot of internal strength, so I'm a little weak now.

"Thank you for saving my life!" Song Fei got up and bowed deeply to Long Xing. He knows that for things like the upgrading of internal skills, the punishment of failure can never be solved by 20% experience.

"Oc's it. It's not the first time to save you." Long Xing waved his hand and then said, "As a teacher, I just hope you can cheer up as soon as possible, open your heart knot and face all this head-on."

Soong Fei nodded and walked to the pond without saying anything.

Sitting on the edge of the pond, looking at the fish swimming in the water and listening to the chirping of birds on the trees, Song Fei had a lot of thoughts. The game is now in the late autumn season, and the eyes are full of depression. Large areas of fallen leaves cover the nearly withered grassland, and the branches are no longer lush in midsummer.

Looking at the fallen leaves on the ground, Song Fei suddenly became heroic, and an invisible momentum emanated from his body during the long roar. The aura spread out more than ten meters in an instant, and the fallen leaves and dead grass on the ground were stirred by the aura and scattered in the air. However, they turned into pieces of ashes and disappeared.

"System Tip: Congratulations on your understanding of the skill 'Autumn Wind Sweeping Fallen Leaves'."

Autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves: stimulate the internal force in the body, causing it to explode in a physical form, causing a lot of damage to the surrounding enemies, and casting skills to consume 10 points of internal force. Skill restrictions: advanced internal skills.

The skill of sudden understanding made Sein Fei feel inexplicably excited. Maybe it's because things have passed, or maybe it's because of the guidance of Long Xing during this period. In short, Song Fei feels that he has found his past self again. Although the pursuit of those previous goals has faded a lot, it is no longer as meaningless as when I first came home.

Looking at the introduction of the skill of "autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves", Song Fei guessed that since the internal force can be released, can it be recovered? So he practiced alone. After more than a month of practice, Song Fei finally mastered the skill of free internal force.

The internal power of Beiming Shengong is quite strange. When the internal force is emitted, Seinfeld can take the initiative to explore the energy changes of the surrounding life. The exploration here is different from the induction of Beiming Xuangong. It used to be passive, but now it is active. The difference between the two is that the active can artificially specify the direction and distance, while the passive cannot, of course, within the range allowed by the internal power value. In addition, when taking the initiative to cast internal force, Seinfeld can also sense the movement changes of the target without distance restrictions, such as someone drawing a knife or waving a knife, which he can sense. But when passive sensing, once the distance is too far, it is impossible to clearly sense the change of the target, and sometimes it is impossible to distinguish whether it is a human or an animal.

When the internal force is withdrawn, Song Fei can hide all his breath. In the game, highly cultivated people can sense the creatures around them, which everyone knows. However, when Song Fei's Beiming power is restrained, his breath can be completely hidden. No matter how high a person's cultivation is, he can't feel his existence. During several exercises, Long Xing stayed aside, but when Song Fei restrained his breath, even Long Xing could not feel his existence. On the one hand, his eyes told him that Song Fei was right in front of him. On the other hand, with his decades of cultivation, he could not feel his existence, which surprised Long Xing for a long time.

After his internal strength was successful, Song Fei's mind recovered a little and began to take the initiative to learn martial arts from Long Xing. Long Xing was also very happy to see Song Fei's changes and taught him everything he had learned in his life. From then on, Song Fei was like a sponge that would never suck water and absorbed it desperately; Long Xing was like a profound wise man, teaching tirelessly. The two masters and apprentices, one studies hard and the other teaches desperately, just like a father and son who never know fatigue.

Two more years have passed. In the first year, Song Fei learned all the basic skills of the five sects. Of course, due to his personal interests, he mainly learned the skills of several professions in the war department. The law department only learned healing techniques and a few simple curses, and the others have never touched them again. The next year, Long Xing guided him to study the advanced skills of the five sects, which made him understand the power of those skills, casting process, spells, gestures, etc. Because the level is too low, Sefeld can't use it even if he learns those advanced skills. He can only use it after the level is raised. But this does not affect his learning of those skills.