The real mirror of online games

Seven, artifact awakening

Looking at the ten pieces of advanced equipment, Seinfeld was surprised and puzzled. At the beginning, I heard from Zhang Blacksmith that he built ten artifacts, but now why has it become purple equipment?

After listening to Song Fei's words, Long Xing laughed, "Artifact? It's not that easy! Do you think the artifact is cabbage? Even if Zhang Blacksmith is the top blacksmith of the Phantom Dynasty, it is impossible to create ten artifacts in a month! The birth of an artifact must be earth-shaking! In addition to high-quality materials and first-class craftsmanship, you also need to create an extremely invested mood and almost lifelong feelings. At that time, Zhang blacksmith was greedy and wanted to become a unique blacksmith in the Phantom Dynasty. In such a state of mind, he could not beat any of them, let alone create ten artifacts in a month!"

Song Fei nodded calmly, and what Long Xing said was indeed true. If the artifact is really so simple to build, it will really become a cabbage! On second thought, Zhang's blacksmith said ten "magic weapons" instead of "magic weapons". Although it was only the difference between the two words, the meaning of this was far different!

"A blacksmith creates an artifact, which often consumes his life's painstaking efforts, which is not only reflected in his dedication. High-end weapons such as artifacts have souls. In the process of forming the soul, they will constantly absorb the life energy of the builder. If a blacksmith's life energy is not enough and dies before the soul is formed, then this artifact will fail to be built. The light can also become an ordinary weapon, and the heavy one is a pile of scrap iron! Therefore, it is more difficult for a blacksmith to build an artifact than for a woman to give birth to a child!

"When the weapon soul first took shape, it was in a dormant state. At this time, the artifact had no advantage at all, just like an ordinary weapon, and some were not as good as ordinary weapons. Only when a special situation is encountered and the soul in the dormant state is activated can the artifact be completely completed. Therefore, many blacksmith families have spent generations or even dozens of generations to build an artifact, but the artifact after release cannot be activated because there is no opportunity.

Song Fei nodded. What does the artifact have to do with yourself?

"When I die, these things will be yours." Long Xing looked at Song Fei and said slowly.

The things in this hole are priceless, not to mention the ten purple weapons and seven sets of brown suits, which are the blue equipment randomly discarded on the ground. Take out one to sell at least thousands of gold coins! But in the face of such a huge wealth, Song Fei's eyes were confused and then became infinitely desolate. What's the point of money? If he had seen these things a year ago, he might have been moved, but now, no matter how much money he has, who will he spend it?

A trace of cunning flashed in Longxing's eyes, nodded and walked out of the cave.

For more than a month, as usual, Song Fei chatted with Long Xing every day, discussing martial arts, fishing, mining, and did not feel sad that Long Xing was about to die.

One night a month later, Song Fei was looking up at the sky, and a bright star in the southwest sky was twinkling. To be precise, it is not a star, but two stars - fluorescence and too white, but because the two stars are too close to distinguish them with the naked eye. According to Long Xing, the day when the two stars coincide is his death. Now that he is not dead, it means that the two stars have not completely coincided, but it will not be long.

"The time is almost up."

Long Xing's voice suddenly appeared behind him, and Song Fei slowly turned his head and stared at the old man. At that moment, he found that the once energetic old man suddenly became aging, the original loud voice had become weak and weak, his red face was also full of wrinkles, and even his back was a little hunched.

"Master." Song Fei was not sad at all, but bowed deeply to the old man.

"Well," Long Xing nodded slightly. You passed the last test.

"The last test?" Song Fei is puzzled.

"The last test is greed. That hole is priceless. A month ago, you saw those things without any excitement. At that time, I still suspected that you were pretending, but in this month, you have never entered the cave as before, which shows that you really don't care about those things.

"Why did Master test me?"

"Because I want to give you a bigger fortune!"

"Greater wealth?"

"Not bad!" Long Xing's tone was full of excitement. Give me your scalpel."

Although he didn't understand what Long Xing was going to do, Song Fei still obediently gave him the scalpel. Long Xing took the scalpel and repeatedly observed and rubbed it, and his eyes also showed excitement that could not be concealed.

"Apprentice, do you remember that the teacher once told you about the formation of the artifact?"

Seinfeld nodded.

"This anatomical knife is an artifact!"

"Artifact!" Sefeld was really surprised this time.

"Not bad! The soul has become, but it has not been awakened, so it is not even a weapon. Long Xing said this, and his fingertips scratched the blade. A few drops of golden blood oozed from the fingertips and were immediately absorbed on the scalpel.

The anatomical knife that absorbed the golden blood trembled, and then left Long Xing's hand and flew into the air. After turning a few times in the air, a layer of golden light flashed on the knife. Suddenly, the golden light was shining, and a golden light shot straight from the scalpel to the sky, illuminating the whole night sky. The golden beam of light flashed in the dark night sky and did not disappear until ten minutes later.

After the golden light disappeared, the anatomical knife flying in the air also fell down. Long Xing took the anatomical knife in one hand and pulled Song Fei with the other hand and cut it on his finger.

Master, what is this? Song Fei's idea just flashed in his mind, and before he could ask, he received a system prompt.

"System Tip: Congratulations, the artifact 'Pearm Ding Knife' has successfully recognized the owner."

Blister Ding knife: The artifact was originally an anatomical knife created by Zhang blacksmith for his friend Buding with the ten-year-old iron taken from the top of Tianshan Mountain. Unfortunately, on the day the anatomical knife was released, Master Buding unfortunately passed away, and this knife has been put away by Zhang Blacksmith. After the golden blood of the dragon, the soul in the sleeping knife was awakened, and the artifact has awakened since then. This knife is extremely sharp. Using this knife can accurately find the part that the user wants to find, so as to easily dismember the target. All attributes are increased by 100 points, the upper limit of life is increased by 1500, the magic limit is increased by 1000, the attack speed is increased by 50%, and the hit is increased by 10%. Equipment incidental skills: dismemberment. Recognized the Lord: King IV.

Dismemberment: Passive skill, there is a certain chance to dismember the target after the attack hits, and consume 20 points of magic when the skill is successfully activated.

The artifact is really different. There is no level limit and no clear damage number. Everything depends on yourself to explore, but this series of attributes is really dazzling. Not to mention all the attributes of 100 points, which is 50% of the attack speed. And 10% of hits are the dream of countless players. Although there is only one skill, it is very practical. Imagine an ordinary attack hitting the opponent's hand. If the skill is launched, he can cut off his hand. Of course, the assassin's attack point is generally the key point. If a knife is cut on the throat and the dismemberment skill happens to be launched, it is a second kill!

"Master has known this is an artifact for a long time?"

Long Xing nodded, "From the first time you entered the valley, I sensed the sleeping soul in this dagger. But I was not sure of your character at that time, so I didn't dare to unblock this artifact. It was not until this period of knowing you, coupled with the previous test, that I dared to unblock this artifact for you. You don't blame me for being a teacher, do you?"

Song Fei shook his head, "The divine soldier holding the hands of the evil people is a sharp weapon for killing. Master's worry is reasonable."

"Well," Long Xing nodded. It's best if you think so, and it also proves that I didn't see the wrong person. There are still some things here, which can be regarded as a small gift for you.

Long Xing threw eight sets of equipment to Song Fei, two sets of 70, 80, 90 and 99 brown suits, all of which are leather armor, and each level has two sets of black and white. Among them, the four sets of black are tight leather armor, which can be seen at a glance that they were worn when they were stabbed. The four white sets are very similar to the shape of his white tiger leather suit. They are elegant and free to wear on their bodies. With the seven-star bone sword, they are simply a knight, and no one will think that he is a killer. These eight sets of equipment are all the best suits under the same level, and it seems that he has also made great efforts in dragon behavior.

After put away eight sets of equipment, Song Fei just wanted to say something to Long Xing, but as soon as he looked up, he found that the weather-suffian old man was sitting peacefully in front of him, with his eyes closed and a smile on his face. He was already out of breath. Because he already knew the result, coupled with his own mood, Song Fei did not cry, but just sighed a long sigh and turned his eyes to the two overlapping stars in the southwest sky.

In the week after that, Song Fei symbolically guarded the old man for seven days, and then cremated Long Xing's body. According to Long Xing's wishes, Song Fei sprinkled his ashes into the pond. Long Xing hoped that he could swim in the sea after his death, so he asked Song Fei to scatter his ashes into the pond and then flow into the sea along the stream.

After disposing of Long Xing's body, Song Fei stayed in the valley for a few more days. Although there is no one in the valley, there are still some things that make him miss. The horse, the dog, the house, and the fruit trees by the pond have been his partners for the past three years, and he has a deep affection for them. Compared with them, the treasures of the cave make him feel indifferent. After all, wealth is not so strong ** for him now, and he has no feelings for those things. Nevertheless, he took a look before leaving. At a glance, he found that the treasures of the cave had become decorations and things without any attributes.

Think about it, how can the system give a player such a big benefit? Although the task of the national plot is big, he would not have suffered such a big loss without the intervention of the Fengyun Gang. An artifact and eight sets of best suits are enough to make up for his loss. If you give him so many good things, the system will lose a lot!

After leaving the valley of Longxing, Song Fei did not go to practice. His first stop came to the novice village.