The real mirror of online games

14, the beginning of defending the city

After the defense of the city began, everything went well. It turned out that the bleak night method was very effective. Of course, smoothness does not mean ease.

Qingping City is built on a prairie. There is nothing to hide around the city. There is only a lonely city surrounded by open areas. Such terrain will inevitably cause players who look like water to be attacked by the enemy on all sides. In addition, there are also certain problems in the number and ratio of gang members.

First, the number of people guarding the city.

Although there are 900,000 members of the water-like gang, it is impossible for them to participate in this defense of the city, because they still have two other cities to defend. If another city is taken away by other gangs when you defend the monster siege here, it is too uneconomical. Although this kind of thing is rare in Mirror, it has not happened. If there is any more accident that causes the defense of the city here to fail, it will be a big loss! Therefore, they need to divide at least 300,000 to defend the other two cities, so that there are only 600,000 gang members who can participate in this defensive battle, and the total number of people who come to help is no more than 800,000. On average, 800,000 people are divided into four walls, and there are only 200,000 on each side, which is not much for the current scale of the city war.

Second, personnel ratio.

The level of members of a gang cannot be the same. There must be a gap, but it is just a matter of the size of the gap. Because it has been almost two years since the game opened, there are not many players who enter the game again. The level of mainstream players has reached between 75 and 85, and most gang members are also within this range. However, if there is a mainstream, there is a non-mainstream. The non-mainstream here includes two aspects, one is high-level, and on the other is low-level, but after all, there are few high-level, and there are many low-level ones.

The matching ratio of gang members is the same as the overall trend of the player level in the game. There are only a few dozen gangs above level 90, and Hua is one of them; between level 75 and 90 is the mainstream, accounting for 90% of the gang members; level 50 to level 70 accounts for 9%; and finally, there are about 1% of people under level 50. Of course, these people are not main warmen, most of them are gang management. .

The monster divisions around Qingping City range from level 70 to 93, and the players participating in the defense of Qingping City cannot be advanced players. Some low-level players can't participate in the battle, so they can only do some work such as patrol or transportation in the city. Except for these people, 800,000 people can really Only 600,000 people participated in the battle. In this way, only 150,000 people can be divided on each wall.

Although 150,000 people are much more than in the previous city defense, it is different now. When the blood-stained Canyang defended the city for the first time, he faced 30 or 40 levels of monsters, but now they are all level 10. Although the level of players is comparable to that of siege monsters, the IQ of advanced monsters is also high, which is recognized by all players. A 30-level player and a 30-level monster are far less fierce than a 90-level player and a 90-level monster.

In addition, with the upgrading of gangs and the increase of gang members, the system has also adjusted the number of siege monsters. When the blood-stained remnant sun defended the city for the first time, there were only hundreds of thousands of siege monsters, and most of them were low-level monsters, and the real high-level monsters were only tens of thousands of the last few waves. In the current defense of the city, a large army of monsters often three or four million, each wave is under the black pressure to besiege the city, which makes people tremble. It is said that the largest number of monsters was the last time the Chinese Gang built the sixth city, and the number of monsters actually reached 12 million. However, the Huaxia Gang is now a nine-level gang, with 4.5 million official members. In addition, the Huaxia Gang also has three affiliated gangs, with a total of nearly 10 million members.

The battle for defending the city has not yet begun. Outside the city has been surrounded by hundreds of thousands of warriors and knights. Looking at the wall as thick as dozens of meters, he nodded with satisfaction. Before long, the first wave of siege troops surrounded from all sides, and there were nearly one million.

The first wave of monsters is the 70-level grassland tarantula. The grassland tarantula is half a meter long, and its eight feet are like eight sharp knives. The two ten-centimeter-long sharp teeth in its mouth are like a huge pair of pliers, and its mouth is dripping dark green **, indicating that this creature is highly poisonous. If combined with the two rows of eight black eyes and a dark red skin on the long face, it would be too ferocious. However, these are not the most terrible places for prairie tarantulas. The most terrible thing about it is spitting spider silk, and it is poisonous spider silk.

However, the grassland tarantula is a common monster near Qingping City. Many players have experience in dealing with this monster and have their own set of means to deal with it. But this kind of large-scale battle and team killing monsters are still different. The scene of hundreds of thousands of spiders spitting silk at the same time is really horrible! However, monsters are monsters. Even monsters with high intelligence are just monsters and will not be as organized as human beings, so all spiders spit silk at the same time.

It's relatively easy to deal with these monsters. After all, it's only the first wave. 50 minutes later, the boss of the grassland tarantula fell to the ground.

The second wave of monsters is the 62-level northern python. This monster has no special skills, but it is a little large, four or five meters long, and the bowl mouth is thick. However, this is also a common monster on this grassland, and it is not difficult to deal with. The only problem is that the number is too large, as many as 700,000.

The first few waves of monsters were not difficult to deal with, but the number was a little large. When the sixth wave of monsters came, it really brought them trouble, because this wave of monsters flew in the air.

Highland Eagle, Class 81.

This wave of monsters brings a lot of trouble to the defense of the city, because the monsters in the air never fight with the defenders outside the city, but directly cross the wall and destroy the buildings in the city. Of course, their ultimate goal is still the resident token. In fact, if you can cross the wall directly, the monsters on the ground will also go straight to the station token.

Although it was difficult, they persisted. After all, it is only a 81-level monster, which has just reached the average level of mainstream players, and the number of this wave of monsters has been reduced to 200,000, with an average of only 50,000 on each side of the four walls, which is relatively easy to deal with. However, 7 hours have passed since the time of defending the city.

The last two small ones have to face three waves of monsters. Generally, players may think that this is a good thing, because as long as they resist these two hours, they can declare that they have successfully defended the city. But the real masters frowned, because they thought further. The first few waves of monsters only appear after killing one wave, so it took more than seven hours to calculate that there were only two waves of monsters in less than two hours. But will the system really allow such a thing to happen? Obviously impossible! The system has prepared nine waves of monsters. How can it not be released? But if three waves of monsters are released in less than two hours, it means that they will meet the next wave before they kill the previous wave of monsters. The difficulty of the two waves of monsters mixed together can be imagined.

In fact, the system is more amazing than they thought. When they saw the huge army of 500,000 monsters divided into three echelons, all the players were dumbfounded.

"What's going on? Why are there so many strange things all at once? The previous wave was only 200,000. It should be less. How can there be so many? Standing silently on the wall and looking at the monsters divided into three echelons of 83, 86 and 89, he was a little confused. After the last wave of monsters was solved, because it was estimated that the level of this wave of monsters was too high, he would not gain experience if he stayed on the battlefield, so he withdrew from the battlefield.

"Think about it, it's only more than an hour before the end of the city." Song Fei thought about it and said. If you can't break through the city wall in more than an hour, it means that you have successfully defended the city like water. But if it still releases waves of monsters as before, with the strength of these hundreds of thousands of monsters, it is impossible to attack the city, so..."

"You mean that the last three waves of monsters came together!" Seeing Song Fei nodded, Hua's eyebrows immediately frowned. It seems that I'm going to arrange it." After saying that, he turned around and wanted to leave.


"What else?" Hua looked at Song Fei doubtfully.

Song Fei didn't say anything, first formed a team with Hua, and then shared his vision with her. Seeing what was in Song Fei's vision, Hua shudled, and the cold sweat immediately came down. Through Song Fei's vision, Hua saw dozens of invisible people hidden in all corners of Qingping City. At this time, they were slowly moving towards the storage place of the resident token.

"When did you find it?"

"I found it from the beginning of the battle to defend the city. These are all masters, at least level 90. The reason why they didn't do it at the beginning is to wait for this opportunity.

"I see." Hua Cao said a word and then turned around and left.

After that, Song Fei saw that hundreds of senior assassins were also invisible in the water-like beauty, and then some senior players were gradually replaced in the patrol team in the city, but the low-level players who were replaced also gathered around a super altar in the central square of Qingping City.

Song Fei has noticed this huge altar for a long time. Although he didn't know what it was for, he was embarrassed to ask because he was not familiar with this gang. Now it seems that it's time to use it.

After these low-level families passed, a large number of players gathered around the altar, roughly estimated that there were about 300,000 people. All the players fighting outside the city have withdrawn, leaving only hundreds of thousands of archers and mages standing on the wall to attack, and the rest focused on the altar. After that, Song Fei saw nearly 10,000 Taoist priests walking on the altar together and setting up a special array, and then the flowers walked on the altar and stood in the middle of the magic array.

After all the people were in place, the Taoist priests on the altar chanted strange spells together. 10,000 people chanted in unison. Even if a person's voice is very small, even if Qingping City covers a large area, it is enough for all the players in the city to hear.

After hearing the spells recited by 10,000 Taoist priests in unison, the mages and archers on the wall suddenly beat like chicken blood, their exaggerated expressions accelerated, and the output suddenly increased a lot. On the contrary, the monsters under the city were originally attacking the wall crazily, but after hearing the strange spell, they suddenly became extremely afraid and restless. The attack slowed down, and some began to string around, and the originally neat and orderly team became chaotic.

After checking the attributes of Song Fei on both sides, he found that the attacking monster army is now in a state of "fear", while the players defending the city are in a state of "excitement". No wonder this happens. It turns out that Hua has hidden such a powerful skill! In this way, it is no wonder that Hua can become the commander-in-chief of a Taoist priest who looks like water!

But Song Fei is wrong again this time, because the effect of spending this skill is not only that.