The real mirror of online games

17, enemies meet

After leaving Qingping City, Song Fei turned to the capital of evil.

After the Battle of Qingping City, Song Fei had a closer understanding of his strength. Although I have learned something about my strength before, I can judge it by looking at the amount of monster's information with my eyes. That's just an estimate, and the conclusion is only limited to the attribute data. However, a person's real strength is not only about the data, but also the skill, and the skill is nothing. The law is judged by the skill of fiery eyes.

The battle with the evil god made Song Fei further understand the extent of his skills. In the face of a boss above level 95, you can advance and retreat freely. Although there is no guarantee that the opponent will be killed in a short time, there is no problem in self-preservation. Considering the advantage that players can take medicine, Seinfeld is still sure to kill it. The only thing to worry about is the boss's big move before his death.

Since he has the strength to deal with a boss above level 95, Song Fei believes that he can deal with most of the creatures in the whole game, so he is not in a hurry to practice. Instead, he wants to go to the Capital of Sin to see if there are any interesting tasks.

The evil capital is still as prosperous and noisy as before. All kinds of people come and go, some come to pick up tasks, some come to hand in tasks, and some come here to eat, drink or do some shady transactions. The pattern and decoration here seem to be unchanged. There is no additional store or reduction of a booth. Even the attitude of the owner of the shop he was familiar with in the past has not changed. Seeing Song Fei coming in, he directly threw the task list to him without saying anything.

Looking at this familiar and strange thing, Song Fei suddenly had an illusion that the world is still the same as before, and nothing seems to have happened in this year. In fact, when he came here to pick up the mountain thief's mission last time, Song Fei already felt this. It was because of this feeling that he had a kind of dependence on the evil city, a feeling that time would always stay in the past beautiful moments.

Page by page turning through the task list, it didn't take long for Song Fei to find his first goal - Dong Cheng.

After the battle of Taishan three years ago, Dong Cheng's reputation in the sect and in the world has greatly increased. After three years of painstaking management, he has now faintly become the leader of the young generation of the five sects. If nothing unexpected happens, the next head of the Tianshan faction is likely to be him.

However, anything must have advantages and disadvantages. Because of the sudden rise of fame, which has attracted a large number of admirers and people who like to make friends, Dong Cheng is bound to spend a lot of time to deal with these things, so naturally he does not have much time to improve his strength, so his current level is only level 78. He was able to reach level 78 because the headman was worried about his safety after becoming famous and found an elder-level master to help him practice. If he still studied with the previous master, he may stay at level 55 all his life.

Because of the sudden rise of fame, Dong Cheng naturally attracted the jealousy of some people, so there have been many people who have caused trouble for him in the past three years. In order to maintain his position and reputation, sometimes he has to use some despicable means against his opponents. There is no doubt that this task of assassinating Dong Cheng was released by these people. After accepting the task, Song Fei immediately contacted the follower and learned that Dong Cheng was in Mudan Town at this moment.

Today's Peony Town is also very different from three years ago. After the rescue of the King of Dizang three years ago, the flower sea maze and Buddha light wonders in Peony Town disappeared, and Peony Town and Xumi Mountain also became untrue. Later, some people missed the wonders of the sea of flowers in Peony Town, so they planted a large number of peony flowers around Peony Town. After that, at the turn of spring and summer every year, the wonders of the sea of flowers in Peony Town will reappear in front of the world. Later, in order to commemorate the place where the king of Dizang was imprisoned, Buddhist believers built a temple on Mount Xumi. Some people say that because the king of Tibet spent a lot of spiritual power to fight against the seal, those spiritual powers could not be dispersed in a short time, so he often went to the cave to practice and quickly improved his cultivation. Over time, the cave has become a feng shui treasure for many Buddhist believers and players.

Dong Cheng also came for this purpose today. Although he is not a Buddhist, profound spells are originally connected. Whether it is a Taoist Buddhist or other immortal sects, they absorb the energy of heaven and earth to supplement themselves. From this perspective, the difference between sects is not big, but the cultivation methods are different. Of course, people like him can't openly say that they came here to Taobao, but came under the guise of accompanying a monk friend to visit.

When he visited his hometown again, Song Fei could no longer care about his feelings. Although his time in Peony Town was the last period of unity and harmony for the team, he has also been relieved by what happened in those years since he met Tian Tian, Silence and Hua.

When Song Fei found Dong Cheng, he was wandering alone in Peony Town. His monk friend didn't know where he had gone, but this was not Song's business. Silently carrying up the Beiming God Gong to suppress his breath, Song Fei raised his legs and ran to Dong Cheng. With Dong Cheng's strength, he is not a BOSS. At most, he is an elite among the elites, but he still has a perception of the strength and murderous atmosphere around him, which is very clear to Song Fei.

Although he found Song Fei running over, he didn't pay attention to him because he felt that his momentum was just an ordinary player and didn't feel murderous. Although I saw him running over, I just thought he had something urgent, so I just looked back and looked back to admire the peony flowers on the roadside. Unexpectedly, a very thin silk thread suddenly fell on his neck, and then the silk thread quickly tightened, and a sharp pain came from his neck.

As the only person who escaped from Song Fei's hand, Dong Cheng was not a wine bag. As early as the silk thread just wrapped around his neck, he had already reacted. The most effective way to deal with this kind of rope that suddenly covers the neck from behind is to stretch out one hand between the rope and the neck to save your life, and then use the other hand to counterattack the other party and force the other party to let go of the rope. In order to guard against assassinations, Dong Cheng doesn't know how many times he has done this kind of training in the past three years.

However, this time the situation is different. As soon as Dong Cheng's left hand was placed between the silk thread and his neck, he felt a sharp pain coming from his hand. Shocked, Dong Cheng shook his left hand and found that the hand that should have been on his neck had left. After a closer look, he found that four fingers had been broken! Dong Chengzhong was frightened and unconsciously paused with his fist and waved his right hand behind him. By the time he recovered from fear, it was too late, and the extremely thin silk thread had taken his life.