The real mirror of online games

26, meet the dragon again

Carefully following the back of the magic ape team and walking for more than two hours, Song Fei frowned again.

"Stop, don't follow anymore." Song Yi stretched out his hand and grabbed Luo Ying.

"What's wrong?" Luo Ying looked at Song Fei puzzledly.

"We're back again, haven't you noticed?"

Ah? Come back again?" Luo Ying looked around and didn't see anything wrong, so she was even more puzzled.

"Look at the grass over there, which is the grass we hid before." Song Fei pointed to a piece of grass in front of him and said.

"Is this the grass we hid before?" Luo Ying looked around for a long time and then said, "But these trees are different from before? Oh, I see. These trees will move. How can I forget this!"

When he first entered this dense forest, Song Fei was afraid of getting lost, so he had already marked the trees. As a result, he found that these trees would move, and all the marks he made were useless. Later, when he decided to follow the ape team, he also marked the grass. Originally, he didn't expect to come back here again, but after walking with the ape team for more than two hours, he suddenly saw the grass again. After careful observation, he found that the grass had not changed, but the tree had moved.

"What should I do now? Why did we come back? Did the ape team find us? But why didn't you attack us and pull us around instead?" Luo Ying was puzzled again.

"No, they shouldn't have found us."

"No? Then why are you pulling us around?"

"There is only one explanation for this situation, and these patrolling apes are also circling around."

"You mean they are also spinning around in the woods?" Luo Ying shook her head with a pair of incredible big eyes. I can't figure it out. I don't even know the right way. What logic do they patrol?

"This is the place where the leader is smart." Song Fei shook his head and said. Affected by the ecstasy array, the magic ape can only patrol the periphery of the forest and kill the invaders as soon as they find them. Even if the invaders are too strong and the ape team can't kill them, they won't expose their base camp. The invaders will still be trapped in the woods, just like we are now.

"What should I do now?"

"Let me think about it."

Sing Fei walked around thinking, looking at the grass around him, and then looking at the leaves, and suddenly smiled.

"Go this way." Song Fei raised his legs and left.

"How do you know you want to go this way?" Luo Ying caught up with him and asked.

"Look at the leaves of these grass, they all point in the same direction, because they are caused by the wind blowing from one direction for many years. No matter how powerful the ecstasy in the forest is, it is impossible to fascinate the wind, so as long as you walk in the opposite direction of the wind, you will definitely be able to go out.

"But how do you know that you can find the goal we are looking for if you go like this?"

"I don't know. Let's try it. As long as we follow this direction, we will definitely run through this forest. As long as we run through the forest, we should be able to find what we are looking for.

Seinfeld's method is really effective. After walking in the opposite direction of the fall of the grass leaf for an hour, the ecstasy array gradually disappeared. Song Fei knew that this should be the core of the ecstasy array. After walking for more than ten minutes, the towering giant trees in the trees suddenly disappeared, suddenly revealing an open area. In front of it was a cliff dozens of meters high, and a huge cave with a diameter of ten meters appeared in front of him. At this time, hundreds of magic apes were wandering in front of the cave. When they saw Song Fei and several people, they all shouted and rushed over.

Hundreds of magic apes who suddenly roared and shook stopped, then stood neatly on both sides and made a separate road. A nearly five-meter-high magic ape came out with two huge axes in his hand. The tall demon ape walked to Song Fei, stared at him for a few seconds, and then suddenly took action. A vigorous step rushed up and an axe cut down at him.

Song Fei's ankle twisted, easily dodged the BOSS's blow, and then put his eyes first. He found that this was only a 75-level boss with a contemptuous smile. He casually pulled out the seven-star bone sword, pierced the general's knee joint of the magic ape, and then pulled back. General Moyuan was in pain. When he roared and raised his leg and swept to Song Fei, he found that his opponent had dodged. The angry general of the ape raised the axe and swept to Song Fei, but what he didn't expect was that Song Fei gently jumped on his axe, jumped up his arm all the way up, jumped on its shoulder, and stabbed it with two swords, turning it into a blind general.

General Magic Ape's eyes were blinded, roared, and two axes waved casually. But how can a blind monster beat a middleman? At this time, Song Fei had retreated to Luo Ying more than ten meters away. Of course, Song Fei did not want to play any gentlemanly intention to let go of this blind boss, but because he had to come back to protect Luo Ying, because the hundreds of magic apes saw that their boss had been injured and had rushed this side.

Seeing the monsters enter the attack range, Song Fei was about to prepare for the autumn wind to sweep the fallen leaves. Suddenly, there was a roar from the cave behind, and the demon apes retreated one after another.

"Who is so bold to break into the magic cave!" A loud voice came from the cave, and the powerful power contained in it made Luo Ying tremble. Then an energetic and childish old man came out of the cave leisurely, followed by two magic ape generals.

"Master?" Seeing the old man coming out, Song Fei couldn't help but be stunned. This person is actually Long Xing!

Huh? It's you! Why did you come here?" Long Xing was also stunned when he saw Song Fei.

"I took them to practice. Master, aren't you already here? Why are you here?

Long Xing first turned around and ordered the demon ape general to withdraw the monsters, and carried the injured boss down for treatment, and then turned to Song Fei and said, "It's a long story!"

Everyone's cultivation is not limited to the body, but also the soul, and the soul stores more energy than the body. At the beginning, the dragon died and the soul came to the hell with powerful energy, but encountered a difficult problem. If he is reincarnated, the powerful energy carried in his soul will be taken away by the hell. Even if he has a high understanding after reincarnation, he is just an ordinary person and has to practice again. But if he is not reincarnated, he will have to join the forces of hell and become a member of the undead, so that he can walk around like when he was alive. Otherwise, he will always be just a soul with huge energy, in danger of being swallowed up by powerful monsters at any time.

However, Long Xing did not want to become an unconscious spirit or lose his half of his life. He could only wander in the three worlds in the state of a wandering soul. Fortunately, he did not meet a powerful creature that wanted to devour him. Later, by chance, he met the devil. The demon appreciated his character and valued his ability, so he reshaped his body and resurrected him. After the resurrection, Longxing joined the demon clan and was recognized by the demon master and several demon generals because of his strength. It happened that the demon general rebelled, and his seat was empty after he dared to leave the demon world, so Long Xing naturally became one of the eight demon generals and was responsible for the protection of the demon world.

This time, the demon master came to the magic cave and only brought Long Xing to be responsible for the vigilance work. Those magic apes and the three magic ape generals were all pulled by Long Xing from nearby. The demon emperor came here to retreat before and had never had a similar thing happened, so he did not find any senior guards or troops. Unexpectedly, there would be trouble this time.

"Apprentice, it's fate that you and my apprentice can still meet here." Long Xing sighed. Since you are here to practice, I will help you raise the level of the three of them to the same level as you, but you don't come here again.

"Well, thank you, Master." Song Fei bowed and saluted. He knew that this was the benefit given to him by Long Xing taking care of him. If it was someone else, he would kill him directly.

After saying that, Long Xing turned around and ordered Luo Ying, Xiong Ba and Ji Feng to stand together, and then a golden light ball appeared in his hand with his left hand. As Long Xing's wrist trembled, the golden light ball became bigger and bigger. Until the light ball rose to about four meters in diameter, Long Xing pushed his left hand forward, and the light ball flew out lightly, covering one or two pets inside. Then Long Xing came forward and put his hands on the surface of the photosphere. The light on the light mask immediately won, and a trace of golden light connected to Luo Ying and others. Not long after the ceremony was over, Long Xing turned around and walked back to the cave, but Luo Ying, Xiong Ba and Ji Feng collapsed on the ground together.

"What's wrong with Luo Ying?" Song Fei came forward and asked with concern.

"Nothing," Luo Ying said with difficulty. I received too much energy at once, and I couldn't stand it. Just take a break.

I checked Luo Ying's attributes and found that she had really reached level 76, but she was in a weak state. Then she looked at Xiong Ba and Jifeng. The same thing, Song Fei put it down and quietly stayed beside Luo Ying. Half an hour later, Luo Ying's weakness was finally relieved. She rose all the way from the ground, looked at her level, and then looked at Xiong Ba and Jifeng. She jumped happily and took Song Fei's hand and wanted to find a strange place to try somewhere else. Song Fei is also very happy now. After all, Luo Ying has risen to nearly 10 levels at once, so that he can save a lot of time.

However, not long after, they encountered new problems. After Luo Ying's level rose to level 80, it was no longer. The level limits of players and NPCs are different. A player, as long as he gets enough experience to kill monsters, can upgrade unlimitedly before the full level 100. Only 99 will be limited when upgrading to 100, which will not be as simple as before. However, NPC is different. The upper limit of the level of NPC is limited by its own constitution and cultivation. With Luo Ying's current constitution and cultivation, it can only be upgraded to level 80. As for how to improve cultivation, Song Fei and Luo Ying do not know.

Relatively speaking, Xiong Ba and Jifeng have no level limit. Xiong Ba was originally a first-level pet of the Xuanwu City Lord, and its level has reached level 99. That is to say, its level limit has been lifted, but it has been suppressed after becoming Song Fei's pet. Therefore, as long as you have experience in killing monsters, you can rise to level 99. Jifeng is only a first-class pet, and the biological level is already high, unlike Luo Ying, who is just an ordinary person. Even if there is a limit on the upper limit of the level, it is not at level 80. At least it has not encountered this limit yet.

Although Xiong Ba and Jifeng are not player pets and there are no restrictions on player pets, the attributes are released and the upgrade experience is also released. The upgrade experience of each level of the player's pet is 70% of its owner's experience at the same level, so the player's pet upgrades faster than the player. However, after Xiong Ba became Luo Ying's pet, the upgrade experience became its upgrade experience as a free creature. Because its biological level is too high, the upgrade experience has also become an astronomical figure, about 20% higher than Song Fei's.