The real mirror of online games

31, Tianshan chaos

After separating from the dewdrop, Seinfeld began his next plan. Now everything is ready, only Tianshan Xuelian, so his next plan is to take advantage of the chaos to rob Tiantong Xuelian. However, only Shennongtang can cause enough pressure on the Tianshan faction. What's more, the people of Shennongtang are not going to Tianshan Xuelian, so Song Fei's next plan is to continue to create chaos and make the people of the Tianshan faction unable to cope with it.

In the first step, Song Fei used various relationships to spread news everywhere in the game, blowing the function of Tianshan Xuelian, and spreading the approximate maturity date of Tianshan Xuelian, making the whole game boil. First of all, some Jianghu chickens and dog thieves went to Tianshan School every three or five times to make trouble and make some trouble. Of course, the Tianshan School will not pay attention to these people, but some small and medium-sized sects that follow have to be paid attention to. Subsequently, several other sects also took action. Although they did not dare to openly go to war with the Tianshan faction, they sought provocations and created some small things, and took the opportunity to come to the Tianshan faction to spy on the situation.

For a while, Tianshan was in a hurry. Although they knew the intentions of these people, they did not dare to attack. Xuelian was about to mature. At this time, they didn't want to make any trouble, so they could only swallow their anger. But the more they swallow their anger, the more rampant the activities of other sects will be. They will not give up such a treasure as Tianshan Xuelian because the Tianshan faction is easy to talk!

When the gates went to the Tianshan faction to seek trouble, Song Fei hid in the dark, observing the movements of the gates while looking for opportunities to continue to cause trouble. Finally, when Xuelian was still ten days away from maturity, he found another opportunity.

This time, a disciple named Hua Qing learned a confidential news in the Tianshan faction and was planning to send the news back to the headquarters of the sect. Because this news is too important, involving the history of the Tianshan School and the cultivation of immortals, Huaqing was worried about giving it to others and wanted to send it back in person. He planned to sneak back to the world, but who knew that he was targeted by Song Fei.

He sneaked behind Hua Qing for a long time. When he walked to a valley, he saw no one left and right. Song Fei quickly ran to the front of Hua Qing and stood in the middle of the road.

When Song Fei, who was equipped with a warrior, appeared in front of him, Hua Qing couldn't help but be stunned. He thought that he had kept a low profile and would not attract the attention of the Tianshan faction even if he left, but he didn't expect it to be targeted. But now that it has been exposed, it is useless to hide.

"What's the matter with this friend?" Hua Qing greeted Song Fei politely. At this time, it's better to send him away. If you can't do it, it's better not to do it, so as not to make trouble. After all, the news you bring is too important.

"I opened this mountain and planted this tree. If you want to live from now on, stay and buy money!" Song Fei's looting tone was like a complete bandit.

"Oh, it turns out that this friend is looking for money." As soon as Hua Qing heard Song Fei's tone, his hanging heart was immediately relieved. It's just a small bandit. He doesn't care about it. What he is worried about is that the people of the Tianshan faction know their true intentions. It's hard to say if you want money! Now that I have entered my brother's territory, I have to abide by this rule, right? Come on, brother, take this little money to buy some wine!"

Hua Qing slowly walked to Song Fei and took out something from his backpack as he spoke, as if he really wanted to give him some money to buy. But suddenly, Huaqing rushed to Song Fei with an arrow step and quickly crossed Song Fei's right hand in his backpack, with an extra dagger in his hand.

Soong Fei originally pretended to be a bandit to distract Hua Qing. How could he be fooled at this time? Moreover, Huaqing is just a 90-level elite disciple in the world, and he can't reach the strength of the boss. His little move has long been clearly seen by Song Fei. Seeing Hua Qing's action, Song Fei leaned back slightly and easily dodged the blow. The right hand sword took advantage of the opportunity to cut off Hua Qing's right hand with one sword.

Huaqing's right hand was cut off, but he was not panicked. Taking advantage of Song Fei's unstable body, he jumped past him and tried to escape. At first, he regarded Song Fei as an ordinary robber, but as soon as he handed it over, Hua Qing found that he was wrong. Unexpectedly, this boy pretended to be a pig and a tiger with him. He was too careless! The blow of his full sneak attack was not only dodged, but also easily cut off a hand. If so, he still doesn't recognize the gap between himself and the other party, which is a mallet! The only way to do this is to use his unstable body to escape quickly. He is a warrior and should not be as fast as his assassin.

How could Seinfeld let him run away like this? Seeing Huaqing running past him, Song Fei had no time to get up. He leaned back with his left hand to support the ground. He threw his long sword with his right hand and hit a steel nail, which was nailed straight to Hua Qing's knee concern. Then his left hand exerted hard and jumped in front of Hua Qing's back, and his hand had been replaced with a seven-star bone sword.

Hua Qing injured his right leg and suddenly fell to the ground in pain, but these were nothing, but when he saw the seven-star bone sword in Song Fei's hand, he was shocked. The person who could use this weapon was by no means an ordinary person. He couldn't help asking, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that you have to die today!" Song Fei sneered.

"A master like you should not be an unknown person in the world, and he still uses such despicable means!" Hua Qing wants to anger Song Fei and find a chance to escape.

"Okay, since you want to know so much, I'll tell you!" Seinfeld suddenly took off his helmet. My name is 'White Peony', also known as Tianwang Si!"

"God..." Hua Qing's exclamation has not yet been uttered. He has been penetrated through the throat by the seven-star bone sword, and fell to the ground with a frightened and incredible expression.

After killing Hua Qing, Song Fei used two punctures, a double click and a blade to dance around the body. After that, he scratched a few swords on the wound and made some cover-up. Then he leisurely picked up the long sword that had just been lost and left the scene.

To do this, of course, Song Fei is to provoke the conflict between the Tianshan faction and the altar.

Before deciding to return to the sect, Hua Qing had sent back the news that he would report back to the headquarters with important information. From the Tianshan faction to the scorpion, the one-way journey is only one day, but the person in charge of the scorpion has been waiting for two days in the sect and hasn't received any news. How can he not worry? Therefore, the world sent a large number of disciples to look for the whereabouts of Hua Qing. Finally, his body was found in a hidden valley at the foot of Tianshan Mountain.

Judging from the traces of the body, Hua Qing should have been killed by the Tianshan faction. Although the wound has been treated, you can still see traces of puncture and other skills hitting the body. Although the wounds on Huaqing's body are only caused by low-level skills such as puncture, double-click, blade dance, etc., isn't this a cover-up? Imagine how a person who can only have skills below level 10 kill an elite disciple of the world? Combined with the frightened expression on Huaqing's face before his death, the masters of the world agreed that this matter was done by the masters of the Tianshan School! Therefore, the contradiction between the shaman and the Tianshan faction was officially intensified.

First of all, the head of the sect took some elite disciples to the Tianshan faction to ask for an explanation. After a lot of toss, they invited various sects to put pressure on the Tianshan faction together. At this time, all sects are coveting Tianshan Xuelian and are worried that they can't find a suitable excuse to make trouble in Tianshan faction. Suddenly, such a great opportunity was delivered to them. How could they miss it?

"Everyone, everyone, calm down!" Tian Zhengfeng was sweating anxiously, but he didn't dare to attack. He could only persuade people from all sects. There must be some misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding? It's an indisputable fact that your Tianshan faction killed people!" A senior disciple in the world shouted loudly. Why do you Tianshan faction have to give an explanation?

"Hand over the murderer!"

"Yes, hand over the murderer!"

A few people immediately followed.

"Calm down, everyone, calm down! This Chinese brother has no grudge against us and the Tianshan faction. Why should we kill him?

"This is exactly what we want to ask!"

"You see, since we kill people for no reason, how can we kill people near our own sect? And recently, Tianshan has sent a lot of things. The elite disciples in the sect have not been out of the mountain gate for more than a month, and it is impossible for low-level disciples to kill the Huaqing brothers, so there must be something strange!"

"Anyway, the murderer must have something to do with the Tianshan faction, so you have to give us an explanation! From now on, we will live in Tianshan School until this matter is cleared! Please also stay with your friends and bear witness for us!"

In fact, the masters of the world didn't expect that someone was deliberately provoking it, but how could they let go of such a great opportunity? Only by taking this opportunity to settle in the Tianshan School and mess it up can they have a chance to grab Tianshan Snow Lotus.


, the situation became clearer. Each sect entered the Tianshan faction. Although there were not many people in each faction, the total number was still quite large. These people themselves belong to different sects. They originally have some grievances. In addition, this time they went up the mountain to make trouble for the Tianshan faction. How can they get along peacefully? So in the last few days when Xuelian was mature, there were fights almost every day. As landlords, of course, Tianshan School has to maintain order. Even if they don't want to care about it, those people will spontaneously come to them to "go over justice", so they are even busier. Dozens of disciples who were originally arranged to guard Xuelian can only be reduced again and again, and in the end, there are less than ten people left.

Fortunately, people from various sects did not know the specific maturity date of Xuelian. On the last day of Xuelian's maturity, they finally calmed down, and Tian Zhengfeng also felt some relaxation. As long as Xuelian is mature, he will immediately pick it and eat it with several brothers. As long as Xuelian is gone, the people of all sects will automatically retreat, and this crisis will be over.

In the fierce days of the various sects, Song Fei became quiet. He hid in a corner near Tianshan Xuelian and stared motionless for a few days. Until the last day, Tian Zhengfeng and several elders came to Xuelian and looked at it excitedly, and then left again, leaving only one person waiting to pick Xuelian. In order not to attract the attention of various sects, the others went back.