The real mirror of online games

One, go to sea

"What! Second brother, third sister, do you really want it? This is too dangerous, don't you?" As soon as he heard that Song Fei was going to take Luo Ying across the border to visit his family, Li Xiaoer trembling nervously and wanted not to go to them, but when he thought of taking Luo Ying home to visit his family and looking at Luo Ying's excited expression, he didn't say "You can't go" and then turned around. He changed his tone of concern and said, "Be careful on your way! Also, let's go tomorrow and let the eldest brother cook some dishes in person, just think of it as a farewell for you!"

The dishes cooked by Li Xiaoer himself are extraordinary. He has already had excellent cooking skills. What's more, he has a new understanding of cooking skills during this period. In addition, the ingredients are superior, and Li Xiaoer has made them with all his feelings. More than a dozen dishes can be added to more than 15 points each dish. Of course, this added attribute is only effective for players and has no effect on NPCs. It's just delicious.

After the three brothers and sisters talked about their separation, Song Fei took Luo Ying to the coastal city under the jurisdiction of Qinglong City. Tide City is an open city without walls, and the buildings in the city are completely ** outside. Through the cracks in the buildings in the city, you can see all kinds of ships arranged on the code words at a glance. The first time he came to a coastal city, Song Fei's feelings were different. He had never been to a coastal city before, and he didn't know that it was so lively! In fact, Song Fei just came now. If he had come before, he would not have seen so many people.

First of all, the game has been open for more than a year. Most players are almost 80, and they are tired of being on land. They want to play in the sea to see what the monster at sea is. Secondly, the national war that players are most concerned about is getting closer and closer, and they all want to adapt to the sea in advance. When the national war begins, the war with the cherry blossom country is inevitable, and the national war with the cherry blossom country should take place at sea in most cases.

After walking around the wharf of Tidal City, there are really many people who go to sea. Some rent a small boat of about ten meters alone to go to sea, and some dozens of people rent a big ship to go to sea. The increase in players in coastal cities has invisibly spawned another industry - sailors. The number of players going to sea has increased, and the pressure on the dock has suddenly increased. However, in order to maintain the balance of game data, game companies cannot increase the number of sailors and ships going to sea on the dock without limit, so there is an irreconcilable contradiction. After seeing this situation, some intelligent players bought boats and started a sailor business to send people to sea. Of course, not all the players who go to sea are killing monsters and practicing, and there are also tourists. So who is responsible for the safety of these tourists? Therefore, some senior players came here to do the bodyguard business. Subsequently, some big gangs in Qinglong City also saw this business opportunity and joined in one after another, and the industry was completely angry.

As soon as Song Fei took Luo Ying into the dock, he was immediately surrounded by a group of people, all of whom came up to do business. There were players and NPCs.

"guest officer, do you want to rent a boat?"

"Sir, where to go to practice?"

"Brother, it's like renters. It's safe and secure."

"Brother, tell me about your level. I know where to practice."


"You two, where do you want to travel? We can give free guidance."

"Hmm?" Song Fei turned his head, and a simple young man looked at him sincerely and looked at him as a player. It's just you!"

Sein Fei can choose this person not because of his simpleness, but because he thinks that this boy can do business. He and Luo Ying, a man and a woman, came to the seaside, neither alone nor in groups, which shows that they are far more likely to travel than the possibility of killing monsters. This person can see through this at a glance, which shows that he is very careful about things, which attracts Song Fei. When others saw that Seinfeld had selected people, they dispersed and went to other players.

"What's your name, brother?" Song Fei followed the player and asked for something to say as he wanted to inquire about the situation at sea.

"The younger brother's name is 'unlucky bear'," the young man smiled naively, "What's the name of this big brother?"

"Just call me Liu Da." Song Fei replied faintly.

"Brother Liu, I don't know where you want to go sightseeing?"

The player's name is strange, so neither of them asked each other why they took such a name. Song Fei only thought that this young man might like the unlucky bear, so he took this name; while the unlucky bear thought that maybe Song Fei's surname was Liu in reality, so he took this name, so he changed his name to "Brother Liu".

"Is it your boat?" Sein Fei did not directly answer the unlucky bear's question, but asked another question.

"No, I won't sail." The unlucky bear answered seriously. We are an intermediary organization responsible for contacting boaters and players. Every time I find the player, understand the player's situation and purpose, and give them some guidance, such as where to practice, what kind of strange things are, where is good for sightseeing, and so on, and then help them contact a safe and reliable ship.

"Well," Song Fei nodded, "this is a good business. You don't have to invest money and don't have to worry about your own safety. It's just too troublesome!"

"I don't think so!" The unlucky bear smiled. Playing games is to have fun and do what you want to do! I don't like to practice hard, and I also know that I'm not that material. Even if I practice hard, I can't get any results. On the contrary, it will bring me a kind of pressure. How good it is. Although it takes a lot of effort, I know a lot of people. I have a good time! And I also made money! That is, Mirror. If it were a previous game, how could it be so fun? Those broken games are not only fighting monsters, but also fighting monsters every day. In addition to upgrading, playing a game can exhaust people to death! Sometimes I doubt whether this is a person playing a game or a game playing a game?

"Hahaha..." Song Fei couldn't help laughing. What this boy said really makes sense.

"Oh, let's not talk about this, it's depressing when I think about it! Brother Liu, let's talk about your situation.

"Hmm." Song Fei nod his head. It's our first time to go to sea. We haven't been to a coastal city before. Please tell me about the situation at sea first.

"It's interesting to talk about this sea!" The unlucky bear looked excited. Fighting at sea is much more interesting than fighting on land! Fighting in the water, because of the resistance of the water, all kinds of movements will become very slow and the lethality will be much smaller. Therefore, many players will feel that their strength has improved after killing monsters in the water for a period of time and returning to the land. However, there are also bitter people, that is, mages and Taoist priests. Think about it, the earth mage casts spells with the help of the power of the earth, but there is no earth in the sea. How can he borrow it? Unless he fights at the bottom of the sea. There is also a wind mage. It takes air to become wind, but where does the air come from? The most bitter are the fire mages and Taoist priests! What kind of fire can exert its power in a vast ocean? Not to mention the Taoist priest, that Taoist charm can't be thrown out at all!

"Of course, in addition to killing monsters in the water, you can also kill monsters on the water or on some small islands. Hey, Brother Liu, let me tell you, some small islands are still good. In addition to all kinds of strange and rare monsters, you can also find a lot of rare treasures. I heard that many players got rich overnight because they found treasures on the island!

"Of course, the scenery on the sea is also very good, and many people come here specially to see the scenery. In this regard, the game company has done a good job, setting up a lot of safe and strange seas, as well as some small islands specially set up for sightseeing. There is a charge for crossing the tourist island!"

"Well, I see. In this way, unlucky bear, please help me find a stronger boatman. I don't want to bring too many people. Although I came here for the purpose of sightseeing, it is not complete sightseeing, and it is okay to kill monsters occasionally. Moreover, the place I want to go is not something that ordinary people can handle.

"Can't ordinary people cope with it? Brother Liu, where are you going?

"National barrier!"

"Guo... Brother Liu, are you kidding?" The unlucky bear couldn't believe his ears.

"You don't have to worry about this. You just need to help me find a boatman who is willing to go to sea. If you can't find it, you can buy a small boat for me. I can go to sea by myself. You take this." Song Fei said and handed ten gold coins to the unlucky bear.

"Brother Liu, what are you doing!" The unlucky bear's face changed and he stuffed ten gold coins back into Song Fei's hand. Our Tengfei intermediary company is principled! Only when a charter relationship is reached between customers will we charge 5% of the intermediary fee, and it is collected by the ship's side. You don't charge a penny. Do you look down on your brother like this?

Song Fei smiled awkwardly and put away ten gold coins. This boy is really attractive!

"If you want to go to the national barrier, it's really not easy to find someone." Seeing that Song Fei put away the gold coins, the unlucky bear continued. But maybe one person will be interested."

"Oh? Does anyone dare to go to the national barrier? Song Fei was really a little surprised. Originally, he didn't have much hope. He just wanted to buy one and go by himself.

The unlucky bear nodded, "This man is an NPC named Lai San. He said that he grew up at the seaside and made a living at sea for generations. There is also a nickname called 'Hangjianglong'. But he is not a local, and no one knows whether what he said is true or false. This man is dressed in rags, and a 10-meter-long broken boat is also leaking. He has never seen him take over work and do business. He lies on his small broken boat and bask in the sun every day. Isn't it strange that such a person didn't starve him to death?

Looking at Song Fei's eyes lit up, the unlucky bear smiled. Is Brother Liu thinking that this guy may be a hermit master? But what do you think a middle-aged man in his thirties can be a hermit master? In the past, some players thought like this and tried to please him. They wanted to see if they could receive any task. As a result, they made him fooled him and died of depression! Hahaha..."

"But there are really a lot of strange things about Lai San."