The real mirror of online games

Five, fake dragon monster

Although the national barrier recognizes their strength and allows them to enter, and the wind and waves have become smaller, it does not mean that they are safe. First, the national barrier itself is full of wind and waves, lightning and thunder. When they first entered, the degree of danger was increased, but now it has just returned to normal. Second, monsters with extraordinary strength can enter the national barrier. Any one has a big threat to them, and it is by no means garbage that can be solved in three or twos. Well, as soon as the wind and waves got smaller, a giant water monster rushed towards their boat.

Seeing a monster rushing towards small, Lai San frowned. If it is on the calm sea outside the barrier, he can stop the ship to fight, but it is very dangerous here. With his superb boating technology, he made the boat swing left and right, offsetting the impact of the wind and waves on the hull, so that the boat could run smoothly and avoid lightning. If you stop here, it is impossible to stop in such a big wind and waves alone, and maybe a lightning will fall on the boat. At that time, Song Fei and Luo Ying may really hide in the belly of the fish.

After a little thought, Lai San made up his mind that he could only use his own speed to get rid of this sea monster and never fight it here. If it can't catch up, lead it to an island, park the boat and kill it. Thinking of this, Lai San shook the bamboo pole hard, and the boat suddenly accelerated and rushed straight towards the monster. Just when a boat and a beast were about to collide, Lai San steered hard, and the boat suddenly turned left and passed by the monster. Originally, I thought that the monster would definitely turn around to catch up with the boat if he found that it had not hit the boat. Unexpectedly, it swam straight forward after missing the boat, and Lai San's hanging heart finally let go. But in a blink of an eye, I saw another monster swimming from far and near and chasing straight ahead.

"Wow!" Luo Ying took a long breath. A false alarm!"

After a false alarm, Lai San also breathed a long breath. Although he has seen a lot of this situation, after all, it is the first time for Song Fei and Luo Ying to go to sea, and they are in such a dangerous place as the national barrier. It is difficult to guarantee that they will not be nervous. Although this day was dangerous, it passed safely with the support of Lai San's superb technology, but the driving distance was much worse than that outside! In the evening, Lai San stopped the boat early in the morning, found a small island to hide the boat, and the three of them went to the island together. Although it was already evening, Song Fei and Luo Ying were unable to identify, because the two of them had never seen the color of the sky since they entered the national barrier. They were running and nervous all day, and the two were not in the mood to feel tired. They only felt thrill and exciting. If Lai San hadn't told them that it was evening, they wouldn't have noticed that a day had passed!

The first three days of sailing on the calm sea, coupled with Lai San's good skills, it was not painful for Luo Ying to take a boat, but today is different. The sudden change in the environment made her feel the turbulence of the sea. When she was on the boat, she didn't feel anything, but suddenly stepped on the ground. Without the bumps on the ship, her legs trembled instead. After gritting her teeth and standing for a few minutes, Luo Ying finally couldn't hold on and sat on the ground. Song Fei is better. After all, he is much stronger than Luo Ying. Although he also feels that his legs are weak, he does not sit on the ground after all.

"You two have a good rest!" Lai San said with concern. The first time you enter the national barrier, your strength is not ordinary! However, I have never seen an adventurer enter the national barrier before.

After resting for a while, Luo Ying gradually recovered and began to bury the pot to cook. Song Fei has never seen Lai San eat in the past few days. Of course, after knowing his identity, he didn't care much about this matter, but he still said to Lai San, "Brother, eat something. Luo Ying's craftsmanship is very good."

Lai San grabbed a grilled fish and put it in front of his nose, smelled it, and took a fine bite. Well, it's not bad. It seems that my sister-in-law also learned this skill from famous teachers.

Sing Fei did not deny that others mistake Luo Ying for his wife, and was too lazy to explain it to them. Instead, he said, "The third brother of the chef of the Phantom Dynasty 30 years ago should have heard of it, right? His son is our big brother.

"Brother is really a person with a wide range of friends!"

After experiencing the bumps of this day, Song Fei and Luo Ying both felt very tired and fell asleep after eating. Since returning to the game three years ago, Song Fei has spent all his time in the game except for eating, and even sleeping in the game. Anyway, there is nothing for him to do in reality. Originally, I thought there would be no danger after landing, but who knew that they were in trouble to visit again that night.

In the middle of the night, the sleeping Song Fei suddenly opened his eyes and turned his head to look. Lai San was also looking at him with the same eyes. It seemed that he also felt it.

"Do you feel it too?" Lai San said in a low voice.

Song Fei nodded, "This guy gave it to me to deal with. Don't wake up Luo Ying. Let her sleep well. Third brother, please stay and protect her.

Lai San nodded and did not compete with Song Fei. After all, killing monsters can gain experience. He has now reached the upper limit of his level. No matter how many monsters he kill, he will not gain experience, but Song Fei is different. He can still gain experience. Song Fei got up gently and slowly walked to the depths of the dark island.

Not far, Song Fei met his goal. Although it is now midnight, the national barrier does not seem to be affected by the sun. No matter day or night, it is so dark. Far away can not be seen, but near places can be seen clearly, which is somewhat similar to the novice village before the unblocking. With the help of the dim light, Song Fei saw that the strange appearance was strange. His body was shaped like a lion, but his head and tail were like a crocodiles, and there was a one-meter long neck between his head and body, plus a height of one meter, and his neck was two meters high when he stood upright. The monster is covered with a thick layer of black scales, like a thick layer of armor, and it will make a "wipe" sound when walking.

When the monster saw Song Fei coming up, he accelerated and rushed towards him without saying a word. Song Fei saw the monster rushing towards him, and a golden eye fell on the monster.

Fake Dragon Monster, Level 92, BOSS.

Song Fei smiled. This "fake dragon" is really suitable for use. This thing really looks like a Western dragon, but it is a little small. But now is not the time to think about this, because the fake dragon monster has rushed to him, and then as soon as he stretched out his neck, opened his blood basin and bit his head.

Song Fei's head leaned back, his right hand lifted up, and the scalpel knife ran through the jaw of the fake dragon. Seinfeld still knows something about monsters such as crocodiles. The back skin of such monsters is too hard, and ordinary swords are difficult to break their defenses. Although this fake dragon monster does not have hard skin like crocodiles, it has a thick scales on its back, which should not be so easy to deal with. Their weakness is their abdomen. . The abdomen is not often exposed, blocked by the body, and generally will not be attacked, so the abdomen of most animals with scales is weak. Now that he has won a blow, Song Fei knows in his heart that this fake dragon monster is no exception.

The fake dragon monster was injured and roared and raised its front paws to catch Song Fei. In the face of a 92-level boss, how could Song Fei be hit? He leaned back, raised his left foot, kicked the claws of the fake dragon monster, and his body did fly back five or six meters with the power of rebound.

When the fake dragon monster saw that it failed to hurt the enemy with one blow, it was injured. For a moment, it was furious and opened its bloody mouth and roared twice. Not to mention, these two screams are really different from when they were injured. Not only did the sound spread loudly throughout the island, but the tone also seemed to reveal a kind of urgent information. After getting the passive effect of combining spiritual contact and Beiming Shengong, Song Fei certainly heard the meaning of these two roars - this is the cry of his companions! Song Fei was shocked and unconsciously frowned. It would be difficult to deal with a group of companions! Thinking of this, Song Fei immediately released Xiong Ba and Jifeng on guard, and turned around and fought with the fake dragon and monster.

Although many things people don't want to happen, they often backfire. Before long, the companions of the fake dragon monster arrived, and there were more than a dozen. This guy looks similar to the fake dragon monster, but he is smaller, about 1.5 meters tall, and the scales on his body are not black, but gray. Although he knew at a glance that he was not a boss, Song Fei still took the opportunity to look at the attributes of these monsters.

Fake dragon beast, level 90, elite.

Although it is only a 90-level monster, the number is too large, which still makes Song Fei a little worried. Xiong Ba and Jifeng can't stop them. Although a few autumn winds sweeping fallen leaves can also solve it, it is bound to be distracted and unable to deal with the fake dragon monster boss. Level 92 BOSS will not be afraid of Seinfeld when fighting alone, but he can't do it if they fight in a group.

"Brother, don't be afraid, the third brother is here!"

Just when Song Fei was worried, Lai San's sudden voice calmed him down again. It turned out that the two roars of the fake dragon monster not only summoned the little brother, but also woke up the sleeping Luo Ying. Lai San was very familiar with the situation in the national barrier, and his strength was strong. As soon as he heard the two roars of the fake dragon monster, he knew what it meant, so he rushed over with Luo Ying.

With Lai San's presence, Song Fei is not worried about the damage that more than a dozen fake dragon beasts will cause to Luo Ying, and this island is not big. The two roars of the fake dragon monster should have called all the little brothers on the island, so there will be no more fake dragon beasts coming, so that he can deal with the BO at ease. SS.

A few hours later, more than a dozen fake dragon beasts and a boss were solved, and Song Fei finally breathed a long breath of relief.

"This fake dragon beast is a common monster on a nearby island," Lai San explained to Song Fei and Luo Ying after solving the battle. "It is also a kind of monster native to the national barrier. This monster belongs to amphibious creatures. As soon as it is born, it is a 90-level elite monster, which is divided into three levels. The first level is the one you just killed, which is the 92-level BOSS; the second level is called Fake Dragon Warcraft, which is the 95-level BOSS; the third level is called the Fake Dragon Beast, which is the 97-level BOSS. In addition, this kind of monster's meat is rare and delicious. Brother, you might as well take some back to taste.