The real mirror of online games

Nine, new leader

The savage leader had to rush to fight when he was obviously exhausted and had lost, which made Song Fei puzzled. What is he for? Obviously, the current situation is not for Luo Ying. No matter how good the food is, it won't make him even kill him, right? Turning his head and looking around the wild people around him, Song Fei was even more puzzled. These guys did not show any anger after seeing their leader injured. Not only did no one want to come up to help, but several older guys were actually excited! What's the situation? Could it be that this leader is not good to this group of people and often abuses them? But now he can't help thinking about it, because the savage leader has rushed to him and raised his weak fist and hit him.

It seems that it has become a tiger riding trend, and we have to kill this boss today! Thinking of this, Song Fei did not keep his hand, and the scalpel knife quickly took a fatal move. It only took more than ten minutes to solve the weak savage leader. After killing the savage leader, Song Fei's body flashed golden light and rose to level 95.

Suddenly rising to level 95, Ning Fei only felt light and comfortable, and there seemed to be a powerful force surging in his body, laughing unconsciously. At this time, only one thought flashed in his mind: I stepped into the ranks of level 95!

While Song Fei was laughing, the onlookers quietly separated a road, and an old man with white hair was helped out of the crowd by several young women. The old man went to the savage leader's body, pulled off a necklace made of shells on the body's neck, and then went to Song Fei tremblingly. He knelt on the ground with a "plop", raised the shell necklace high, and shouted, "See the new leader!"

Hearing the old man shout, hundreds of savages also knelt on the ground and shouted, "See the new leader!"

Song Fei was laughing. Suddenly, hundreds of people's unison scared him. He looked at the hundreds of savages kneeling on the ground, but he didn't know what to do.

It turns out that this savage nation has a tradition of worshiping the strong, and the leader is the most powerful person in the clan. Every ten years, the young generation in the clan will challenge the leader at that time. If he can defeat the leader, he will be the new leader. In order to maintain his position, the leader will definitely try his best to defeat it. If young people want to become a new leader, they must also try their best to fight. Therefore, such a battle is often a life-and-death battle. In the end, the living person is the new leader.

The previous leader said that if he defeated him, he could take Luo Ying away. The savages also said that if they defeated the leader, they would listen to Song Fei. In fact, that's what they meant. As long as Song Fei defeats or kills the leader, he is the new leader. Naturally, Luo Ying can be taken away, and the savages will listen to him. This is also the reason why the leader Mona knew that he was defeated by Song Fei and had to fight desperately. If he can kill Song Fei by chance, he can continue to be his leader. Otherwise, he would rather die than admit defeat, because in the memory of thousands of this nation, no leader has abdiced alive, all of whom died in battle, whether in the battle with monsters or in the battle for the position of leader. If he becomes the first leader to abdicate alive, it is difficult for him to imagine how such a strong nation will treat him!

After understanding the origin of the matter, Song Fei was finally relieved. It seemed that there was no problem to take Luo Ying away. But there is another question in front of him. Is this leader right or wrong? If he is the leader, he will stay on this island to take on the task of protecting his people. What about taking Luo Ying home? But if you don't be the leader, there will be no leader of this nation for the time being. This is not a question of whether there is anyone leading them. The key is that the guy named Monaco killed by Seinfeld is the leader who has just come to power. People of the same generation have been killed by him, and the previous leader has also been killed. Now there is no superpower in this nation to protect their safety. Thinking about the danger within the national barrier, and then thinking about the cattle he met before, it is difficult for Seinfeld to imagine how they can survive on this island without their own protection! After thinking about it, Seinfeld decided to stay on this island for a while to protect them, and then leave depending on the situation.

After the main problem was solved, Song Fei asked them why they caught Luo Ying. It turned out that they didn't want to eat her when they caught Luo Ying, but because they saw the food she cooked at the seaside and smelled the smell of the food, they thought of her and wanted to take her back to cook for themselves. After catching Luo Ying, they also brought back the leftover food eaten by several people. After tasting the food, the leader and the old people in the clan agreed that Luo Ying was a messenger sent by God. Otherwise, how could they make such delicious food? So there was the scene that Song Fei and Lai San saw when they first came.

After understanding the story, Song Fei lived on the island more assuredly for more than a month. In this month, Song Fei killed many high-level monsters with his young disciples. While upgrading, he also saved a lot of food for them. At the same time, he selected a group of powerful people in the clan and gave them special training, mainly to train their combat skills and how to use weak attacks to defeat their opponents in battle. These strong people themselves are very high-level, and several of them are already 95-level bosses. After Seinfeld's training, they have directly trained four 97-level bosses.

While Song Fei was training, Luo Ying was not idle. She went to the women in the clan to cook. These people arrested her because she cooked well, but she couldn't stay here to cook for them for a lifetime. In the end, she could only teach them the cooking skills she learned from Li Xiaoer. Although the conditions here are limited and they can't make delicious dishes, it is much better than their days of drinking blood.

The elite soldiers have been trained, a group of chefs have been trained, and Song Fei has reformed the election system of the leader. In the future, the leader will still fight, but it is not a death war, but until the end. As long as the winner is divided, there is no need to kill the other party. This has three advantages: first, young people who do not become leaders feel that they still have a chance and will work harder to improve their strength; second, people who become leaders do not have to worry that they will be killed by others because of competing for the position of leader, so they will focus more energy on protecting the clan; third, the clan can retain more Strong combat power, once there is any danger, it can also be dealt with.

The people in the clan admired his strength when Song Fei killed Monaco. Later, he taught the people of the clan what he had learned without reservation, so that they could improve their strength and threw themselves to him even more. He only felt that everything he said was right, even if he was wrong. That's right. Now this proposal he put forward is a practical and good suggestion. How can he not be adopted? Although it is a tradition left by ancestors for thousands of years, it has also been changed.

After the arrangement was made, Song Fei planned to resign from his leadership position and leave here to continue his transnational travel. He could discuss with several elders in the clan, and everyone unanimously objected. Yes, they have never seen such a strong leader in their lives. How can they let him go so easily? Although Song Fei is an outsider, he really makes their nation stronger. How can they care about his identity?

But Song Fei is dedicated to taking Luo Ying home and doesn't want to stay here all the time, and as a player, he can't stay here all the time. In desperation, Song Fei had to promise to temporarily take the title of leader to comfort the indigenous people, but did not stay on the island. He made an appointment with them and came back ten years later to elect a new leader for them. If he does not come back ten years later, it means that he is dead and let them choose a new leader among the young people in the clan. During his absence, the daily affairs of the clan were discussed by several elders. As for the battle, just leave it to those young people.

After everything was arranged, the indigenous people on the island saw that they could not keep Seinfeld and had to let him go. Before leaving, Song Fei wanted to leave the shell necklace. Anyway, it was useless for him to carry it, but the indigenous people respected him as the leader and unanimously asked him to wear it. Song Fei saw the kindness and had to wear it.

In fact, this necklace is nothing special. It is more like a decorative equipment. Its main function is a logo. The person wearing this necklace is the leader of this indigenous nation called Moros. In addition, this necklace also carries a skill - the belief that launching skills can stimulate all the potential of the body and fight with opponents to the death, just like the previous leader Monaco's performance before his death. However, this skill is of little use to players. How many players will fight to the death with the enemy? I found that the situation was wrong and fled a long time ago.

After leaving this unknown island, Seinfeld and others lived their old days, sailing on the sea for a few hours every day, and then finding an island to rest. If there is a monster attack on the island, they will not hesitate to kill all the monsters, and then rest for a few hours before going to sea.

After more than two months, Luo Ying also rose to level 94, Xiong Ba to 93, and the wind to level 92. As for Song Fei, although his experience has reached 98% of level 95, he has not been upgraded. After upgrading to level 95, Song Fei found that not only his strength had improved, but his upgrade experience had also increased a lot. At level 94, the upgrade experience was 80 million, and the upgrade experience at level 95 actually reached 150 million, which almost doubled.

From the first day of going to sea to now, they have been walking within the national barrier for half a year, and they are used to the stormy days, but the wind and waves in the sea today have suddenly become smaller.

"Third brother, have we come out of the national barrier?" Luo Ying ran to Lai San and asked excitedly.

Lai Sanyi frowned, "No, we have come to the center of the national barrier now."

"Center!" Sein Fei frowned and reached the center of the national barrier, which meant that they had to face the general boss guarding the barrier.

"Brother, do you remember what the third brother begged you?" Lai San asked with a solemn expression.

"You mean that the general boss of the national barrier is your enemy?"

"I'm not sure either." Lai San shook his head gently. I don't know if it has been killed in a hundred years, but if he is still alive, it should be him!"