Return to Glory of Online Games

Chapter 3 Salted Fish Turns Over

Qin Yu used to run. It was a habit in the exile area, but Fang Hong nodded with a smile: "I didn't expect that there was another game fan living in this small hotel."

When Qin Yu came down again, the two stopped a suspended car and went to the city center.

This time, Qin Yu did not show the slightest curiosity. This thing is a suspended car held up by mechanical fan blades, which was invented by Middle Eastern scientists as early as a hundred years ago. Nothing at all.

In the exile area, Qin Yu found a library. The books in it are not important, but there are many magazines before the disaster. Qin Yu looked at it as if he was intoxicated, and many things were directly written down.

Said that few people can surpass him in his understanding of a hundred years ago.

When the two arrived at Century Cruise Company, Shudu Branch, they were directly shocked.

Many vehicles left with helmets of one truck after another, which seems to be the helmets of the surrounding counties and cities.

It was not until Fang Hong discussed the problems of his hometown and pushed around that he knew that the original exile area was isolated, rather than the normal world originally encircled the walls or the people in the exiled area. In fact, the exile area is inside the wall, not outside the wall. Each exile area is like a big cell. Generally, it is the size of a prefecture-level city.

Those steel walls are not the outer walls of the civilized area, but the outer walls of the exile area, but no one can go out.

In that year, 50% of the population was deported into 10% of the world's exile areas. Generation after generation, the number of people has been maintained to a level where they can barely survive. In those years, many people who traveled abroad were also expelled to the exile areas of various countries, and no one could come out.

When I walked into the building, I saw that the team had lined up for nearly thousands of people.

For good, the team is progressing fast.

After waiting for more than half an hour, Qin Yu and Fang Hong heard that people who bought a lot could be group*. Without waiting, they could be dragged away directly by car. The two shouted that they were deceived. One of them was not from this district, and the other had stayed in a small hotel for ten days and didn't know much about the outside world.

Now the two finally know why the shopkeeper said that Xiaofang took the helmet, and he really took it.

Just buy one online, and then wait directly at home. The two of them came over and queued up to buy it. Most of the people who come to line up are people who can't buy ID cards and can only register in person.

After waiting for an hour, they finally lined up. They took out their ID cards, swiped their cards, automatically scanned the information, then took away the box and took away the waiter's sanitary ball eyes by the way.

The excitement of getting the client suppressed the despicable helplessness and left happily.

Back to the hotel and asked, Qin Yu 306, Fang Hong 406, and then asked, Fang Hong's mobile phone was smashed, and Qin Yu's mobile phone was claimed to have been lost. Well, it's a direct visit again.

Qin Yu went out for half a day and found that he knew too little about the world. If he was seen through and sent back to the dark exile area, only slave-like factory workers could come to the world, which was simply unbearable.

Therefore, after thinking for a long time, Qin Yu decided that he could not go out without knowing the world, and only stayed in the hotel except for Haitian's working hours.

40 yuan a day in a hotel, 100,000 yuan, and it's no problem to stay for ten years.

Qin Yu still has 500,000 yuan. According to the price of two yuan for a bag of biscuits and 400 yuan for a helmet today, this money is quite valuable. Qin Yu did not know that the monetary unit of this ID card was not that kind of ordinary currency, but a new currency linked to the national gold reserve, one piece equal to 100 RMB.

In the past 100 years, prices have risen 70 times (based on gold) and the RMB has appreciated seven times. Overall, the purchasing power of ten old coins is the same as that of a hundred years ago.

That is to say, Qin Yu is now a rich family with five million purchasing power. Don't hold back the average assets of the country.

During this period, you can't go out. If you want to understand the outside world, you can only surf the Internet, but the hotel does not have a holographic projection computer. You can only use this helmet as a computer and play games.

Put on a helmet, take off the ** pillow, and lie down. It is said that this helmet has the function of a massage pillow. Enjoy it first.

The helmet is powered by a fully mature electromagnetic wave transmission current technology, so it is not afraid of a flip plug removed.

Qin Yu in the dream put on a helmet, but the CT helmet above Qin Yu's head in reality has just been removed.

A strong light flashed in front of Qin Yu's eyes. Then he opened his eyes again, and as far as he could see, it turned out to be a ward. Qin Yu felt a little strange when he had a dream, and what he dreamed about was his own experience a few years ago.

It was not until then that Qin Yu remembered that he seemed to have had a car accident, woken up once, and then kept dreaming of those scenes that he would never forget.

Qin Yu, who has not experienced any difficulties, doesn't care about these strange places at all. I casually clicked on the remote control to turn on the TV, and then I remembered that the current era of TV diode LCD LED is nearing. In order to fight against Stockton's optical flow, three-dimensional image projection has been invented. It is very similar to the three-dimensional projection in that game, but a little different.

Since you are in Shu, of course, most of the city channels in Shudu are open at will.

Qin Yu, who was not yet awake, changed two sets in a row, and then suddenly woke up and changed back.

Shudu News Channel, this morning (September 11, 2115), the police arrested a suspect in Huangpu City who murdered Lin Ze, chairman of Haitian International a month ago. The police did not disclose the specific information. Please pay attention to the follow-up report.

Murder? Death? A month ago? Lin Ze is dead? What should I do? That car accident!

Several huge question marks filled Qin Yu's head. The headache instantly erased all the problems in Qin Yu's mind. Messages were sorted out by Qin Yu's strong brain.

In 2112, he became Lin Ze's bodyguard and was kicked out of the company due to personnel changes. In fact, he secretly participated in a plan carried out by Lin Ze and the military. Codename "Guardian".

After contacting the military, Qin Yu began to investigate the fact that the family was framed and erased.

Then the military entered the exile area, and Qin Yu sneaked into the exile area and began to investigate what happened that year.

I found my girlfriend Li Mu's family all the way!

Just as everything was at the most critical step, he secretly met with Lin Ze and found that Lin Ze had been assassinated. Because Qin Yu was secretly using military technology to guide the energy upgrade in his body, the power could not be mobilized, but he almost died in an artificial car accident with Lin Ze.

Since Lin Ze is dead, he will work for himself from now on and survive here independently. For three years, not to mention pedantic remarks such as repaying kindness or effectiveness, since Lin Ze is dead, everything has gone to zero.

Since then, Qin Yu has been Qin Yu and has no contact with Haitian International. After escaping from the exile area for the second time, Qin Yu gained a real sense of liberation and a new life.

With Qin Yu's ability, you don't have to worry about finding a job. The problem is that most of these skills can't be seen. And Qin Yu himself is not short of money at all, and it is meaningless to think about these.

So what will you do in the future? Keep playing the end? After waking up yesterday, I returned to the scene of buying a helmet in my dream at night, and I still can't forget it.

After coming to the outside world, Qin Yu first came into contact with this game. The huge scenes and spaces that ended the novel play method, as well as those fun, made everyone in the panic of extinction tasted the sweetness. However, in three years, the end has grown to the point of maintaining 200 million online players at any time.

Qin Yu sat up and made a few simple movements to raise his hands, expand his chest and legs. He found that there was no problem with his body and seemed to be much stronger than his familiar body. Although the physical energy was lost due to the injury, the physical strength rose again.

When the door of the ward opened, Qin Yu leaned against the wall and shouted, "Doctor? Nurse? Is there anyone?"

The sound of high-heeled nails hitting the ground came, and a nurse trotted over: "Dr. Tang, Qin Yu is awake!" Of course, it was not said to Qin Yu, but to the headset.

Qin Yu scratched his head, but found that he was a bald head. Fortunately, the brain injury survived. Qin Yu didn't know that the energy in his body had surpassed any supernatural person he had ever contacted. It is no longer a simple destructive energy.

The nurse finally ran to Qin Yu and said, "It's a miracle that you woke up! You have been in a coma for a month, and the doctor said you want to become a vegetable.

Qin Yu doesn't like it: "A month? Excuse me, have I recovered? I want to be discharged from the hospital.

The nurse lifted Qin Yu's left hand and then raised her right hand for a physical examination and said, "You have been in a coma for a month in a car accident, and you are still in a hurry to be discharged from the hospital? Your body has long recovered. After you woke up yesterday, Dr. Tang examined you. There is no problem.

The nurse smiled and said, "The three people in the other two cars that had an accident with you died. You are the only one who survived. You are so lucky."

Are they all dead? This is a murder. The man in the big truck has obviously been cleaned up. Cooking is the favorite thing for the big family.

Qin Yu thought deeply and said, "I'm going to leave the hospital. It's too expensive. I can't afford it." As an excuse, Qin Yu didn't want to stay in the hospital. He couldn't see the abnormal genes and powers in his body. Staying in a hospital is far easier to expose than the ordinary environment.

At this time, I saw a doctor coming over: "Don't be in a hurry, Qin Han?"

Qin Han? Qin Yu shook his head: "My name is Qin Yu. As a doctor, you don't even remember my name?"

The doctor was surprised: "Aren't you the end of the peerless sword fairy Qin Han? Impossible, it's definitely you. I am an elite member of the Evening Rain Union. I have seen you before. It's definitely you."

Qin Yu silently betrayed the god religion. Now he is notorious and lost his former glory. As soon as he admits, he may be beaten into a concussion by the white angel in front of him.

With that, the doctor took out two cards: "One of your ID cards, Qin Yu. One of your final reading cards, Qin Han. There's nothing you can do if you don't admit it. After all, your reputation is not much better now. But as a loyal fan of you, I have supported you for three years, even if it is you... I have always chosen to believe you.

Qin Yu silently accepted two cards. Fans? I didn't expect that I still have fans. I'm afraid that not only the members of the Tianshen religion look down on themselves. Even if they are newly joined Haitian League, few people look down on people like those who betray their friends and change their families.

Qin Yu's brain is running rapidly, and his two identities cannot be seen, and many words will be lost.

Looking at the sincere Dr. Tang, Qin Yu smiled and said, "No matter who I am, thank you for supporting Qin Han, and I will never do anything against my will."

Dr. Tang was silent and just looked at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu smiled: "Can I be discharged from the hospital?"

Dr. Tang came to his senses: "Yes, but although you had a check-up yesterday, you fell asleep again at that time. I suggest you review it after a week."

Qin Yu smiled and said, "Then I'll go."

The nurse continued to smile: "Mr. Qin Yu, you haven't swiped this week's card yet!"

Put on the only normal clothes in the ward and walk to the hall.

Looking at the 200,000 yuan brushed off at the front desk, the corners of Qin Yu's mouth twitched.

Sure enough, I'm used to it. With 30 million in hand, I still care about 200,000, and it's an old currency.

Qin Yu, who wanted to escape quickly, quickly walked out of the hospital and turned his head to see a computer accessories store, advertising "Second Generation End Simulation Helmet, - End of District 2 September 11, 2115, global synchronous opening."


11,000 words, finished today.