Return to Glory of Online Games

Chapter 19 Grab BOSS

Who is the salted fish? At that time, Qin Han's account took these 30 people and abruptly grabbed the first kill of a thousand-level 100-person copy, which shocked all the players in the whole world in the old district.

That is, from that moment on, the people of Shendu knew that Qin Yu's control over the team was better than Fang Hong. After World of Warcraft, Fang Hong, who held the position of the first leader, began to retreat to the second line and attack personal force.

For the control of boss hatred, Qin Yu said the second, but no one dares to say the first. Now Qin Yu has brought a baby who is not too aggressive to brush the boss alone. Of course, he can completely control his hatred on himself.

Qin Yu's long sword and shepherd's staff hit the fear demon king again and again. The fear demon king waved his claws crazily but could not attack Qin Yu.

"Roar!" The fear demon king shouted and raised his claws and waved down.

Qin Yu quickly controlled the night demon and retreated two positions, and a black breath rose from the feet of the fear demon king.

The black ice was raised in two steps around.

Qin Yu was frozen in place, and the fear demon king grabbed Qin Yu! One catch and one freeze actually released 500 points of Qin Yu's blood!

When the second claw of the fear demon king was caught, Qin Yu was freed from the ice and stepped back to avoid his claws and moved forward again.

Open the bow left and right, and another hammer and a sword.

When ordinary people wave weapons, they must be shaken by the anti-shock force. In order to prevent the pace from being forced, the master will choose to use the shaking of the body to remove the anti-shock force.

Then, the hand without a weapon will play the role of a balance bar.

But Qin Yu held weapons in both hands and attacked at the same time. And he also used the anti-shock power to adjust his body shape to avoid the horrible claws of the empty demon king.

If it is seen by ordinary people, they will definitely feel that this is Qin Yu's luck, but people who are familiar with Qin Yu know that this is Qin Yu's most powerful ability, calculation.

Each step forward will calculate where it will attack at the speed of the fear demon king, and what part of the fear demon king will attack. How big is the anti-shock force generated?

In this way, you can calculate your step back, and how to go, how hard you can cooperate with the anti-shock force.

At this moment, the speed of the fear demon king suddenly accelerated.

In order to avoid the death of the night demon, Qin Yu has been carefully controlling the position of the night demon. If he encounters the close group injury skill, Qin Yu will drag the night demon away.

The ice array just now attacked the surrounding two positions. At the speed of Nightmo, you can take at most two steps back when you shake before the fear of the demon king casting spells.

If Qin Yu escapes, the fear demon king will transfer his hatred to the night demon in an instant. The night demon escaped two steps, and was afraid that the demon king took a step forward during the application of the ice, and the ice array would freeze the night demon.

I'm afraid that when Qin Yu controls hatred, the Night Devil is basically dying. If the fear demon king hits any state damage, Night Devil is dead and lifeless. That's why Qin Yu fought by himself.

"Damn casting hate setting!" Qin Yu gave up the attack rhythm and controlled the night demon to chase and attack the fear demon king, and he himself emitted a Buddha's light.

The blood volume was pulled back to 700 (between the previous fear demon king skill CDs, Qin Yu used the Buddha's light and recovered 300 blood volume with the CD. Relying on the superposition of intelligence value and the shepherd's staff, the recovery ability of Buddha's light is still considerable). Qin Yu greeted him again.

With his eyes slightly open, Qin Yu was absorbed in dealing with the full-speed night demon monarch's fear of the demon king. Stepping to the right, a sword stabbed out, and a slight jump step followed by sliding steps. The staff and the sword attacked the thigh of the fear demon king at the same time. His body leaned back slightly and looked at the night demon's right claw swaying on the tip of his nose, Qin Yu's forehead sweated a little coldly. Then he raised his body and got up with another sword.

With this wave of attacks by Qin Yu, the fear demon king stood where he was, and the night demon finally rushed up and had two claws on the buttocks of the fear demon king.

Qin Yu calculated the speed of the fear demon king: "Once, twice, three times, four times, five times, six times. Shit!" Six full-time attack waves of Night Devil did not hit the state of bloodleting. Nightmo waved its claws twice per wave of attacks, that is to say, twelve attacks did not cause any damage.

Qin Yu flipped the prompt while attacking.

Finally, I found some unfortunate news.

"The salted fish turned over to stimulate the fear demon king's skill ice array." After this sentence, there is another sentence: "The fear demon king releases the power of the demon king and will not be sustained and vicious within ten minutes. The dizziness time is halved and the stiffness is avoided!"

How can you fight this? Qin Yu took a deep breath.

Forget it, the appearance of Night Devil itself is a surprise. I originally wanted to brush the Night Devil monarch alone.

While attacking, Qin Yu attracted the night demon to a big tree.

The fear demon king followed the salted fish step by step, and the hatred has been deeply ignited.

Qin Yu cut out with a sword, and then stepped back to the side of the tree.

The big tree is like a circle. If a person who is good at mathematics sees the battle from the sky, he can find that he makes a tangent line for the circle at the point where the fear demon king is located, and Qin Yu is between the tangent line and the circle.

You can see the fear demon king and Qin Yu at the same time, but the fear demon king can't see Qin Yu, and Qin Yu can't see the fear demon king.

Around the field of vision, learn divine skills from the real-time strategy game dota.

You don't need to add points, CD and casting time. As long as you have one or two trees and a useful brain, you can release divine skills.

Qin Yu spared a sword from the right and stabbed the waist of the night demon monarch. When the night demon monarch reacted to chase from this side, Qin Yu went around to the other side and hit the tail of the fear demon king.

From beginning to end, Qin Yu turned his back to the big tree and moved around the big tree with his footsteps.

In this process, Night Demon is also attacking the Demon King of Fear.

After three times, Qin Yu's physical strength could not keep up with the recovery speed. You should know that Qin Yu ran at full speed when he moved horizontally, and with 180 degrees of steering, he consumed a lot of physical strength.

After a brief rest, the fear demon king lost his lock on Qin Yu and turned to attack the night demon.

When the claws were raised, the salted fish turned over and "slowly" turned out from the other side, and a sword stabbed the fear demon king's buttocks.

At the same time, Night Magic retreated rapidly.

When a series of manipulations were completed, the hatred of the fear demon king was once again attracted by the salted fish. And the night demon ran back at the moment when the fear demon king turned around to attack the salted fish. ( When Qin Yu controlled the salted fish to turn over, he took Qin Yu as the main perspective. When Qin Yu controlled other units at the same time, Qin Yu was no longer a specific pronouch for salted fish turning over)

The salted fish turned over and disappeared from the vision of the fear demon king again. At the right, the night demon's claws were left and two consecutive strokes on the right.

"Roar!" The fear demon turned angrily to attack the night demon.

The claws are raised. The ass was stabbed by the salted fish again!

is different from the control of deceleration control just now, which spends nearly two-thirds of the time dodging back and forth. And only one-third of the control just now is to avoid.

In this way, the attack efficiency has been reduced by half.

For good, ten minutes is not long. In these ten minutes, relying on surrounding the woods, or around the field of vision, Qin Yu vividly wiped off 40,000 blood of the fear demon king.

In addition to the previous few minutes of attacks, the damage reached 80,000!

In less than 20 minutes, the wild map boss who crossed his level 8 will kill 80,000 blood!

I'm afraid only those few people can do this kind of thing. What's more, those people were attracted to this game because of Qin Yu's first kill of 30 copies.

Speaking of which, Qin Yu has to contribute a few percentage points to end such a fire.

Ten minutes after, Qin Yu suddenly felt much better, and Xiaoyemo touched a few claws and caught the bloodletting effect.

The long blood grinding around the field of vision is finally over!

Qin Yu stabbed the fear demon king with a sword and turned around to run away.

The fear demon king couldn't stop grabbing the big tree for a while.

"Boom!" A horrible paw is of course 100% destructive for a big tree without a blood bar.

The whole tree was cut off and fell to the ground.

Qin Yu shook his head slightly, and his IQ was a hard injury. If you change to a player with one year of experience and take this fear demon king operation, I'm afraid Qin Yu will not last for two minutes.

If the fear demon king's head can think of cutting down trees to destroy Qin Yu's vision, he is not a low-level boss.

What's more, Qin Yu's vision this time is only the simplest left and right swing around the vision, and he didn't even return to the horse gun and leave the tree.

Not to mention other high-end ways to bypass the field of vision.

When the attack began again, a strange voice came from the distance.

"Shashasha!" The sound of dead leaves being trampled on?

"Kka!" The sound of the branches being stepped off was like thunder in Qin Yu's ears.

Qin Yu's Chiba palm knocked the fear demon king to the ground. Then he controlled the night demon out of the battle and fled behind a big tree.

When the fear demon king stood up again, Qin Yu opened his palm without hesitation.

The fear demon king was directly set in place.

Qin Yu ran to the dense places next to the trees.

The three figures quickly moved from the woods in front of the fear demon king and jumped out.

Then a large group of people followed.

The fear demon king just woke up and lost his lock on Qin Yu. Instead, he saw a large group of creatures that looked like Qin Yu and instantly became furious: "Roar!"

The three people looked at each other, and one of them said in a low voice, "This thing is crazy. Let's talk about it first."

The three of them were originally with a large group of men who wanted to kill the wild map boss, but they met the other two in the forest. They had no choice but to discuss the distribution plan while on their way.

After all, in front of the 21-level wild map boss, if someone is trying to make trouble, it will kill people. And a large group of people died.

When the three moved to clamp the fear demon king with a triangle, Qin Yu also climbed a big tree with the opportunity to be blocked by the fear demon king.

"Dominance?" Is this guy the new area code of Ba Tianxiongtu? Two big question marks appeared on Qin Yu's forehead, and the remaining two guys didn't know each other!