Return to Glory of Online Games

Chapter 33 Unusual Intelligence Questions

You know, Qin Yu has seen countless ghost versions of the displacement. How can you be scared by this scene? In a wide range of Buddha's mercy, the prince did not avoid it.

The salted fish turned over and counted the prince's landing point. He stepped on a weed across the river, jumped over, and danced the sword in advance.

If you receive damage in the transformation, the condensation time will be longer and two seconds in half a second. It just gave the salted fish a chance to turn over and get close to him. When the sword danced wildly, just on the verge of black gas, the speed of the prince's cohesion accelerated, but he couldn't do any action. He saw the golden sword scratching his chest. A stick hit his face.

When he hit back again, the prince finally responded. He covered his hands with black gas and took the salted fish and turned over his chest.

There is no way to hide. The salted fish is turning over and attacking fiercely, and it is close. In addition, the enemy is a ghost clan with high talent in both agile and legal systems. How can they escape?

If you can hide in this way, Qin Yu has already gone to the hundreds of training areas without injury, and a monster can provide first-level experience. Are you still here slowly?

The black suspender hit the salted fish's chest armor with both hands.

The blue light of the armor flashed, resisting a lot.

But this palm is a double BUFF, a state-reducing skill.

Slowdown and blood loss broke out in an instant. 100 blood drops every three seconds, and the movement speed attack speed is reduced by 10%!

The horrible skills are comparable to the bloodletting of Night Devil. After all, the deceleration effect is the same. Such a slowing small stock will cause fatal damage to enemies of any level.

I just used Tai Chi to deliberately slow down, but now I want to hurry up!

Being this passive, Qin Yu's outbreak fell by one level. The attack speed of players with only about 45 levels.

The slow attack speed means that the arm moves slowly, the arm is slow, the upper body is also slow, and the defensive action is not in place.

The prince seemed to be the real salted fish turning over and began to press the salted fish to turn over in an instant.

Fortunately, just three rounds, Qin Yu's Buddha was compassionate, opened the mountain palm, and all the CDs of Chiba palm were completed.

With the Shepherd's Wand and the Daredevil kit, CD time has a qualitative leap. Qin Yu's 20th level, the basic skill CD basically practiced his skills to the same time as other people's level 80 and 90.

My Buddha's mercy returned his blood to five hundred and fifty, and he turned his hand to blow the prince away. He rushed up and cut it, and then another open palm. Fixed the prince, another round of outbreak.

The prince woke up, but his blood volume was not enough.

Watching the salted fish turn over and fall down. The soul is scattered. With a blast, Qin Yu rose to 26 36%.

This boss! Sure enough! Nima exploded ten gold coins and didn't have any equipment!

Qin Yu was so angry that he was about to raise his sword to cut down a piece of gold from the dragon chair, but he found that the whole hall slowly disappeared. Like the ghost of the prince. Sure enough, it's a projection.

Is the whole palace fake?

The dragon chair in the hall is the ladder to the fourth floor.

The salted fish turned over and picked up the gold coins depressedly and slowly walked to the fourth floor. At this time, what's the use of gold coins? You don't buy materials and don't need to do money tasks. Forget it, just take it as the foundation for building a gang.

Qin Yu's spiritual self-motivation. Slowly walked up to the fourth floor.

Walls appeared in front of you, which turned out to be a maze? Procrastination?

Indeed, for people who do not have fast output and group injury means, the first three layers must take a lot of time, plus offline rest, and then come to this maze, I'm afraid it has been less than two days. After passing through the maze, there will be little time.

For the maze, which is capped and can't jump on the maze to open the field of vision, Qin Yu has no easy way to go through the wall. This wall is not knocked down by a 26-level salted fish.

Anyway, at least the experience has grown very fast, and the salted fish has turned over to level 26 now. If the fourth floor can be solved quickly, you may be able to get through the copy before going to bed today.

will return to the first place at that time. After all, not everyone can swipe the copy alone, and it is a five-person copy of level 40 or 50.

left, middle and right. Fork in the road. The salted fish turned over and threw out a long sword.

The sword jumped on the ground twice and fell to the right. The salted fish turned over and put away his long sword, holding only the shepherd's staff in his hand. He took out 100 copper coins from the package with his right hand.

Walk a few steps and lose one. Seeing the fork in the road again, Qin Yu turned a corner and continued to lose copper coins.


A skeleton hand suddenly stretched out on the ground with a skull. The salted fish turned over, kicked his right foot on the skull's face, and then suddenly kicked again.

The third foot directly kicked the skull to death, and the skull flew far away and smashed on the wall.

Qin Yu himself is a fighting master. He often uses his legs, and with his legs and damage bonus, he emerges from the ground, which is looking for death for Qin Yu.

Dropped a copper coin, and the salted fish turned over and continued to walk. Money is different from some low-level equipment that is refreshed without picking it up in a few minutes. Money won't disappear in two or three hours.

Sure enough, after the third fork, the salted fish turned over and saw a dead end. Looking back and finding the fork in the road, the salted fish turned over and chose the second one. Go all the way. Another dead end.

The third article is still a dead end. All three are dead end alleys, which can only explain one problem. The last fork went the wrong way.

The maze is like this. The first two are wrong, and the third may be the real way out. Even if the probability is small, you have to go up.

Walking back to the fork in the road, Qin Yu chose another direction. Once again, he encountered a fork in the road, and Qin Yu deliberately chose a direction to go back.

The maze only goes forward, and of course it is unlikely to go through. If I had known, I should have summoned a skeleton at the beginning. In this way, it is much faster to find the two perspectives.

Sure enough, this time I walked back and soon turned 180 degrees forward again. I walked out towards the way and came across a fork in the road.

And this time, six breakpoints were concentrated together and divided into two small forks in one channel.

Left and back, right front, left front? There are still six entrances except for the road.

The salted fish turned over and took out his sword without hesitation. This time, it depends on luck again!

The long sword jumped two more times and pointed straight ahead. The salted fish turned over without any doubt and walked over.

Just a few steps, the salted fish turned over and fell down and ate shit. The salted fish lying on the ground turned over and saw a skeleton pulling his leg up from the soil.

Qin Yu kicked over without hesitation, kicked off the skeleton's hand, stood up, and scolded, "You are a loser. You are at level 30. What do you want!"

Two or three times to deal with the skeleton, Qin Yu began the next journey.

Qin Yu was nervously looking for an outlet, and unconsciously had 50% of the experience of level 26.

is another corner, turning the corner, as expected, three fork in the road. Qin Yu threw out his sword again angrily.

This time, it pointed to the left.

What a big maze. Qin Yu's head has drawn the path he has just walked, and it is more than 1,000 meters away from the place where he originally started.

Even if you walk, it will take half an hour, let alone find the way.

Fortunately, this is a game, and the speed is not the same as the outside, otherwise Qin Yu may have to raise his sword to kill himself to thank the world.

After a while, Qin Yu finally felt a different breath and heard the sound of water!

The sound of water, this copy of this map heard the sound of water for the first time!


The sound in the maze and the light in the cave are two signs of the great dawn!

Qin Yu slowly walked to the direction where he heard the current. Sure enough, in less than half a minute, Qin Yu walked to the roadside.

Out of the maze!

This maze is there, and Qin Yu also killed more than ten monsters at level 30 or above, but it took a long time. A whole hour.

And I'm still lucky. I lost my sword several times, and I'm going in the right direction.

Out of the maze, the salted fish turned over and looked strange, and there was only a wall in front of the meeting.

There is obviously a door on the wall, but it is closed. There is also a window-like frame on the door, but it is full of words.

"When I was young, I was rich. That day, a Jianghu warlock found the old man's door and knocked on the bronze title. The old man opened the door to welcome him, and the warlock said, "Please give me grain." I have a rich family background and allow it. The warlock said again: I have a chessboard, the first grid and a grain of rice, twice as much. Can I call in this way? I count lightly, not a huge number, and I agree to it. The warlock came out of the wood strategy, the number of the first grids under the book, the number of the second grids, until the end. Looking at it, I didn't go out behind closed doors, and I didn't call it rich from now on. Only the last grid, the power of a country is not as strong as it. For more than 30 years, the emperor found the old man and promised the prime minister.

After a paragraph, there is a grid behind it with eleven words on it. One two three four five six seven eight 90.

Intelligence questions?

The multiple of

one is two, and the two multiple is four. Four becomes eight, and sixteen after eight. Thirty-two, sixty-four. 128? Chessboard, chessboard or Goboard? Ask the number of the last grid or the total number?

If it is a chessboard, it is 18446744073709551615. If it's Go, can anyone figure it out? Not to mention that era. But all this is not true, but proposed by the computer. With such a perverted question, no wonder all the NPCs came before failed.

It may only be a chessboard, not a chessboard. On the Go board, Qin Yu only knows one number, that is, the hexadecimal system fills the grid with eight followed by 71 and one. Even when the computer was first invented, this number had to be paralyzed.

The salted fish turned over and walked to a number and pressed these numbers in order. Until I pressed it, I waited for a long time full of hope, but I didn't see any reaction from the door in front of me!

Is it Go? Do I have to quit and use the computer to write down tens of millions of answers and then come in and press them? If you press it, your hand will be broken! No, there is something wrong!

Qin Yu sat down with his knees crossed and meditated.

After thinking about it for a long time, finally, the inspiration flashed!

In addition to 64 grids, there is also a Chuhe Han world on the chessboard! Is it also a grid? The answer is 18446744073709551616 twice minus 1!

After Qin Yu figured it out, he began to calculate, and half a minute later, he pressed the answer.

Nima, this question is not enough for an invincible person, and he still needs to have a good brain. Finally, he pressed the last key one. ( In ancient Chinese, one, two, three, four has always been one, two, three, four, and the capitalization is Zhu Yuanzhang's invention to prevent corruption)

"Boom!" The door suddenly opened. It closes to both sides.

The back is no longer a cave, but a corridor.