Return to Glory of Online Games

Chapter 112 Business Planning

It's not just the world's chambers of commerce. Until October 25, there were more than 17 chambers of commerce in China in the form of chains in the largest cities in China.

Of course, due to the limited number of people, the world's chambers of commerce under the name of the World Council are the most widely distributed. From Black Dragon City in the east, to Ulaanbaatar in the north, and to Uigu City in the west. To the south of New Hainan (the capital of Solomon Islands, which is named New Hainan in and outside the game), there are almost all the stores of the World Chamber of Commerce.

However, what was done was a Daqin Chamber of Commerce, which actually established a huge seven-level chamber of commerce, and then replaced all its members with non-combat professional players. 100 out of 500 people collected medicinal materials and 100 people were logistics. The remaining 300 people were all invested in various stores across the country.

It is better than the salted fish to realize the concept of covering 30,000 online players in a big city.

However, with the further promotion of the war, the transmission array in some cities was affected and closed. In the end, the Daqin Chamber of Commerce can only maintain the normal operation of 150 stores.

But there are a lot of problems about drug collection. Where can so many medicinal materials be collected? In particular, there are few areas where all kinds of blood recovery medicinal materials are uniformly acquired and produced. As a result, the chambers of commerce began to seize medicinal resources, and even did not let go of the areas that only produced a certain kind of medicinal materials. In this way, the cost of investment has greatly increased. However, it is not possible to raise the price of medicinal materials at present.

Century Cruise has just opened the gold coin exchange. The inflow of gold coins was too slow and stuck, resulting in an embarrassing situation of new RMB and exchange windows, but not many gold coins. Funds inside and outside the game are not easy to access.

And real TV stations are rumored that Century Cruise will cooperate with large banks around the world to reduce the difficulty of exchange. It is convenient for players to exchange gold coins.

Some people rely on this to make money, while others throw money into it.

The ownership of the gold coin market is that the black market is lower than the official exchange price.

But now, the gold coin exchange in the black market is much higher than the official 10 to 1. Now a new dollar can only be exchanged for two gold coins on the black market. Even this proportion is rising further, and there is a possibility that the two currencies will remain flat.

You should know that the gold coins at the end are not generated out of thin air, but need officials, that is, local court governments, to open mines and then issue them. It's just that for the real world, these institutions are all in the hands of the Century Cruise.

If the exchange of gold coins is not in circulation, the price of medicine bottles of various chambers of commerce cannot be raised.

Calculate a simple data. Salted fish turned over and began to start at the earliest. The first batch of medicinal materials purchased made 2.5 million sets of various medicine bottles. At that time, the net income created in one day would be 250,000 gold coins a day. At that time, the exchange rate of gold coins and new coins was one to three. A gold coin needs three new RMB.

In the first three days, the world will receive 750,000 gold coins. The salted fish turned over and transferred 500,000 gold coins through channels. The income is 1.5 million new RMB.

Then through the leader's path, 1.5 million new yuan was exchanged for 1 million. In the cruise of the century, it was exchanged for 10 million gold coins. In a turn of hands, the equipment worth 750,000 gold coins was exchanged for medicinal materials worth 500,000 gold coins and 250,000 gold coins were invested in the store. Then it became a net income of 1.5 million gold coins.

Finally, the salaries of 50 vendors are removed. 490,000 cash was also left.

It's calculated like this. In the end, nothing came out in the world and got 10 million gold coins and 490,000 new RMB gang funds. In addition, there are more than 200 high-level players with good equipment.

However, three days have passed. It's stuck. The exchange rate of the two currencies has changed from three to one to two. The value of gold coins has dropped sixfold. Although sometimes there are large fluctuations. However, on the whole, it has been falling.

Century Cruise, as the operator of the game, is impossible to keep the black market rampant.

As long as direct exchange with banks around the world has been opened. The price of gold coins in the black market will collapse.

Of course, it is impossible for salted fish to take gold coins to the black market and then go to the century cruise to exchange them. Despite the leader's signal, the Century Cruise will definitely follow. But it is easy to be found by people who want to do so. After all, the inflow of 10 million gold coins will have a small impact on the black market in China. If the greed for small benefits affects the whole plan, it is not worth it.

At the beginning, various families set up game operation companies or studios. Seize the market with great investment. The first batch of people who entered the market made a lot of money. The second batch began to lose. In order to seize the market, the third batch of people can only smash the RMB. All of them are exchanged for gold coins at black market prices, and then buy and sell medicinal materials. The medicine bottle was sold. It is difficult to even return half of the book.

Not every chamber of commerce has mastered the pharmaceutical formula as well as the high-level pharmacist of the ghost clan.

It's only three days. The number of chambers of commerce in the next two weeks began to explode. It has increased to more than 200.

The combined investment of these chambers in medicine bottles exceeds 50 million new RMB. But in the past two weeks, the drugs made by 50 million new yuan exchanged for gold coins have been consumed by players in China.

A set of 50 bottles of ordinary medicine, only three gold coins. It takes about half an hour and an hour to get it into the hands of ordinary players. If you get it in the hands of violent players, you can basically lose in ten minutes. Just like the legendary private clothes in those years. Everything depends on eating a blood bottle to survive.

After such a situation, special comments around the world began to appear on TV and began to evaluate this phenomenon. Some people even say that the virtual world has replaced the Internet since this time. And gold coins in the virtual world. It can be held as ordinary foreign currency. Used as a circulating currency.

This situation occurs in China, and other regions are certainly scrambling to follow suit. The virtual world, where information dissemination is much faster than the Internet era, is coming to an end. Every new news will be known by people all over the world in an instant.

Businessmen are starting to enter the game all over the world. Accumulate medicine bottles.

After these two weeks, the world has begun to settle the investment.

As soon as the salted fish turned over and began to settle, the gang exploded. Because it broke through to the fourth-level gang. At present, there are more than 2,700 official helpers in the world. The gang channel was flooded in an instant.

In desperation, the salted fish turned over and banned everyone's right to speak: "Guys, if you continue to talk like this, it is impossible to settle the settlement clearly next month. In this way, only the head of each regiment is allowed to speak, and others are not allowed to speak for the time being. Heads of the delegation should also pay attention. There are too many 30 regimental commanders. Stop talking nonsense..."

After saying that, the ban was lifted, and a new leader came out to speak. ID was not diving: "Master, their previous masters have replaced gold coins for equipment and real estate in the world. But our new players are relatively poor. What should we do about this?

The salted fish turned over and replied: "There are two choices. First, it is the same as the first batch. 11% will be recovered at the input price. The extra layer is provided by gang funds. Second, convert it into RMB. Go directly to your card. I calculated it. The current official exchange rate is sure that everyone will suffer. We mainly exchange on the black market. After the liquidation in the first three days, I invested nearly 900,000 gold coins in two weeks. Now the black market exchange rate is three gold coins and one new coin. It has indeed fallen fast in the past two weeks. But we can only calculate this, otherwise the cash in the gang will not be enough to pay. In this case, the gang will buy everyone's investment of 900,000 gold coins with 300,000 new RMB.

A leader expressed doubts: "But it was not at this price when we invested."

The salted fish can only be analyzed for him: "First, everyone invests less than 100 gold coins. And the members of the most elite group one or two. The investment has exceeded 1,000 gold coins. According to the black market price at that time, it was 3,000. But you haven't considered two issues. There are no small transactions in the first black market. You can't exchange gold coins for you. Second, you actually made money. For every 100 gold coins invested, a gang contribution of equal value was also received. There is a lot of equipment in the gang now. You can exchange equipment with contributions. That is to say, you pay 100 gold coins. Now exchange two or three blue pieces on your body. Then you can get an income of 30 New coins. Compared with the student players in the gang, 30 Singapore dollars is almost more than a week's meal. The game helmet is only more than 100 new coins.

Business is like this. The world will be a big platform. Everyone has dozens of useless gold coins and 100 gold coins in their hands. Together, you can make a lot of money. Then after sharing, everyone has a profit. But don't think that individuals can get the same benefits as this platform. Because no one will help you make money. The platform always has to make money by itself before it is someone else's turn.

Many players began to discuss privately. No matter what kind of share, you can get new equipment. Many people have even exchanged equipment. Should we choose new coins or gold coins? It's really hard to say.

In the end, players with a small amount basically chose to exchange gold coins and transfer 10%. It's only two weeks, which is much higher than bank interest and stock. Large players have chosen to exchange new coins.

People all over the world know that the bank through train exchange is about to open. At that time, you can earn ten times.

After two weeks. The salted fish turned over and operated the 10 million funds through the acquisition of equipment. Acquisition of equipment materials and medicinal materials. And the rotation between daily sales. Basically, 30 million was eaten and the money was "whitewashed", so that people can't see where to exchange it from the cruise of the century.

And the world will always be the main medicinal material provided by players. If you don't check it carefully, you can see it. Most importantly, various projects are done separately. And the 30 million funds circulated between the salted fish and the gang account, and others could not reach the full amount at all.

After these two weeks, the payment has been much slower. But because the quality of Guigu's medicine bottles is much better than that made by ordinary scrolls. So it is still profitable without loss.

Once again, a large amount of gold coins flowed out to many forces. Exchange 10 million yuan at the black market price. Then the money is waiting for the beginning of the bank through train exchange. It will be exchanged for 100 million game gold coins. As a shit stick, he threw himself into the local tycoons in China as a promoter and a stimulant to encourage them to increase their investment in the game.

This is the bubble economy. There should be an industry leader, and then there will be a founder to promote it. Finally, a bubble economy will be formed.

Every step to be done by the leader's subordinates is calculated. It's just that no one can imagine that the world will develop so rapidly. As a result, the compensation strategies studied by a large number of experts have been invalidated. Because there is no need to fill the gap at all. The world will go further than any other gang.

Excluding the principal of 30 million gold coins, that is, 10 million new RMB, and the small share earned in the past two weeks. Three million gold coins. One million has been invested to open 300 new stores in 300 cities across the country. Two million gold coins. One million acquired medicinal materials and one million acquired equipment materials. New plan, start to implement!