Return to Glory of Online Games

Chapter 139 Novel Guarding the City

Since the Tianjue, it has been really easy for the salted fish to turn over. Including the operation of the World Chamber of Commerce, all of them were lost to Tianjue. As a vertical and horizontal family, you should have a deep understanding of all the other families.

Although Tianjue's business road is not comparable to Tao Zhuyi, it can also be compared with those masters of internal affairs of historical civilization. As for the salted fish turning over. Tianjue is simply a match for Zhuge!

Relying on Tianjue's computing ability, the daily bottle quota of each store is directly calculated. Perfectly occupy 3% of the highest-end market. In some places, there are fewer high-end players, but fewer quotas. This led to later, people judge whether players in a place are masters and whether they have money or not directly depends on the proportion of medicine bottles of the world's chamber of commerce.

It's not that I haven't thought of reducing prices to open up the middle-level market. However, later, I still felt that the medicine bottle should not be diverted in large quantities, and the weapon was to stabilize the veins of middle-level players.

The exaggerated effect of returning more than 3,000 blood in a second during wartime. In the hands of the master, it happens to be the rhythm of two people who make a high boss.

As long as one person pulls out a second of empty space for another person, he will immediately swallow the medicine and the blood volume will rise. However, this is not suitable for salted fish. Because every time the salted fish turns over, the boss is too exaggerated, the number is very high, and it is intelligent.

In the stage of salted fish turning over and swallowing medicine, it will definitely be interrupted, and it will also disrupt the personal rhythm. So the salted fish has been looking for portable equipment that can return a lot of blood. For example, the heart of blood, the heart of energy and so on.

Unfortunately, these equipment are consumable and will be useless when they are used up. And the quantity is extremely rare. So I haven't bought the salted fish yet.

In terms of equipment, the sales are very good. Although those blue clothes are not much better than green clothes, after all, they are blue clothes and have crossed a certain threshold. Therefore, the price is still quite high and there is a lot of profit. In the words of ordinary players: I know that the equipment they sell is all smuggled goods. Since they are all smuggled goods, why don't I buy them? Beier has face!

A week has passed in a hurry, and all the people in the world will help and prepare to help people go online early according to their old habits. However, this time, there is a new pattern in the defense of the city.

There are six training areas near Tiandu. Four of them are below level 100, and two above level 100 are also critical training zones such as 95-100. Therefore, Tianjue began to implement his vision.

In the early morning, all the world will help people leave the city in a hurry. It is distributed in various training areas.

745. Under Tianjue's order, the people in the world began to clean up the wild monsters.

At the level of more than 200, they are pure bullying when they fight monsters less than 100. In a quarter of an hour, everyone basically completed the task, and most of the time was spent on the way to the refresh point next to them. There is not much time for real monsters.

According to the law of ending ordinary wild monsters for a quarter of an hour, all the wild monsters were cleaned up before eight o'clock.

The people hurried back to the city.

Sure enough, the first wave of the fierce siege turned into a few monsters.

Looking at these wild monsters cleaned up by remote players before they ran to the city wall, many players sighed that the NPC military division of their own gang was a cattle cow.

Tianjue looked around and carefully calculated the speed of brushing monsters: "After about two quarters, the number of wild monsters will increase. That is to say, the hour of monster siege has been reduced to six quarters of time.

Half an hour later, the real monster siege began.

Face these monsters. Everyone cleaned up all the wild monsters as if they were playing.

While brushing monsters leisurely, Shao Xinxin turned over to the salted fish: "Damn it, what did you do? It is said that there were no monsters in the first half hour?"

The salted fish turned over and cut down a wolf with a sword: "This is a secret. Give me 30,000 gold coins and sell this secret to you."

"Get out of here, you have lost money. I've seen the wrong person." Shao Xinxin was indignant.

The salted fish turned over and touched his nose: "That can't be helped. This secret is the world's, not my personal. There is no need to talk about it if you don't pay.

After saying that, continue to brush the monsters.

On the first day, the three waves of monsters were easily brushed off.

The next day, there was a situation in the morning.

I didn't expect that there were more than 200 monsters in the training area. Nothing else, they were all Tang Jun.

Li Zicheng's men came back more than a week later.

Tianzong was speechless: "This can't be a remedy after the system saw us find the bug. It's so shameless."

The salted fish turned over and shook his head: "No, even if we don't use this method, I guess they will come back. Li Zicheng lost his base and did not dare to stay in the Pingchuan and war-fighting Heluo area. They should go back to the Daba Mountains. But after entering a certain range, the system was recruited.

The next day, due to the addition of 200 monsters, the pressure was slightly higher. But there are only a few 200-level monsters. From the perspective of the whole sky, it is not worth mentioning at all, and it was quickly cleaned up.

Sure enough, there are still fish that leak in the first wave of monsters. These 200-level monsters became the protagonists the next day.

The monsters in the world are piled up into mountains, and the grandeur of being directly equal to the city wall can no longer appear.

After all, the map of the world is special, and there are many high-level monsters. There are even more than three elite copies in the map. So the copy is also very powerful.

Although the sky is big, there are no exaggerated elite copies around, so it's a little easier.

Until the third day. The constant brushing of monsters has finally brought trouble to the people all over the world.

Because it was too easy to play two days ago. On the third day, there were not enough people to go online.

What's worse, the fleet at sea, the workers in the docks, is in trouble. The salted fish turned over and ran directly to the Chaoshan area.

After being chased by pirates, the fleet deviated from the course and finally encountered the first headstorm of the year. That is, the storm caused by the cold Siberian air at sea. Although it is unlikely that such a thing will happen outside the game. But who calls this a game?

The salted fish turned over and found that there was nothing to do with it, and the supply ship was blown away. Therefore, a batch of materials were collected locally, and it was solved.

Because it has always been the northeast wind direction. So the fleet left very fast. Although after this small situation. It is estimated that it will arrive in the South China Sea in a week. Or arrive at the world's sea city.

and the ghost knife to study the ship will also be put on the agenda.

Wait for the salted fish to turn over and solve the problem. Tiandu City has been exaggerated.

Under the leadership of Tianjue, although the helpers work hard, they defend in an orderly manner, unlike salted fish who can only take into account the overall situation when turning over his leadership, and some small details are ignored.

But Tianjue seems to be able to cover everything, and every side is under his control.

Looking at the city, there was no problem. The salted fish turned over and took time to go to Xiapancheng and Luocheng.

After arriving, Shao Xinxin and the King of the Dharma have no time to care about him. They are all crazy. After all, their manpower is far worse than that of the world.

If Shao's Hall hadn't been for the real Shao Group injecting capital into the game, I guess he wouldn't have thought about defense. Just prepare to be taken back by the system.

However, fortunately, with these capital injections, Shao Xinxin was not a simple role, and she stayed alive until the third day.

The current situation in Luocheng is just like that at that time. Basically, it has reached the verge of collapse. If there is no backhand, it will be doomed.

However, Shao's capital injection is still very strong.

At the end, a group of people suddenly appeared. Unexpectedly, they are all monks.

These NPC monks are not polite to the wild monsters and kill them.

It turned out that Shao Xinxin took the money to Shaolin Temple to burn incense. The high-rise of Shaolin Temple was found through special channels. Directly borrowed 13 500-level monks. There are also 500 300-level NPC monks. The defensive pressure is gone.

The salted fish turned over and was speechless: "Don't you just ask someone to guard the city? You gave me 30,000 gold coins, and I'll send someone to guard it for you."

Shao Xinxin, who was so busy, kicked the salted fish and turned over, kicked out a road, and left directly.

The salted fish turned over and smiled. This person is Shao Xingwu. This is the state that Shao Xingwu should have.

Looking back, the salted fish turned over and returned directly to Tiandu to participate in the final defense of the city.

Sure enough, a large number of elite monsters still appeared in the end. However, compared with the proportion of cities in the world, it is dwarfed.

At seven o'clock in the evening, a wild map boss unique to the two ends of the sky suddenly appeared. Unexpectedly, it happened to be the Yu clan and the mountain elite clan.

The salted fish turned over and released a small one, directly facing the mountain essence. 300-level divine mountain spirit, against 200-level ordinary mountain spirit. The soul of the earth is basically crushed. He directly tore this much lower-grade younger brother into pieces.

It doesn't take much energy for the salted fish to turn over and deal with the feather clan. Rush up the word to determine the word chopping formula, and all the triple violence is used. A few swords took care of the winged bird man.

The players around are full of blood and small stars. Worship is tight.

Since the TV station began to cut into the game and often broadcast live, the salted fish turned over as the most exposed character, with the appearance rate on the game console. It's basically the same as the president of the North American Union on the news channel.

Today's defense of the city, of course, made headlines unexpectedly. By the way, I made a follow-up to the special report on the siege at that time.

However, it's just the explanation in the picture above, and there is no direct live broadcast.

How to broadcast the eight-hour siege?

When the salted fish turned over and knocked down the 200-level purple gold boss, the person in charge of the TV station patted his knee, and today's topic came out again.

In the battle of defending the city, the world will help the salted fish turn over in thousands of troops and kill the purple gold-level boss in seconds!

Now many people watch Fengyun Game TV as a reality show.

And any scene in the game is more magnificent, exaggerated and gorgeous than the movie. So many people also look at it when they pass the time.

Such a high-gray exposure. The salted fish turned over and accumulated a group of fans other than game players.

This directly caused the salted fish to turn over and dare not go to class.

Because of a classroom, there will be countless nymphomaniac girls waiting there.

Even due to the relationship between Qin Yu. Sichuan University has revised the rule that the public can attend any course without limit.

directly changed to the non-profit organization management class.

Of course, I don't bother to go to other classes.