Online game vertical sword Huaxia

Chapter 93 Semifinals

Han Ning looked back inadvertently, and the game had begun. We can remove a useless assassin, fill an archer, squeeze into the strength list, and take the second group all the way to the semi-finals. The strength will not be bad, mainly depends on the team's cooperation.

"The angel is handed over to you two. The speed of the archer should be able to catch up with the angel, and it is more appropriate to attack you in the air. It is well-known that you and I can resist the knight, listen to the treatment, and be careful of the angel's sneak attack. Your defense and speed are relatively low. Always pay attention to your safety." Han Ning calmly analyzed the situation and arranged the strategy. The real PK is not like the previous games. If he dies, he is really dead and cannot be resurrected. He must be careful at every step, otherwise he will lose the whole game.

"I understand." Several people nodded and each had their own duties.

The "Paradise Horn" six-winged angel wings fanned and raised their hands to add auxiliary skills to the knight to enhance the knight's charging speed and strength. Adding skills, the knight launched a charge, and the six-winged angel flew from the sky to Han Ning's side, releasing the skill "Paradise of Heaven".

"Flower Rain" free clouds spread bows and arrows, and feather arrows hit the skills of the six-winged angel like a meteor, not only to break up the skills, but also to shoot at the six-winged angel. Inadvertently looked back and made a little slower, but the action was completed in one go. With the soft trembling sound of the bow string, the six-winged angel of "Pear Blossom Flying" shot into the sky. However, unlike Xiaoyaoyun, his target was not only the angel, but also the knight who launched the charge. The pear blossom flying dance has a wide range of skills, including both angels and knights.

According to Han Ning's arrangement, Xiao Yaoyun's inadvertent look back mainly deals with six-winged angels, and others can be ignored. Inadvertently looking back and disobeying the arrangement, this kind of behavior is very dangerous. Fortunately, he knew himself and smiled apologetically, indicating that it was not intentional.

Han Ning didn't say anything. Compared with the time thief, it's good to look back inadvertently. While attacking the angels, he can also take care of the knights. It's also better than the opportunisticity of the time thief. As long as he cooperates more, there will be a change.

"Pay attention to cooperation, weakness." Han Ning shouted in a low voice and waved his staff. The dark breath fell on the knight. The knight entered a weak state, and his attributes decreased by 10%.

'Death entanglement' Han Ning waved his staff continuously, and the skeleton formed on the knight's head, grabbed the knight's footsteps and stopped the momentum of the charge.

The priest of the "purification and blessing" of the American team waved the staff continuously, releasing the skill as fast as Han Ning, lifting the abnormal state for the knight and improving the knight's resistance to the abnormal state by 10%.

"Summoning" Han Ning summoned fourteen skeleton soldiers to form the first wall to welcome the knight's new charge. Behind the skeleton soldiers was the well-known one holding a battle shield.

The fight on the ground is lively, and the sky is also inseparable. The six-winged angel saw a large number of skeleton soldiers appear. It was his restrained role and wanted to throw out a few skills. Unfortunately, Xiaoyaoyun and inadvertently looked back did not give them a chance. In terms of the fastest cooperation, it is the two people who are also archers. Although their skills will be somewhat different, they are generally the same. Xiaoyaoyun and inadvertently looked back and kept changing positions. Alternately used skills. Although they could not take down the six-winged angels for a while, it was not a problem to contain them.

"Two arrows combined" Xiao Yaoyun inadvertently looked back and shouted at the same time, stood firm, and arched at the same time.

"Damn, why don't I know if there are any combination skills? When did the two practice?" Han Ning was puzzled and couldn't help muttering.

In fact, there is no combination of two arrows. It is a temporary gimmick made by Xiaoyaoyun's and inadvertent look back, just like the two have just shot arrows alternately, but this time they shoot instantaneous and low-damage skills. The two shoot feather arrows alternately, and the time is just right, and there is no gap to speak of... ...

The "Kachi" knight's charge arrived in an instant, and the backbone figure of the skeleton soldier couldn't help but charge and was smashed into pieces. The well-known "Faldown" did not wear a layer of yellow light on his body, and his defense increased by 50%, and abruptly stuck the knight in front of him. Han Ning took the opportunity to throw a thunderstorm that had been prepared for a long time, and the explosion of lightning shocked the knight and entered a state of detention.

The pastor of the "treatment and purification" American team once again showed high efficiency, and his detention has not yet been effective. His skills have fallen, not only removing the abnormal state, but also restoring the lost HP. Although the "Hell Bone Sea" knight was riding on a horse, he was still stabbed, and the three-digit HP flashed by, and this time the priest still recovered his HP in time.

"No, it's not a way to consume like this." Without the skill of killing the other party in seconds, the HP that was knocked out by other skills was restored by the priest. It was not a way to consume it. Han Ning looked around and said to Adass: "Adass, go and deal with him."

"Yes, master." Addas crossed the knight and went straight to the priest. The speed was so fast that even if the two knights wanted to come back to rescue, they were afraid that they would become too late and had to clean up.

As was running, he kicked out a foot, and the wind blade shot the priest. The priest was fearless and was still waving his staff for treatment. His partner did not show too much concern. Han Ning could conclude that the priest hid his hand. Sure enough, the wind blade flew into the air one meter in front of the priest, as if it had hit the steel plate. The air trembled a little. A small angel came out from behind the priest and blinked mischievly.

Blocking the wind blade is the masterpiece of the little angel, and its only skill is the angel light wall. Defense skills create a transparent light wall, covering the owner, which can resist most of the skills, and only absolute power can be broken.

"Whirlwind Fist" and "Wind Blade" Adas's fists and feet continue to bombard the light wall, but the light wall is only constantly trembling without any intention of breaking. The priest in the light wall leisurely treated his companions, and even looked at Adaz with contempt and thought to heart: Chinese people are just like this. Pets are so stupid that they can't be broken, and it's hard to try.

"Death entanglement" and "Death Hand" Han Ning temporarily entangled the knight's horseshoe with two skills, leaving it to the unknown and rushed to the priest alone. If Addas can't be broken, it doesn't mean that Han Ning can't break it. As long as it is absolutely strong, the light wall will be broken. At the beginning, Xiaoguang's ancient bell defense was also very strong, and it was still broken under Han Ning's attack. This light wall is not much stronger than Gu Zhong.

Han Ning's appearance of swunging the staff made the priest's eyes jump wildly. It was the first time that he had seen such a tough mage with a staff as a stick. A bad feeling hit the priest's heart. Han Ning waved the staff vigorously, and the staff hit the light wall. The light wall did not even tremble, but directly turned into countless fragments. By the way, the little angel who created the light wall was also dead.

"Now I see what else can protect you." Han Ning smiled ferociously, turned around and said, "Adas, play him to death."

Without the wall of light, it is no different from the lamb to be slaughtered. Adas dealt with him only a matter of time and mood. For the time being, the priest can't estimate anyone else, and he is difficult to protect himself.

Han Ning looked at the sky and inadvertently looked back at the six-winged angel. He thought that these two guys were not brain-damaged. They would not be able to defeat their opponents for a while and did not support their companions. What did they think about, but it was good. It was easy to fight.

"Thunderstorm" Han Ning threw a thunderstorm below. The thunder and lightning stranded the six-winged angels. The action not only slowed down, but also randomly failed to use the skills. This made Xiaoyaoyun and inadvertently looked back. The two of them shot arrows faster and faster, just like a competition. They competed with one arrow and chased the six-winged angel. Put skills.

The well-known is not here. The two knights have lost their bondage. The knight's guns are fatally stabbed at the well-known. However, the well-known is not the bones that are not easy to gnaw. High defense and listen to restore HP later. If you want to defeat him, you have to fight a good job in a protracted battle, but will Han Ning give them such an opportunity? The answer is yes, no.