Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 058 There is a universe in it

"Is there a slit?"

When Di Shitian heard it, he was suddenly overjoyed. He quickly looked at Bai Susu and asked, "Susu, where is the slit?" Can you cross it all the way to the valley? It's up to him not to care. This slit is the only key to enter the valley. If you can walk through the valley, the valley can completely maintain its concealment.

Even if you live in it, if you don't go out, you won't be alarmed by other local creatures in the Nanman Mountains, and then silently accumulate strength in the valley, and then wait for the amazing time, it will be the most suitable place for them to live in.

"Wang, my subordinates just found that there was a slit. Before they went to the deepest part, they came back to report. I guessed that this must be the passage to the valley. Bai Susu blinked her eyes and said with certainty that, of course, there was still a trace of nervousness in her voice. After all, she could not be completely sure. Perhaps, this is just a deep cave, so if these are not confirmed, no one can reach a conclusion immediately.

"Hmm!!" After Di Shitian sang deeply, he immediately raised his eyes and said with extremely firm eyes, "We can't wait here any longer. The longer we stay here, the greater the chance of accidents and danger. Susu, you and I will explore in the slit to see if it is a narrow road leading to the valley. Be on alert around here. Wait for us to come back."

"Yes, Wang!!"

At this moment, Di Shitian did not hesitate. He delayed more time and let Bai Susu lead the way in front of him and rushed to the place where the slit appeared.

At this time, it's underground.

The big mouse that has been following me was squeaking in front of the rat king, telling the scene he saw.

"Good, you mean, they have stopped under the nothing-length mountain. It seems that that's their destination. Inform the people immediately, gather the army and be ready to set out at any time. This time, you must catch the black tiger for me and eat his meat, and I can become stronger. At that time, our rat country will also be stronger. Sooner or later, the whole mountain range will be the world of our rats. The Rat King's mouse must be constantly shaking, with an inch of light in his eyes, full of desire.

When the big mouse heard it, he hesitated and said, "Your Majesty, however, in that team, I saw a large number of snakes, and there were many eagles flying in the sky." No wonder, after seeing snakes and eagles in the migration team, he had been hiding in the cave and did not dare to go out. After all, these two are all rat nemesis.

"Don't be afraid. What are eagles and snakes? When we set out, I will open the altar and let all the people shine the divine light for a while. At that time, the little snakes and eagles don't need to be afraid. In the past, they were our nemesis. Wait, we are their nem

The Rat King is quite confident. His wisdom is much stronger than that of ordinary spirit beasts. He directly dug out countless channels in the ground, so that the rat clan does not know how many descendants have progenitated, and built an underground kingdom belonging to the rat clan in the ground. This is an ordinary rat king. It is absolutely impossible to It's arrived.

Now even in the face of a natural nemesis, there is no fear at all, but full of self-confidence. It seems that there is a magic weapon to deal with. This is very weird.

When the big mouse heard that it could bathe in the divine light, the two small eyes were so bright that they could be used as a night pearl. He happily kowtowed to the rat king and said, "Your Majesty, if you can bathe in the divine light, those little snakes will definitely not be the opponents of our rat army. At that time, I will definitely help you kill the black tiger. Make the king more powerful.

At this time, it has no previous timidity. I almost jumped up.

"Go and get ready."


The rats in the underground world are acting silently.

"Susu, this is the slit you mentioned. It's really hidden."

At this time, Di Shitian stood in front of a remote corner at the foot of the mountain. This place is indeed very remote, because on the mountain wall, there are some weeds everywhere. Such weeds are all around, completely the same, without any difference. Under such dense weeds, to find this place, it is really different. Dang's difficulties. It is not an excessive to say that it is looking for a needle in a haystack.

The most rare thing is that this is not a slit that really appears. In front of it is a huge stone sealed, and there is only a small hole the size of a dog hole. This is even more difficult to find. Even if you see it, you will only think that it may be a snake hole or something. It is absolutely impossible to find that this will be a channel.

"King, the people of my family just now climbed in along this small hole and found that behind the stone wall, there was a large slit that could be passed through." Bai Susu looked at the small hole in front of her and was not discouraged. She said the reason.

"Hmm!!" Di Shitian passed through the stone wall with demon knowledge and found that the back was exactly the same as what she said. In the back, there was indeed a fairly wide passage and said, "I will break the stone wall. Let's go in and explore it again."

After saying that, he stretched out his tiger claws and slapped the stone wall in front of him.


The stone wall itself is hollow and not very thick. Under this heavy blow that contains demonic power, the stone wall broke a big hole on the spot and looked inside. It was dark inside, and there was not much light. However, the air was quite circulating. The aura contained in the air here is more important than the outside. Even better.

Although there is no light in the cave, it can't block Di Shitian's sight. After a slight glance, I found that this cave should be a naturally formed cave. Seeing that the air is circulating, it should not be sealed. Moreover, there is wind blowing out from the other end. It seems that the other end must lead to the outside.

"Let's go in and have a look."

Emperor Shitian took the lead, with his legs hard, kicked on the ground, and the huge tiger body jumped into the cave. With a 'swoot', Bai Susu's slender snake body also rushed in and followed him.

Entering the cave, Di Shitian did not lose his vigilance. The two tiger eyes, like torches, scanned every corner of the world for fear of missing something.


Suddenly, perhaps because of the sound of Di Shitian walking on the ground, a snow-white figure suddenly appeared in a corner in front of them.

"Susu, look, there is a rabbit there, running forward, let's follow it." Seeing the rabbit, Di Shitian was not surprised, but happy. There was life to live here, which means that this cave is definitely not a dead cave, and there must be a way out at the other end. If the rabbit is frightened, it will run desperately to the place he thinks is safe. If you follow it, you can find another way out.

At the speed of Emperor Shitian, it is definitely not difficult to catch the rabbit in front of them. However, in order to find the passage, he deliberately followed it, because after a distance, he found that the cave was not only a straight road, but many forks in front of him.

Such a fork, if you go in the wrong direction, it will be very troublesome. Now with rabbits leading the way, it is easy to walk on the right path.

Bai Susu also understands this road and follows it excitedly.

Suddenly, he chased and fled, passing through several fork paths one after another. The figure of the little white rabbit in front suddenly disappeared. Looking ahead, there was a light.

"It's at the entrance of the cave."

Emperor Shitian was overjoyed. He rushed over. Sure enough, there was really another exit in front of him. Standing in front of the cave, the scene in front of him couldn't help making his heart ecstatic.

"Here it is, I found it. This must be the valley mentioned by Yingkong. It is indeed the most livable treasure."

In front of me, what first came into my eyes was a large grassland. The ground, shaded by green grass, was extremely fat and attractive. On it, there was a herbivorous animal eating tender grass beautifully on the grass. There is also a small forest next to it. There are a lot of fruit trees. The fruit is extremely tempting to hang on the branches.

In the distance, in the east, there is also a waterfall hanging down. The clear mountains and rivers fall and hit the stones, making a crisp sound. The thick water vapor moistens the life here.

Just a general glance, you can see that it can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people here. It is more than enough to live a normal life here. With mountains and water, it is completely another small world.

"Okay, okay, the valley is vast, surrounded by mountains, with mountains and water. You can come in. Unless it is from the sky, it is only possible to reach it from the passage behind us. The concealment is high enough. This is simply the best place to live for us, and the air here contains the aura. It's thicker than the outside. Great, that's great."

The more Di Shitian watched, the more satisfied he was with the valley in front of him. It can be said that he could find such a place. I couldn't be more satisfied.

Moreover, it is surrounded by mountains, surrounded by cliffs. What you can enter is the cave behind you. After coming in, guard the cave, seal the cave with stones from the outside, and keep it as hidden as possible. In that case, there will be no great danger for the time being.

"Congratulations to the king for finding such a treasure. This valley will become the foundation of the king in the future. It's better for the king to name the valley. Bai Susu coiled into a circle and looked at the scenery in front of him. He was also excited. In the future, this is the place where they want to live.

"Hmm!! You said it right. This valley will belong to us in the future, and we need to give it a name. In the future, we will lay the foundation here. Strengthen your strength. Sooner or later, I will gather forces that can compete with the sect of immortal cultivation.

P[Ten thousand demons, I'm writing with my heart. Every chapter has been carefully studied, and there will be no obvious loopholes. Eagles and snakes are natural enemies of rats. I can't be idiots. Knowing that they are natural enemies of each other, I also arrange ordinary mice to fight against the enemies. Writing like this is just a If I don't even know this, I don't need to be scolded by others. I'll find tofu and kill myself. Naturally, there is my reason for this arrangement. If you look down slowly, you will understand. In the same way, I will only explain it this time.]