Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 061 The rats come out of the hole

Teaching the five spiritual subordinates around him to practice demons is part of his plan. Many things need to be strong together to share many things. Of course, what he explained will only be the skills before the monster is cultivated. As for how to open up the demon house, it needs to slowly confirm their loyalty later.

can tell the follow-up skills. Otherwise, if the skills of cultivating demons are flowed out, it will cause huge losses. Maybe it will provoke powerful enemies.

After a little explanation of the definition of demon cultivation, Di Shitian first helped Chihuo find the meridians in his body. They were similar to each other. When they practiced, they were naturally almost the same. He first poured the demon power into the body of the red fire, driving the huge power hidden in his body, the scattered demon power, to the Guided by the pulse.

Red Fire itself is a powerful spirit beast that has reached the peak of monsters. Even in the face of immortals, it can resist for a period of time. The blood and food you usually eat, and inadvertently inadvertently inhale the essence of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon have accumulated into a quite huge situation.

Those free power in the body, like the bird that found the nest, the already full flood opened the gate, and gathered in the meridians. In a blink of an eye, a trace of red gas emerged from the body of the red fire and enveloped it in the red fog.

This red fog is the demonic spirit it exudes. With a little dial, the red fire will enter the natural practice. Constantly gather the hidden forces in the body quickly. Form a stream of magical power, run in the meridians, and try to start to hit the level between the meridians.

After helping the red fire to guide, Di Shitian did not stop helping to worship the moon and they began to gather demonic power. And find out the meridians for them, and tell them one by one when to practice and when they can pass. How to operate the magic to absorb the aura of heaven and earth and the essence of the sun and moon around.

These are all vulgar and easy to understand. With their spirituality, it is not a problem to understand these at all.

However, the meridians of Baisu are quite strange. They are indeed one to the end. However, when opening up the meridians, they also need to be done again and again. One-third of them are opened each time, divided into three times, and all of them are opened up, which is the peak of the monster.


After all the people who worshipped the moon understood how to practice, Di Shitian also lay in his position again, exhaled in his mouth, and looked at several subordinates who were surrounded by a mass of demonic spirit. He said slightly thoughtfully, "Red Fire itself is already a strong man among the spirits. In the past, I just didn't know how to cultivate demons. Now I have the skills to give him and release all the power he used to accumulate in his body. It won't be long before, he will definitely open up the meridians of his whole body in one fell The strongest person under me.

"They are a little short of the moon worship. When they were with me, they were only spiritual for a short time. This time, they may not even be able to get through the first meridians. Yuan Tian has drunk a lot of monkey wine, and the power of spiritual wine is accumulated in his body. This time, it should be able to let him get through one. As for the second one, it may be a little short.

Up to now, the strength of these subordinates has begun to be clear at a glance. The red fire is the strongest. Yuan Tian is afraid that he will rank second, and then the strength of Yingkong, Bai Susu, and Baiyue is the worst.

After a little thought, he quickly threw these thoughts out of his mind, took out the elixir from the storage bag, poured out one, took it, and began to run the tiger roar, absorbing the power of the elixir. The red fire is about to have the strength of the peak of the spirit, and he can no longer stay in the realm of the spirit. He must speed up, truly fully accumulate the demon power in the meridians, reach the real peak, and then try to open up the demon house.


At this time, in the ground, countless huge mice were gathering in the wide cave of the Rat King, lined up and rushed to the mysterious underground cave with the altar. Each mouse's eyes carried a light that seemed to be a pilgrimage.

And in front of the altar, countless mice were lying on the ground and bathing in yellow light. After a moment, the color of these mice who had bathed in yellow light mysteriously turned earthy yellow. Then they followed another passage and left the altar. One by one, the spirit is flying, becoming majestic and high-spirited. It's as if you have gained a strong force.

A batch went, and immediately, another batch came in.

Bath in the divine light, the body turns yellow, and then leave.

In front of the altar, this strange scene is constantly repeated.

When the Rat King saw it, he nodded with satisfaction and said, "When all the rat soldiers are bathed in divine light and have divine power to protect their bodies, we will find the black tiger. No matter how powerful the black tiger is, it can't resist the king's Pang Rat Army. With that, he paused, looked at the rat big beside him and asked, "Rat big, you said in front of you that the black tiger and a large number of beasts all entered the mountain and disappeared. Can't find the entrance to enter?"

"Tent the king, my subordinates have found a lot of places with their people, but they didn't find any gaps." The rat is also very strange. Now he clearly sees a passage on the mountain wall, but he can't disappear. This made him very confused.

"Well, don't worry. Anyway, they just disappeared from the mountain. Digging a hole is the talent of our rat clan. If we can't find the hole, I took the little ones to dig a big hole in the mountain. When can I escape the prey I'm targeting? The Rat King's rat beard kept shaking. The rat's eyes are shining.

The rat soldiers are quite fast under the supervision of the rat king, and there is no chaos between entering and exiting, as if they were really an army. Bathed in divine light, a large number of mice were turned khaki. This scene of bathing in divine light has lasted for more than an hour. I just let all the mice who were about to leave bathe once.


Under the order of the Rat King, countless huge mice quickly ran along the underground passage to the barren mountain where Emperor Shitian and others had stayed before. Bathed in the divine light, these mice all ran forward quickly as if they had been given chicken blood injections and ate big tonic pills.

There is no sign on the ground, but there is a squirrel tide underground, which is huge. If you are careful, there are no less than a million mice dispatched this time. That situation is like a rat plague in the previous life. The crazy rat tide is extremely terrible, as if it is going to smash everything in front of it in an instant.

Channels keep appearing under their sharp claws.

Only rush in one direction, unswervingly.

In front of the steep and barren mountain where Emperor Shitian and others stayed before, there were only stones and no flowers and trees. There was silence around, as if no life lived here.


In this quiet environment, there was a strange sound suddenly. In the cover of the night, large and small holes suddenly appeared in the ground, and then big mice rushed out of the ground quickly.


In a huge cave, the Rat King rushed out of it, stood on the ground, looked around, and turned his eyes to the following Rat, shouting, "Rat Big, where did the black tigers disappear from?"

"Here it is." The rat rushed to the hole sealed with stones when Di Shitian left, and shouted, "Your Majesty, they are here." There was an exhilarating look in his eyes.

"Little guys, rush over and dig a big hole in this mountain from here. Under the claws of our rat clan, no mountain can stop our footsteps." The Rat King did not hesitate to give orders to more and more rat soldiers behind him. In an flash, I saw that the overwhelming rats rushed to the front of the mountain wall, waved their claws, and began to dig on the hard rocks desperately.

The claws rub against the stone, making a harsh sound. In the dark, it is extremely mysterious.

A little bit of stone foam was dug down under the claws of the rat soldiers.

In the Valley of Demons——

Di Shitian was covered by a dark demonic spirit, and a thick demon fog rolled around him from time to time. Suddenly, the demon fog rolled violently, and in a blink of an eye, it converged back into his body.

Slowly opened his eyes, with a trace of surprise in the tiger's eyes.

"A feeling of restlessness suddenly appeared in my heart. I used to have such a feeling, but it has never been as strong as today. Is there anything going on with me? There is still danger approaching.

Di Shitian had just completely refined the power of the magic elixir, so that his own demon power increased again. Just as he was about to stabilize these increased demonic powers, he suddenly became restless and restless, and it was difficult to calm down. Only then did he end his practice and he was secretly confused.

"Today is my first day in the Valley of Demons. I haven't explored some places in the valley. Is it possible that there are powerful monsters in the valley to fight against me?"

If there is danger, this is the only one he can think of. However, as I was thinking about it, my mind suddenly flashed and said secretly, "Well, now all the way, I feel something is following behind me. Is it true that my feeling this time is related to this." Thinking of this, this idea has taken root in my heart.

"Red fire, eagle sky, you all stop practicing for the time being."

Thinking of this, Di Shitian quickly woke up the five subordinates who were familiar with the new demon power in his body.

[I don't know why today, my head is dizzy, I can't concentrate, it's even later, I'm sorry.]