Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 073 Magical Change

In fact, he didn't know that although Sanyin Pifu is talking about Sanyin, in fact, the first way to open up the origin and form his own demon house in this origin, which is like Pangu splitting an axe in the chaos, breaking the chaos, and forming heaven and earth. However, the demon mansion at this time is only the most initial and fragile moment.

If there are no other actions, the born demon house will be destroyed again under the pressure of the surroundings. Therefore, there is a second heavenly sound. Its effect is also revealed, in order to stabilize the demon house and make the originally fragile demon house quickly become strong and stable. The real transformation into a demon house.

In fact, after vibrating the second heavenly sound, the demon house has been born. Even if the third sound is not vibrated, nothing bad will happen, and the demon house will not be destroyed. In fact, the demon house has been opened up.

However, there are three heavenly sounds in the palace, which naturally makes sense. What's more, these emperors Shitian are not clear.

The vibration of two heavenly sounds in a row, the pain from the soul, and the deep fatigue caused by the consumption of a lot of power, almost at this moment, made him not want to think about anything and fall asleep like this. I don't know anything and go to sleep. But his perseverance has always kept him in ignorance.

"No, I must not fall asleep. I haven't vibrated the third heavenly sound yet. If I fail to open up the demon mansion because of this, if I want to open it again, it will be several times more difficult than this time. I'm afraid I can't open it up for the rest of my life. I won't admit

In this confusion, Emperor Shitian's will miraculously restored a short trace of clarity. He thought that if he failed to open a demon house, it would be a tragic ending that could hardly become a monster for the rest of his life.

Since the beginning of the cultivation of demons, the strong sense of mastery of power has made him no longer want to spend his life in ignorance like an ordinary tiger. He wants strength, and he wants to get strong power. In this, it is not only because he wants to get the power to save the white tiger mother, but this is just an inducement.

I also look forward to climbing to the peak of cultivation one day. The limit of power. Go and see how powerful it will be at the end of cultivation. Where is the extreme power?

Demon House!!

The demon house is the first step to embark on the peak in the future. If this step can't be passed, let's talk about the future.

The will belongs to the will, which does not represent everything. The fatigue of the mind is far from being recovered by expectations. With a little exhilaration, you will immediately fall into a kind of ignorance again. It's just that in my heart, I'm still persisting, and the thoughts that I can't give up are constantly echoing in my mind.

Unfortunately, he is too tired. With his ability, it is still not easy to vibrate two heavenly sounds.

The mind is sinking step by step...

However, at this time, something that was originally done by the emperor's consciousness finally had an extremely magical effect at this critical moment.

I saw that the snow-white jade embryo, which had been quietly lying under the emperor Shitian, also seemed to feel the thought in his heart that he had always refused to give up, and his persistent belief seemed to touch the mysterious power in the jade embryo.

Sps of white jade burst out like a tide. In a blink of an eye, in the dim cave, it immediately became as bright and clear as daylight, and any stone in the hole was slender. The jade light is soft, and under the light, the jade embryo is extremely mysterious.

However, the jade light did not last long in the cave. In a blink of an eye, it quickly converged back. At the same time, a huge mysterious force came out of the jade embryo and spread into Di Shitian's body in an instant. This mysterious force did not go anywhere else. A force in his body immediately rushed to the heart. The location.

The powerful heart is still beating constantly, but the rhythm of beating is much denser than usual, and the surface is full of gray light. As soon as the crystal mysterious power came to the heart, it was easily swallowed in the same as the previous demonic power and the aura of heaven and earth.

And in the demon house just opened up, a jade-like brilliance appeared out of thin air. This jade light, only hovered a little in the demon house, immediately found the target, and quickly rushed in to the middle of the emperor Shitian.


As soon as the power emanating from the jade embryo merged with him, Di Shitian felt that the originally tired consciousness was suddenly excited, and the whole spirit was suddenly excited. It turned out that the severe pain from the soul caused by the vibration of the heavenly sound was mysteriously calmed down, and the power of the whole body was magically completely restored. The state was unprecedentedly good, and it was absolutely at the peak of the peak.

Suddenly changed from decadent to an uplifting state, and his mind was extremely high.

"It's the jade embryo, the power of the jade embryo. The preparation I made before really worked. Fortunately, otherwise I would not have the strength to vibrate the third heavenly sound."

Emperor Shitian's eyes were full of light, and the purple king pattern on his forehead swept away the previous darkness, and the divine light was beating like a flame, and the strong momentum of the king of beasts filled his whole body. I didn't even think about it. I immediately began to vibrate the third heavenly sound.


The three heavenly sounds are not produced by the mouth, because the power of the heavenly sound is far from what he can drive now, let alone by the sound. It is completely generated by the vibration between the souls. The tide of severe pain emerged crazily again, which was several times stronger than the previous one. The incomparable pain can simply make a person with weak will go crazy and have a nervous breakdown on the spot.

Even Emperor Shitian needs to die with his firm will and grit his teeth.

As soon as the third heavenly sound came out, drastic changes took place in the demon house. The demon house suddenly expanded and quickly expanded outward. The original spirit outside the demon house was constantly destroyed. After that, these ruined spaces became the scope of the demon house one after another. In a blink of an eye, the demon house expanded by ten times the size.

The demon house is not an unlimited expansion. After expanding to about ten times, it stopped without warning. Then, the demon house magically emitted a powerful phagocytosis force. Under this phagocytosis force, the original gas outside kept rolling, without any resistance at all, and quickly followed the phagocytosis force. , was pulled into the demon mansion.

These gray original spirit entered the demon house, did not spread or merge with the demon house, but quickly converged in the center of the demon house, and the huge forces condensed together, mysteriously forming a vortex. The vortex rotates rapidly and constantly pours the original air pulled in into the vortex.

"What's going on? In the demon house in my memory, it seems that such a thing has not happened.

When Di Shitian saw what happened in front of him, he couldn't help but be stunned. In his blood inheritance, there was no record of such a thing at all. However, the dullness was just a momentary thing. In a blink of an eye, he realized that this might be a good thing.

The 'roar' sound is still going on.

The vibration of the soul consumes extremely power. However, because of the jade embryo, the power consumed in front of him has been completely restored for a long time. This third heavenly sound lasts for a long time. Moreover, he found that as long as the heavenly sound still exists, the original spirit outside the demon house will continue to pour in and pour in. In the vortex.

Fools know that the longer Tianyin lasts, the more benefits it will have for themselves. With the current advantages, if you don't grasp it well, isn't it a mallet?

There is no hesitation at all, and it fully supports the vibration of Tianyin.

In the heart of the demon house, the original spirit is not endless. Now when opening up the demon house, part of it is consumed. Now it is once again pulled in by the power of Tianyin. It only lasts for a moment, and the original spirit outside the demon house is completely swallowed into the demon house.

At this time, the vortex in the center of the demon mansion, the rotation speed, still reached a terrible height. Originally, it was the origin of the gas, condensed into a ball ** under the continuous rotation of the vortex. Moreover, the rotation speed has not stopped, but is getting faster and faster.

Strong fluctuations are constantly emanating from the vortex.

"It's not good!!"

When Di Shitian saw this situation, he was shocked and shouted to himself. This vortex can't stop. If it suddenly explodes, the huge power hidden in it will completely smash the formed demon house in an instant.


However, what he was worried about did not happen.

After the speed of the vortex reached a limit, it suddenly burst out countless white light. The white light filled the whole demon house, and even the heart of Emperor Shitian was submerged in an instant. The whole consciousness became a blank. It seems that the whole thing is completely still. I can't feel anything that happens in the demon house at all.

And in this white light, something incredible happened.

The group of ** condensed from the spirit of origin suddenly and completely merged together, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a ball.




Three heavenly sounds mysteriously appear in the demon house, not from the emperor Shitian, but naturally born from the demon house. The rhythm of the heavenly sound is more charming than when the emperor Shitian. It's even more unpredictable. Among the three heavenly sounds that sounded at the same time, the sky over the demon house mysteriously condensed three simple divine lines.

The appearance of the divine pattern is quite strange. It seems to have life and will keep changing. People can't recognize what this is at all.

Just at the moment of formation, it coincidentally rushed to the crystal ** in the center of the demon mansion and easily merged with **. This fusion, mysterious and unpredictable changes have occurred...

[I can't do it. I'm dizzy today. I can't code it anymore. Otherwise, the code will lose its level. The second update is tomorrow, so you don't have to wait in the evening. There will be three updates tomorrow. The critical moment has also arrived. What will the demon house of Emperor Shitian look like? It will be revealed soon.]