Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 150 The Bell of Awakening

I was bitten by a snake. Ten years of fear of grass ropes. At the moment when the blood-printed clothes showed his murderous intention to him, Di Shitian had already paid attention to him, and a murderous intention rose in his heart. The unique momentum on his body seemed to have been touched by the killing of the blood-printed clothes, and he rose in vain in vain, in an instant. The arrogant momentum directly covered the whole valley.

Fortunately, Di Shitian instantly realized that this was a good place that he would never walk. His momentum was only slightly revealed, and he was immediately restrained back into his body. It made people think that the breath of the net like Tianwei was just his own illusion. It seems that it has never appeared.

However, Qin Xuan's eyes contracted violently in an instant, and then looked at Di Shitian's eyes. The change is very different. In the valley, at this time, he was entangled with another monk's endless talk, and the corners of his mouth suddenly showed a hint of a smile, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye. Then start selling business for yourself.

"What's your name?" Emperor Shitian ignored the blood-printed clothes and let the three of their masters and servants leave with resentment. He turned his head and looked at the little girl holding the jade gourd with monkey wine, with an uplifting face, and said, "Monkey wine is very precious. I advise you to leave Qinyin Valley if you are still fine, otherwise there will be

Looking around, many monks stared at the jade gourd, and their eyes were red and ready to move. If it hadn't been for the ban on fighting in Qinyin Valley, and Qin Xuan came out in person, with a faint and strong deterrent atmosphere, I'm afraid someone will soon be able to help but grab it.

After all, monkey wine is a rare spiritual wine in the world of immortal cultivation. It has incomparable benefits for improving cultivation, and the power contained in the wine is gentle, which is the easiest for people to absorb. If anyone sees such a treasure, he will not be eager to take it and take it for himself.

When these monks are greedy together. Di Shitian felt that a wisp of ** power that others could not see at all suddenly rushed to his body like a suckling swallow returning to the nest and was swallowed in by the seven sins demon piano in the demon house. The strange smell on the jade piano is also strong.

"Thank you, senior. Lin Die will not come out of the valley. The younger generation plans to go to the piano house to worship the teacher when the marriage recruitment is over. Lin Die blinked her eyes and said happily. Speaking of the pianist, there was a look of yearning on his face.

"Your name is Lin Die?" At this time, Qin Xuan glanced at her slightly and suddenly said, "Although it is only a medium spiritual root, whether you can enter my Qin family is not the most important thing. It depends on whether you have a talent in rhythm. If you want, you can try it in the villa later. After saying that, without saying much, he turned around and walked to the depths of the bamboo forest. Left.

There is a style of not taking away half a cloud from time to time.

Di Shitian stared at the back of Qin Xuan's gradual departure, which had not been taken back for a long time. On his body, he felt that there was a temperament that was particularly different from other monks, whether it was walking or talking. In each action, there seems to be a strange rhythm, which seems to be like combining each of your actions with some kind of abandonment.

"The pianist is really not simple. It is worthy of a family that specializes in practicing rhythm and sound attack. Under the influence of rhythm, the whole person will have a wonderful temperament. It is closer to the fluctuation of the rhythm. Make yourself have a kind of charm

He meditated secretly, withdrew his eyes, and bought an alchemy tripod in Lin Die's hand. The tripod is only a lower magic weapon, but it is far more expensive than ordinary magic weapons. All kinds of elixir are also collected on her body. These things gave her a gourd monkey wine. .

Then, he directly found a secluded corner in the purple bamboo forest, sat down quietly, silently closed his eyes to run the skills, urged the demon refining tripod in the demon house, and absorbed the power of ** in the valley.

It is worth mentioning that when absorbing the power of **, it was found that the power of ** in the valley. It seems to be much less than the outside. Moreover, what is really absorbed is emitted by those foreign monks.

"Is it possible that the rhythm can purify**?"

As a result, a short thought flashed in my heart, but in a blink of an eye, I continued to immerse myself in cultivation.

"If the monster wants to move forward, it must shape the demon vein, break the original meridians, and then re-shape the unique demon vein with the secret method. Each shape can be promoted one step. Now, after this period of accumulation, my demon power is completely enough to shape the first demon vein and be promoted to the middle stage of the monster. However, when shaping, my self-directed demon spirit will not be able to converge.

In the demon house, the demon liquid in the demon refining tripod has risen to one-third, in the black demon liquid tripod. It emits terrible fluctuations, calm like a pool of dead water. In the sky of the demon liquid, a black fog hovers on it, and a drop of dark ** will drip down every once in a while, melt into the demon liquid below, and become a part of it.

The demon element rushed out of the demon refining tripod and rushed out of the demon mansion. Rush out of the heart, pour into the meridians all over the body, and flow quickly along the meridians. At the same speed of the circulation, the meridian demon oozes out of the meridians. Talk about the flesh and blood all over the body. The body merges into one inch, making one's demon body stronger.

There are two sets of meridians in his body, one of which is the meridians of his own demon body, only three, one of which has been with the whole body since the beginning of his head. The other two are connected with hands, hands and feet, and three are a pair of meridians that flow completely throughout the body. This is the original meridians of the demon body, and there is also a pair of human meridians shaped by Xuanyue alchemy.

However, these two kinds. In the road of demon repair, it all needs to be abandoned.

Shape the demon vein and shape a brand-new demon vein. Shape the demon vein that is really connected to the demon house.

It's like the demon house is Dantian. Now the demon house does not have a real meridians connected to it. Naturally, it will be difficult to perfectly operate the demon power. Taking the demon house as the point, a new demon vein is shaped, so that the demon element can run along the demon vein as soon as it gushes out of the

If the spirit beast is to open the spiritual orifice, the spirit monster is to accumulate demon power, pulse through the whole body, and open up the demon house, the monster is to shape the demon vein, shape the demon vein, and then shape the demon vein. Then condense the inner elixir.

"I don't know what kind of place the piano world will be. Maybe I can shape the first demon vein in the piano world."

Di Shitian secretly meditated in his heart.

Entering the piano sound valley, he did not come for marriage, but wanted to learn the rhythm of the pianist. Learn to play the piano, but the rest is not very important. It's just in time for the marriage recruitment.

Qinjing, in the valley. He had heard it many times, but only knew that it was a forbidden place for the Qin family. He didn't know what existed in it at all. He couldn't help but be curious and secretly decided to follow him into the piano once. On the other hand, he could find an opportunity to shape the demon vein and upgrade his cultivation to the middle stage of the monster. That way, in the human world. The ability to protect yourself will be greatly increased. Second, maybe I can take this opportunity to enter the piano house.

Time is moving forward quickly.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed quietly.

"Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang!!"

In the morning of the third day, three quaint bells sounded in the piano valley, which seemed to contain a power to purify people's hearts. All the monks in the valley felt as if they had drunk a bowl of cold pears in the hot summer, chilling from the beginning to the end. Unconsciously immersed in a beautiful state of mind.

Originally chaotic and irritable, the mood returned to calm one after another. In the bell, the divine consciousness sublimated faintly and increased a little at the rate of feeling.

"Qionyingu's "awakening bell, it really lives up to its name. This time, it's the right one to come." The young man in the valley with a mountain and river fan in his hand shook the folding fan in his hand slightly, with a strange color on his face and said, "Legend. This awakening bell is a treasure of the pianist. This clock has the magical power to remove the heart demon and wash the heart god. I often hear the words. It can make the heart invisible, and the Yijing can wash the marrow. It's amazing to see you today.

The blood-printed eyes in blood looked in the direction of the bell ringing, flashing a trace of greed and strong possessiveness.

In the past three days, the number of monks in Qinyin Valley has reached more than 3,000. At this time, under the sound of the bell, they stood solemnly one after another and looked at the Qinjia Villa.

In the bell, I only saw it. In the purple bamboo forest, a group of people came out.

is led by Qin Xuan, the owner of the pianist who has seen before. Around him, one left and one right, is a beautiful woman and a girl with a veil on her face. Behind them are two old men, one with the purple flute and the other with the jade flute. The rest are some young children, men and women. Together, there are dozens


"You can come to my Qinyin Valley, and my Qin family also feels the glory of the shed wall." Qin Xuan took the children of the Qin family to the valley. Facing thousands of monks, he smiled without a trace of restraint and said, "Little girl Qin's heart, because you all love each other. It is known as the Yaoqin fairy. This time, I want to recruit a Taoist couple who can support each other on the journey of immortals for the female piano heart. I believe everyone should be clear about this

The valley is quiet, and this voice contains a strange charm, which is clear to the whole. The valley reaches the ears of every monk.

Qing Xing can be done.

"Mr. Qin, I know all this. Why don't we talk about the rules of choosing a son-in-law now?" At this time, a monk said. However, this sentence also expressed the voice of other monks.

Qin Xuan smiled indifferently. He glanced at the many young monks in front of him, and paused a few times on several people and said, "Those who can come to the valley are all handsome men in the immortal world. There is only one little girl, and one girl can't serve two husbands. Therefore, who can become the Taoist couple of the little girl must look at fate and God

"My pianist has been passed down to this day. The ancestors once gave up and left a forbidden place. It is called Qinjing. There is considerable danger in the piano world. Of course, as long as you enter, it is also a great opportunity. Even my disciple of the piano family is not easy to enter" (to be continued)