Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 211 Guqin Jewels

... The infighting and relief clearly felt it. The rat's body is constantly emerging from each other. The power of the compatriots is almost exactly the same as the power previously felt in the beads on the altar. Moreover, it is not controlled by the Rat King at all, which is completely beyond its control. Now, this force is rampaging in his body.

Destroy it.

Although he didn't know what kind of treasure the bead was, he could guess it just by guessing that it would never be an ordinary thing. The power contained in the bead can be called infinite. Such a huge and incredible power was drawn out, with the cultivation of the rat king but the monster, or There is no demon to practice magic, even if his body is bathed in divine light day and night. Become hard and strong. It's extremely tough.

But you can bear the infinite power in the beads.

It's like a child. I'm not greedy enough. If I want to pick up the big sword that can only be held by a person, I can't wave it, but it's easy to hurt myself.

At the beginning, the power gushing out is still in the rat king's endurance, so the rat king's strength is also in a blink of an eye, which has swelled several times, or even dozens of times. However, if you can't suppress it, there is more and more power gushing out of the beads, In the words. Immediately it will be beneficial and harmful.

That force itself does not belong to him. As soon as he escaped control, he rampaged into his body, just like gunpowder, and it seemed that it was possible to explode.

Playing with fire and self-immolation, this is playing with fire and self-immolation.

If you swallow the divine bead, you will be the first to bear the impact of the strong power of the divine bead. If you can't bear it, you will "s bang. With a sound, it blew up with the balloon.

"What on earth is that bead? It's so amazing."

Although Di Shitian himself was pierced. However, with the strength of his demon body, the wound has begun to heal. The blood has stopped. The injury was not the point. Looking carefully at the ferocious and terrible Rat King, listening to the sad scream, there was a trace of light in his eyes, and he shouted intermittently, "Susu, in the hole when you come back quickly."

Bai Susu heard it and instinctively moved. The body quickly rushed into the tunnel, and Di Shitian glanced at the big mouse that fell on the ground. He reached out and grabbed his tail, picked it upside down, and shook his body. There was a natural breeze around, and in a blink of an eye, he rushed into the tunnel, and then the backhand blocked the stones that had previously been cut down in the hole again.


After doing this, I only heard it in the secret room. In a sad scream, a terrible explosion exploded violently, and then, the whole thing shook the mountain, and the destructive force swept around, and the roar continued. Within a hundred miles around, countless hidden roads under the ground collapsed. I don't know how many mice were buried underground.

The scene is extremely terrible.

Even the way that Emperor Shitian and others are in. It was also collapsed by the earthquake, but with the strength of Bai Susu and Di Shitian, even if it collapsed, it could not cause too much damage.

The violent vibration lasted for a moment. It just gradually stopped.

With a bang, Emperor Shitian broke away from the collapsed tunnel. Rush into the secret room.

"The delusion is to get something for nothing, seize the power that does not belong to you, and the end is to play with fire and self-immolation. You don't know how to act according to your ability, but. He wanted to pull me up when he was dying, but he was infatuated


Sweeping around, the secret room became extremely strong under the irradiation of the divine beads for many years and did not collapse. However, the altar, which originally stood in the middle, had been completely blown to pieces. In the self-detonation of the Rat King, it turned into powder. Moreover, the body of the Rat King was also blown up Falling around.

If you are already dead, you can't die anymore.

However, in the position of the original altar. A yellow bead suddenly fell to the ground. On the bead, wisps of yellow light kept flashing, as if there was a yellow spiritual water rippled in the beads. It seems particularly mysterious, but the divine light that bursts out to the outside world all the time seems to have been completely restrained.

What's more outside is a mystery.

"What kind of treasure is this bead? It was shining just now, but now it is extremely introverted, exactly the same as my black bead. Di Shitian stepped forward, picked up the yellow bead in his left hand, and the black bead appeared in his right hand. Two beads. It looks almost the same size, but the colors are different, and the others have almost no difference.

What the hell is it?

This question unconsciously emerged in the bottom of his heart, which made him unbearable. The more he came to this time, the more he felt that he knew too little about this continent. Today, he knew all kinds of things and all kinds of secrets, which was extremely rare. He clearly knew that the two jewels in his hand were likely to be something. A kind of magical treasure, treasure. However, there is a treasure mountain in front of it, but it can't be recognized.

This is simply a kind of torment.

"If you know everything, you may know what kind of treasure this bead is here." I suddenly remembered the seemingly cynical everything I once met in Qinyin Valley. Thinking about everything, I always feel that this person is definitely not as simple as it seems. Nine times out of ten, he is a strange person with game dust. I remember that the wedding peach and world tree that he said from him at the beginning seemed to be some incredible existence.

He has a lot of questions to ask, but when he thought of the price offered by Wan Zhuotong, he couldn't help smiling bitterly. He didn't come out of any of those things. It's a little reliable, that's

"Thousand-year-old monkey wine" may be made with the help of the Dronet Gourd in the future, and I don't dare to think about anything else. It's too far away.

"Forget it, these two jewels must be lost. Although I don't know their use now, I will have plenty of time to inquire about them in the future." Seeing the change of yellow beads, the black beads that have not been paid much attention to have also become particularly different. I guess that this black pearl may be the same as yellow beads, for some reason, they have become introverted. Don't show his strangeness.

There must be a connection between the two.

"Oh, I remember."

The inspiration suddenly flashed in Di Shitian's mind. His eyes lit up obviously. First, he took out the Seven Sins Demon Piano, then patted the storage bag, and took out a roll of dark yellow scrolls from the bag. The ancient scrolls exude a burst of quaint atmosphere. It can be seen how long it has existed. It's nothing else. It was the scroll that flew out of the Qintian treasure box after breaking the jigsaw puzzle lock for the first time.

Take the scroll in your hand and spread it out quickly.

On the scroll, the picture suddenly came into my eyes. The picture is naturally a nine-stringed guqin. Seeing this painting, Di Shitian's eyes instantly fell on the strange four grooves on the edge of each string of the guqin. The shape of the four grooves is also round. It seems that it is specially used to inlay some kind of beads.

"Is this clear trough really used to inlay some kind of beads? However, this needs to be inlaid. What kind of jewel do you want? It's strange that there is no explanation on the scroll.

Emperor Shitian secretly guessed in his heart that in those years. When he saw the scroll, he had always paid the most attention to this portrait of the guqin. It's exactly the nine guqin strings on the guqin. After all, the nine-stringed guqin is the rarest kind in heaven and earth. Therefore, it attracted his attention at a glance.

At the beginning, there were indeed doubts about the four grooves next to the strings, but at that time, I just thought that it might be a strange carving. After a little, I never thought about it. Now it seems. Maybe it's not just as simple as carving.

Then look at the seven sins demon piano. On the demon piano, there is a four groove on the edge of the nine strings.

In those years, when refining, there were no other ideas for emptying the four slots. They just refined exactly the same according to the style on the scroll, and kept them together. Now it seems that if there had been no reservation at the beginning, it might have been a huge loss.

"What do these four slots mean?"

All kinds of ideas flashed in Di Shitian's mind. He wants to put the jewels in his hand on the four slots, but the seven sins demon piano is his original demon weapon. If there is any accident, it will be completely bad. Not only the demon piano will be damaged, but even the self will be severely damaged. There is no recklessness


After thinking about it carefully, I didn't think more. Let's talk about it for the time being.

Put away the scrolls and put them back. The two jewels were carefully packed in jade and boxed, and also collected. With a move of mind, the seven sins will also be taken back into the body.

"King, the rat king is dead. Did this stinky mouse kill it together?" Bai Susu also saw that Di Shitian got the yellow bead originally placed on the altar, and she was also secretly happy. She has witnessed the power of Baozhu with her own eyes, and it must be a great treasure. When the king got it, he was not jealous and greedy.

She knows that no matter when, only the share of the hum king will definitely not treat them badly as subordinates. Monkey wine is so precious and not stingy. It is given to them for cultivation, and all kinds of magic weapons are also available for selection. It can be said that Wang has never seen them like this. That's enough.

Look at the rat that was thrown on the ground, and Bai Susu said with disgust.

"Wait, Black Tiger King, White Python, don't kill me. I surrender. I don't want to die." The rat was lying on the ground like a corpse. As soon as he heard Bai Susu's saying that he wanted to kill him, he immediately rolled on the ground and stood up quickly. Two claws together, one. He kowtowed to Emperor Shitian vigorously.

Bang on the ground. Sa

There is no backbone to say the words of surrender. He looks greedy and afraid of death.

"Don't worry, keep this little mouse. It's still a little useful for our Demon Valley. Don't be in a hurry to kill him."

Ge Shitian glanced at the mouse and said indifferently. His eyes were meaningful. If you want to know what will happen, please log in... Chapter more. Support the author, support genuine reading!