Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 322 Draw desperately

Yes, the whole secret place and Linglong pagoda "a hundred years, no, as long as you give me ten, I can build a demon country that shocks the world, the Beast Sect, in a short time, I can trample you under my feet, this day, it will not be too far away

Regarding the matter of the Heavenly Demon Purple Moon, Emperor Shitian was not too persistent, on the Zijin Continent. With too many wonders, I have just integrated into the world. Many things are often not as simple as they seem. Ziyue is a demon. It can be said that she has already climbed the peak of heaven and earth, although she doesn't understand what she said, "No life, no death." What does it mean, but if we really meet again one day.

He believes that at that time, he should have been qualified to know something.

Putting his mind on the inheritance obtained this time, he can't help but have a kind of uncontrollable joy in his heart. I have to say that what Ziyue left him is a treasure that can make the demon clan rise again. In his subordinates, there are nearly one million demons in the secret world, although these demons are all because of the secret Unable to break through, they are all in an embarrassing situation under the realm of monsters and even monsters.

It is always impossible to condense the internal elixir. Even the more talented monsters are the same. There is no way to really transform into a demon.

Naturally, there is no condensation of internal elixir, and most of them have the limitation of longevity. Longevity races are better. Those tortoise clans sleep for hundreds of thousands of years, which can afford to wait, but most demon races can't have such a long longevity. After a period of time, there are always some In the tomb.

Fortunately, there is also purple thunder frost, so that the number of demons has always been maintained at about one million.

These are the biggest capital. Millions of demons are also blessed by purple thunder and frost, so that they can open their wisdom. In the realm of spirit beasts, they can be transformed and cultivated. There will be no bottleneck until the condensation of the inner elixir. This kind of unique qualification, as long as it is subdued, it will be put into the exquisite tower of Zohua for a period of time.

Use the pagoda's ability to reverse time and space to reverse the time difference. In just one year, the outside world is enough to make Emperor Shitian have hundreds of thousands of subordinates of condensed internal elixir. How powerful it will be. This is the point. There is absolutely no exaggeration, you know. Demons in the secret world. They were all imprisoned in the realm of monsters for hundreds of thousands of years.

The accumulation of husband's quantity has long enabled them to take that critical step and condense the inner elixir.

Once this confinement is lifted. It didn't erupt like a volcanic eruption.

All the various elements of building a strong force, in front of you, it can be said that Ziyue has prepared everything for him at one time. Although many things are imprisoned in the exquisite pagoda, you need to have a certain strength before you can get them one by one. However, the foundation is already there and rise. It will be irreversible.

"However, the opportunity to release millions of demons in the secret world should be carefully considered. Since Linglong Pagoda has the power to reverse time and space, now the first floor is only one to ten, but it is enough. This time, I'm going to have a good retreat when I have time now.

Di Shitian's mind quickly turned all kinds of thoughts. What he lacked in the past was undoubtedly time. Now, Linglong Tower can just make up for the precipitation of this time. If he doesn't seize the opportunity, isn't he an idiot?

He has too many things to do. The first thing to do is his own skills problem. The seven emotions and six desires are too domineering and weird, and the cognition of skills is too shallow. For a long time, although there has been a general idea of skills, there is no way to construct those If you want to connect it, melt it into a furnace. Real form a system and create unique skills.

It's different now. There are all kinds of skills in front of you. If you can read them all in your heart, integrate them, combine the seven emotions and six desires, and really melt into one furnace, then create skills. It's not an delusion."

In this courtyard, the scope is not large. The front is the house, surrounded by the courtyard. Go forward, open the bamboo door, walk into the room with the crisp sound of pushing the door, and look up at the past. The first impression is that this is not for living at all. All the furnishings are like the same study.

There is a bookshelf around. On the bookshelf, there is an ancient book made of unknown material in each frame. There is a faint halo on the surface of the ancient book, and the name of each famous ancient book is famous for the mysterious demon text. This kind of ancient book is invulnerable to knives and guns, invulnerable to water and fire, and difficult to destroy. Even if it is preserved for ten thousand years, hundreds of millions of years, as long as it cannot be destroyed, it can always be passed on.

, heart

After a general look, the classics here are really complicated, but they have been distinguished from the types for a long time. According to the level of skills, the "heaven and earth are yellow, etc." marks have been made on each bookshelf, which can be distinguished at a glance.

Quickly glanced past, and his eyes fell directly on the simplest bookshelf. On the bookshelf, there were only ten volumes of classics. However, on these classics, there was a momentum of arrogance at the sky, as if he were the king of many classics. The meaning of the demon text on the bookshelf is "heaven, the word."


... Erfan, get to the front of the bookshelf, and take the first volume of the book on the left in front of you. There is a flexible flow of demon literature in ancient books, and he stares at the past. Suddenly, the demon literature flew directly into his forehead and into his mind, and he naturally understood its true meaning in his heart. What the demon literature expressed was the name of the ancient book.

This volume, make "The True Sutra of the Great Sun" one by one!!

Open it and watch it carefully, Di Shitian was not half amazed by the power of the demon clan in ancient times.

This "Great Sun True Sutra" is a heavenly level skill, which can shape twelve demon veins, absorb the true power of the sun, and condense the true fire of the sun. When you practice to the depths, you can transform into a big day, and the big sun is in the sky. Extremely domineering. It is the top ancient demon cultivation method cultivated by the partial fire attribute demon clan, in which there are various cultivation methods, some combat skills, and the use of the sun's real fire. They are all incomparable details. It is a complete ancient demon cultivation method. If this is taken out, I'm afraid that the demons in the world will be shaken.

. What a domineering skill, the demon ancestors who created this skill must be a heroic and unrivaled strong man, a great success, burning the sky and boiling the sea!! It's amazing to just start with these eight characters.

Di Shitian slowly pulled his mind out of the ancient books, and a trace of light appeared in his eyes. He was not completely immersed in the Great Sun Sutra. But just a cursory look can realize that this skill is definitely a shocking supreme skill. The power described in it can't help but yearn for it secretly. Once it is successful, it can be turned into a hot day, burning the sky and boiling the sea is just a matter of thought. What a domineering.

Looking at the leopard in the tube, you can see a "heart fantasy, how earth-shaking the demon clan in ancient times will be.


Take a deep breath, put the Da Ri Zhen Jing back in its original place, and pick up the next book again. Take a look. But he couldn't help but be secretly surprised, because what he got was the Heavenly Demon Killing God ** that he had come into contact with before. After a closer look, he found that this one here was compared with what he had seen in those years. Not only is there no incomplete, but also more detailed, and some key places are more mysterious.

is also shaping twelve demon veins, condensing the spirit of boundless killing between heaven and earth, and killing gods. Meet the Buddha and slaughter the Buddha. It can be said to be the supreme formula in killing. The strong part is not under the Great Sun Sutra at all.


The corpse is ten thousand

With a heavy breath, Di Shitian was overjoyed and said secretly, "Ziyue, Ziyue, whether you are fallen or alive, the gift you left me is too big. With these things, if I can't build a demon country again, I will have no face to live. Yes."

I am secretly grateful for the gift of Ziyue in my heart, and I have more confidence in the future. When he didn't get these things, he was not discouraged at all, let alone now. The experience of the previous life has long tempered his heart to an incomparable state of perseverance.

Without saying much, continue to look through other classics and look at them more and more. The more I feel that the power of the demon clan in ancient times is incredible.

At the same time, it is even more unbelievable about the sudden decline of the demon misunderstanding. If we really want those world-class strong people to fall, how strong the enemy will be.

Di Shitian can't imagine this at all

Continue to watch.


"The Change of Heaven and Earth",


All kinds of supreme skills that I didn't dare to think of before appeared in front of me today, allowing me to choose. If I say such a scene, I'm afraid no one will ever believe it.

How could Di Shitian waste such a great opportunity? After condensing the inner elixir, he would not die even if he didn't eat it for ten years or a hundred years. There were all kinds of spiritual wine in the god of wine gourd, which could relieve the desire for the mouth and abdomen. Suddenly, he rushed to these more than 30,000 The level takes all kinds of knowledge, and in my mind, all kinds of skills are constantly woven together.

Start with the lowest level of yellow-level skills, and then slowly move towards higher-level skills. I am immersed in the sea of this magic. What are the magic? These magics represent the life crystallization of countless heroes in the demon clan since ancient times. It is the concentration of wisdom, immersed in this large number of skills. Di Shitian felt as if he was swimming in the countless unique ideas of the demon clan.

Keep learning all kinds of knowledge.

The direction of the cultivation of the demon clan is becoming clearer and clearer. In my mind, my own feelings of the seven emotions and six desires are constantly emerging, and these feelings are mutually confirmed with countless skills.

Seven emotions and six desires, the boundless power of ** can be said to be something that few people dared to deal with in ancient times, but it is undeniable that the power of ** and the spirit of heaven and earth are as if they are opposite sides of yin and yang. They are indispensable and will never disappear. ( To be continued)