Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 327 Seven Sins Promotion

Er Ran. Just don't, the continuous infusion of the creation into the body outside the body, the heart talks about the black lotus. Immediately, it's like a vast sea. Wrap the power of desire and the demon in an instant.

In the power of creation, whether it is the power of desire or the demon, the two forces that are originally excluding each other and do not integrate with each other seem to be full of spirituality in an instant. At the same time, they open themselves, greedily swallow the power of creation around them, and swallow the power of creation into them.

For each devouring one point of the power of creation, the spirituality of the two forces increases by one point. Among the two forces that are completely different, there is an atmosphere of the same origin at the same time. It is this trace of power of the same origin that makes the power of desire and demons, which could not be integrated in the first place, magically and slowly approach each other.


Just see, at the edge of the two forces touching each other. It has the power of creation as a bridge sorghum. Connect with each other, immediately. I saw that the extremely strange scene appeared under the attention of the heart.

The two forces touch each other, and there is not much diaphragm, and they are merging together at once. A faint golden yellow** slowly appeared in the middle. As soon as this drop of ** was formed, a breath of the supreme emperor that seemed to be born naturally burst out. In an instant, this drop of ** seemed to be an emperor.

It is full of the spirit of the emperor. This kind of spirit of the emperor can't be concealed by any force. Even if it is only a drop, it still reveals a kind of awe-inspiring hegemony above the power of desire. He is so arrogant that nothing can hide his sharpness. In this momentum. Di Shitian only felt it. Even my mind was sublimated in an instant. In the heart. Inside the body. The momentum has always been in the bud. It seems that he got enough nutrients and pulled up little by little.

The ego spirit that has not been shown at ordinary times has continued to grow up for a long time. Unexpectedly, it appeared directly outside the body. If someone was in the Linglong Tower at this time, he would find that Di Shitian came from nothing. The domineering of the emperor who is the only one who respects himself first only circulates on the surface of the body. Then. Between every few breaths, it spreads in all directions.

Covering a range of dozens of meters around, in which even the flowers and plants involuntarily lowered their heads towards his position. Bend down your body.

That is a kind of unique spirit that makes thousands of creatures unable to have any resistance at all. Everything will lower its arrogant head in front of it.

Heaven's disaster has infinite destructive power. It is the test of heaven and earth, but in the disaster of heaven, at the same time of destruction, it also has a strong power of creation, which suddenly contains the source of life. The power of creation. It is one of the most magical forces in the world. Legend. Countless creatures on the Zijin continent are actually transformed by the power of creation, which is the supreme embodiment of the mystery of creation at the beginning of heaven and earth.

This power, its greatest feature. It is inclusive and has the characteristics of "Hinabai". It is even mild and extremely gentle. It is the most suitable for integrating the power of desire and demons.

This is the result of Emperor Shitian's deduction of countless times. He is not only afraid of the disaster. On the contrary, the more violent he came, the more happy he was. There is an exquisite tower outside, and the power of destruction is directly blocked, and the power of thunder and lightning is transformed into the power of creation and poured into him.

This first drop of Huangji Zhenli also perfectly confirms that the result of his performance really has its magical effect. It is practical.

"The emperor's true power, this is the emperor's true power. The "Imperial Amazing Book" I created can really be practiced. In the past 40 years, I have not been in vain

Di Shitian was ecstatic, but his mind still seemed to be very calm. He continued to introduce the power of creation into his body, urging the continuous fusion of the power of desire with the demon.

This fusion speed was much faster in an instant after the appearance of the first drop of Huangji Zhenli. In addition, the power of creation was almost continuous. For a moment, the rotation speed of the black lotus in the emperor's celestial body was more than doubled again in vain, and it turned rapidly, driving the demons in the tripod to Swallow it in. The demon liquid is decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Outside the Linglong Tower, a thunderbolt still hit the pagoda as crazy as raindrops, but it was transformed into a huge power of creation and poured into Di Shitian's body.

This natural disaster, the rotation of the five elements, has lasted for half a long time.

I don't know how many of the fallen thunder. If it is under normal circumstances, I'm afraid that no matter how powerful people are, they will be bombarded into dregs. But it didn't bring any damage to Linglong Pagoda.


I don't know when, the purple-striped black tiger, who had been closing its eyes and lying quietly on the ground, suddenly stood up in the eyes of two bright tigers. Two golden lights burst out. The divine light burst out. It's like two probing lights. The brake is amazing, and the body shape is "the teacher, it bursts up, and in just a few breaths, it will not expand more than twice as much.

The hair on his body fluctuated like waves. At the moment he stood up, it seemed that a prince was rising at this moment. A domineering tiger roared out of his mouth. In the air around, circles of twisted ripples are constantly rippled.

The roar of the tiger. It lasted for more but a quarter of an hour before it gradually stopped, and the light flashed all over. A body stands proudly in mid-air, with a clear diamond face, like a knife, but the face that is not outstanding is full of a strong charm. A mysterious purple king pattern on the forehead is beating like a flame, emitting endless power

A shoulder-length black hair is windless and automatically, casually scattered behind the head, dancing wildly, and around the body, the perfect demon body almost like a gold cut burst out an extremely domineering fluctuation. Every inch of flesh and blood contains explosive power.

"The first book of the emperor's amazing world, finally succeeded

Emperor Shitian wantonly waved his strong breath around unreservedly, and it was not until a moment later that he waved his hand and took out a black robe. Wearing it on his body, his eyes flashed with a golden light from time to time, with a strong sense of self-confidence in it. Stretch out your right hand and hold it hard.

He looked resolute and spit out a sentence: "The emperor's amazing book is ten times. From now on, my fate. I will hold it in my own hand and look up to the void. His eyes are extremely deep. He said coldly, "All Beast Sect, wait for me. First of all, I want you to stay. If my mother is fine, it's okay. Otherwise, I will slaughter all your sects all up."

In words, there is an unprecedented sense of self-confidence.

has always been on the top of my head. The Beast Sect, who was always pressed in his heart, could no longer make him bow his head. There was an emperor's shocking book in his body. Although he only practiced to the first level, when the power of desire and the demon element all metamorphosed into the true power of the emperor, he clearly felt that his own strength had increased by no less than ten

As soon as the light golden yellow Huangji Zhenli was formed, it replaced the power of desire and the position of the demon element, becoming the power that was really mastered, and the sad vein, the sadness in the sad vein could no longer affect him. On the contrary, there was a kind of comfort like a fish in water. The whole demon vein has been almost completely developed.

A stream of sad desire is constantly rolling into the demon veins at an unprecedented speed, like a long whale absorbing water. Compared with the past, if it used to be a stream, now it has become a river, and the speed of absorbing the power of desire has increased by hundreds of times.

Moreover, there is no need to control it at all. The demon veins are constantly absorbing the power of desire outside the body almost all the time. Once it was sucked into the body, it circulated a few times in the demon vein, and then after refining the impurities in the demon refining tripod, all of the brains fell into the black lotus, in the black lotus.

The black bead like the lotus seed in the middle of the original black lotus has disappeared, and the light golden emperor's true power has been filled with the product that the black lotus originally belonged to the power of sadness. Exuding the breath of an emperor, as soon as the power of desire belonging to sadness fell into the black lotus, it was quickly refined by the emperor's true power.

turned into a wisp of fine weaving, the emperor's true power.

Huangji Zhenli rushed out of the black lotus and operated in the demon veins. Wherever he passed, the powerful Zhenli was running at the same time, and from time to time, it separated into the flesh and blood around him.

The level of the emperor's true power is far beyond the demon element. It is integrated into the flesh and blood, and it makes his demon body not know how much it has been enhanced at once. It is far beyond the strength of the demon body that the demon elixir should have when it turns.

The magic of the emperor's amazing book can be seen from this.

"The first weight has been practiced. After decades of accumulation in the black lotus, each product contains a huge power of desire, with them. Even if you work hard again and master the other two desires together, it should not be difficult for Emperor Shitian to break through to the third weight and fall to the ground. He turned his mind and thought to himself: "But. The Secret Land of the Heavenly Demon has only been opened for five years. Now more than four have passed, and it will be over in less than a year. If you continue, the time is too tight. It's better to familiarize yourself with this first-in-first imperial strength and integrate its strength into your own combat strength. After completely mastering it, practice the first time to the peak. Break through to the second weight, which should be more important for your own foundation

The light flashed in his eyes. Before practicing the emperor's amazing book, the black lotus in the emperor's celestial body accumulated a huge power of desire. In the past, these forces of desire entered the black lotus and could only enter and out. It can't be used, so the more it accumulates, the larger it becomes. In addition, it has been in the Linglong Pagoda for more than 40 years. In the past few decades, it has been absorbing the power of desire between heaven and earth all the time. It's even bigger.

It can be said that as long as he is willing, with the help of this huge desire, he is fully capable of breaking through one after another. Hit the second and third, but. After thinking about it carefully, he still didn't do that. After reading a large number of classics, he knew very well that the basic emphasis and cultivation was not blindly rapid progress or good, but about accumulation. Only a solid foundation. Only then can we have the capital to climb to a higher peak.

So, on my mind, I still gave up that tempting idea and decided to think about the current power first, polish it, completely turn it into my own use, and accumulate it for a period of time.

There is a beautiful tower, and there is no need to worry about the lack of time.

"Well, the most important thing now is to consolidate the breakthrough first, and then other

After practicing the emperor's shocking book, Emperor Shitian's nature can be said to be completely released, once he made up his mind. There is no more hesitation, and it is extremely decisive.

"Dinghe"Zhang Zheng,"

Just when he wanted to retreat for a period of time, suddenly, there was a fierce sound of the piano in his mind. In the sound of the piano, there was a kind of anxiety, which was quite urgent.

"Hmm. This is the sound of the seven sins demon piano. Has it completed its transformation and been promoted to a magic weapon?

Emperor Shi Tianshen couldn't help but be slightly stunned. I immediately knew that the piano sound was from the seven sins demon piano that had been transformed and promoted in the demon mansion. Unexpectedly, "There was a strange movement in the second north, and I immediately ignored it. I was moved and called out the ancient earthworm No. 6 Middle School. It is extremely important to pay attention to it. You know, it's a magic weapon. That's the second life.

is my best friend. All are glorious. Loss and loss are all in one. Moreover, Guqin's attack method is a force that he can't give up.

Emperor Shitian is confident that he dares to kill tens of thousands of beasts. One is because of his emperor's amazing book, and the other is the Seven Sins Divine Comedy in his hand. Otherwise, he would not have refined a guqin.

"According to!!

A strange black light flashed. In the black light, a mysterious guqin like white jade appeared in front of you. No, it can't be said that it is white without any flaws. In the body of the piano, there are also strips of black lines like markings constantly flowing, which seems strange.

On the guqin, nine strings kept trembling, and the sound was extremely fast. There was a sense of anxiety in the sound.

"It's still at the magic weapon level. How can it be like this?

Di Shitian looked at Guqin with a trace of doubt in his eyes. He didn't understand what was going on. You know, the sharp change of the seven sins of the demon piano has lasted for more than 40 years. When I arrived at the sharp change, the whole guqin turned dark, and the ink was about to drip out.

Now. It has regained a crystal whiteness. But there are still some black lines in the piano that have not disappeared. He guessed. Probably because of these black lines, Guqin did not really complete the transformation and was promoted to a magic weapon.

"Why on earth is it like this? It doesn't make sense. The seven sins demon piano was shaped by me according to the description in the scroll. According to Taoist theory, there should be no problem."

He frowned secretly, and the two sharp eyes could see through people's hearts, constantly scanning back and forth on the guqin. In his mind, he was also turning his thoughts quickly and constantly searching for memories. See if you can find the real reason why you can't get promoted.

But unfortunately, the scroll is too mysterious, and the guqin is also mysterious. It is extremely difficult to grasp the mystery, and there is no record in this regard.

"Can't the seven sins really be promoted? Has it always been just a magic weapon?" Emperor Shitian couldn't help but feel a little gloomy. Looking at the guqin, suddenly, the light flashed in his eyes, and a burst of light flashed in an instant: "Oh. No, the seven sins and the maps on the ancient scrolls have four grooves on the piano, and each string corresponds to a four groove. Is it related to these four grooves?

How sharp his eyes were. In the back and forth scanning, the nine four grooves that had been ignored were like a wisp of light in the darkness, appearing in his mind in an instant. In disappointment, he couldn't help showing a trace of hope.

It's not. At the edge of each string on the guqin, there is the same four grooves, these four grooves. At that time, when it was refined, Di Shitian almost did not refine it. Later, even if it was refined, it was only regarded as a strange embellishment. Without finding any other functions, it was naturally ignored. I didn't care too much.

But now it's different, and I'm suddenly disappointed. The existence of these four slots is no less a glimmer of hope.

"Is it true that the key to the promotion of the seven sins is that the nine four-trough God Shi Tian muttered to himself, quickly turned his mind and said, "However, what these four-troughs are used for? It is not mentioned in the ancient scroll at all. What should I do this?

Meditically, if there is a real reason, the suspicion of the four slots is undoubtedly the biggest, and the existence of the four slots, generally speaking. It is undoubtedly used to inlay some decorative objects, such as gemstones. Crystals, some pearls and so on.

"Wait, pearl?"

In an instant, Di Shitian only felt that there was a flash of lightning in his mind, bringing a trace of amazing inspiration. He quickly reached out and patted the storage bag at his waist. In an instant, the inspiration flashed on the bag. Two small but exquisite jade boxes appeared in their hands in an instant. There was a ban on the top and bottom of the jade box, but with just a hand, the ban naturally disappeared.

Gently open the two jade boxes.


I saw that in these two jade boxes, one of them burst out the infinite earth yellow divine light in an instant. This divine light fell on the body, like a clear spring, bringing an unspeakable comfort to the body, and the magical power in the body has been magically doubled.

Through the divine light, he looked at the jade box. In the box, there was an earth-yellow body temperature. The flawless spiritual beads appeared in front of us. Looking at the divine light bursting out from it, you can see its extraordinaryness.

In the other jade box, there is a dark bead. If it hadn't flashed a very restrained light on the surface of the bead from time to time, I'm afraid it would have thought it was just an ordinary bead.

These two spiritual beads, one of which was exchanged with Medusa in those years, can only be used to pull the essence of the moonlight and speed up cultivation. It is by no means as simple as it shows on the surface. The other one was snatched from the hands of the Southern Barbarian Rat King, and this one looks very amazing.

Bathing in the divine light can make your body's defense unparalleled, extremely strong, bathing often, and can also change the physique, which is very magical. It's just that he hasn't had a chance to carefully explore the power of these two beads.

Now, I see the four grooves on the guqin. A flash of inspiration in my mind, and I couldn't help taking them out.