Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 367 Demon Dan Second Turn

In the world of immortal cultivation, the word is used to outline the Linglong Pavilion "

As long as you pay the starting price, any treasure can be found in the cabinet.

There is no exaggeration or rumor in this sentence. There are countless treasures accumulated in the Linglong Pavilion, from low to magic weapons, ordinary elixirs, recommended materials, and even some treasures that are difficult to find in the secular world. What magic weapons, martial arts secrets, those are the most common, countless, precious to all kinds of magic weapons, spiritual treasures, and even treasures, treasures, innate spiritual treasures, have been left from the cabinet.

No one knows how many treasures there are in Linglong Pavilion. Its family is so large that it is immeasurable.

Someone once wanted to hit it, but if there is any malice, once it is put into action. Immediately, it will inexplicably disappear from the world. Even the strong in the feathering realm still have no access. From then on, it can also be seen that the strength of Linglong Pavilion is far from as simple as the merchants shown on the surface. There is a huge and amazing force lurking in it.

It is with this powerful deterrence that Linglong Pavilion has become an extremely alternative taboo on Zijin University 6. It is a very unique existence. It is independent of many forces and does not participate in the struggle between any forces. It only appears in front of the world with the face of a businessman. It is a place where there is no need to worry about any threats. , the largest place to trade at will.

Killing people outside, items of unknown origin. Treasures that are inconvenient for you to use can be traded freely in Linglong Pavilion without tracing any origin. The best confidentiality will also be made for their respective identities. Let Linglong Pavilion become the most popular trading place in the world.

But Linglong Pavilion is still very mysterious. Because it does not have any pavilions, there is only one place to see them, that is, Linglong Island. And. Linglong Pavilion will not be permanently stationed anywhere. The Linglong Island where they are located is not an island in the ordinary sea, but a very mysterious aerial island.

The island is very large. It is said that it is as large as thousands of miles, just like a small place. The whole island is suspended in the air, freely floating around, very mysterious, but the most incredible thing is that I heard that the whole Linglong Island has been sacrificed into a treasure, inlaid with countless arrays. Even if you bombard it directly with a magic weapon, it is difficult to damage the island. If necessary, it can be regarded as a powerful treasure to fight against the enemy.

At the tip of the island, there are a large number of creatures. The whole island is the location of Linglong Pavilion.

Linglong Island is usually free to wander around. As long as you meet a monk or demon clan, you can go up to the island, and any fighting is prohibited in the island. All kinds of transactions can be made in it. You can also set up your own stalls to sell things, which is very prosperous. However, every year, Linglong Pavilion holds a large-scale drug auction on the island. At that time, Linglong Island will be parked somewhere for three months. If you send information, any creature can enter.

That time, it was also a very important day in the world of immortal cultivation. Every time, it is full of money for Linglong Pavilion.

To be honest, Linglong Pavilion has existed for too long. In the whole big 6, no one wants to be hostile to such an unknown force, which makes it an abnormal alternative existence, which seems to be a little obvious. A lot of things. They will invite Linglong Pavilion as a witness. This time, the fairy and demon Bidou also invited him. He is also the contemporary cabinet owner in the Linglong Pavilion.

This cut brings an exquisite pavilion, which is also a treasure for trading.

"Lord!! Do you think the demon clan will win this battle or the immortals will win? At the top of the treasure pavilion, Yu Linglong was still shrouded in the strange bamboo hat, covering her body with black gauze. With a cup of high-quality spiritual tea with a fragrance in his hand, he looked out of the pavilion. On her side, a maid dressed up, dressed in green, with two braids on her head, and her face was outside. She was called a beautiful girl blinking her big eyes. I took a look at the Tongtian Tower and asked curiously.

"Tongtian Tower has existed since ancient times. No one knows its origin, but it is the first god on Zijin Big 6. No treasure can be comparable to it. It's very mysterious, how much weight is inside. It has not been known since ancient times, but the barbarian beasts in it are extremely terrible, only the first. As long as you haven't reached the level of crossing the disaster. There is a danger of falling at any time. Yu Linglong's voice is stable, but naturally like the sound of heaven, shocking the soul, extremely strange, often after listening to it. It is hard to forget forever. He gently shook the teacup, and then said, "If you want to find Tongtianshi in the tower, you can't win by a large number. On the contrary, the more people go in, the more people will be killed and injured in the end. It's too early to say who wins and who loses.

He faintly spit out a sentence, and his eyes hidden under the black veil were like stars, shining with strange light. While speaking, he silently meditated in his heart: Who is the demon king in a black robe? Why does it give me a feeling of being familiar and want to be close? Strange. Although the demon clan has fallen, it is still an ancient race in those years. Nowadays, there is a generation of young people that I can't see through.

An inexplicable figure in a black robe appeared in his mind, with a strange sword behind his back. Just standing, he naturally showed an atmosphere of not being angry and arrogant. Her whole body was like a fog. After seeing it, she also had a feeling that it was difficult to see through. It was just an instinctive feeling. This one was by no means an ordinary demon king. She was aware of the strange sword alone. Non-ordinary magic soldier.

There is spirituality in the knife.

"Lord, this year's Linglong Conference is coming again. The big shopkeeper asked me to ask the young lady. Linglong

The maidservant in

asked "

" again.


Yu Linglong subconsciously deserted the teacup, and the tea in the cup had unconsciously cooled down. It seemed that she didn't want to drink it at all, it was just a subconscious move. He meditated a few times. Looking at the maid in green, he said, "Since the immortals and demons are fighting in the Tongtian Tower. Then the venue of our exquisite conference is the "South Pole Ice Field" outside the tower. The big shopkeeper immediately asked Linglong Island to come to the ice field, immediately spread the news, and announced the location of the world's conference.

"Yes, Lord!!"

After listening to this, the maidservant in green answered respectfully, and immediately retreated and left the treasure pavilion. Out of the range of the Tongtian Tower, he took out a jade charm and sent it out. The jade charm disappeared in a blink of an eye with jade light.

And the world will also make all kinds of changes because of this jade charm.

Let's not talk about the exquisite pavilion outside. However, it was said that Di Shitian fell into an embarrassing situation where he had to break through. Without hesitation, he chose to break through forcibly and break into the second desire.

In this way, the whole mind was completely devoted to the black lotus.

But this mystery, the three-grade black lotus is spinning crazily in a degree that has never been seen before. The roots below constantly devoured a stream of black ** into the black lotus. Then, in the black lotus, another stream of light golden real power spewed out, rushed out of the demon house, and entered the body along the demon veins connected to the heart.

Running fast along the demon vein, this mystery. From the first demon vein, the thin branches seem to have life. Under the stimulation of the emperor's true power, they stretched very fast and rooted the tentacles in an inch of flesh and blood.

It is dense, like a strange network.

A large number of Huangji Zhenli flows through an inch of demon veins. There will be a pure true power directly integrated into the demon vein, enhancing the toughness of the demon vein, making it more tenacious, moistening the demon vein, and rejuvenating in an instant. The emperor's true power did not stop and rushed into the second demon vein again. For a while, the second demon vein was also nourished by Zhenli like a dry sponge. Then, on the edge of the demon vein, like the first demon vein, a branch appears. It also spread around and plunged into the flesh and blood in a blink of an eye. Zhenli has flowed through these two evil veins.

Strangely, Thirteen demon veins have been shaped in Di Shitian's body, three of which have been opened and can absorb the power of **. However, when the real force flows through the third demon vein, it does not let it have the same changes as the other two demon veins. On the demon vein, there is no branch vein. It just makes the demon vein more tenacious.

lian lian, a trace of real power scattered into the flesh and blood of the whole body along the demon vein. Every inch of flesh and blood, under the integration of Zhenli, immediately burst out amazing power and constantly devoured Zhenli. Make the demon's body stronger.

In the body, the aura of heaven and earth and the power of ** enter the body along the pores of the whole body. Some of them do not enter the demon house, but directly integrate into the flesh and blood, constantly strengthening the body.

In the Linglong pagoda, if someone is around at this moment, he will see that Di Shitian has been re- transformed into a body, and a huge black tiger is standing proudly between heaven and earth. As high as a hundred feet, a stream of black demonic spirit gushed out of the pores around the body, which was extremely rich.

The demon body in the demon spirit seems to have received some incredible stimulation. The whole body, like a balloon, swells violently and roars. In a blink of an eye, almost every moment, there will be some drastic change, in a few breaths. It swelled to a height of 150 feet.

However, after expanding to this extent, suddenly, the demon body, which had swelled violently, began to shrink mysteriously, two feet, three feet,"

The demon's body began to shrink at every moment.

If anyone can penetrate the demon fog at this moment. If you see the body of Emperor Shitian, it will appear. Each contraction is ten feet, in the pores all over the body. There was a trace of dark and filthy strange ** that was rejected, rolled into the demonic spirit, and fell to the ground. It smells so bad. It seems to be some kind of impurities in the body that have been drained out.

Every time a layer is discharged, the breath on the black tiger becomes more and more powerful.

The king's breath that belongs to the king of beasts. Covering the whole body with the unique momentum, with the passage of time, it becomes stronger and stronger.

In this way, when the body size shrinks to about fifty feet, the demon body begins to swell again. For a moment, it expands for a moment, and it shrinks every time. In his body, a large number of filthy things will be excreted. However, the more you go to the back, the less the number of There is no more filth. And his size has always been kept at a hundred feet

The purple king pattern on the forehead flashed violently, and a vast momentum burst out crazily. With a sudden shock, the space around him roared.


A pair of tiger eyes opened in an instant, bursting out two sharp lights, without any expression, and opened its mouth with an earth-shaking tiger roar. A wave of sound roared and waved out like a tsunami. With him as the center, the ground came out like the surface of the water, with a wave of **. It rolled and burst into a roar.

In an instant, the whole world seemed to submit to him.

The strong momentum swept the whole world in an instant

For a long time, the black tiger shocked the tiger's body, and the demon spirit quickly poured into the body along the pores of the whole body. In the black light, the whole body was trained as a human body. The whole demon's body was crystal clear. The demon body was divination with a strong hatching continent, and the whole body was

In those deep eyes, there is a color of residual filter.

"What a great desire, a great demon. Unexpectedly, it was not the thunderstorm that came this time. It's a heart disaster, a 29-nine demon disaster, it's really not easy to get through. If it hadn't been earlier. In the sound valley, I have heard the heart refining song. He once looked directly at his heart and has refined his state of mind once. I'm afraid that it will be completely sunk under the attack of desire and heart demons at the same time.

Emperor Shitian exhaled a mouthful of turbid air. This breakthrough is indeed a little too thrilling. I almost fell into a doomed situation.

The demon clan is jealous and breaks through every time. It must be accompanied by a terrible demon robbery. From 19 to 99, it can be quieter and quieter. This breakthrough is naturally no exception. But strangely, this time is a little unexpected. Originally, his budget came with a thunderstorm. With the protection of the Linglong pagoda, nothing will happen, but he never expected that it was not a thunderstorm. But it's a disaster.

aroused his demons.

When crossing the realm of desire, there is a heart demon. What a horrible scene. At the same time, in the face of the two tests of the heart demon and desire, he completely sank almost in an instant. It's a fluke to be able to get out. Even now, I'm still a little afraid.

"Wow!! Next time, no matter what, make a breakthrough after you are fully prepared. If this happens again, I don't have enough to play with nine lives.

The light flashed in his eyes and he muttered secretly: "It's good. After all, it broke through smoothly, and the demon elixir turned second, and it was done!"


The right hand fell on the tiger's soul in an instant. With a soft sound, the tiger's soul came out of its sheath. Huangji Zhenli poured into the knife like a tide. In an instant, a strong golden light burst out of the knife, and the fishbone-like lines on the knife were more clear. Cut forward with one knife. The knife burst out, hundreds of feet long. Falling on the ground.


The tiger spirit is cut on the earth, around the knife light. Countless green grasses were smashed in an instant. On the ground in front of him, a huge crack was split on the spot. The sharp knife spirit runs through the world. With one knife, the earth is cracked!!

"At the turn, if you want to do this. It takes at least 70% or 80% of the real power. Now, such power can be achieved with a single knife. The body, Zhenli, has completely transformed once. My combat power increased more than ten times in an instant

Holding the tiger's soul, looking at the crack in front of him, he secretly thought of his concubine. Every time he broke through, it was like the difference between heaven and earth. One step was the corner of the sea and the ends of the earth. This time, he broke through to the second turn of the demon elixir. In the past, The power of desire was all quenched into the purest true power of the emperor. This force is so huge that it is not inferior to its own true power.

After all the conversion, the emperor's true power doubled in an instant on the spot, and the energy swallowed from the strange egg made the emperor's true power even bigger. Let the cultivation get great benefits one after another, become deeper and stronger. And the demon body is repeatedly quenched in the breakthrough, and some impurities in the body are quenched out.

Integrated into the huge energy, the body is compared with the past. It's more powerful than twice as strong.

After thinking about it, Di Shitian stretched out his left hand, took out a metal flying profit of the magic weapon from the storage bag with his right hand, and cut it hard on his wrist.


Cut it in your hand, and it actually makes the sound of gold.

On his arm, a crystal light flashed. In the flying sword, the extremely sharp metal flying sword could not even break his skin.

"Now the magic weapon level, the flying sword, can no longer break my demon body. Sure enough, every realm is like a heaven. However. The realm of demons and the realm of demon kings have fundamentally changed. Now I'm just turning the demon elixir. If you break through to the demon elixir. I don't know what kind of world it will be at that time.

Looking up at the void, his eyes were extremely deep. I stood quietly for a while!!

This retreat breakthrough, I stayed in the tower for three years and spent almost a month outside. This highlights the preciousness of the exquisite pagoda. If he is outside, where did he come from and spend so much time on breakthroughs? After the silence, he did not go out immediately. Instead, sit down again. Silent operation skills, carrying the emperor's true power, familiar with the changes in the whole body after the breakthrough, and familiar with the power of his sudden surge. The soaring power can't be mastered from the beginning. You must constantly familiarize yourself with it. Then master it.

Only when you master it like waving your arms can you really wield all your combat power. Otherwise, you can wield less than 70% of your combat power. This is like a double-edged sword. If you grasp it well, you can kill people. If you don't grasp it well, it is suicide.

Unconsciously, another year has passed in the tower.

In this year, Emperor Shitian was either a retreat, but he got up and practiced the knife method one knife after another. The ordinary basic knife method, all the "divine and demons" created by himself knew it at will be sprinkled at will


Familiarize yourself with the strength of the body in the drills again and again.

A year later, the tiger spirit entered the sheath and left the Linglong Pagoda without hesitation. The body appeared in the tree hole dug before,

Help me pay the ticket, any ticket is OK. Please!! ( To be continued) F