Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 401 I'm not afraid

Jiang pressed under the heavenly execution platform. How dare you arrogantly let your ancestors shoot

, Ming, a mouthful of dragon teeth rattled, revealing a kind of ferocious smile, full of blood, integrated into the Heavenly Evil Platform, the Heavenly Evil Platform suddenly bursts of purple light, on the walls of Xingtai in all directions, the frightening pictures of torture are lifelike. It is extremely vivid.

Some crawled naked on the knife mountain, cutting the body with blood, some skins squeezed in hot oil in the oil pan, and steamed into * human meat buns in the steamer. Tied to the iron pillar, his tongue was pulled out by iron pliers, his fingers were cut off, his eyes were dug out, his ears were pierced, and his lower body was cast his body was castirized. Five horses dismembered the body. All kinds of punishments for skin cramps are gloomy and terrible, chilling and almost shattered.

In the purple light, all kinds of criminal maps emerged one after another.

"Heavenly punishment pillar, heavenly punishment lock, lock god binding demon!! Lock!!"

ming. He roared loudly with a ferocious smile. Suddenly, he saw that on the Heavenly Platform, a purple gold pillar grew out of the platform and stood up. On the pillar, the dark chains emitted a strange smell, with a strange coldness, "Wow. A burst of crispness, sound, and quickly tied up.


A roar full of boundless anger almost lifted off the scaffold, only to see that the mysterious masked man, who had shrunk to normal height, was bound by dark chains, hands and feet. Neck, waist, chest. Every position was locked deadly, and the chain directly pierced his pipa bone.

The chain shrinks and binds it to the heavenly execution column.

"Tut, a small split, dare to shout in front of your ancestors, you are just a yuan god split. Yuanshen needs the treasure to be entrusted. With the help of the treasure, he can exert his strength and see your treasure. It should be this mask. I tilted your skin. Let's see how arrogant you are

ming. There was a cruel look in his eyes, stretched out his dragon claws and grabbed the mysterious man's purple gold mask. After taking it off hard, the mask was torn off vigorously. The mysterious man let out a miserable scream on the spot, as if his heart had been dug. The whole person's in vain change is incomparable.

His breath also weakened in an instant, and in a blink of an eye, it was more than doubled.

"A good mask actually has the ability to cover up the breath, deter all sentient beings, and increase the master's cultivation. Good baby, t-t-tt. In ancient times, I have never seen such a treasure. The emperor is crazy. Now you have to make a big deal. Looking at the purple gold mask, the two dragon eyes shone brightly and roared in ecstasy: "Bit, hit me hard with a whip. After smoking, poke him in the eye, pluck his tongue, and punish him the same punishment. Give me a turn and say hello to him.

Watching the mask in his hand excitedly, he called up several jailers, took out all kinds of torture tools, and used them on the mysterious man one by one. I don't care about the identity of the mysterious man at all.


It's your arrogant junior!!

Di Shitian is with "Ming. After a period of communication, he looked at the seal monument in front of him, and a light flashed in his eyes. The madness that had originally appeared on his face was gradually restrained after suppressing the split in the prison, and he said thoughtfully, "Ming. As I said, he is sure to break the internal prohibition of this sacred monument. In this case, we need to make a good plan. Yes, if the demon pool is completely brought out of the Tongtian Tower, even if it is useful to seize the pool, it is absolutely impossible to really master the demon pool. Now is an opportunity. After you go out, you must find a way to hold the monument in your own hands.

"Shi Tian. I didn't expect that you had such an incredible means that even such a powerful ancient giant could subdue and suppress it, but. At this moment, it is not appropriate to stay in the Sky Tower for a long time. You must leave as soon as possible."

The white fox took a deep breath and looked into Di Shitian's eyes. It is full of complex emotions, the scene of the Internet, although it can be seen at a glance. But he didn't even have a chance to intervene. Looking at the fierce fighting and the terrible scene of destroying the world, even for a lifetime, I'm afraid it will be unforgettable. It's especially unbelievable that Emperor Shitian can suppress such a strong man. There is a trace of joy and pride in my heart.

"Hmm!! It's really time to leave. The power of the blood altar is being consumed rapidly. If it can't support the poison for a long time, it will collapse. Tianxiang, how is your injury recovering?

Di Shitian looked at the white fox, then glanced at Xiaoyu and others, and found that their faces were ruddy and radiant. Obviously, with the help of the huge essence in the blood altar, the indescribable benefits have been obtained. Di Shitian himself felt that the essence in his body was extremely huge, and the emperor's true power reached the peak of the second turn of the demon elixir in a short time. If it is not subversion, it is necessary to cross the demon disaster, otherwise, if it can't go further, I'm afraid that the blood altar will push his cultivation forward several times, dozens of times. Even so, he can make a breakthrough at any time now, peep into the demon elixir three times!!

"The blood altar is really magical. It is unparalleled against the enemy, and even escapes" Pin II, which only made the injuries I suffered in those years completely boil in the unknown goods, and there are further signs that the white fox's eyes can't help but show a trace of joy. The injury in her body has been bothering her for a long time. It can never be cured. Probably estimated. There is no cultivation for decades and hundreds of years. I'm afraid it's difficult to recover. But unexpectedly, it heals in one fell swoop here, how can you not be happy?

"Uncle Di, thank you for your help this time. Xiaoyu's cold face. She has also become a little closer, and the benefits she has received are also extremely huge. Her cultivation is also on the edge of the demon elixir. The biggest advantage is that the huge essence has been stored in her body and turned into her own potential. Wash the tendons and cut the marrow to make your own qualifications. Get a wash at once. The benefits are so great that it is hard to estimate. In the future. When you practice, it is also common to practice thousands of miles a day.

In close proximity, he actually called Di Shitian, "Uncle."

This uncle, Di Shitian, who heard it, was also slightly stunned, and his eyes fell on Xiaoyu, half silent. He nodded and said, "The blood altar is about to collapse, and the demon pool is also sealed in this divine monument at this moment. It's time to find a way to leave the Tongtian Tower and go outside to see if there is any way for the Peng Demon King to break the seal, and then think about it." Little


Naturally, there will be no objection to this proposal here. It is best to leave, so as not to cause any more changes. At that time, if you lose the blood altar, you will really encounter the existence like the split just now. I'm afraid that my fingers can really poke them to death.


Emperor Shitian drove the blood altar and was about to leave. On the blood altar, the blood light was dim and even the sacrificial text returned to the altar, and all the differences outside disappeared. It seems that it is almost time to run out of strength.

"Where to go?" However, at this moment, it is full of the smell of gunpowder. The extremely irritable roar came from a distance, and even the roar was sharp. A violent sword spirit crossed the void and swaggered straight to the sky. A red, thousand-foot-long terrible sword light was cut down from a sword in the void. The sword was as if to split the blood altar in half, together with the emperor Shitian on the altar.

"Despicable and shameless, what evil curses are used on my Tianjian Valley Gate, let's see how I deal with you

"Blood altar!!

This sword comes to the west, with a terrible fierce sword in the sword light, and the sword light is red. The void around will be completely burned to ashes by the terrible heat contained in the sword light. When a sword fell, the void was split with a terrible sword mark, and even the void was separated by a sword. The power is strong, although it is far less than the mysterious split before. It's better than crossing the disaster. There are countless more to be strong.

With the high pressure, the sky's anger swept over.


Emperor Shi's feelings are indifferent. The mind moved to stimulate the only power left in the blood altar, in the altar. The blood light rose again, and the sacrificial reappeared, completely covering the whole altar. Under the shocking sword light, there was a loud noise, and the blood light on the blood altar trembled violently, but the sword light also collapsed on the spot under the terrible power of the blood altar.

The sword light collapsed. In the void, a man in a red robe, with red hair, even his face was like black carbon, with a layer of red light. Outside his body, a huge red sword wrapped around his whole body. The tip of the sword is up, and the rolling heat wave swings away, but the illusory ancient sword lasts forever.

The power of infinite heaven and earth pours into the ancient sword crazily all the time, turning into infinite sword spirit. In front of this huge sword, a feeling of being very small will emerge unconsciously in my heart. Even if Mount Tai is in front of him, the giant sword will be cut. It can also be split with one sword.

"Tianjian Valley?" A trace of surprise flashed on the white fox's face and said, "It is said that the human race is in the world of immortals. There are four holy places above all sects, but the specific location is extremely mysterious, and few people know about it. However, Boss Peng has long been willing to inquire about the information analysis he has obtained for hundreds of years. The four holy places are possible in the Tongtian Tower. It depends on the situation. I'm afraid it's true.

The location of the four holy places has always been an extremely mysterious thing in the world. At this moment, it is exposed by the white fox, which can also be said to be a dangerous place that wants to pass through the tower of heaven and stay away from the world. The four holy places built sects in the tower. It's really mysterious. It is certain that its sect resides. It will never be the first priority.

"Despicable? Smiling!!"

Di Shitian laughed angrily. He roared, "What the four holy places of bullshit? Do you really think that everything in the world can't be given up by you? An arrogant dust opens his mouth to seize the king's sword. Unexpectedly, the small ones have been beaten, and the old ones have been beaten. The old man doesn't want to leave today, the blood altar. Let's get up!! No matter how many people there are, my emperor Shitian frowned today and cut off his head to kick you on the spot

Strong, today will be strong to the end. The blood altar is not broken. Don't be afraid of the collapse of heaven and earth!! C