Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 451 The power of the bull

The fight is extremely fierce, and the sound of fierce fighting can be heard clearly on a large island. In the Tongtian Tower, the struggle between the barbarian beasts is a common thing in itself. The most common thing is to kill each other, the winner survives, and the loser is the winner's plate of food. This is the cruel survival rule of the concubines, which makes the wildness in the barbarian beasts from generation to generation, There are killings alone, and there are also killings between the whole ethnic groups.

It's good to say that if there is a fight between ethnic groups, it is often for the living space, for the ownership of a certain area, etc., but no matter what it is, once they fight each other, it is endless, and it is often extremely tragic.

After staying in the tower for a period of time, I have seen the ordinary hunting, but it is the first time that the large-scale struggle of this ethnic group has been magnetic. Looking at the fierceness of the war situation, even the emperor Shi Tian can't help but be curious.

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen as soon as I came to the island. Why don't we go and have a look? The blood in the body of the barbarian is a kind of good material of spiritual wine. Emperor Shitian turned his eyes to the center of the island.

"The ground-level spirit wine?" A trace of surprise flashed in Medusa's eyes. She took the white jade gourd in her hand to her and asked curiously, "I don't know what level this 'phantom-shaped wine is." Hearing that Emperor Shitian said all kinds of spiritual wine one after another, he thought that in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons, the monkey wine was quite famous. I can't help but wonder whether he has obtained some kind of mysterious inheritance and the brewing method of a large number of spiritual wine.

Monkey wine, mysterious ice and blue fire wine, and now it is a phantom escape wine, planted. It's strange for her not to be suspicious.

Di Shitian took a meaningful look at Medusa and said indifferently, "Tyling wine under the ground!!"

Medusa's mind is solemn, and the lower grade of the ground level has such a magical power. That is also the spiritual wine of the ground level, which must have an extraordinary magical effect.

She has no doubt whether the blood of the beast is a wine-making material family. The flesh and blood in the body of the beast is the source of the power of the beast. Every blood contains an incredible huge essence, which must be a non-small material for wine.

Quickly broke through the air in mid-air, very fast, and in a blink of an eye, it was close to the edge of the fierce battle.

In fact, on this island, the environment is extremely beautiful. There are groups of trees and flowers in full bloom. In the air, the fragrance of flowers and plants floats leisurely in all directions, fresh and pleasant. It can be said to be a beautiful place.

However, the tragic fighting in the center, the towering ancient trees, the plants began to collapse, and the tragic murderous spirit rose to the sky. Di Shitian stood in the void and looked down. Everything below appeared in his eyes at a glance.

That's true. It's really the most tragic fight between the two ethnic groups. Among them, on the ground are a group of strange cows with a pair of straight and sharp slender horns. On the horns, there is a deep black light, flowing like running water, scattering a silky ferocious atmosphere. Even the skin is shining with a metallic luster, and the most eye-catching thing is that they have The eyes are extremely bright. The eyes are extremely bright.

Whenever you see them, the first thing that attracts sunlight is always those strange bull's eyes. The eyes are too bright, especially when there is a strong anger on the body. From time to time, some barbarian's eyes turn blood red in an instant, and after the appearance of blood red, a fierce bird in the sky will stop screaming silently, and the breath will fall from the sky without any breath.

The leader of this group of strange cows is a strange cow with a bronze luster all over its body. On it, it is obviously stronger than other strange cows. The leader is fighting fiercely in front of him. It's awesome!!" When Medusa saw it, she couldn't help whispering, and a trace of surprise appeared on her face.

"Is this the bull among the beasts?" Di Shitian's pupils lit up slowly. He glanced below and found that there were three or four thousand barbarians below, all of which, under the leadership of the bronze-barbarian cow, tore up with the strange birds circling densely in the sky.

Those strange birds are also very ferocious. They are strange bats with two or three meters of wings. Under the wings of these bats, there are three pairs of sharp claws, and the sharp teeth in the mouth are like an inverted knife hook. They are sharp and cold, and the root of the teeth are not solid, but hollow with a small Once the enemy is bitten, the blood in the other party's body will be quickly sucked into the body along the holes in the teeth.

"That's a bat in a vampire dragon." Medusa is like here, like a barbarian encyclopedia. At a glance, she recognized the two ethnic groups in the struggle. The surprise in his mouth can't be concealed. I have to say that these two kinds of beasts are quite terrible.

The terrible thing about the barbarian cow is its copper skin and iron bones. The skin is hard and thick, and the body is very strong. The most terrible thing is their eyes. Once they are angry, their eyes may turn blood red. Once they turn blood red, the enemy it sees will die immediately, as if they can attack the soul. This kind of attack, even if the enemy is two or three levels stronger than them, cannot be exempted. The barbarians are as low as high as black iron barbarians, bronze barbarians, silver barbarians, gold barbarians, platinum barbarians, and the strongest purple gold barbarians.

It is said that the purple gold bull king, even if the world's strong man meets it, will take a detour. Being stared at by it may even be hit hard by them, hundreds of times, and they can't escape the fall. It is simply the most unreasonable beast in the world. ! !"

In the roar of cattle, a trace of blood-red light flashed from time to time. In the sky, blood-sucking dragon-winged bats fell one after another. However, the number of those bats was huge, with tens of thousands. They circled and rushed down. The claws on the wings horribly grabbed the barbarian The living bull turned into a mummified corpse and was thrown down by the sucked blood. The two races fought together, which was quite tragic. Ordinary monks of Jiedan may not be able to cope with one here.

"The barbarian cow's eyes have such amazing power. If you can grab it and domesticate it for yourself, use thousands of barbarian cows to rush out and stare at the same time, it must be invincible, and no one can resist it." Di Shitian's eyes flashed, and all kinds of thoughts turned quickly in his mind: "And this blood-sucking dragon-winged bat, that pair of wings are good materials for refiners. They make a living by sucking blood. The blood in their bodies must be more pure and stronger than other barbarian beasts."

"Tut, emperor madman, how dare you think of these bulls? I really don't know whether you are bold or fearless. This is a barbarian beast. In the eyes of the barbarian beast, in the blood, there is only an infinite desire to kill. The wildness is stronger than any animal, and it is almost impossible to be tamed. Unless it is like the one who subdued the emperor phoenix bird before, in the egg embryo, they connect each other' ." ▲ Ming, feeling Di Shitian's idea, couldn't help screaming strangely. Obviously, he was not optimistic about his idea at all.

If barbarian beasts can really be tamed, in ancient times, major races would not be as afraid of barbarians. Examples of taming are rare.

Emperor Shitian didn't care at all. Instead, his brain turned quickly and did not give up and said, "Adult bulls are indeed wild and difficult to tame, and will not submit to any strong people other than the barbarians. However, if those newborn calves are unopened, their minds are still blank in their minds, and it must In order to weaken, if you come up with another secret method so that they can recognize the Lord, there may still be a chance. He is not such an easy master to give up. In his mind, he came up with a plan.

"Now the barbarian clan is tearing up with the vampire dragon-winged bats. Their marrow is on this island, and the old nest must be built nearby. When they have no time to take care of it now, find the cow's nest and steal the calf."

In an flash, an idea came to my mind. I only thought about it for a moment, and I no longer hesitated. I poured a mouthful of 'phantom escape wine' into my mouth and my body was hidden in the void. In this state, there was no need to be afraid of attracting the attention of other barbarian beasts, and Expand the speed and quickly shuttle around like a floating light and shadow in the void.

"Oh, what is he going to do?" Medusa naturally saw Di Shitian's every move. Under the doubt, she did not hesitate to pour a mouthful of spiritual wine into her mouth. After pouring it down, Xinfeng couldn't help but feel a little painful. This kind of spiritual wine is a real treasure. Every sip is a good opportunity to save your life.

Without looking for the place of fierce battle, he began to search for the position dozens of miles away. There are jungles everywhere, which is difficult to search for. However, at his speed, he has searched many areas in a blink of an eye.

"Wow! !"

Suddenly, in a rather huge hill, there was a sound of immature goji ox to the ears of Emperor Shitian, who was going to pass by.

"Here it is." The figure stopped in an instant, and a pair of sharp eyes swept around. Especially the hill. The hill is not high, but it is very wide. On the hill, there are also ancient trees covered with green grass. On the ground, thick leaves cover the color of the ground. In the belly of the mountain, under the cover of a large number of weeds, a sound of cattle came out. This place is very hidden. If it hadn't been for the sound of cattle, he might have missed it directly.

Relying on his body hidden in the void, Di Shitian only paused slightly and immediately bent down and rushed into the cave without touching anything at all. There is not even a trace of wind and grass. During this period, it was indeed the ** period of wild cattle, and there were so many newly born calves.

As soon as Di Shitian came in, he ignored the extremely bad environment in the cave. With a pair of eyes, he was first attracted by a cute calf in the cave. ∫ To be continued. If you want to know what will happen, please log in. More m chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!) F