Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 464 Each has its own duties

Ying Kong, you are also loyal and dedicated to the double valleys. Now you are in charge of the Second Army. Temporarily take the position of leader, and receive the salary of the nine-grade demon general. You can get a salary of 1,000 demon coins per month. Temporarily command the salary of 3,000 demon coins. The captain's salary is 500 yuan, the captain's salary is 300 yuan, and the salary is 100 yuan.

Emperor Shitian looked at Ying Kong carefully. He had never been stingy with these subordinates who had followed him earlier. What's more, they were extremely diligent. In terms of cultivation, he has never been a little lax to achieve today's achievements. He believes that as long as he is given a chance in the future, he must be the right arm at hand.

"Giving: command Yinwang, rosefinch battle flag, rosefinch battle array!!"

"The excited body of Xie Wu's generous eagle was trembling slightly. He quickly thanked Emperor Shitian respectfully and stretched out his hands. There was also a palm-sized rosefinch seal, the battle flag of the rosefinch, and the immortal scroll recording the battle of the rosefinch fell into his hands.

The rosefinch battle, naturally. It is a battle array in the army. The battle array is a kind of array and the most wonderful one, because this kind of battle array is only suitable for the use of the army's war. It condenses all the forces of the whole army together and condenses the rosefinch. The stronger the strength of the army, the stronger the battle array will be. There is a battle battle and no battle battle. That's the difference between heaven and earth.

The battle array is indispensable for every legion. It is also the most important way of cohesion.

"Edict: Jin Xuan and Peacock are the temporary deputy commanders of the Second Legion, assisting Yingkong to take charge of the Legion. Get a nine-grade demon general's salary of 1,000 yuan. The temporary deputy commander's salary is 2,000 yuan. Emperor Shitian opened his mouth again, and took the patriarchs who came out of the secret place as the deputy leader. This method, which is extremely obvious, is to combine the original demon clan in the valley with the new group of demons. No matter what they are, there are no secret demon clans, only the demons in the Valley of All Demons.

"I will obey the edict of my king!!"

Jin Xuan and the peacock agreed respectfully. Seeing the strong strength of the emperor, they had no resistance to the matter of respecting him as king for a long time. After receiving the seal, he also came to the eagle and stood behind him.

Quietly look at the next edict.

"Yuan Zhan listens to the seal!!"

A big man like a hill, grinning his big mouth stepped forward and swung with the palms the size of Pu Ye. It's all windy. He knelt down respectfully to Emperor Shitian. Wait for the seal. This big man. It's either someone else, or the original Black Ape King. After joining the Valley of All Demons, with his talent, he is now a strong man with the turn of the demon elixir. However, he has more and more admiration for Emperor Shitian. Over the years, it has also been completely integrated. He also took a name, Yuan Zhan. It's in line with his nature.

"Today, you are in charge of the Third Army, temporarily in charge of the position of command, and receive the salary of the nine-grade demon general. You can get a salary of 1,000 demon coins per month. Temporarily command the salary of 3,000 demon coins. The captain under his command paid 500 yuan for the demon coins, and the captain Wu paid 300 yuan for the demon coins. The demon soldier's salary is 100 yuan.

"Gi: Commander Yin Kui. White Tiger Battle Flag, White Tiger Battle!"

"Edict: Shi Xi Tian, Peng Niu is the temporary deputy commander of the Third Army" to assist Yuan Zhan in charge of the legion. Get the nine-grade demon general's salary of 1,000 demon coins, and the temporary deputy commander's salary of 2,000 yuan

The five elements of the lions and the bulls were all admitted to the Third Army.

"The bully listens to the seal!!"

"You are in charge of the Fourth Legion, temporarily in charge of the position of command, and receive the salary of the nine-grade demon general. You can get a salary of 1,000 demon coins per month. Temporarily command the salary of 3,000 demon coins. The captain's salary is 500 yuan. The commander of Wu's salary of 300 demon coins, and the command of the fourth army of the demon soldier's salary of 100 demon coins fell on the bully of the bear clan.

"Gis: lead the seal. Xuanwu Battle Flag, Xuanwu Battle!!"

Di Shitian did not seal the remaining two deputy commanders, only Xiongba one leader, not without sealing. But the rest are not suitable for the position of deputy commander in the legion. There is a temporary vacancy. If there are outstanding people in the future, they can naturally continue to be rewarded.

Originally, according to Di Shitian's idea, there should be five major legions, green dragon, white tiger and rosefinch. Xuanwu, plus the unicorn. Nethao established a legion in the name of the five mythical beasts. However, now the four legions are a little out of place, not to mention the five legions. Stranded for the time being.

After sealing the legions of the demon army, Emperor Shitian once again divided other duties.

After scanning for a week, he said in a low voice, "Yuan Tian listens to the seal!"

"I'm in!!" Yuan Tian has also transformed into condensing the inner elixir, but although he is human, his body and face are still full of golden monkey hair. It's not much different from before it's metamorphic. Jump forward. Come on.

"There is a brewing department in the valley. Brewing is your most proficient. Today, you are in charge of the brewing department. The person in charge of the winemaking department is called the wine sacrifice. However, you only condense the inner elixir, so you still get a salary of 1,500 demon coins from nine wine tasters and 5,000 demon coins for the temporary wine sacrifice. Gift: winemaking pool, spirit wine recipe

Spiritual wine is of great importance, comparable to the alchemist in the world of immortal cultivation, which is the most important category. The emperor Shi also specially refines the wine pool according to the brewing orchid method in the wine god gourd. If he is willing to give Yuan Tian, brewing wine must be twice the result with half the effort. As for the wine recipe, it is naturally those obtained from the Treasure Book of the God of Wine.

Although Di Shitian can brew them one by one with the help of the Dike God gourd, it's okay to do it occasionally. He can't always spend all his energy on brewing wine. It is the most appropriate thing to let Yuan Tian do these things.

Yuan Tian got the wine pool and the wine recipe. The wine pool can be as big as you want, and the wine recipe is also written in the immortal scroll. These are all his favorite things to do, and he bows happily. He retreated to the side with joy.

"Worship the moon, set up a guard in the valley, supervise the demon guard!! The Valley of All Demons can't set the law "All Demons Code" without rules. You will supervise all the demons in the valley, but if anyone violates the code, you have the right to enforce the law and make you a nine-grade demon general. Temporary superintendent of the demon guard. The nine-grade demon general will be paid a thousand yuan. The inspector's salary is 4,000 yuan. I am only responsible for the king, and no one has the right to interfere.

The mouse can be the deputy inspector.

Emperor Shitian rewarded again. There is no enemy, no square circle. There are so many demons, if there is no legal restraint. There will inevitably be chaos. This demon guard. It is almost equivalent to the brocade guard in the Ming Dynasty in the previous life. The power is quite huge. It's simply monitoring the demons. Plus the ability of rats and rats. Listening to all kinds of information is also first-class. It can be said that everything can be used to the full use. There are another ten thousand medicine pots in the valley. Bai Susu, you are in charge of the ten thousand medicine pots, and you are the king of medicine. You get a nine-grade salary of 1,000 demon coins, and the king of medicine is 5,000 yuan. Give the sky map of Shennong Cave.

The use of elixir is so great that it cannot be ignored. Whether it is brewing wine or doing other things, elixirs are the most important. In those years, Bai Susu was given the "Pharmacea Treasure Book", which records countless elixirs. Moreover, her nature is not suitable for fighting and killing, and planting elixirs is also a favorite thing for her.

In order to make the Wanyaopu really established, Di Luntian even gave her Shennongdong Tiantu, which he had bet with the dragon girl in those years, as an important treasure in Wanyaopu.

"The fox is always wise. Lead all the counselors and plan for my demon valley. In wartime, you can join the army as a think tank. Make a plan. Those with advanced wisdom can enter.

The appointments are spit out one after another from the mouth of Emperor Shitian, and each of them can be said to be the best use of everything. Plan their respective functions one by one. Suddenly, a general framework was temporarily revealed.

In a blink of an eye. Another month has passed.

The demons in the valley are already on their own duties. The people who enter the four legions, the winemaking department, and the elixir surround all choose what they want to go. What you want to do.

With the four legions as the battle system, the elixir pot and the brewing department as the skeleton, the Wanyao Valley finally began to operate. Brewing wine, planting elixirs, planting medicinal herbs and looking for elixirs. Wait, I have something to do and know what I need to do.

Moreover, under the order of Emperor Shitian, Rat University sent tens of millions of rats from the ground to Nanman to search for the location of various veins. As soon as it was found, a large number of rats swarmed over. The veins began to be excavated from the ground, and all kinds of spiritual mines are transported directly from the ground to the Valley of Demons.

Rats are worthy of being experts in punching holes. The ancestors who dug the ground. When mining, it is familiar with mining, and the efficiency is extremely rapid.

The fox is temporarily in charge of the seven orifices of the exquisite pot, and he began to refine the divine crystal with a large number of people. The first thing to be refined is demon coins and demon cards. These are the fundamentals of circulation and the positive motivation of the demons.

The demon coin is as big and exquisite as a gold coin. It has two sides, and on the other hand, it is the black tiger pattern of Emperor Shitian. On the one hand, there is an image of a magnificent divine city, which is the appearance of the city of all demons in the future. One is a demon coin.

A pagoda stands again in the valley. This is not an inch of yin tower, but a real exquisite tower.

If you want to practice in it and enjoy ten times and 50 times the speed of practice after reversing time and space, you first need demon coins. If you practice the outside world for one day in the first weight, you need to pay ten demon coins. The second. If you go in, you need to pay 50 demon coins. If you want to enjoy the unique speed of cultivation. All of them are linked to demon coins.

This makes the demons in the valley completely crazy. I worked harder to do my job, and after that, I looked around for other spiritual materials or elixirs, which can be exchanged for demon coins.

is made by the fox boss. One side of the divine crystal is constantly refined.

The construction work of Wanyao City has been almost ready. You can start at any time.

And at this moment. Di Shitian is in the third weight of the Linglong Pagoda. In front of him, there is a crystal monument more than ten feet high, on which there are countless mysterious seals. The light of the stars flashed. It contains an endless mysterious atmosphere.


This is the sacred monument obtained in the Tongtian Tower in those years. In the monument, it seals the most precious treasure of the demon clan, the demon pool. H