Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 478 Four-phase Mythical Beast

"The restoration enslaves birds and beasts. In their opinion, reading is an ability. It's noon. It is one of the best ways to earn a lot of spiritual stones and treasures. In their opinion, there is a good reason to catch all kinds of spiritual beasts, which is natural. In the human race, there has always been an old saying that is not our race, and their hearts must be different.

Other races except the human race itself. They are all aliens, talents are standing at the top of the food chain, others. All of them should be under the human race and be enslaved. There is nothing wrong with it.

From the standpoint of the human race, they are not wrong. They won't think there is anything wrong with them.

Di Shitian is a demon. Everything in heaven and earth, whether it is flowers and trees, or birds and beasts, as long as they have wisdom, they can absorb the aura of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon, constantly become stronger, and can turn into a Taoist body. Those who can practice skills are all demons. From his point of view, the Beast Sect is the most abominable enemy.

Enslave the spirit beast, which is a naked provocation.

In ancient times, the human race turned against each other. The hatred that can't be washed away by pouring all the rivers and the world. Between the demons and the monks, they have already vowed to share the same water and fire, and the blood must not be washed.

For all the birds and beasts in the Beast Domain, the Beast Sect captured them and lost their minds. Let them live a dark life here and only know how to kill. That hatred is even more unforgettable. When they wake up, the hatred and anger in their hearts almost hit their minds like a flood.


In the vast mountain forest, the roar of all kinds of strange beasts shocked countless ancient trees. A large number of monsters gathered together. Running in the direction of Emperor Shitian, the monster was already comparable to the strong man of Jiedan. This collision rushed straight. Wherever it passed, the ancient tree in front of it was directly torn apart by the impact.

In the sky, all kinds of birds opened their huge wings one after another, roaring up, fluttering and covering most of the sky. The sky flew darkly. However, those birds politely lowered their flying height to the position below the throne of the sky, and did not dare to level with the throne and dare not cross the throne. At the height.

Naturally reveals a gesture of submission.

Xiuxia rectified the Qingluan sword attendant. The young general Lingxiao, who was lined up in a row, was surrounded in the middle. Qingxia accompanied by the throne. Holding a feather sword in his hand. Be ready to accept the orders of Emperor Shitian at any time.

"The beasts listen to the order and step on the beast sect!!" Emperor Shitian decisively issued an iron-blooded order. A wave of hand. The throne under his body immediately moved. It went straight into the sky towards the seven peaks of the Beast Sect.


"Taping the Beast Sect!" The beasts roared, and these roars gathered together as vast as thunder. A kind of killing spirit swept across in all directions. There are millions of monsters gathered underground, and there are hundreds of thousands of monsters and birds in the sky. One by one, they all flashed fiercely and looked at the towering seven peaks.

The iron hoof stepped on the ground, and the ground shook violently, like an earthquake, roaring constantly, and the ground stopped shaking. Everything in front of them. They were all trampled into powder on the spot and collided with the emperor Shitian fiercely.

The momentum is so great. On the ground, there is dust and smoke, and in the sky, there are large demon clouds rolling, covering the sky. In the black demon clouds, it blocks all the light. Wherever you go, it is like a night in an instant.


Great horror!!

Looking at the small and high throne of the roaring monster army, the tiger spirit was inserted on the side of the throne like that, and the blade was inserted into the void, just like being inserted into the soil on the ground, moving together with the movement of the throne.

The key is the momentum.

The overwhelming and murderous atmosphere like a tsunami, this belief in wanting to destroy the Beast Sect is condensed together. That kind of power is so great that even if the fairy god stands in front of you, it will be crushed. It's terrible. It seems that the mountain is coming head-on. My good boy!! Wanshou Sect suffered a lot now. All day long, the geese were pecked and blinded by the geese today. They enslaved all beasts, and now they are devoured by all beasts. I'm afraid they never thought it would be today.

"It's terrible. 60,000 Qingluan transforms together. I'm afraid this scene is only this time in my life. 60,000 Qingluan is equivalent to 60,000 Ying monks. Although the Beast Sect is a first-class sect, if the whole sect can take out 10,000 Yuan Ying monks, it will be up to the sky. This time, it may be, they are really going to be destroyed

"Unprevious, it's really unprecedented. When did the demon clan come out with such a strong man? Hu Xiao, I heard that there is a newly rising demon king in Nanman. He once participated in the fairy and demon fight. I heard that the demon clan could win in the end. He contributed the most. Is it him?

"The demon king must be the realm of the ancient demon king. That kind of vast pressure can only be found by the strong at the level of crossing the disaster. The demon clan has another strong man at the level of ancient demon king.

"It is said that each of the eight demon kings has made a move to destroy one sect and told the world that he had been promoted to the ancient demon king. Could it be that he wants to use the Beast Sect as a stepping stone to tell the world about his own existence?

Fang II;. After the opening of the array ban, he guarded the whole city, in the city. They looked at the scene in front of them in horror. There is a lot of discussion. The transformed demon clan, there are 60,000 people in a row. On such a large scale, even when the eight demon kings led the demons to besiege the Wuxing Mountains. I haven't done it either.

This kind of loud momentum has never happened in thousands of years.

The hidden and murderous atmosphere made all the monks jump wildly and vaguely felt that it seemed that the demon clan, which was considered to be in decline, was growing in an incredible way.


The beasts have red eyes. Staring at the seven peaks, following Emperor Shitian, he rushed directly to the largest main peak. Among them, a group of Wangyue rhinoceros with a silver-white rhinoceros horn on their heads. A thousand moon-seeing rhinoceros are among the top beasts. One by one. They all have the strong strength of the monster peak. The body size expanded violently while running, reaching the silver-white rhinoceros horn of hundreds of feet, suddenly shining with a strong silver-white divine light. Gather together quickly. It condenses on the horn of the rhinoceros.

The horns hit the Bushi, which was thousands of feet high, and hit it crazily.


Hundreds of feet of demon body, like a mountain, iron hooves stepped on the ground, and the earth burst one after another, and countless terrible cracks spread around like spider webs. It seems that the earth is going to be made into powder.


Wangyue rhinoceros roared at the same time, with horns on its forehead. Finally, a full of silver light was condensed. In a roar.


I only heard the fierce sound of breaking the air. From the horns of the rhinoceros, crystal lights burst out. In front of me, a silver-white remnant moon condensed. In the remnant moon, it contains extremely terrible power, bursting out countless moonlight. Where the moonlight goes, crystal ice crystals are formed in the air.

Yuehua is yin, which is the power of yin and coldness of Yuehua.

Thousands of remnant moons rose together, as if thousands of moons suddenly appeared in the dark. It's really not ordinary gorgeous and horrible.

bombarded the main peak. In each round of the remnant moon, there is a terrible power that can destroy a Yuanying monk. Thousands of remnants of the moons attack together. Not to mention a mountain peak, even an iron mountain cast by bronze will be smashed on the spot. Rumble!!"

However, when the thousand-wheeled moon is about to hit the main peak. Just see. Seven peaks vibrate at the same time. A huge barrier rose in an instant, covering the whole Beast Sect. The fog rolled up and covered the sect in a blink of an eye.


In the fog. A tiger roaring that detered the world roared out. The tiger is roaring. With a vast divine power. A white tiger with thousands of feet high, a pair of meat wings on its back and a murderous spirit appeared in mid-air, coiled in the western position. Countless strong winds are hovering around it.


In the east, a vast dragon power swept over, and the dragon chanted for nine days. A blue dragon circled and looked down at the world, and the big dragon's eye glanced coldly at a group of demons in Di Shitian.

In the south, a fiery red rosefinch wrapped in flames rose up, unfolding the pair of dog-like fiery red wings, the blazing breath. Come to my face.

In the north, a huge basalt with a turtle and snake appeared in mid-air. Looking at the tortoise shell of Xuanwu, there is a mysterious smell on the simple lines, which seems to be as thick as a mountain.

Green dragon, white tiger, rosefinch, Xuanwu!!

The four mythical beasts actually appeared at the same time, tling in the four directions of the beasts, and the huge breath burst out in all directions like a tide. The whole beast sect is under the shelter of these four mythical beasts. The attack of the moon rhinoceros just now was blocked by them.

"Four-way mythical beasts!! This is the array of ten thousand beasts and ten thousand beasts. It is said that there are more than four monks crossing the robbery. If you cooperate with the disciples of the sect, you can kill immortals!! Now it seems. Sure enough, it lives up to its reputation.

"This formation is a step formation in the world of immortal cultivation. If there is a real four-way mythical beast guarding. This formation. It can immediately become a strong killing array of heaven.

"In my opinion, together with this array, even the scattered immortals may not be able to break it easily. The Beast Sect really has a profound background.

The monks in Fang City saw this exhibition. Suddenly, there was an uproar. Among these monks, there were many outs and distracted. A monk in the realm of combination. These monks obviously know what many ordinary monks don't know. This saying also made the city grow up and more.


A group of tens of thousands of metal-glossed iron-backed mantis, waving two sickle-like sharp forelimbs, fiercely waving and cutting through the terrible fog that covered the Beast Sect.

The fog swelled in vain and swallowed these iron-backed mantis in an instant, at the same time. The green dragon hovered above, and a murderous intention flashed in the eyes of the two dragons. Stretch out a dragon's claw and wave ten H below the body