Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 547 Suppressing the Real Dragon

, by Zanyuan.

The emperor's heart is like a stubborn stone, as cold as iron, as cold as Si, Wuwu, after the strangeness, there is no hesitation! Pull out the tiger on the spot. As soon as the captive spirit came out of its sheath, the fishbone-like knife lines on the knife were like waves. Wang Lao felt strict and crazily vented to the whole world.

In the body of the tiger soul knife, it seems that there are countless domineering gods ringing, and the sound is roaring, and the freezing is constantly ringing. In the roar of the tiger, Di Shitian's clear feeling was sure to come, and he was full of courage to confide his bloodthirsty desire to him. The desire for battle and the yearning for killing. Wan has the most terrible killing weapon in the world.

The battlefield, the killing field, is the place it most yearns for.

The tiger spirit is forged with an immortal body. If you don't die, you can collide with any divine mound and tear it up. Don't be afraid of any peach battle. It is the most suitable killing sword

"Kill! Kill! Kill!!"

Di Shitian stepped out again. Every step forward, the void around him trembles and roars under his feet. Every step forward, the momentum on his body rolls up like a wolf smoke. Keep climbing up, as if the boiling water is churning Fei Wan with an endless sense of kindness, poking the magic finger with a knife.

At the same time, the Fu Ce formed in the black lotus was slightly shaken, and a unique force most directly emerged from the rune seal and poured into the tiger's soul. Thousands of gods Tang flew out of the knife scarf for a moment, and every god and demon held a war knife in his hand. With a kind of desire and jade, he waved the sword of the middle of the year.

Every god and demon exudes the breath from his body. All of them are as good as the emperor Shitian himself, and every small one will split out the void with a terrible pear seam. It seems that even the heaven and the earth will be split in half. Cut into countless broken gods and demons and thousands of heavenly demons

Such a strong man. At the same time, the simple shell is a god's disorder"

Di Shitian stopped drinking, and the cooked gods and demons were as small as swallows returning to the nest. They poured into the Thunderbolt knife one after another.

On the tiger's sword, thousands of feet of brilliant knife dance burst out from the sad mood emanating from the knife scarf, sweeping all directions. That sadness, even the eternal giants want to instantly sink to the top, in a angry, unable to extricate themselves. Attacked by the power of desire. Seduce yourself to the present

The tiger soul knife light swept through the void, and the breath emanating from the tiger soul knife in a blink of an eye. It's getting stronger and stronger, and several cars save the drama at every moment. The bursting knife light is becoming more and more condensed, cutting the void like substance


When the last god and demon was integrated into the tiger's soul, a shocking knife spirit broke out in the process of painting Wan's scarf. The sharp Zhang instantly rose to the same height as the poke finger.

In the tiger's soul, the inherent power can be comparable to the full blow of the strong man in the world


Di Shitian took a domineering step forward. "The void under his feet, Fei Wan followed this trend and cut to the nearby finger?

At this moment, it seemed that only the difference between the cow's finger and the Tupo and the finger were clicked together on the spot, and the fingers touched the tip of the knife and flew out to fight with thousands of gods and demons in the tiger's soul. Entangled together. Smash the void

Poke the magic finger is a unique learning of the world's strong man sealed in the jade match. It has the peak of the lamb world's strongman. However, it itself is not really used by the world's strong man. Its own stamina is basically equivalent to no. Once the power contained in it is consumed, it Supplementary labor, consuming part of it, is equivalent to one point of weakness.

And the tiger spirit, under the urging of the magic field, the great power of a poisonous and powerful man who broke out. Moreover, in the hands of the emperor Shitian, more energy continuous instilled power plus the previous annihilation of the divine light, the five-color divine light consumed the brilliant knife one after another, and the incredible sound occupied the upper


An abrupt sound resounded through the void!!

Deadlocked for a moment. The tiger's spirit is infinitely sharp, and the profit is incomparable. It breaks through the number of gods and purple and falls on the finger. The sharp finger has been cut with a knife, and the sound of the car's finger has been cut in two sections


In an instant, I don't know how many people's jaws fell down in the void and were shocked that they couldn't even close their mouths.

The magic power sealed by the world's strong man was unexpectedly broken by the magic finger, and Furan was cut off

"Impossible, it's impossible. My father's poke pointed out how you can block you. You are not a human, you are a demon. The ruthless eyes were full of a god who did not dare to curse to accept the facts in front of him.

Humph, I'm a demon."

The cold light burst into Di Shitian's eyes. Take a step towards the heavy emotion. At the same time, the handkerchief waved, and the sharp knife light fought against the sun

Go. The tiger spirit blade crossed the straight god that locked the nine straights, and the sharp blade was in a crisp sound. Cut off the nine chains

Jinwu got out of trouble. Spreading his wings and flying high, there was a kind of god Gui in his eyes. He always said to Emperor Shitian, "As a royal family, we are enslaved, and our bodies are heavily banned. Once we leave the sun chariot, we will also turn into recovery in a moment. However, we are not free, and we are enslaved by the I have suffered countless humiliations for my demon clan. I'm waiting for my brother. I don't have the face to work for a long time. Today, I am rescued by the demon. This kindness can't be reciable in this life. However, I can die, but the blood of Jinwu can't fall. I have decided to leave the bloodline for the whole silk family before the fall of Moluo

"Jinwu array, blood reincarnation!!"

Nine golden blacks are extremely fierce, and they know the horror of the prohibition in their own memory. There is no possibility of life and return. There has been a long-death decision. The words are simply giving the orphan to the emperor. Even if there is no prohibition, Jiao Yan, who is a royal family, gives women a reason to live again.

Nine golden blacks, quickly flew into the void, forming a heavenly array of each Nuo god. In an instant, there were nine more suns in the sky, and nine sun rings were crossed together, running rapidly in the trajectory of a kind of a black fish. The distance between each other is also in this rotation, constantly relying on Yi

In the nine high-pitous sounds, the nine suns merged together, bursting out a brilliant divine light, and the domineering sun's real fire baked the world. The taxi floor of the abyss scarf was roasted, and countless ferocious cracks appeared. Nine suns, according to Nori, if something is to hit together, I'm afraid that there will be a destructive power

However, here, it is mysteriously tight. Not only did it not break out, but it was silent, and the nine suns gathered in the center. After condensing into one, the Tianyang straight fire of the vertebrae immediately converged back to the center. In a blink of an eye, it was empty and left in the air, and a huge golden egg with dozens of clips appeared

The surface of the golden egg is shrouded in this layer of blazing golden fire, and there are bursts of powerful beatings! It seems to be inside. It's like having a small life


Emperor Shitian waved his hand and sent the golden black egg in mid-air into the Linglong pagoda towel. He said cautiously on his face, "Don't worry, the golden black bloodline must be able to continue six." Little golden black sweet, I will treat it."

For the choice of Wanda Jinwu, he did not stop or have the ability to stop it. This Fang's own decision, for the continuation of the blood, gave up all the opportunities to dedicate all the essence to change the taste, all condensed together. The original intention of turning into this golden straight egg is that the bloodline can be passed on to the Jinwu family. This feeling is enough to make people admire

"It's ruthless, you're talking to death.

However, I won't let you die easily. I will lock you up in Jiuyou Purgatory forever and enjoy endless torture. Open

Di Shitian took another step forward. This step is like the vast pressure of the Qin Mountain falling on the ruthlessness, which makes him feel narrow that he can't even breathe

"Ah!! It's impossible to suppress me. I'm the Taidao of the ancient imperial dynasty. What are you? I won't play with you anymore. Void God Carpet, take Ben Taiwu across the Void.

Absolute ruthlessness is not an ordinary person. Feeling the great pressure on his body, he couldn't help bursting with a ferocious smile. He shouted softly in his mouth, the light flashed under his feet, and the silvery white sound flashed, and a divine carpet like a big bed was spread out under his feet. In the divine carpet, the mysterious space power can easily break through any space and shuttle away.

"Leave it to me, God's eyes are enchanting one by one!"

Emperor Shitian snorted coldly, and the eyes of the God of Heaven Punishment burst out a god once again. It is the dementing divine light that can absorb any soul in heaven and earth. Catch the tip of the prison scarf

The dementor light swept to the extremely emotional body with the momentum of thunder and thunder.

"My soul is ruthless. I only feel that the soul in my body is in this half of the god, and there is a omen that I want to leave my body and fly away directly. This afternoon, I was so scared that I was going to jump out. The soul is out of the body, which means that there is a fall of the king at any time

Moreover, the most terrible thing is that as soon as the arsenic soul was suppressed, he immediately drove away the void carpet under his feet and fled into the void.

. Demon, sooner or later, this account, Ben Taiwu wants to ask you to settle this revenge. It is difficult to eliminate the hatred in my heart. A cold maniac flashed in my heart and gritted his teeth. He cut off two of the seven real dragons in his body and sent them into the soul-shen well. He waved his waist and was willing

Just leave a roar full of resentment in the void,

Two real dragons were taken into the prison and suppressed on the spot!! If you want to know what will happen in the future,

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