Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 561 Chongmai Plastic Tips

I saw that among the five black lotus, the original four have already been fully integrated. There is no separation between them, and a force of desire pours in. With the rotation of the black lotus, it constantly turns into the true power of the emperor and promotes cultivation, compared with the previous new fifth black lotus.

But the luster is dull. In it, it does not absorb any kind of power of desire. The inside is still empty, like a sealed box. It exists independently and does not really merge with the whole black lotus. It seems that the black lotus in front of you is five grades. In fact, the real power is only the peak of the four grades.

The current situation is actually the most normal situation.

The fifth product, which will be stored, will be another new power of desire. That is, the fifth power of desire. In the past, the first three were originally passed. You only need to withstand the test of desire, and then shape the nine emperor's true tricks one by one to complete each level of cultivation. Now, Shenhua is full of demon veins, and the demon veins can't get new power of desire. Only to break through the magic of refining and create a new imperial truth on the new demon vein.

Relying on the truth, absorb the power of new desires and pour it into the fifth grade of the black lotus.

Once the power of desire is full of the space of the fifth grade, it will then trigger the test of desire. Once it passes, the black lotus will merge with each other and completely integrate into one.

officially stepped into the demon elixir five turns. The black lotus will also transform into a six-grade black lotus again.

"Now in my black lotus yuan god, the four magic power is great. These four magical charms take vitality and strengthen the charm. When my demon elixir turns nine times, breaks through the bottleneck, and steps into the demon saint, my black lotus inner elixir can transform into a black lotus yuan god, and these four magic charms can also transform into magical seeds at that time. The magic is completely complete.

"Ten years later, it will be the time when the hundreds of clans return. At that time, the whole original continent will undergo earth-shaking changes and huge changes. If my cultivation cannot be improved, I'm afraid that the whole demon clan will be enslaved and rubbed at that time."

An idea flowed in my heart.

secretly shouted: "The emperor's true power, the emperor's way, the desire. Break through the thorns. Pulse!!"

As soon as his mind moved, he saw the five-grade black lotus in the refining tripod suddenly spinning violently. On the surface of the black lotus, the mysterious spells glowed with strange black light, suspended and surrounded the black lotus constantly. A golden yellow power gushed out of the black lotus like a long river.

rushed out of the demon house and began to shuttle along the four demon veins that had been opened. In a blink of an eye, he came to the fifth demon vein. As the mind saw, the fifth demon vein was full of a kind of colorful deity, like crystallization, completely blocking the whole demon vein. In the divine flower, it exudes a momentary eternal true meaning.

This is the natural talent of Shenhua in Chenxi's body, which is magical power for a moment!! The strange charm emanating.

This kind of charm has almost the same breath as the eternal light seen in the eternal kingdom before. However, one is the true meaning of eternity in an instant, and the other is immortal in eternity. In eternity, time and space will remain immortal. Both of them contain the true meaning of Shuiheng. But it seems to be two completely different extremes.

When you feel this charm.

There is still a Thunderbolt flashing in Di Shitian's mind, and an inspiration arises in his heart. He said, "In an instant, it is eternal. If I send these divine flowers into the eyes of heaven and punish the gods, let the eyes of God absorb this moment of power, feel the law, and merge together, won't it have the Tong."

In an instant, it is eternal, which contains the true meaning of time. It is one of the most wonderful anti-Gods in heaven and earth. Its power is so powerful that it can control a person's life to bloom in an instant, withering like the fading fragrance.

Quickly think about the benefits of doing so.

In an instant, a decision was made: "If these Shenhua are used to open up the emperor's true secrets, it is like killing pigs with a ox knife. Although the combination of Shenhua and heavenly punishment may not give birth to new magical power, but at least half of the chance. It's worth it. If you succeed, you can get a momentary power. Even if it fails, it's just a loss of glory.

The more important is the result in an instant.


Boom!! One by one, these words are long, but in fact, it is just a matter of an eye. Di Shitian has made a decision in his heart. Immediately, no longer hesitated, and his mind moved. Huangji Zhenli condensed together and turned into a long cone. He fiercely hit the fifth demon vein and hit the solidified divine crystal in the demon vein.

Suddenly, I saw that the crystal of Shenhua burst out with extremely strong potential, blocking in front of the emperor's true power, emitting a colorful halo and blocking its progress. The strong resistance makes Huangji Zhenli almost unable to move.

Pulse!! A pulse!!

The first impact returned in failure, but it did not discourage him. If the demon vein could be broken so easily, it would be impossible to stop the invasion of the power of desire and seal all the demon veins of his body in an instant, so that he woke up from boundless desire.

If I can't do it once, I can't do it twice. I can't do it twice. I can't do it twice. I can't do it twice. I can't do it twice. I can't do it twice. I can't do it twice. I can't do it twice. I can't The previous one failed, and immediately, the Huangji Zhenli behind took over the impact in an instant.

The cycle is endless, and the impact is endless.


Di Shitian has always been not lacking.

Outside the body, countless pores opened, emitting a powerful devouring force, constantly pulling the surrounding heaven and earth into the body. The void on the top of the head turned into darkness, and countless power of desire poured into the body of Emperor Shitian like a funnel. In the process of rushing the pulse, Huangji Zhenli not only did not consume, but became stronger and stronger with the passage of time.

When it hits, its power is getting stronger and stronger.


Finally, after thousands of shocks.


Just listen, the mysterious cracks of the divine crystals blocked in the demon veins appeared one after another. Under the impact of the emperor's true power, these cracks quickly became larger and began to shine like colorful glass. Shenhua was refined, crushed, and turned into a drop of colorful light**.

This drop of divine glory was immediately wrapped in the emperor's true power and sent into the eyes of the God of Punishment. For a while, there was a ray of colorful light flowing in the purple-gold eyes of the God of Heaven. A stream of mysterious Taoist rhymes are integrated into the heavenly punishment.

However, if you want the eyes of heaven and punishment to give birth to a new magic power again, this is simply a drop in the bucket.

"Refined, Huangji Zhenli, melt Shenhuatong for me."

The faster the running speed of the five-grade black lotus increased, it suddenly doubled. The surging force is even more fierce. The blocked vein was opened. Immediately, like a fire, it can't be suppressed. A drop of divine flower is constantly refined and integrated into the eyes of the God of Heaven.

And the release of Shenhua immediately made the fifth demon vein begin to wake up.


The demon vein exudes a strong attraction, attracting the sea of desire overhead, and a huge force of desire pours into the demon vein along the attraction of this demon vein.

At the moment of entering the body, Di Shitian had already understood that the new power of desire in front of him was actually seen at first sight!!

is one of the six desires - desire to see!!

Seeing desire is a kind of desire for peeping. People have curiosity and heartbeats, which naturally triggers desire. The desire for peeping is inevitable for everyone. The eyes are the windows of the soul. The eyes are also the root of the desire to see. If you want to see the beautiful scenery, you want to see the natural flying posture of birds.

This is inevitable, unless you are blind and completely blind. Maybe it can be avoided.

As soon as the demon vein was opened, this new power of desire immediately rushed into the body like a tide. After flowing along the demon vein, it entered the demon house, and entered the empty fifth grade of the black lotus like a suckling swallow returning to the nest.

Upon this entry, I saw that the original dim position of the fifth-grade black lotus immediately burst into black light, and a force of desire surged in like a tide.

"Good! OK! OK!! When I shape the first emperor's true trick, I can make this level speed faster. Emperor Shitian's heart was calm.

Once again, we will step up the refining of Shenhua. Every drop of refining, it is directly sent to the heavenly punishment, and this refining lasts for a month. Finally, the divine flower full of the fifth demon vein was refined into one-ninth.

Then, stop refining.

Start to nourish the demon veins in a unique way in the emperor's shocking book, so that small branches appear on the demon veins, which quickly spread into the surrounding flesh and blood.

The intersection between these branches and the main demon vein is the acupuncture point.

For opening up tricks, Di Shitian has been familiar with it for a long time. However, it also took a month to complete the opening.

As soon as the emperor's true knowledge was opened up, the speed of absorbing the power of desire outside the body increased by more than ten times in an instant. The vast power of desire keeps entering the black lotus.

Time flies, and a year passes quietly.

Outside the body, the endless power of desire dissipated strangely.

The eyes that were already closed opened. In his eyes, a trace of light flashed quickly and said coldly, "Hasn't the human souls plundered in the abyss of the meteorite god handed over their skills?"

"Hey hey, emperor madman, don't worry, with me, in this world, no matter how hard the mouth is, it will be cut open. Some people can't stand the punishment and begin to spit out the skills they know.

'Ming said without humbempt.

"And I have found a way to cultivate the perfect seeds of the world. Now you have accumulated a full of desire in your body. As long as you enter the realm of desire, you can break through at any time. This is the best time to cultivate the seeds of the world.