Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 563 A Song of Breaking the Disaster

The disaster will appear, but this is a little beyond the expectation of Emperor Shitian. However, on second thought, it is understandable that the source of the world, the supreme treasure between heaven and earth, can make people give birth to the magical treasure of the inner world. Such a treasure, any one, can trigger the desire of countless people to fight for it to the death. Having the inner world and the absence of the inner world is simply two completely different.

The inner world is completely a threshold for those who set foot on the strongest in the world.

Because when the eternal giant breaks through to the world's strongest, the whole world outside you will have a terrible rejection of yourself. At that moment, you can't rely on any power from the outside world. That's what the whole world wants to crush you, because what you have to do is to do is to transcend the six reincarnations and the heavenly Jump out of six paths and five elements. We should be at the same level as the way of heaven. To become an existence that can't even be erased by heaven. May I ask, how can this world melt you?

If you can't tolerate it, you have to erase it!!

At the moment of attacking the world's strongest, it was the trial initiated by the whole world and the punishment initiated by the whole world. If you can't break the shackles and smash the vacuum, you will be crushed into powder by heaven and earth and completely annihilated. At that time, with the help of any strength, we could only rely on ourselves and how much of our own savings. It means whether you can break the shackles.

At that time, with the support of the inner world, it can be estimated what is the important background. At critical times, you can even burn the world in exchange for supreme power.

Such a treasure, each one, is a unique treasure, even if there is wealth, it can't be treasured. Such a treasure, now you still have to be promoted and transformed, which is simply going against the sky. It violates the operation of heaven. For such a thing, heaven and earth will naturally give birth to a sense, bring down the heavenly disaster, and completely destroy and erase the things that should not appear.

"Five elements of heaven!!"

Di Shitian glanced at the robbery cloud above his head and saw the rapid evolution. In a blink of an eye, it turned into a five-color robbery cloud. The flashing electric light in the robbery cloud also separated the color, and a terrible pressure surged up from the robbery cloud like a mountain and a sea. The whole air was frozen, as if an ancient beast was preying. The tiger is staring at it.

With such pressure, the ordinary ancient demon king will be directly pressed on the ground. I can't move at all. Only a big demon can bear it.

However, the emperor Shitian is not an ordinary demon king. On his body**the emperor's way, the way is all in one body. He cultivates the "Imperial Shocking Book" and cultivates a unique emperor's spirit. Standing on the ground, he is to the sky and upright. Between heaven and earth, there He glanced at the cloud indifferently. The light in his hand flashed, and a dark ink-like jade piano appeared in front of him.

The seven demon pianos have always been placed in the demon house and are constantly absorbing their strength. At this moment, the demon piano is completely full of the power of silk, as if the flowing water is flowing in the piano, ripples out a ripple on the body of the piano. An earthy earthy pearl and a green wooden pearl are perfectly

The nine strings on the piano have already been replaced. The dragon's tendons are not as good as silk, which is more suitable for strings. For this reason, the silkworm directly contributed its own ten-thousand-year-old silk for countless years, which is the best string material second only to purple gold and jade silk. After changing it, the power of the jade piano increased invisibly.

The demon piano of the middle-grade magic weapon is powerful enough to be comparable to the top-grade magic weapon.

Now it has reached the peak of a kind of magic weapon, and is about to begin to be promoted. As long as another heaven and earth spiritual bead is found, the seven sins will be promoted to the best magic weapon in an instant. And once again control a new power of origin.

"Well, the guqin of the seven sins is not simple. It is said that in ancient times, the old immortal among the group of magicians who practiced incantations, combined with countless strong people and deduced for tens of thousands of years, it was a supreme treasure. It is to match the heavens and the earth. It has existed since ancient times, but no one knows its origin. It was made by the rain. Nine strings correspond to the nine spiritual beads between heaven and earth. Once gathered, with the power of the natural gods of the nine spiritual beads, it will transform the seven sins demon piano in an instant, achieving the most incredible thing in the world. Turn to chaos, go against the sky and enter the innate. Achieve the only miracle between heaven and earth, and upgrade the acquired spiritual treasure to the innate spiritual treasure. Tut "Those guys are really a bunch of crazy people."

·ming's strange screamed and sighed. In his words, he still couldn't help revealing a strong trace of fear and disgust. He had suffered a painful lesson. At this moment, he was imprisoned in heaven's punishment, which was simply the ghost of the group of old immortal magicians.

Revert the acquired innate, which is something that the world's strong can't do. This group of magicians dared to think about it and really came up with a way to reverse the innate with the help of the original power of the nine spiritual beads. This idea is amazing. However, many of them make sense. There is a possibility of success.

After all, these nine spiritual beads are bred by heaven and earth, and each of them is an unparalleled treasure in the world, which is more precious and rare than the source of the world. In fact, the nine spiritual beads have the ability to replace the source species of the world. They are used as the source species on the spot and open up the world in it. According to the attributes, such as water beads, they can open up a world that completely belongs to water. By analogy, it's wonderful. But it's really a waste. It's a tyrannical thing.

Nine origins form heaven and earth and give birth to all things.

Once the nine sources are aggregated, it is possible to reverse the universe, reverse chaos, let the power of chaos be born in the seven sin demon piano, wash the guqin with the power of chaos, and reverse innate from the acquired. There is almost a 50% chance.

"Return to innate?" A strange color flashed on Di Shitian's face, but he was not lost because of it. He just remembered it in the bottom of his heart. He shook the plug and said, "Let's talk about these things later, but now is not the time to argue. Let's settle the disaster first."

"Yes, you have to be careful. Although the altar of life can transform the power of life into the power of creation and promote the source species of the world, the altar itself does not have any defense force. Once it is robbed, it will be immediately turned into powder, and even the world source species will be damaged on the spot. The disaster in front of you can only be resisted by yourself.

·ming\' Throw a bad news again.

"Hum!! Whoever wants to destroy the altar, I will kill him. A cold light flashed in Di Shitian's eyes. The eyes sweeping towards Tianjie are all indifference.

With a wave of his hand, the throne of the sky appeared behind him. Sitting on the throne, flying directly into the air, suspended on the altar of life. Qifei's demon piano is in front of him out of thin air. The streamer flashed above.

"Zhang Zheng!!

Ten slender fingers were placed on the strings, and the fingers were full of tension. They plucked the strings casually. Suddenly, a rapid sound suddenly sounded, and there was a tragic murderous atmosphere in the sound of the piano. Every sound of the piano seems to be able to stir up the blood in the listener's body, boiling violently.

Together with the sound of the piano, immediately, the ten fingers turned into a phantom, and the strings fluctuated like waves. In the sound of the piano, the tragic murderous atmosphere swept around like a tide. Suddenly, it makes people feel that the things in front of them have changed, as if they are in an ancient battlefield where flesh and blood are in each other.

The song of killing one by one "Kill the Wolf"


Between heaven and earth, there is the sound of killing Jin Ge and iron horse. The sword roared and the horse hissed, and the iron stepped through the mountains and rivers. The murderous atmosphere runs through the sun and the moon. Shake the stars. When the sound of the piano is getting more and more urgent.

Outside, a huge ancient battlefield suddenly appeared.

Emperor Shitian sat on the throne of Lingxiao and sat on the battlefield. On the battlefield, countless soldiers and horses appeared, with armor in their bodies, soldiers in their hands, and the troops under him stood proudly. Countless soldiers showed a strong smell of killing thor. Even the eyes are blood red. The horse under him is not an ordinary horse, but a Tianma with wings on its back.

The neat square queue is in front of you. Kill! Kill! Kill!! One, driven by Emperor Shitian, these 100,000 troops flew up in the air, shouted and rushed to the clouds in the sky. Under the magical power of the seven sins, the armor on their bodies were full of the power of the earth spirit beads, and their bodies had the tenacity of wooden beads. In addition, the sound waves are extremely sharp. The ability to cut the world.

These 100,000 troops are simply an unstoppable killing army.

"Kh-ha!! One: Jieyun also reacted in an instant. I saw that countless golden knives and swords fell down crazily like snowflakes. Among these sword soldiers, countless terrible electric lights were beating violently. When they fell, horrible cracks were easily drawn in the space under the knife. The flashing electric light on it directly annihilates the void.

Terrible!! This five-eline disaster was actually presented in the form of a knife.

This kind of attack is more terrible than thunder and lightning. The attack power is unparalleled. It's even more overwhelming, making people unable to dodge.

Boom!! One by one, the "Kill the Wolf" played by Emperor Shi Tianchan is completely a piano song specially designed for killing, condensing images with the meaning of the piano in the void. It's even more amazing. Every soldier is born for killing. It has incredible destructive power.

The two collided with each other, and suddenly, they burst into terrible destructive power. The sky and the earth collapsed. "The void is full of thunder and lightning. The power of the five elements was completely displayed, annihilated. In this case, I'm afraid that other demon kings will really be bombarded on the spot. The big demon will change color.

The soldiers went forward one after another, waved the blade in their hands, and killed the sky. There were also many people who smashed the blades all over the sky one by one. They were bombarded by the blades and instantly sprinted into powder.

However, these soldiers, with the blessing of the two spiritual beads, are almost unstoppable.

He cut open a road, rushed into the robbery cloud, chopped crazily, and forcibly split the disaster clouds all over the sky.

Kill the Wolf" against the disaster!! The disaster is scattered one by one!!

"Tut!! Your song is really powerful. The higher your cultivation, the greater the power of the music. The art of sound waves is invisible and intangible. If it can be cultivated to the depths, it does have an unparalleled terrible power.

·Ming's admiration.

Di Shitian was not in such a good mood. Looking at the dissipating disaster clouds, he was silent. Tianjie? This fear is just a harbinger. -For more surprises, please log in to