Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 679 Ancient Tomb Inheritance

"Sure enough, the ancient tomb that existed in the original chaotic land was forcibly ingested from the outside by the ancestor of Wanjie. What on earth did he want to do? Is it just to give the monks a great opportunity? No, it's impossible. There must be a layout here that I don't know.

Emperor Shitian listened and thoroughly confirmed the guess in his heart. Sure enough, it was the ancient tombs that existed in the chaotic places below, the ancient book network built by the strong who could not continue to survive due to accidents since ancient times. In the ancient tomb, it contains the inheritance left by the fallen strong, and even all kinds of powerful treasures, countless elixirs and so on.

Every ancient tomb means endless wealth and treasure.

However, he instinctively felt the smell of a game.

Thousands of ancient tombs were photographed here together to form a tomb. The ancestor's plan could not be a good intention to give opportunities to outsiders. It must contain a profound layout.

"The fierce beasts and the heaven and earth embryos outside are just a small situation. The real overall situation should be here."

After Emperor Shitian meditated secretly, a trace of determination gradually appeared in his eyes.

However, it is difficult to guess what the ancestor of Wanjie is planning, with what he knows now, but he is secretly vigilant in his heart. Standing far away from the tomb, he did not approach immediately, deviated from the range of the millions of monks and quietly observed the development of things. Take the ancient tomb inheritance as **.

No matter how determined you are, you should be moved.

At this time, after a long observation, finally, some young heroes couldn't stand it and began to take action.

The first to move was a young man with a gray cloak on his head, with two full moon machete on his back. There seem to be two sharp daggers pinned to the waist. His body shook and swept towards an ancient tomb shrouded in the phantom fog.

The fog, the phantom, just like the prohibition outside the ancient tomb.

The prohibition seemed to feel that someone was invading. Suddenly, it rolled violently, and countless terrible phantoms kept emerging, three pairs of terrible fierce birds, and a huge moon-looking rhinoceros. A ferocious and ferocious wolf. Tigers and dragons came out one after another, rushing out with fierce momentum.

The momentum that comes in front of you can scare people's courage.

However, the young man also had the ability to shake his body, and his whole body strangely turned into a shadow of nothingness, and shuttled directly through the phantoms. The prohibition around it did not hinder it at all. The whole body disappeared into the ancient tomb and disappeared.

"My good boy, that's the shadow clan among the hundreds of clans, and they also come. This is a powerful race that ranks quite high among the hundreds of clans. The people of the shadow clan are born with the terrible magic power to turn themselves into shadows. Once they turn into shadows, they can almost be directly immune to all kinds of attacks Come to them. It is easier to travel through all kinds of dangerous places. Even some prohibitions can easily shuttle through. It is said that if they reach the strongest in the world, any prohibition in the world is like nothing in their eyes. I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes today.

"I know that movie clan, but it is just an ordinary person in the movie clan who has no ambition and is not highly qualified. I heard that it is called Yingfan, but the strength of the fairy king. Unexpectedly, he dared to come to the chaotic land, enter the cave of Wanjie, and was the first to rush into the ancient tomb. This courage is extraordinary. I'm afraid he is a person with great perseverance.

"Well, let the little guy try the water of the ancient tomb first to see if it is really the legendary ancient tomb with inheritance. If he wants to take the lead, let him help test it.

"There are thousands of ancient tombs here. If you get them, I'm afraid you can create thousands of young talents in an instant. A person like Tianjiao.

For the movie family who suddenly rushed out, many people around recognized his identity, but they were no longer in a hurry to rush into the ancient tomb. Some people rushed to test the water, and they were even more happy to see it. Anyway, there is not only one ancient tomb here, but thousands of tombs, and there is a lot of choice.

For a moment, around the tomb, there was a sense of silence.

Emperor Shitian also stared at the ancient tomb covered with all kinds of phantoms outside. It can be seen that those phantoms absolutely have extremely strong and domineering power. I'm afraid that they are not aimed at the body, but at the soul and spirit. This kind of prohibition is even more strange and terrible.


Suddenly, Di Shitian turned his head and glanced to the left, with a touch of breathtaking power under the mask. Naturally, there is a terrible pressure.

"Ha ha, don't get me wrong, I don't mean any harm, Lizu Tuxingsun."

On the left, a fat man of 1.7 meters, with fat shaking, his face was red and white. The smile on his mouth gave people a kind breath, as if he inexplicably raised a good impression. He smiled. Seeing the sharp eyes of Di Shitian, he waved his hand repeatedly and said loudly.

Di Shitian didn't say anything. Just now, he kept approaching.

"Ha ha, your Excellency is wearing this purple gold mask, coupled with this invisible emperor's breath. If I'm not mistaken, you must be the demon emperor of the demon clan now." Tu Xingsun came to Emperor Shitian and said with a smile, "I don't know if I can ask the demon emperor for a drink." A pair of small eyes, rolling, fell on the Di Shitian's gourd in his hand. Both eyes are shining.


When Di Shitian saw the little fat man's throat squirming constantly and swallowing saliva, he smiled indifferently, took out a white jade gourd full of monkey wine and threw it at him.

The little fat man quickly grabbed the gourd in his hand like a treasure, opened the gourd, and carefully poured a sip into his mouth. The spirit wine went down his throat, and the pores around him seemed to open in an instant. His face showed an intoxicated look and sighed, "Good wine, a hundred-year-old You can taste it."

That look is full of aftertaste.

"Tu Xingsun?" Di Shitian quickly glanced over him and said meaningfully, "Since you know who I am and dare to approach me, I'm afraid I don't just want to ask for a drink in my hand." Begging for wine is just incidental. If there is no other purpose, he won't believe it.

"I don't know what the demon emperor thinks of the ancient tomb in front of him." In the little fat man's little eyes, a light flashed from time to time, and he said with a smile, "Are you going to poke it out?"

Obviously, in his words, he is also quite interested in ancient tombs. No wonder there is a lot of inheritance in the ancient tomb. It's a big ** for everyone.

"You mean, we work together." The emperor Shitian's heart was condensed.

The little fat man waved his thick arm with a smile and said, "It is said that every ancient tomb contains countless prohibitions and all kinds of traps. Once trapped, no matter how powerful it is, there is a great danger." A touch of shrewdness appeared on his face, and he smiled and said, "If we work together, although it will be a thin harvest, it is equivalent to life, which is nothing. I don't know if the demon emperor is interested.

After saying that, two small eyes looked at Di Shitian with a touch of sincerity.

"If there is something to gain in the ancient tomb, how to divide it." Di Shitian said with great interest, and directly point out the most critical point.

How to divide the treasure is the key to the alliance. In the face of interests, no matter how close friends are, they will meet each other with swords. He was also a little moved by this little fat man's proposal. After all, the ancient tomb is too mysterious. If he has one or two companions to go with him, it will be more powerful to deal with it.

As soon as the little fat man heard it, he immediately heard the obvious movement in Di Shitian's voice. His eyes suddenly lit up and he hurriedly said, "As long as there is any harvest in the ancient tomb, it is uniformly distributed. Who can use it? You can choose leisurely. If there is an inheritance skill, after getting it, you Secondary allocation. I don't know what you think."

"It's fair." Di Shitian pondered and nodded and said.

"Well, I'll call my sister over." When the little fat man heard it, he didn't know that this was already a signal of promise. He was so happy that he turned around and left quickly in the direction he was coming.

"He also has a sister." Emperor Shitian seemed to think about it.

In the past, before 'Ming' did not fall asleep, he once told him some things about the ancient hundred clans. This power clan is also a top-ranked clan. Moreover, each of them is a natural divine power. Even a newborn baby can slap off a big stone with one slap. The most strange thing is that the Li clan is extremely close to the earth. As long as you step on the earth, your own strength will be continuous and almost inexhaustible.

In the body of the Li clan, the heart is even more different from the ordinary race. Their heart is called the heart of the earth. Because of this heart, they can get the power of the earth. The divine power is infinite, and it is also called the son of the earth.

What Emperor Shitian cares most about is that while getting the power of the earth, the Li people also inherit the simplicity of the earth. Although they have strong divine power, they do not like to invade the war. As long as others do not provoke them, they will be as unpretentious as the ordinary mountain people in the mountain village.

Once they treat you as a friend, you will never betray them. It can be said to be the best ally. However, if you anger them, the anger is not a joke. As soon as it comes out, it will be the whole family, all of them will take action.

Think about what it was like when a group of natural monsters came to the door.

Therefore, in heaven and earth, no one will easily provoke this ethnic group.

and in the distance.

The little fat man ran to a girl in blue, with the tolerant breath of the earth, but eighteen or nineteen years old, with a beautiful face.